Monday, June 16, 2014

The End of an Era

I started this blog in 2005 to chronicle what I thought would be my year in England.  I decided to go for a Master of Studies, a one-year degree, because I thought "hey, it's just a year."  If I liked it, I could stay another year; if I hated it, it was just a year of my life.

I never intended on staying for the doctorate.  But a few months in, after I submitted a few papers, I realized, "hey, this isn't so bad."  And then my friends started asking if I planned on staying on for the DPhil.

One year turned into five years in England.  And even though I am no longer "at Catz," I was part of the Oxford community for several more years as I finished off my thesis.  But now, I can finally tell you that my time in Oxford has come to a close. My thesis has been approved, and I have received the paper work that makes me, officially, finally, Dr. Kaitlin Walsh.

I am so grateful that a series of events and decisions in my life fell into place the way they did.  I never expected to have as much fun as I did, to meet so many amazing and brilliant and thoughtful people, and to be a part of one of the world's foremost scholarly communities for nearly a decade.

I don't know what this means for me in terms of next steps.  Recently, I delivered my first conference presentation as Dr. Walsh, and I wore my doctoral regalia as a marshal in Charter Oak's commencement ceremony.  I'd like to see if I can turn any more of my thesis into publications (I've already managed a book chapter out of it), but we'll take things one step at a time.

Thanks to all of you who stuck around for the ride.  You can continue to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or whatever other social media I happen to be on.  I may reappear in the blogosphere at some point, but not right away.  I wanted to make this official "last post" to close out my time in Oxford.

Y con esto, Dios tesalud, y a mí no olvide.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Project 365 Day 221: August 9, 2013

I had some pictures of the flowers today, but I thought this gargoyle would be a cooler subject. :) Taken in the backyard after all the rain today.

Project 365 Day 220: August 8, 2013

Oh no! The black-eyed Susans are starting to come out! As lovely as they are, I always take that as a sign to mean that summer is nearing an end. :( I had a lovely day today, though. Went to the Wethersfield Farmer's Market and acquired many lovely things, and saw Neill, Mark and the boat while I was there :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Project 365 Day 219: August 7, 2013

Today I ventured out to Whole Foods at lunch, and was excited to find stroopwaffels there. I had heard about stroopwaffels from my Dutch friends, and tried them for the first time during a layover in Amsterdam (back during the short time that Bradley had flights to Amsterdam!). After that, I had my dad bring them to me when he was coming to England and also had a stopover in Amsterdam. Another time, I tried to have a Dutch friend pidge them to me in Oxford, but the porters at his college confiscated them! So seeing them at the store made me terribly nostalgic, and I had to get them :)

Project 365 Day 218: August 6, 2013

Tonight I went to visit Mr. Jack, who's been home sick for the past few days. He said he wanted to take a photo with "Titi's camera" (that's what he calls me), so I said we could take one together. It's not the best photo of me, but it was Jack's request, so we'll go with it. :)