Summary of Marchantia polymorpha, version 27.0
Tier 3 Uncurated Database

Database Authors: Bo Xue1, Seung Yon Rhee1, Angela Xu1, Charles Hawkins1, Emily Fryer1

1Carnegie Institution for Science

This Pathway/Genome Database (PGDB) was generated by the PathoLogic [Karp16, Karp11] component of Pathway Tools software version 23.0 and MetaCyc [Caspi18] version 23.0 on 10-Jan-2020 08:49:21.

Sequence Source: Mpolymorpha_320_v3.1.protein.fa

Taxonomic Lineage: cellular organisms, Eukaryota, Viridiplantae, Streptophyta, Streptophytina, Embryophyta, Marchantiophyta, Marchantiopsida, Marchantiidae, Marchantiales, Marchantiaceae, Marchantia, Marchantia polymorpha

Synonyms: liverwort, liverwort

Unification Links: NCBI-Taxonomy:3197

Replicon Total Genes Protein Genes RNA Genes Pseudogenes Size (bp) NCBI Link
1 Undisplayed Contigs/Replicons 0 3,750 0 0 0
Total: 3,750 3,750 0 0
Genes without a physical map position: 3,750

Genes: 3,750
Pathways: 376
Enzymatic Reactions: 2,469
Transport Reactions: 66
Polypeptides: 4,841
Protein Complexes: 0
Enzymes: 4,840
Transporters: 338
Compounds: 1,850
tRNAs: 0

Genetic Code Number:
1 -- Standard

PGDB Unique ID: 6P


Caspi18: Caspi R, Billington R, Fulcher CA, Keseler IM, Kothari A, Krummenacker M, Latendresse M, Midford PE, Ong Q, Ong WK, Paley S, Subhraveti P, Karp PD (2018). "The MetaCyc database of metabolic pathways and enzymes." Nucleic Acids Res 46(D1);D633-D639. PMID: 29059334

Karp11: Karp PD, Latendresse M, Caspi R (2011). "The pathway tools pathway prediction algorithm." Stand Genomic Sci 5(3);424-9. PMID: 22675592

Karp16: Karp PD, Latendresse M, Paley SM, Krummenacker M, Ong QD, Billington R, Kothari A, Weaver D, Lee T, Subhraveti P, Spaulding A, Fulcher C, Keseler IM, Caspi R (2016). "Pathway Tools version 19.0 update: software for pathway/genome informatics and systems biology." Brief Bioinform 17(5);877-90. PMID: 26454094

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Page generated by Pathway Tools version 27.0 (software by SRI International) on Fri May 17, 2024.