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Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming

1. Outline

This report responds to a request from the Governments of the UK, Wales and Scotland, asking the Committee to reassess the UK’s long-term emissions targets. Our new emissions scenarios draw on ten new research projects, three expert advisory groups, and reviews of the work of the IPCC and others.

The conclusions are supported by detailed analysis published in the Net Zero Technical Report that has been carried out for each sector of the economy, plus consideration of F-gas emissions and greenhouse gas removals.

2. Key findings

The report’s key findings are that:

  • The Committee on Climate Change recommends a new emissions target for the UK: net-zero greenhouse gases by 2050.
  • In Scotland, we recommend a net-zero date of 2045, reflecting Scotland’s greater relative capacity to remove emissions than the UK as a whole.
  • In Wales, we recommend a 95% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050.

A net-zero GHG target for 2050 will deliver on the commitment that the UK made by signing the Paris Agreement. It is achievable with known technologies, alongside improvements in people’s lives, and within the expected economic cost that Parliament accepted when it legislated the existing 2050 target for an 80% reduction from 1990.

However, this is only possible if clear, stable and well-designed policies to reduce emissions further are introduced across the economy without delay. Current policy is insufficient for even the existing targets.

6. Infographic
