Mar 27, 2024

​10 quickest animals that race across the Earth

Aakanksha Sharma

Fastest animals

In the animal kingdom, it is very important to be swift and speedy. Be it hunting your prey or protecting yourself from becoming one, speed decides everything. Here we list 10 fastest animals on Earth.


Peregrine falcon

The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the world when it comes to flight. It's been recorded diving at speeds of over 240 miles per hour while hunting, making it the swiftest predator in air.



In water, the sailfish takes the lead by being the fastest predator. The sailfish is capable of swimming at incredible speeds, making it the fastest marine animal.



On land, undeniably the cheetah holds the title for being the fastest. It can sprint at speeds up to 120 kilometres per hour and is built for speed, with long, slender bodies and specialised muscles.


Mexican free-tailed bat

Among bats, the Mexican free-tailed bat is the fastest creature to exist. It can reach incredible flying speed in no time and are known for their incredible agility and speed as they hunt insects in the night sky.


Black marlin

When it comes to the waterways, another fast swimmer in the ocean is the black marlin. It can reach speeds of around 132 kilometres per hour, making it one of the fastest fish in the sea. Black marlins are famous for both their strength and speed.


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While the cheetah is said to be the fastest animal when it comes to short distances, the pronghorn holds the title for sustained speed and can even outrun cheetahs.


​Golden eagle

Among birds of prey, the golden eagle is known for its speed and agility. It can reach speeds of up to 322 kilometres per hour when diving to catch prey.


Bluefin tuna

In the depths of the ocean, the bluefin tuna claims the spot for being the fastest deepwater swimmer. They are highly migratory and can travel long distances across oceans.



While this might come as a surprise to many, Greyhounds, now domesticated, are one of the fastest land animals. Famous for their speed and often used in racing competitions, Greyhounds used to catch and protect farms earlier.




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