Subscribe to the DoomBuggies Spook Show, the official podcast of! It's specter-tacular!
Hang around - we have many ways for you to come out and socialize with like-minded ghouls. Make a new beast fiend!
Make sure your library is well-stocked - get "The Unauthorized Story of Walt Disney's Haunted Mansion" by Jeff Baham.

DoomBuggies' fiendish features will fill you with ghoulish delight:

Collecting the Mansion

For decades, fans have been hunting and gathering collectibles and mementos from the Haunted Mansion. Read NYT Bestselling Author Cory Doctorow's story about his favorite Mansion souvenir.

Insider Accounts

Enjoy exclusive audio interviews from the people who worked for Walt Disney personally, including Marc Davis' wife Alice Davis, Illusioneer Rolly Crump, and Doom Buggy creator Bob Gurr.

Dead Men's Parties

The Haunted Mansion has inspired numerous happenings and events, both sponsored by Disney and not. Read our exclusive reports of these various fêtes from the hosts, the fans and attendees.

An eternity of peculiarities to occupy your time once your glass is run:

Find Haunted Mansion Collectibles on eBay