Body Hair Bleaching

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We all know the drill: hair removal is genius, but the painful process and ugly aftermath is far from ideal. If you’re fed up with shaving rashes or ingrown hairs, body bleaching may be your best bet. By lightening the hair, any unwanted fuzz can be hidden with next-to-no discomfort. Sold? We thought as much...

What you can expect?

Ready to lighten up? Your therapist will greet you and lead you to a treatment room, where you’ll be asked to lie down. The magic bleach formula will then be mixed and applied over your hair and left on about 10 minutes, before being removed with cool water. It’s really that straightforward – no soreness or sighs of relief necessary.

The best thing about bleaching is it’s a pain-free zone – the most you’ll feel is a little tingling, if that.

Know before you go

  • Bleaching works better on finer hair, so those with thicker and coarse strands may want to stick with removal.
  • People with darker skin should also beware, as lightening your hair runs the risk of making it stand out even more – unless that’s the look you’re going for, of course.
  • Depending on how fast your hair grows, results can last anywhere from two to four weeks.
  • The best thing about bleaching is it’s a pain-free zone – the most you’ll feel is a little tingling, if that.

The sciencey stuff

We’re actually blessed with two types of body hair, called terminal and vellus. Terminal hair is long and thick, and appears down there, under the armpits and amounts up to a beard. Vellus hair is the finer, wispier hair you tend to find on the rest of your body and also goes by the name of peach fuzz. A special shout-out goes to lanugo hair, which we all had as babies but sheds as we get older.

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