Marines cannot shoot because the Russians are using Civilians as Human Shields

Voices of Ukraine

March 20, 2014 The Insider
Translated by Anna Vavrina and Edited by Voices of Ukraine

Marines in the Ukrainian Naval Forces are unable to use force against advancing Russian Troops because the Russians are using peaceful civilians as human shields.

This issue has been raised in a statement forwarded to INSIDER by crews of Ukrainian naval vessels based on Lake Donuzlav (Crimea).

“As a result, we are faced with a choice – either to use weapons, risking injury to civilians in a time of peace without the possibility of our own retreat from the blockade, or, to accept a forceful seizure of the vessel with the humiliation of being made to lower the Flag of the Ukrainian Naval Forces, a symbol that is known all over the World” – noted the Marines.

“Both choices are a loss and are unacceptable. We are seeking a way out of the situation…

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