Regulated post-transcriptional RNA cleavage diversifies the eukaryotic transcriptome

  1. John S. Mattick1,5
  1. 1 Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia;
  2. 2 Centre for Cancer Biology, SA Pathology, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia;
  3. 3 Discipline of Medicine, University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
    1. 4 These authors contributed equally to this work.


    The complexity of the eukaryotic transcriptome is generated by the interplay of transcription initiation, termination, alternative splicing, and other forms of post-transcriptional modification. It was recently shown that RNA transcripts may also undergo cleavage and secondary 5′ capping. Here, we show that post-transcriptional cleavage of RNA contributes to the diversification of the transcriptome by generating a range of small RNAs and long coding and noncoding RNAs. Using genome-wide histone modification and RNA polymerase II occupancy data, we confirm that the vast majority of intraexonic CAGE tags are derived from post-transcriptional processing. By comparing exonic CAGE tags to tissue-matched PARE data, we show that the cleavage and subsequent secondary capping is regulated in a developmental-stage- and tissue-specific manner. Furthermore, we find evidence of prevalent RNA cleavage in numerous transcriptomic data sets, including SAGE, cDNA, small RNA libraries, and deep-sequenced size-fractionated pools of RNA. These cleavage products include mRNA variants that retain the potential to be translated into shortened functional protein isoforms. We conclude that post-transcriptional RNA cleavage is a key mechanism that expands the functional repertoire and scope for regulatory control of the eukaryotic transcriptome.


    • Received June 25, 2010.
    • Accepted September 15, 2010.
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