MetaCyc EC -- L-proline—[L-prolyl-carrier protein] ligase

Parent Class: EC-Numbers6 -- Ligases6.2 -- Forming carbon-sulfur bonds6.2.1 -- Acid--thiol ligases

Synonyms: pltF (gene name), bmp4 (gene name), pigI (gene name)

Systematic Name: L-proline:[L-prolyl-carrier protein] ligase (AMP-forming)

Unification Links: BRENDA:, ENZYME:, IUBMB-ExplorEnz:

L-proline + holo-[L-prolyl-carrier protein] + ATP → L-prolyl-[peptidyl-carrier protein] + AMP + diphosphate

Unofficial Reactions:
L-proline + holo-[CloN5 prolyl-carrier protein] + ATP → L-prolyl-[CloN5 prolyl-carrier protein] + AMP + diphosphate,
L-proline + holo-[PltL prolyl-carrier protein] + ATP → L-prolyl-[PltL prolyl-carrier protein] + AMP + diphosphate,
L-proline + ATP + holo-[RedO prolyl-carrier protein] → L-prolyl-[RedO prolyl-carrier protein] + AMP + diphosphate + H+,
L-proline + holo-[Bmp1 prolyl-carrier protein] + ATP → L-prolyl-[Bmp1 prolyl-carrier protein] + AMP + diphosphate,
L-proline + holo-PCP domain within [AprL NRPS] + ATP → L-prolyl-[PCP domain within AprLK NRPS] + AMP + diphosphate,
L-proline + holo-[PigG prolyl-carrier protein] + ATP → L-prolyl-[PigG prolyl-carrier protein] + AMP + diphosphate

Enzymes and Genes:
brevianamide F synthase [multifunctional]: ftmA ( Aspergillus fumigatus )
nonribosomal peptide synthase MalG: malG ( Malbranchea aurantiaca )
L-proline—[L-prolyl-carrier protein] ligase: pyr8 ( Wenjunlia vitaminophila )

The enzyme participates in the biosynthesis of several pyrrole-containing compounds, such as undecylprodigiosin, prodigiosin, pyoluteorin, and coumermycin A1. It catalyses the activation of L-proline to an adenylate form, followed by its transfer to the 4'-phosphopantheine moiety of a peptidyl-carrier protein.

Citations: [Thomas02, Harris04, Williamson05]


Harris04: Harris AK, Williamson NR, Slater H, Cox A, Abbasi S, Foulds I, Simonsen HT, Leeper FJ, Salmond GP (2004). "The Serratia gene cluster encoding biosynthesis of the red antibiotic, prodigiosin, shows species- and strain-dependent genome context variation." Microbiology 150(Pt 11);3547-60. PMID: 15528645

Thomas02: Thomas MG, Burkart MD, Walsh CT (2002). "Conversion of L-proline to pyrrolyl-2-carboxyl-S-PCP during undecylprodigiosin and pyoluteorin biosynthesis." Chem Biol 9(2);171-84. PMID: 11880032

Williamson05: Williamson NR, Simonsen HT, Ahmed RA, Goldet G, Slater H, Woodley L, Leeper FJ, Salmond GP (2005). "Biosynthesis of the red antibiotic, prodigiosin, in Serratia: identification of a novel 2-methyl-3-n-amyl-pyrrole (MAP) assembly pathway, definition of the terminal condensing enzyme, and implications for undecylprodigiosin biosynthesis in Streptomyces." Mol Microbiol 56(4);971-89. PMID: 15853884

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Please cite the following article in publications resulting from the use of MetaCyc: Caspi et al, Nucleic Acids Research 46(D1):D633-D639 2018
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