Chapter 12

Organic and Polymer Chemistry and Catalysis

Robert M. Metzger

Robert M. Metzger

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, Alabama, USA

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First published: 27 January 2023


This chapter presents tabular data and discussions of how chemical principles underlie the theory and practice of synthetic organic chemistry: this is known as physical organic chemistry, a name coined in 1940 by Hammett. It presents a graphical overview of significant molecules, and describes nomenclature, functional groups, and optically active molecules. The chapter deals with reactivity, acid-base theory, resonance, electron pair pushing, and Walsh diagrams. It then deals with cycloadditions, polarity issues, acid dissociation constants, reaction types and molecular rearrangements. The chapter also presents organometallic compounds, catalysis, free-energy relationships, retrosynthetic analysis, and stable free radicals. It discusses organic polymers, protecting groups, and environmental impact. The chapter also introduces special topics: electrically conducting polymers, Mulliken charge-transfer complexes, quasi-one-dimensional organic metals, superconductors, conducting Langmuir-Blodgett films, and unimolecular electronic devices. Resonance can be considered as the instantaneous partial movement of charge between several bonded atoms – faster than molecular vibrations.

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