Volume 57, Issue 1 p. 31-53

Everyday Sexism: Evidence for Its Incidence, Nature, and Psychological Impact From Three Daily Diary Studies

Janet K. Swim

Janet K. Swim

Pennsylvania State University,

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Lauri L. Hyers

Lauri L. Hyers

University of Tennessee, Chattanooga,

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Laurie L. Cohen

Laurie L. Cohen

Pennsylvania State University,

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Melissa J. Ferguson

Melissa J. Ferguson

New York University

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First published: 17 December 2002
Citations: 491


Three daily diary studies were conducted to examine the incidence, nature, and impact of everyday sexism as reported by college women and men. Women experienced about one to two impactful sexist incidents per week, consisting of traditional gender role stereotypes and prejudice, demeaning and degrading comments and behaviors, and sexual objectification. These incidents affected women's psychological well-being by decreasing their comfort, increasing their feelings of anger and depression, and decreasing their state self-esteem. Although the experiences had similar effects on men's anger, depression, and state self-esteem, men reported relatively fewer sexist incidents, suggesting less overall impact on men. The results provide evidence for the phenomena of everyday prejudice and enlighten our understanding of the experience of prejudice in interpersonal encounters from the perspective of the target.