Volume 54, Issue 3 p. 500-518
Original Article

Foetus or child? Abortion discourse and attributions of humanness

Małgorzata Mikołajczak

Corresponding Author

Małgorzata Mikołajczak

Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Poland

Correspondence should be addressed to Małgorzata Mikołajczak, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Stawki 5/7, Warsaw 00-183, Poland (email: [email protected]).Search for more papers by this author
Michał Bilewicz

Michał Bilewicz

Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Poland

Search for more papers by this author
First published: 24 November 2014
Citations: 19


Due to moral, religious, and cultural sensibilities, the topic of abortion still gives rise to controversy. The ongoing public debate has become visibly polarized with the usage of the pro-life versus pro-choice rhetoric. The aim of the current research was to investigate whether the language used in abortion discourse can affect people's attitudes by changing their attributions of humanity to unborn. Across three experimental studies we showed that participants who read about a ‘foetus’, compared to a ‘child’ declared higher support for elective abortion (Study 1; N = 108), this effect can be explained by greater humanness, as reflected in human nature traits, attributed to the child (vs. the foetus; Study 2; N = 121). The effect is mediated uniquely by attribution of human nature, but not by human uniqueness traits (Study 3; N = 120). These findings serve as a starting point for discussion of the role of language in shaping attitudes on abortion and other morally ambiguous issues.