MetaCyc EC -- nitrate reductase (cytochrome)

Parent Class: EC-Numbers1 -- Oxidoreductases1.9 -- Acting on a heme group of donors1.9.6 -- With a nitrogenous group as acceptor

Synonyms: respiratory nitrate reductase, benzyl viologen-nitrate reductase

Systematic Name: ferrocytochrome:nitrate oxidoreductase

Unification Links: BRENDA:, ENZYME:, IUBMB-ExplorEnz:

Supersedes EC number:

nitrate[periplasm] + 2 reduced [NapC protein][periplasm] + 2 H+[periplasm] → 2 oxidized [NapC protein][periplasm] + nitrite[periplasm] + H2O[periplasm]

Enzymes and Genes:
periplasmic nitrate reductase: napA, napB ( Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 )
periplasmic nitrate reductase (cytochrome): napB, napA ( Aliivibrio fischeri )

Citations: [Sadana57]


Sadana57: Sadana, J.C., McElroy, W.D. (1957). "Nitrate reductase from Achromobacter fischeri; purification and properties: function of flavines and cytochrome." Arch Biochem Biophys 67(1);16-34. PMID: 13412117

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Please cite the following article in publications resulting from the use of MetaCyc: Caspi et al, Nucleic Acids Research 46(D1):D633-D639 2018
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