Experimental Animal Models of Traumatic Coagulopathy: A Systematic Review : Shock

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Experimental Animal Models of Traumatic Coagulopathy

A Systematic Review

van Zyl, Natasha*†; Reade, Michael C.‡§; Fraser, John F.

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Shock 44(1):p 16-24, July 2015. | DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000372
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  • Editor's Choice


Background: Perturbations in coagulation function are common following trauma and are associated with poor clinical outcomes. Traditionally considered an iatrogenic process, it is now recognized that an acute coagulation dysfunction develops prior to medical intervention. The mechanisms underlying the development of this acute traumatic coagulopathy remain poorly understood. Preclinical animal research is a necessary adjunct to improve mechanistic understanding and management of this condition. This review aims to identify and evaluate existing animal models of traumatic coagulopathy for clinical relevance. Methods: A structured search of MEDLINE/PubMed was performed in September 2014 in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. Results: A total of 62 relevant publications describing 27 distinct models of traumatic coagulopathy were identified. Porcine models predominated, and hemodilution in isolation or in combination with hypothermia and/or acidosis was the principal mechanism for inducing coagulopathy. Acute coagulation changes in response to tissue injury and hemorrhage were evident in five publications, and pathophysiological evaluation of postulated mechanisms was performed in three studies. Conclusions: There are few clinically relevant animal models that reflect the contemporary understanding of traumatic coagulopathy. This relative deficiency highlights the need for further development of valid and reproducible animal models of trauma. Well-designed models will facilitate improved mechanistic understanding and development of targeted treatment strategies for traumatic coagulopathy.


Trauma remains the principal cause of death and disability in people aged between 1 and 44 years (1). Severe hemorrhage is the leading cause of preventable death in the trauma population, responsible for up to 40% of all deaths occurring within 24 h of trauma (2, 3).

Coagulation dysfunction following trauma is well recognized and influences the ability to achieve effective hemostasis. Trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC) was traditionally attributed to the loss, dilution, and dysfunction of coagulation proteases in response to fluid resuscitation, hypothermia, and acidosis (4). However, over the past decade, derangements in coagulation function developing independent of these factors have been identified in the hyperacute posttrauma period (5, 6). Identification of this acute traumatic coagulopathy (ATC) has altered the perceived natural history of TIC. The physiologic derangements that characterize TIC are now recognized to develop in a hemostatic system that is already unbalanced by an endogenous coagulation dysfunction.

The reported incidence of ATC in trauma patients at hospital admission varies between 24% and 41%, reflective of the multiple definitions of ATC that have been proposed (5–8). Acute traumatic coagulopathy was originally characterized as a 50% prolongation in prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), or international normalized ratio (INR) (5, 6). More recently, an INR greater than 1.2 has been shown to be the clinically significant threshold for increased mortality and blood product requirements (7). The identification of ATC at hospital admission continues to be based on these traditional assays of coagulation function. However, these assays have limitations in the contemporary management of traumatic coagulopathy as they are performed on platelet poor plasma, reflect only the initial 20 to 60 s of clot formation, and usually require 30 to 60 min for processing (9). Efforts have been made to define ATC with point-of-care viscoelastic coagulation measurements using both thromboelastometry (ROTEM) or thromboelastography (TEG); however, there is no current universally accepted viscoelastic definition, assay, or validated algorithm for ATC (9–12).

The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the development of ATC remain poorly understood. A combination of tissue injury and shock resulting in tissue hypoperfusion appears to be a necessary requirement, as neither of these insults in isolation is associated with deranged coagulation function (7, 8, 13). Activation of protein C may play a central role by diverting hemostasis toward hypocoagulability and hyperfibrinolysis through the inactivation of factor Va, factor VIIIa, and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (13–16). Dissenters of this theory suggest that the concentrations of activated protein C associated with ATC are insufficient to produce these effects (17). It has been postulated that ATC is disseminated intravascular coagulation with a fibrinolytic phenotype induced by tissue factor release from the site of injury, although histologic evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation is absent (18, 19). There is also emerging evidence to suggest that platelet dysfunction and endothelial glycocalyx degradation make a significant contribution to ATC, with catecholamine-induced endothelial damage proposed as an alternative initiating mechanism for coagulopathy (17, 20–23).

The adverse outcomes related to ATC are not limited simply to the effects of acute blood loss. Coagulation dysfunction can trigger a de novo systemic inflammatory response, which is compounded by immunologic responses to blood product transfusion and fluid resuscitation (24, 25). This results in an increased risk of multiorgan failure, sepsis, and thromboembolic complications in the long term (26). The current core therapeutic approach to patients with traumatic injury is the use of hemostatic resuscitation to restore circulatory homeostasis and control hemorrhage (27, 28). While this improves mortality rates, it may influence the development of a subsequent procoagulant state (29). Further improvements in patient outcomes require the development of targeted treatment strategies for this population, along with an understanding of when to switch from procoagulant to anticoagulant therapies. This is currently restricted by our limited knowledge of the pathogenesis of ATC and underlines the need for improved mechanistic understanding.

The pathogenesis and management of ATC have become a prime target for preclinical research, as the nature of traumatic injury creates difficulties for human research in the emergency setting. Recruitment to randomized controlled trials is difficult in a population where treatment begins in the field and consent can be difficult to obtain, reducing study power and increasing the risk of bias (30). Retrospective human studies can have multiple confounders, making it difficult to separate association and causation in the acutely ill trauma patient. They are also reliant on the quality of available data and are associated with survivor bias (31).

Animal models offer the opportunity to investigate isolated insults in vivo in a controlled and systematic fashion. This can improve mechanistic understanding of pathophysiology, facilitate the development of novel therapeutic strategies, and provide a platform for the evaluation of existing and developing therapeutic interventions. While there has been considerable interest in developing animal models of ATC, coagulation mechanisms vary between species (32–34). For these models to be clinically relevant, there needs to be more similarities than differences between the human coagulation system and that of the model investigated. As yet, there appears no consensus as to the species, traumatic insult, and resuscitation strategies that most closely replicate the human condition.

The aim of this review was to identify the experimental animal models that have been used to investigate traumatic coagulopathy following the identification of ATC in 2003. The models were evaluated for clinical relevance, ability to characterize underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms, and ability to evaluate the effectiveness of hemostatic interventions. A systematic review of the literature was performed.


Search strategy

The indexed online database MEDLINE/PubMed was searched in September 2014 using the terms (“animals” [MeSH Terms] OR animal [All Fields]) OR preclinical [All Fields] OR model [All Fields] AND (“injuries” [Subheading] OR “injuries” [All Fields] OR “trauma” [All Fields] OR “wounds and injuries” [MeSH Terms] OR (“wounds” [All Fields] AND “injuries” [All Fields]) OR “wounds and injuries” [All Fields]) AND (“haemorrhage” [All Fields] OR “hemorrhage” [MeSH Terms] OR “hemorrhage” [All Fields]) AND (“blood coagulation disorders” [MeSH Terms] OR (“blood” [All Fields] AND “coagulation” [All Fields] AND “disorders” [All Fields]) OR “blood coagulation disorders” [All Fields] OR “coagulopathy” [All Fields]). The search was limited to studies published in English within the past 10 years to encompass the time period following identification of ATC.

Selection criteria

Abstracts and citations identified by the search were screened for relevance. Full publications of studies considered relevant were retrieved and reviewed. Additional relevant publications cited within the retrieved articles were also reviewed. Publications were included if they described an animal model of trauma or hemorrhage and reported systemic measures of coagulation function. Animal models of burn injury and traumatic brain injury were excluded because of acknowledged differences in the processes leading to coagulopathy in these conditions (35, 36).


The search process produced 448 abstracts, with an additional seven relevant publications identified from other sources. A total of 71 publications were considered relevant, and their full text reviewed. Following exclusions, a total of 62 publications were available for review (Fig. 1.) Of these 62 publications 26 were conducted to characterize the time course of coagulopathy or investigate pathophysiological mechanisms associated with the development of coagulopathy. The remaining 36 studies aimed to investigate a therapeutic intervention. Many of the studies were published by the same authors or research groups and described previously published models with only minor variations in study protocol. The studies that were considered to represent an original and distinct model of traumatic coagulopathy are summarized in Table 1.

Fig. 1:
PRISMA flow diagram for experimental animal models of traumatic coagulopathy.
Table 1:
Distinct animal models of traumatic coagulopathy published in the last 10 years

Study characteristics

Six different animal species were featured in the studies evaluated (Table 1). Porcine models predominated (n = 45), with the remainder composed of rat (n = 10), rabbit (n = 4), sheep (n = 1), mouse (n = 1), and hamster (n = 1) models. All studies utilized general anesthesia administered via the intravenous, intraperitoneal, and/or inhalational routes.

Coagulation function was assessed by traditional plasma-based assays (PT, aPTT, INR, activated clotting time) and/or viscoelastic assays (TEG or ROTEM). In most studies, tests of coagulation function were used to establish the presence/absence of coagulopathy following the initiating mechanism, with repeat assessment to evaluate the coagulation response to time or therapeutic intervention. Most studies also reported changes in platelet count and fibrinogen concentration. Only three studies assessed components of the hypothesized mechanisms of ATC development by evaluating changes in platelet function (56), response to activated protein C blockade (15), and endothelial glycocalyx thickness and plasma syndecan 1 (61).

Methods used to induce coagulopathy

Iatrogenic hemodilution, hypothermia, and/or acidosis were the most common mechanisms utilized to induce deranged coagulation function. Hemodilution prolonged routine coagulation assays and exacerbated hemorrhage from standardized visceral injury (39, 40, 46, 59, 62–64). Induced hypothermia to 33°C in combination with hemodilution was correlated with a further increase in organ bleeding time (38, 44). Isolated hypothermia was associated only with prolonged coagulation assays when the tests were performed at the core body temperature of the animal, with no abnormalities present when performed at the regulation 37°C (43, 47, 53). Isolated acidosis was induced via intravenous administration of hydrochloric acid or cross clamping of the aorta following fixed-volume hemorrhage to produce ischemia-reperfusion (42, 51, 65, 66). It was associated with coagulation dysfunction that failed to improve following reversal with bicarbonate, and the effects were compounded by concurrent hypothermia (37, 42, 66).

Isolated hemorrhagic shock failed to significantly prolong routine coagulation assays in all but one study in which a 10-fold increase in aPTT was observed after 60 min of shock (7, 49, 52, 67). Isolated tissue trauma was not associated with prolongation of coagulation assays in any study (7, 15). One study utilized an intravenous infusion of tissue factor to simulate the effects of tissue factor release from the site of trauma (57). This produced hyperfibrinolysis, increased D-dimer levels, and significant prolongation of coagulation assays, although the absence of physical injury limits the clinical applicability of these findings.

The combined effect of trauma and hemorrhagic shock was evaluated in three rodent and seven porcine models with varying effects on coagulation function observed (7, 15, 27, 45, 48, 50, 54, 56, 58, 60). All rodent models demonstrated a minimum 20% prolongation in PT, aPTT, or PT ratio (7, 15, 54), which was attenuated by monoclonal antibodies to activated protein C in one study (15). One porcine model demonstrated a brief hypercoagulable response that was followed by significantly reduced viscoelastic function and a 20% prolongation of INR, although a 25% mortality rate was evident within the experimental group (60). A second porcine model demonstrated altered platelet function and prolonged PT that was exacerbated by fluid resuscitation but unaltered by induced hypothermia, although the initial prolongation in PT failed to attain the current clinical definition of ATC (56). Nonsignificant changes in PT or INR were evident in the remaining five porcine models (27, 45, 48, 50, 58), although a significant reduction in ROTEM mean clot firmness was evident in one study (58), and significant changes developed following fluid resuscitation and/or the induction of hypothermia and acidosis in the remaining three studies (27, 45, 50).


This review identifies a large diversity of animal models utilized to investigate coagulation changes following trauma. This may reflect both the clinical importance of such an area and the fact that the pathophysiology of ATC is poorly understood and may be difficult to model accurately. Despite our current understanding of the natural history of traumatic coagulopathy, only 10 models attempted to reflect it as an endogenous dysfunction induced by initiating injury and hemorrhage, which may be exacerbated by hypothermia, acidosis, and hemodilution. Consequently, there remains an overall lack of reproducible, clinically relevant models for investigating pathophysiology and evaluating therapeutic interventions.

There are many animal models that have provided information on the effects of hypothermia, acidosis, and hemodilution on systemic coagulation function (37–40, 42–44, 46, 47, 51, 53, 59, 62–66). Restoration of plasma volume with crystalloid and/or synthetic colloid solutions produces a diffuse microvascular bleeding tendency due to dilution of clotting factors, accelerated endothelial glycocalyx degradation, and direct interactions with fibrin polymerization (59, 61, 68). The induction of acidosis to a pH of less than 7.2 via intravenous administration of hydrochloric acid or ischemia-reperfusion injury has been shown to reduce the enzymatic activity of coagulation proteases, producing a coagulopathy that cannot be readily reversed with simple correction of the acidosis (42, 51, 66). Induced hypothermia to less than 33°C has similar effects on coagulation protease and platelet function, contributing to coagulation dysfunction and exacerbating existing coagulopathy induced by hemodilution and/or acidosis (37, 43, 47, 53). However, in the majority of models investigating these insults, the hemodilution, hypothermia, and/or acidosis precede tissue injury and hemorrhage. Given our current understanding of the natural history of traumatic coagulopathy, the clinical value and relevance of models without initiating tissue trauma and shock are questionable.

Hemodilutional coagulopathy in isolation or in combination with hypothermia was the most common model used to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of specific hemostatic interventions in trauma. However, in the vast majority of these models, the resuscitation fluids used to produce hemodilution were not reflective of contemporary resuscitation practices (69, 70). The absence of initiating tissue injury and divergence from current clinical practice may limit translatability of therapeutic information obtained from these models. The effects of spontaneous hypothermia and acidosis are also essentially uncharacterized by current animal models. Changes associated with central cooling–induced hypothermia may differ from the spontaneous hypothermia observed in human trauma patients, given that they rarely present with a body temperature as low as 33°C (71). The applicability of acidosis induced by hydrochloric acid infusion or ischemia-reperfusion in the absence of tissue trauma and shock is also dubious. The deleterious outcomes associated with acidosis developing in response to tissue hypoxia and trauma may simply reflect the severity of the insult responsible for the acidosis rather than being a direct effect of the acidosis itself.

The mechanism underlying the development of ATC is still incompletely understood. Clinical studies suggest a combination of tissue injury and hypoperfusion as a prerequisite (7, 13). Animal models investigating the effects of isolated trauma and hemorrhagic shock support this, with altered coagulation function in response to isolated insults evident in only one study (49). In contrast, animal models of combined trauma and hemorrhage have shown varying degrees of coagulation dysfunction, which may reflect both the severity of the insult used and the intrinsic coagulation function of the animal. The majority of these models have provided information on the presence and time course of coagulopathy in response to trauma and hemorrhage (7, 45, 48, 54, 56, 60). However, only three models have evaluated aspects of the proposed pathophysiologic mechanisms, and as a result, animal models are yet to significantly contribute to the improved mechanistic understanding of ATC (15, 56, 61).

Animal models of trauma enable particular clinical scenarios to be evaluated under controlled conditions and provide opportunities for invasive monitoring and diagnostic methods that cannot be performed in human trauma patients. Incorporating techniques such as electron microscopy to assess the endothelial glycocalyx, organ microdialysis, and sidestream dark field camera application to evaluate the microcirculation and immunohistochemistry to investigate tissue expression of coagulation proteases in conjunction with a structured coagulation component analysis will facilitate a more sophisticated contribution to the mechanistic understanding of traumatic coagulopathy in future animal models of trauma (72–75). However, the use of animals for trauma research also has limitations. The ethical necessities of sedation and anesthesia alter the compensatory physiologic responses to injury and have an unknown effect on the overall response observed (76, 77). Animals are also genetically distinct from humans and demonstrate differences in coagulation assay parameters, coagulation factor concentrations, and platelet function that may alter susceptibility to ATC (32–34).

Rodent models are inexpensive, and transgenic techniques such as protein C gene mutations provide opportunities to manipulate and evaluate isolated pathways within the coagulation system (78). Rodents have also consistently demonstrated the ability to achieve the clinical definition of ATC in response to trauma and hemorrhage (7, 15, 54). However, rodent models are limited by animal size, which restricts sample volumes and subsequent assays, hampering the ability to further investigate mechanisms associated with coagulopathy. The genomic response of mice to trauma has also been shown to correlate poorly with humans, bringing the clinical relevance of murine trauma models into question (79).

Pigs are the predominant large animal species that have been used for the investigation of traumatic coagulopathy, which appears appropriate given the established similarities in cardiovascular physiology between pigs and humans (80). However, pigs have demonstrated significant variability in coagulation function response to trauma and hemorrhage (27, 45, 48, 50, 56, 58, 60). Both viscoelastic and plasma-based assays of coagulation function have shown pigs to be relatively hypercoagulable compared with humans and to have protein C levels that are only 36% of human values (32, 34). Given that activation of protein C is hypothesized to be a central driver of ATC, this fundamental difference may impede the ability to model ATC successfully in this species. The only porcine model to achieve the clinical definition of ATC in response to trauma and hemorrhage was associated with a 25% mortality rate (60). This may reflect the severity of the injury required to produce ATC in this species and brings into question the reproducibility and ethical acceptability of this model. The abundance of porcine models may be limiting information about traumatic coagulopathy that could be gained from other large animal species. Evaluating pathophysiological mechanisms and therapeutic efficacy in a variety of animal species subjected to varying insults and intercurrent treatments would improve the translatability of results and better inform subsequent human trials (81) .

Traumatic insults resulting in tissue damage and uncontrolled hemorrhage occur simultaneously in the human trauma patient. To control the degree of tissue trauma and shock, the majority of animal models apply standardized insults in a staggered fashion and utilize either fixed-pressure or fixed-volume bleeds via an indwelling vascular catheter. The influence of this nonpathophysiologic sequence of insults on overall response is unknown. Fixed-pressure hemorrhage controls the degree of hypotension via repeated blood withdrawal and volume replenishment; however, it does not mimic the clinical situation and introduces the potential confounders of iatrogenic hemodilution and anticoagulation (7, 60). Fixed-volume hemorrhage allows assessment of the hemodynamic responses to hypotension, although the degree of hypotension is not well defined, and variability in the physiologic response is evident (82). Uncontrolled hemorrhage most closely resembles the clinical situation; however, it introduces significant physiological variability and risk of animal mortality (41, 53, 55, 83). This influences the repeatability of the model and compromises the ethical acceptability by increasing the number of animals required for statistically significant results to be achieved (84, 85).

Existing animal models of trauma and hemorrhage demonstrate considerable variation in the degree of injury severity and target pressure or volume of hemorrhage (7, 15, 27, 45, 48, 50, 54, 56, 58, 60). This contributes to intermodel variations in coagulation function response and limits the reproducibility and comparability of these existing models. To improve future models of traumatic coagulopathy, the degree of trauma and hemorrhage needs to be titrated to variables that have been shown to correlate with the onset of ATC. Evidence suggests that an injury severity score (ISS) of 25 combined with a base deficit of 6 mmol/L is necessary for ATC to develop (7). While the translatability of ISS across species is uncharacterized, future models should aim to produce a reproducible and survivable tissue injury that correlates with an ISS of 25. The degree of hemorrhage should be titrated to a base deficit of 6 mmol/L to ensure the necessary degree of tissue hypoxia is achieved consistently, removing the variability that may accompany a fixed-pressure or fixed-volume bleed due to differences in pre-experiment fluid balance and physiological response (82). This should improve the clinical relevance and reproducibility of future animal models, facilitating more efficient interspecies comparison and improving the translatability of preclinical research.

The presence of ATC was originally characterized as a 50% prolongation of PT, aPTT, or INR (5, 6). Subsequent epidemiological work described an INR of greater than 1.2 as the clinically significant threshold associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes (7). However, many of these patients show no clinical evidence of prolonged hemorrhage, with abnormalities in coagulation function evident only in laboratory assays of coagulation function (7). It is possible that in these patients abnormal coagulation function develops as a marker of injury severity, which may explain why ATC as defined can be associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes in the absence of overt clinical coagulopathic hemorrhage.

The use of viscoelastic assays to assess coagulation function in animal models of trauma is increasing, which parallels the emerging role of viscoelastic assays in the acute trauma setting. The use of traditional plasma-based assays of coagulation function in animal models of trauma is appropriate, given that ATC continues to be defined clinically in terms of these assays. However, the value of continuing to define ATC in terms of traditional assays has been questioned because of their inability to characterize global coagulation function and delayed availability of results (26). Viscoelastic assays provide a more complete assessment of coagulation function via the evaluation of clot formation, clot strength, and fibrinolytic activity and have been validated in a number of animal species (86, 87). However, they neglect the contribution of the endothelium, which may continue to be a limitation, given the postulated role of the endothelium in the development of ATC. Attempts to define ATC using viscoelastic parameters have been made, as trauma patients with an INR of greater than 1.2 show changes in clot formation time, clot strength, and fibrinolytic activity (9, 11). Various thresholds have been proposed; however, there is no consensus on the viscoelastic definition that should be used (9–11, 88). Further work is required to ascertain the viscoelastic triggers that identify ATC, and relevant animal models will play an important role in this process.


Traditional animal models of traumatic coagulopathy were inspired by a perceived iatrogenic process and investigated hemodilution, hypothermia, and acidosis as the pathophysiological initiators of coagulation dysfunction. The recognition of ATC as an endogenous response to tissue injury and hypoperfusion has altered the perceived etiology and chronology of traumatic coagulopathy. In order to be clinically relevant, new animal models should reflect the current natural history of traumatic coagulopathy and utilize a variety of animal species to account for interspecies variation in coagulation function.

Creating a clinically relevant model of trauma and hemorrhage that allows translation of results to humans is difficult, given the complexity of the condition and known limitations of animal research. It is likely that no single animal model will answer all questions, and utilizing the appropriate model for the question at hand will continue to be a challenge. However, preclinical animal studies are necessary to continue improving the management of trauma patients, given the limitations of human research in the emergency setting. The development of a valid, reproducible, and clinically relevant animal model of trauma is needed to contribute to improved mechanistic understanding of the pathophysiology of ATC and allow future evaluation of novel therapeutic agents in whole biological systems.


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Clotting function; coagulation; hemorrhage; preclinical research; trauma

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