MetaCyc EC -- serine 2-dehydrogenase

Parent Class: EC-Numbers1 -- Oxidoreductases1.4 -- Acting on the CH-NH(2) group of donors1.4.1 -- With NAD(+) or NADP(+) as acceptor

Synonyms: L-serine:NAD oxidoreductase (deaminating), serine dehydrogenase

Systematic Name: L-serine:NAD+ 2-oxidoreductase (deaminating)

Unification Links: BRENDA:, ENZYME:, IUBMB-ExplorEnz:

L-serine + NAD+ + H2O ← ammonium + 3-hydroxypyruvate + NADH + H+

Citations: [Kretovich66]


Kretovich66: Kretovich VL, Stepanovich KM (1966). "[The enzyme catalyzing the reductive amination of oxypyruvate] (article in Russian)." Izv Akad Nauk SSSR Biol 2;295-300. PMID: 5972761

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Please cite the following article in publications resulting from the use of MetaCyc: Caspi et al, Nucleic Acids Research 46(D1):D633-D639 2018
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