Volume 35, Issue 3
Free Access

Oceanic precondition and evolution of the 2006 Indian Ocean dipole

Takanori Horii

Takanori Horii

Institute of Observational Research for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan

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Hideaki Hase

Hideaki Hase

Institute of Observational Research for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan

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Iwao Ueki

Iwao Ueki

Institute of Observational Research for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan

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Yukio Masumoto

Yukio Masumoto

Institute of Observational Research for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan

Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

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First published: 06 February 2008
Citations: 81


[1] Details of subsurface ocean conditions associated with the Indian Ocean Dipole event (IOD) were observed for the first time by mooring buoys in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. Large-scale sea surface signals in the tropical Indian Ocean associated with the positive IOD started in August 2006, and the anomalous conditions continued until December 2006. Data from the mooring buoys, however, captured the first appearance of the negative temperature anomaly at the thermocline depth with strong westward current anomalies in May 2006, about three months earlier than the development of the surface signatures. These subsurface evolutions within the ocean would be a key factor for better understanding of IOD mechanisms and its predictability, and are providing a fundamental dataset for validation of modeling outputs.

1. Introduction

[2] Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is one of the coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon in the tropical Indian Ocean [Saji et al., 1999; Webster et al., 1999], which affects global climate systems via atmospheric teleconnections as well as local and regional impacts [e.g., Saji and Yamagata, 2003]. A canonical positive IOD event has negative (positive) sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in the southeastern (central/western) tropical region, with easterly surface wind anomalies along the equator. The easterly wind anomalies shoal the thermocline in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean, through local Ekman divergence and subsequent equatorial wave propagation, resulting in strengthening of the negative SSTA in the east. Off-equatorial Rossby wave responses and surface heat flux variability associated with the same wind anomalies enhance the positive SSTA in the west. The large zonal SSTA gradient along the equator, in turn, intensifies the easterly wind anomalies over the equatorial Indian Ocean, generating positive feedback mechanism [Saji et al., 1999; Webster et al., 1999; Iizuka et al., 2000].

[3] Its detailed evolution, however, has mostly been described by ocean surface and atmospheric variables, due mainly to lack of in situ subsurface data in the tropical Indian Ocean. In order to provide the subsurface observations in the eastern Indian Ocean, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has been deploying TRITON buoys (http://www.jamstec.go.jp/jamstec/TRITON/) since October 2001, as well as an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) mooring from November 2000.

[4] During the late summer and fall in 2006, a positive IOD occurred (Figure 1). The magnitude of this event, measured by Dipole Mode Index (DMI; see caption of Figure 2), was the third largest in recent 30 years, after the 1997 and 1994 events. The 2006 positive IOD became the first event, whose subsurface structure was partly observed with fine temporal resolution mooring buoy observations. In the present study, we document the evolution of the 2006 IOD, focusing on the subsurface ocean conditions.

Details are in the caption following the image
SSTA and sea surface wind anomalies averaged for (a) December 2005 to March 2006 (DJFM 2006), (b) AMJJ 2006, (c) ASON 2006, and (d) DJFM 2007. Black squares represent western and eastern regions for the calculation of Dipole Mode Index (DMI; see the caption of Figure 2). Unit vector represents 5 m/s. Yellow circles indicate the locations of the two TRITON buoys. The SST data is taken from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Optimum Interpolation dataset [Reynolds et al., 2002], while the sea surface wind data is obtained from the product of the QuickSCAT satellite. The anomalies are relative to climatologies based on the data from 1982 to 2000 for the SST, and from 2000 to 2006 for the wind.
Details are in the caption following the image
(a) Time series of DMI (red line) defined by Saji et al., [1999]. DMI is defined as the difference in SSTA between western region (50°E–70°E, 10°S–10°N, black line) and eastern region (90°E–110°E, 10°S–EQ, blue line), whose locations are shown in Figure 1. (b) Time-depth section of the ocean temperature observed by the TRITON buoy at 1.5°S, 90°E. Colors (contours) denote anomalies (raw values). Contour interval is 2°C. (c) Zonal current anomalies at 10m depth observed by the TRITON buoy at 1.5°S, 90°E. (d) Time-depth section of zonal current observed by the ADCP at 90°E on the equator. Positive values indicate eastward currents. Colors (contours) denote anomalies (climatologies). Contour interval is 10 cm/s, with the zero contours emphasized by the bold line, and the dashed lines show negative values. (e) As in Figure 2b except for the buoy at 5°S, 95°E. The 7-day running mean filter is applied to all the data, except for DMI.

2. Data

[5] Two TRITON buoys have been observing upper-ocean conditions since October 2001 at 1.5°S, 90°E and 5°S, 95°E, whose locations are determined to observe anomalous conditions in the eastern pole of IOD (Figure 1). The ocean temperature data are sampled every 10 minutes at 12 levels in vertical (1.5, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500, and 750 m depths) and transmitted in real-time via ARGOS satellites. Data missing periods (only 1.9% of a whole period) are interpolated vertically and/or temporally by Akima spline method [Akima, 1970]. Climatologies are defined as the 5-year mean from 2002 to 2006, in which the data are smoothed by 31-day running mean filter. Then, daily anomalies for the 2006 IOD period are obtained as deviations from the climatologies. As most of the period in 2003 and 2004 is unobserved by the TRITON buoy at 5°S, 95°E, we use climatological data of WOA2001 [Stephens et al., 2002] as the reference for the anomaly calculations for this buoy.

[6] Vertical profiles of upper-ocean horizontal currents are observed every one hour by the upward-looking ADCP mooring deployed at 90°E on the equator, beginning in November 2000 [Masumoto et al., 2005]. The mooring is replaced once-a-year basis, and the most recent replacement was taken in December 2006. Due to the contamination of signals reflected at the sea surface and to limited data coverage in the deeper layer, we only use the data between the depths of 40 m and 300 m. The horizontal current data at the depth of 10 m observed by the TRITON buoy at 1.5°S, 90°E are also utilized to complement the ADCP data. The climatologies and anomalies are calculated by the same way as in the TRITON buoy data, but with climatologies based on the data from 2001 to 2005.

3. Evolution of the 2006 Indian Ocean Dipole

[7] During the first half of 2006, the SST in the equatorial Indian Ocean stayed around normal condition, except for short-term variability due to intraseasonal variations, which had relatively large amplitude between February and April (Figure 2a). The zonal gradient of the SSTA, i.e. the DMI, and the zonal wind anomaly along the equator suddenly increased to the IOD condition in August 2006, when the DMI exceeded its one standard deviation (0.53). After reaching to the first maximum of about 1.5°C at the end of August, the anomalous condition continued until November. The DMI, thereafter, rapidly diminished due mainly to warming of the eastern pole (see also Figure 1d). Compared with past positive IOD [Saji et al., 1999], the onset in August was delayed by two to four months, while the rapid decline of the anomalies in late-November was almost the same time of the year. Although the negative SSTA expanded widely in a region around 90°E–120°E, 10°S–20°S before the onset, the typical spatial pattern of IOD developed after the onset (Figures 1b and 1c).

3.1. Subsurface Ocean Conditions

[8] The corresponding subsurface evolutions in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean are shown in Figures 2b2e. The equatorial subsurface temperature variations are strongly related to the vertical movement of the thermocline and strength of the vertical temperature gradient. TRITON buoy at 1.5°S, 90°E observed quite tight thermocline around the depth of 120 m during the first half of 2006, with gradual spreading of the isotherms toward the end of the time series (Figure 2b). Due to this tight thermocline, the temperature anomalies were positive (negative) at the upper (lower) part of the thermocline. A region of the large negative temperature anomaly was first appeared from the thermocline down to 250 m depth in May. The similar subsurface temperature anomalies were also observed by the TRITON buoy at 5°S, 95°E, although the positive temperature anomaly in the upper thermocline continued until the end of May (Figure 2e).

[9] The zonal currents observed by the TRITON buoy (Figure 2c) and ADCP (Figure 2d) indicated westward current anomalies in May above the thermocline, with the maximum value larger than 50 cm/s. In the climatological variations, semiannual westerly winds in the central equatorial region drive eastward swift currents in the upper-ocean, known as Wyrtki jets [Wyrtki, 1973], during the monsoon transition periods in April/May and October/November (see contours in Figure 2d). The anomalous westward currents in May 2006 were as large as the magnitude of the climatological Wyrtki jet, suggesting abnormally weak eastward currents, which was quite similar to the condition in 1994 [Vinayachandran et al., 1999].

[10] The initiation of the negative subsurface temperature anomalies in May was about three months earlier than that of the negative SSTA associated with the IOD onset in August 2006. Interestingly, the subsurface negative anomalies were “capped” by weak positive temperature anomalies near the surface during May and June at both the TRITON locations. Another anomalous event occurred in August, with rapid shoaling of the thermocline (>30 m), large negative temperature anomaly around the depth of 75 m (<−5°C), and strong westward currents in the upper-layer (>50 cm/s). It was this time of the year that the coherent SSTA pattern appeared and the DMI increased dramatically within a month.

[11] The negative temperature anomalies in the thermocline at 1.5°S, 90°E once weakened by the sudden downward movement of the thermocline in early September, associated with the short period of eastward upper-layer currents. This event, however, lasted only about ten days and the negative anomaly developed again. The strongest negative subsurface anomaly (<−6°C) occurred during November and December 2006, when the surface signatures of the IOD disappeared quickly in concert with the seasonal monsoon reversal. The temperature anomalies at the thermocline depth at 5°S, 95°E (Figure 2e) also demonstrate the peak in late-November to December, but the phase lagged about 15 days behind that at 1.5°S, 90°E.

[12] During the peak of the 2006 IOD from September to November, the current data revealed peculiar subsurface structures. The surface current anomaly at 10 m depth observed by the TRITON buoy were westward (Figure 2c), which was consistent with the direction of the anomalous easterly wind prevailing over the buoy location (Figure 1c). Unlike the similar case of the westward currents in May, there existed eastward current anomalies in the layer between 50 m and 150 m depths from September to November, with slight upward phase shift. This suggests that the negative vertical shear of the zonal current was generated during the second half of the positive IOD period, with the stronger subsurface zonal current and the reversed surface current.

[13] The DMI returned to the normal condition after December 2006, as the negative SSTA in the eastern region became positive and basin-wide warming occurred in the equatorial Indian Ocean (Figures 1d and 2a). The subsurface negative temperature anomalies, on the other hand, continued for more several months at 1.5°S, 90°E, during which the thermocline spread significantly in vertical and the negative anomalies were gradually replaced by the positive anomalies in the lower part of the thermocline. The termination of the negative temperature anomaly in the thermocline at 5°S, 95°E, on the other hand, was characterized by sudden change to the positive anomalies at all the depth from the surface down to 300 m depth, except for the thin layer between 50 m and 100 m depths. The zonal current anomaly at the depth of 10 m switched from westward to eastward in late November (Figure 2c), concurrent with the decay of the positive IOD.

3.2. Zonal Winds and Sea Surface Height Variations Along the Equator

[14] We now argue the large-scale variation in the entire equatorial Indian Ocean by use of the satellite-based data. Longitude-time sections of zonal wind anomalies and sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) are shown in Figure 3, together with the time series of the depth of 20°C isotherm (D20) obtained by the TRITON buoy at 1.5°S, 90°E. The variability of D20 closely corresponds to the SSHA variations at 90°E, with a correlation coefficient of 0.85.

Details are in the caption following the image
Longitude-time sections of (a) the zonal wind anomalies averaged over 5°S–5°N observed by QuikSCAT satellite and (b) the sea surface height anomalies (SSHA) along the equator from AVISO altimeter products. Positive winds denote anomalous westerlies. (c) Time series of 20°C isotherm depth (D20) anomalies observed by the TRITON buoy at 1.5°S, 90°E. Positive D20 anomalies indicate the deeper thermocline. The anomalies are relative to climatologies based on the data from 2000 to 2006 for the winds, and from 1993 to 2005 for the SSHA. The 7-day running mean filter is applied to the raw data.

[15] A strong negative SSHA in a region east of about 85°E and large positive anomalies to the west between September and December were associated with the 2006 positive IOD. From January to September 2006, prior to and beginning of the positive IOD, there were several eastward propagating SSHA signals along the equator, with the phase speed of about 2.5 m/s that corresponds to the value of the gravest equatorial Kelvin wave. Such equatorial Kelvin waves can be excited by both the zonal wind stress along the equator and reflections of the equatorial Rossby waves at the western boundary of the basin. For example, the upwelling Kelvin wave first appeared in February (a dashed line marked with ‘A’ in Figure 3b), in concurrence with strong easterly wind anomalies in the central Indian Ocean in early February. Since the negative SSHA occupied in the western region from the beginning of January, it is likely that this Kelvin wave was partly excited by western boundary reflection of the upwelling Rossby waves generated in the western off-equatorial Indian Ocean in late 2005 [Luo et al., 2007]. However, this event in February caused only the minor negative temperature perturbation at the lower part of the thermocline (Figure 2b). It seems that the positive temperature anomalies in the shallower part of the thermocline were not affected by the wave.

[16] The initiation of the coherent subsurface negative temperature and the zonal current anomalies in May (Figure 2) was coincident with the basin-wide equatorial easterly wind anomalies (Figure 3a) and the eastward propagation of another negative SSHA (‘B’ in Figure 3b), suggesting an important role of the upwelling Kelvin wave on the subsurface anomalous conditions. In late June to July, the propagation of a downwelling Kelvin wave was observed (‘C’ in Figure 3b), which was associated with westerly wind anomalies around 60°E to 70°E. While there were the easterly wind anomalies in the eastern region that could reduce the deepening tendency of the thermocline, the downwelling Kelvin wave reaches to 90°E, resulting in 20 m depression of D20 in July. The unique subsurface structure in July, i.e. the negative anomalies in the upper thermocline appeared with the positive anomalies below the depth of 120 m (Figure 2b), could possibly be produced by the mixed influences of the remote and local anomalous wind forcing.

[17] Another event of the basin-wide easterly wind anomalies occurred subsequently in late-July and August. The ocean responses again showed the upwelling Kelvin wave signal (‘D’ in Figure 3b) with the strong westward current anomalies down to 200 m depth (Figure 2d). A sequence of the above mentioned intraseasonal events of the equatorial waves contributed to the overall shallowing tendency of D20 during the first half of 2006, therefore, to a precondition for the IOD event. The atmospheric forcing in late-July to August is believed to be crucial for the occurrence of the negative SSTA in the eastern Indian Ocean, hence the onset of the positive IOD in 2006.

[18] After the intraseasonal westerly wind event in mid-September, the basin-wide easterly wind anomalies revived and continued about three months until early December with the maximum value of more than 7 m/s, causing to reversal of the climatological westerly winds. The positive and negative SSHA to the west and east of around 85°E, respectively, also persisted from October to December. Together with the observed surface westward current and the negative temperature anomalies in the upper layer at 90°E, typical atmosphere and ocean conditions for the positive IOD was established during this particular period in 2006.

[19] During the termination period in December 2006 and January 2007, the easterly wind anomalies weakened and the positive SSHA appeared in the far eastern basin. Unlike the SSTA change, the SSHA and subsurface temperature anomalies associated with the positive IOD event continued several more months at least to the end of February 2007 (Figures 2 and 3). This different evolution in the surface and the subsurface anomalies suggests that the heat exchanges by the surface heat flux are important during the termination phase of the positive IOD [Behera et al., 1999; Tokinaga and Tanimoto, 2004]. In addition, upward phase shift of subsurface eastward current anomalies from September to December (Figure 2d) might play significant role in the termination of the IOD, possibly through changes in the zonal heat advection.

[20] It should be recalled here that the strong ocean-atmosphere feedback processes appeared from August. A key factor that determines the timing of this IOD onset is the background conditions associated with the monsoonal winds. In usual August, strong southeasterly monsoonal wind prevails in the eastern Indian Ocean. It generates strong upwelling along the coasts of Sumatra and Java, by which the thermocline is uplifted and the subsurface conditions are brought to the ocean surface. The SST in this region, therefore, is sensitive to the subsurface ocean conditions and the wind forcing after summer monsoon onset [Annamalai et al., 2003]. In addition, as anomalous southeasterly winds intensify the climatological wind speed in August, surface cooling due to latent heat flux is enhanced and, therefore, the negative SSTA is generated [Tokinaga and Tanimoto, 2004]. Both factors can contribute to the rapid growth of the negative SSTA and to the development of the positive IOD in August 2006. Recently, Vinayachandran et al. [2007] reported the evolution processes of the 2006 IOD reproduced in their ocean general circulation model forced by QuikSCAT wind. Their heat budget analysis also supported that the vertical process became significant in August.

4. Conclusions

[21] In the present study, we have documented the precondition and evolution of the 2006 IOD, focusing on the newly obtained subsurface observations in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. The subsurface negative temperature anomalies started from May 2006, which was about three months earlier than the onset of the dipole SSTA pattern in August. The subsurface negative temperature anomalies were associated with the unusual westward surface currents and the anomalous easterly wind event in May. These anomalous conditions at the thermocline depth ceased around February to March 2007, a few months later than the disappearance of the surface IOD signals.

[22] The above in situ observations are taken only at the limited locations in the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean. It is, therefore, difficult to clarify generation mechanisms for the temperature anomalies in terms of the remote and local forcing, including influences of the intraseasonal variability. Can only an array of the mooring buoys covering the whole tropical regions provide us a complete dataset to address these issues [International CLIVAR Project Office, 2006]. Further studies on the preconditions for IOD events as well as the termination processes using such data are necessary for better understanding of IOD cycle and for better prediction skills of IOD events.


[23] This study was supported by the Japan EOS (Earth Observation System) Promotion Program sponsored by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.