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Scripting News, the weblog started in 1997 that bootstrapped the blogging revolution.
Permanent link to archive for Monday, June 30, 2003.  Monday, June 30, 2003

Here's what funky means in simple non-technical language. 

Heads up to Harvard bloggers. We will not have the usual Thursday night meeting for the next two weeks. This week is a holiday, and next week I'll be in Oregon.  

Atsa tasty pizza.Sjoerd Visscher says I'm unique, and I totally appreciate that, and I wanted to add that Sjoerd is unique too. There are very few people in the world who I trust to add none of their own bullshit. If Sjoerd says something I listen, carefully. His stuff is always interesting. I always have room on Scripting News for a Sjoerd Visscher science experiment. A few of the other people I feel that way about. Wes Felter. Scott Rosenberg. Scoble. Glenn Fleishman. Andre Radke. Brent Simmons. Jake Savin. Lawrence Lee. Lance Knobel. Ed Cone. John Palfrey. Bob Atkinson. Russ Lipton. Stan Krute. Paolo Valdemarin. Dave Sifry. Chris Lydon. Jim Moore. Joi Ito. Wow the list is getting pretty long. Doc Searls. Interesting that they're all men. And by the way, just because people add bullshit doesn't make them unworthy of being friends. Just thought I should mention that. I wouldn't believe everything I said, for example. I screw up sometimes, and often shoot from the hip. We are who we are. Someone who recently started adding bullshit, mostly because he's confused, I think: Jon Udell. People sometimes bend over backwards to appear to be fair and say things that are wrong. I think I caught Don Park doing that. Hey Don, is <dc:date> really better than <pubDate>? That sounds like bullshit to me. Sounds like you're trying to get someone to think you're reasonable. Weren't you the one who told me to never be reasonable? That was good advice. End of ramble. 

One more thing. I used to feel that way about Fredrik Lundh. We had a fantastic collaboration. Then for some reason he started flaming me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Then a few days ago he came back onto the scene and it was just like old days. My friend came back. I asked if he would be my lawyer, and he said yes. The world is a better place tonight for that. God bless you Fredrik. 

Dave Mancuso compares post-heart-op Dave (me) with Batman of the 80s. "This Batman was different. He didn't have the time for niceties anymore -- life was too short." 

Gary Wolf recalls a debate between Louis Rossetto and myself in 1994. "Yes, the web is like radio and cb," Dave replied. "But it is also like a front porch. I might put a few flower pots on the porch, a couple of chairs, a BBQ, a swing, decorations that say something about me, and perhaps invite other people in. Imagine if you could visit my front porch and find pointers to all my friends' porches." 

2/8/96: "Putting your thoughts on a web page is an invitation to anyone to take your hand. It's an open medium. A link is a connection between people. A web page is an open hand." 

Dave Jacobs needs a kidney transplant. "Can you imagine what it's like to bury a younger brother who died from the same disease that's almost certain to kill you?" 

On this day in Y2K, a birth notice here on Scripting News, for Dave & Amy's second son, Cassidy. "Ah, child of countless trees. Ah, child of boundless seas. What you are, what you're meant to be. Speaks his name, though you were born to me, born to me, Cassidy." BTW, John Perry Barlow, also a Berkman fellow, wrote the song.  

Dave Winer's RSS 2.0 Political FAQ. "My goal in writing this FAQ is to help people understand how RSS politics works." 

Ken Tompkins: "Is there a search engine that delivers content in RSS format as the result of a search?" 

Seyed Razavi on SixApart and Echo. "This was the lousiest set of arguments for a fork I've ever seen." 

I updated the XML-RPC spec to remove the word ASCII from the definition of string type, and changed the copyright dates from 1998-99 to 1998-2003.  

EFF Action Alert for Congressional hearings on P2P software. I find out about their alerts because I'm subscribed to their RSS feed. Very straightforward, very simple, very powerful. 

Screen shot of the weblog editor that shipped on this day in 1999, as part of My.UserLand.Com. It was a shadow of the weblog tool with an integrated aggregator that shipped as Radio 8, three years later. 

Guan Yang: I Love RSS. Me too! 

James Robertson: "There's a lot of effort being spent on a new syndication format that looks an awful lot like RSS after a few global search/replaces of tag names." 


Last update: Monday, June 30, 2003 at 9:05 PM Eastern.

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