
Journal of Interpersonal Violence

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In Their Own Words: Sophomore College Men Describe Attitude and Behavior Changes Resulting From a Rape Prevention Program 2 Years After Their Participation

Published  December  01, 2010

Article Information

Volume: 25 issue: 12, page(s): 2237-2257

Issue published:  December 01  2010


John D. Foubert
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
Eric E. Godin
Council of Independent Colleges, Washington D.C.
Jerry L. Tatum
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

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Recommended Citation

In Their Own Words: Sophomore College Men Describe Attitude and Behavior Changes Resulting From a Rape Prevention Program 2 Years After Their Participation

John D. Foubert, Eric E. Godin, Jerry L. Tatum

Journal of Interpersonal Violence

Vol 25, Issue 12, pp. 2237 - 2257

Issue published date: December-01-2010


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