MetaCyc EC -- glutathione amide-dependent peroxidase

Parent Class: EC-Numbers1 -- Oxidoreductases1.11 -- Acting on a peroxide as acceptor1.11.1 -- Peroxidases

Systematic Name: glutathione amide:hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase

Unification Links: BRENDA:, ENZYME:, IUBMB-ExplorEnz:

2 glutathione amide + hydrogen peroxide → glutathione amide disulfide + 2 H2O

Enzymes and Genes:
glutathione amide-dependent peroxidase: garA ( Marichromatium gracile )

This enzyme, which has been characterized from the proteobacterium Marichromatium gracile, is a chimeric protein, containing a peroxiredoxin-like N-terminus and a glutaredoxin-like C terminus. The enzyme has peroxidase activity towards hydrogen peroxide and several small alkyl hydroperoxides, and is thought to represent an early adaptation for fighting oxidative stress [Vergauwen01]. The glutathione amide disulfide produced by this enzyme can be restored to glutathione amide by EC (glutathione amide reductase).


Vergauwen01: Vergauwen B, Pauwels F, Jacquemotte F, Meyer TE, Cusanovich MA, Bartsch RG, Van Beeumen JJ (2001). "Characterization of glutathione amide reductase from Chromatium gracile. Identification of a novel thiol peroxidase (Prx/Grx) fueled by glutathione amide redox cycling." J Biol Chem 276(24);20890-7. PMID: 11399772

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Please cite the following article in publications resulting from the use of MetaCyc: Caspi et al, Nucleic Acids Research 46(D1):D633-D639 2018
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