Volume 47, Issue 11 p. 1184-1194
Free Access

Acute neuropsychological effects of methylphenidate in stimulant drug-naïve boys with ADHD II – broader executive and non-executive domains

Sinéad M. Rhodes

Sinéad M. Rhodes

Section of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Division of Pathology and Neuroscience, University of Dundee, Ninewells Medical School, Dundee, UK

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David R. Coghill

David R. Coghill

Section of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Division of Pathology and Neuroscience, University of Dundee, Ninewells Medical School, Dundee, UK

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Keith Matthews

Keith Matthews

Section of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Division of Pathology and Neuroscience, University of Dundee, Ninewells Medical School, Dundee, UK

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First published: 09 June 2006
Citations: 90
David R. Coghill, Department of Psychiatry, University of Dundee, Ninewells Medical School, Dundee, DD1 9SY, UK; Tel: +44 1382 632121; Fax: +44 1382 633923; Email: [email protected]

Conflict of interest statement: Dr David Coghill is an advisory board member for Eli Lilly, Janssen Cilag, Shire, Cephalon and UCB and has research funding from Eli Lilly and Janssen Cilag. Prof. Keith Matthews and Dr Sinead Rhodes have nothing to disclose.


Background: Accumulating evidence supports methylphenidate-induced enhancement of neuropsychological functioning in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The present study was designed to investigate the acute effects of the psychostimulant drug, methylphenidate (MPH), on neuropsychological performance in stimulant naïve boys with ADHD.

Methods: Seventy-three drug-naïve boys (age 7–15) with ADHD (combined type) completed neuropsychological tasks from the CANTAB battery under randomised, placebo controlled, double-blind conditions following an acute challenge with either placebo (n = 24), .3 (n = 25) or .6 (n = 24) mg/kg oral MPH.

Results: MPH did not impair performance on any task. MPH (.6 mg/kg) lengthened response latencies on a task of Spatial Recognition, shortened response times on a Reaction Time task and restored performance on a Delayed Matching to Sample visual, non-working memory task. Contrary to predictions, MPH did not enhance performance on tasks with a prominent executive component, including Go/NoGo, Spatial Working Memory, Stockings of Cambridge and Attentional Set shifting tasks.

Conclusions: Acute administration of MPH to drug-naïve boys with ADHD did not impair neuropsychological performance. Acute MPH enhanced performance on some aspects of non-executive functioning. MPH-induced slowing of responding on a relatively complex Spatial Recognition memory task and quickened responding on a reaction time task requiring less cognitive resources suggests that MPH may act by improving self-regulatory ability. MPH may not exert its effects on neuropsychological functioning by enhancing executive processes.


  • BPVS
  • British Picture Vocabulary Scale
  • Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Testing Automated Battery
  • DMtS
  • Delayed Matching to Sample
  • ID/ED
  • Intradimensional/Extradimensional shifting
  • Kiddie-SADS Present and Lifetime
  • MPH
  • methylphenidate
  • PAL
  • Paired Associates Learning
  • SOC
  • Stockings of Cambridge
  • SWM
  • Spatial Working Memory
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) combined type (DSM-IV –American Psychiatric Association, 1994) is characterised by pervasive behavioural symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Hyperkinetic disorder (ICD-10 –World Health Organisation, 1992) is a more restrictive definition requiring higher degrees of pervasiveness and impairment and, as such, describes those with severe ADHD. Current models of ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder (collectively referred to here as ADHD) emphasise a causal pathway from genetic variations generating functional abnormalities in dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurotransmission within fronto-striatal circuitry leading to deficits in executive neuropsychological functioning and, ultimately, to the behavioural manifestations of ADHD (Castellanos & Tannock, 2002).

    A range of executive functioning deficits, including inhibition (Barkley, 1997), working memory (Rhodes, Coghill, & Matthews, 2004; Kempton et al., 1999) attentional set shifting and planning (Kempton et al., 1999; Rhodes, Coghill, & Matthews, 2005) have been described in ADHD. Studies utilising broad neuropsychological testing, such as the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Testing Automated Battery (CANTAB) (Robbins et al., 1994), suggest that ADHD is associated with deficits in non-executive as well as executive functioning. These include tasks such as spatial recognition and spatial span in addition to tasks upon which performance depends on intact temporal or parietal lobe function – Delayed Matching to Sample (DMtS) and Pattern Recognition (Kempton et al., 1999; Rhodes et al., 2004). Further, deficits in cerebellar timing tasks (Toplak, Rucklidge, Hetherington, John, & Tannock, 2003) and in delay aversion tasks for which the neuroanatomical substrates are unclear (Sonuga-Barke, 2003) have been described.

    Despite this evidence for broad neuropsychological dysfunction in ADHD, prevailing models continue to emphasise an assumed primacy of inhibitory and working memory deficits (Barkley, 1997; but see Coghill, Nigg, Rothenberger, Sonuga-Barke, & Tannock, 2005; Castellanos & Tannock, 2002).

    Stimulant medication, of which methylphenidate (MPH) is the most widely studied (Greenhill, Halperin, & Abikoff, 1999), remains the cornerstone of the pharmacological management of children with ADHD (Safer & Malever, 2000). However, an understanding of the relationship between the pharmacological actions of MPH and its therapeutic effects remains elusive. A generalised, simplistic explanation suggests that, since oral MPH at therapeutic doses increase the availability of extracellular dopamine (Volkow et al., 2001) and executive functioning can be modified by even small manipulations in catecholamine release (Mehta, Sahakian, & Robbins, 2001), the therapeutic effects of MPH in ADHD may arise from catecholamine-mediated improvements in executive functioning (Volkow et al., 2001). Indeed, it has been proposed that MPH may act relatively selectively to enhance executive functioning (Mehta et al., 2000; Elliott et al., 1997). If deficits in inhibitory control and working memory reflect the core psychopathology of ADHD, and MPH acts as above, performance on inhibition and working memory tasks should improve following administration of MPH. Numerous studies support this hypothesis, whereby MPH appears to enhance inhibitory control, reducing impulsive and variable responding and errors on tasks with prominent inhibitory components (e.g. Berman, Douglas, & Barr, 1999; Shue & Douglas, 1992; Trommer, Hoeppner, & Zecker, 1991; Scheres et al., 2003). However, other studies have failed to demonstrate enhanced inhibitory performance in medicated children with ADHD (Ross, Hommer, Breiger, Varley, & Radant, 1994; Van der Meere, Gunning, & Stemerdink, 1999).

    The CANTAB test battery is increasing utilised in child and adolescent neuropsychopharmacological studies because of its extensive validation (Luciana, 2003; Curtis, Lindeke, Georgieff, & Nelson, 2002), its availability in parallel forms for repeated testing, and its sensitivity to pharmacological manipulation. A previous controlled study in healthy adults (Elliott et al., 1997) and previous controlled (Bedard, Martinussen, Ickowicz, & Tannock, 2004; Mehta, Goodyer, & Sahakian, 2004) and uncontrolled (Kempton et al., 1999; Barnett et al., 2001) studies in children with ADHD have reported that MPH enhanced performance on the CANTAB Spatial Working Memory task but have reported inconsistent effects on other tasks. Each of the ADHD studies has significant methodological limitations which limit their interpretation. The two earliest studies were both uncontrolled and non-randomised (Barnett et al., 2001; Kempton et al., 1999). The studies of Kempton and colleagues (1999) and Mehta et al. (2004) reported on small samples with non-standard clinical assessment procedures. Also, both of the previously reported controlled studies included non-medication-naïve subjects (Mehta et al., 2004; Bedard et al., 2004) and utilised a within-subjects crossover design which permits practice effects in addition to potential carryover and/or withdrawal effects of MPH.

    The aim of the present study was to address these methodological limitations. We have used a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel design in a large sample of rigorously diagnosed medication-naïve boys with ADHD. We have examined their neuropsychological responses to the first administration of MPH using a broad range of range neuropsychological tasks from the CANTAB battery. We predicted that MPH would enhance performance on a range of tasks with (Go/NoGo, SWM; SOC, ID/ED), and without (e.g. Spatial Span, DMtS), a significant executive component. MPH enhancement of performance was further predicted to be dose-dependent.

    We have previously reported the effects of acute MPH on the SWM, DMtS and Pattern Recognition tasks from the CANTAB battery (Rhodes et al., 2004). In this paper we reported that acute MPH did not affect performance on the SWM Task; MPH had no significant effect on Between or Within Search Errors or Strategy Score. Acute MPH also did not affect performance on the Pattern Recognition Task or performance accuracy under simultaneous test conditions of the DMtS task. In contrast, acute MPH at a .6 mg/kg dose restored performance accuracy across each of the delay conditions of the DMtS task to the levels observed in healthy controls (see Rhodes et al., 2004) and this improvement was not associated with significant changes in response latencies. Impaired functioning, however, continued to be seen across each delay condition with placebo and MPH .3 mg/kg. Here we report the effects of acute MPH on performance of the previously unpublished tasks from the CANTAB battery and the Go/NoGo task.


    This study was approved by the Tayside Committee on Medical Research Ethics. All participants and their parents/guardians provided written informed consent.


    Seventy-three stimulant medication-naive boys participated in the study. Participants were selected from consecutive male outpatient referrals to the Tayside Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Service (Tayside, UK). There was a two-stage screening procedure. Potential participants were first screened using the Child Behaviour Checklist (Achenbach, 1991) and the Conners’ Parent and Teaching Rating Scales (Conners, 1997). Participants with a T-score greater than 65 on all subscales of the parent and teacher Conners’ Rating Scales entered the second stage of screening. Thereafter, participants were assessed and screened by an experienced child and adolescent psychiatrist using the Kiddie-SADS Present and Lifetime (K-SADS-PL) Version 1.0 semi-structured interview (Kaufman, Birmher, Brent, Rao, & Ryan, 1996). Standardised school reports covering in-school behaviours, with particular emphasis on impairments related to attention, impulsivity and overactivity, relationships with peers and teachers and academic performance, were requested for all cases. Teachers were interviewed only in cases where there were discrepancies between this information and parent report. All of the diagnostic information was reviewed by a senior child and adolescent psychiatrist (DC). The K-SADS-PL interviews were videoed and a selection (every fifth interview) was also reviewed by DC for reliability. Symptom ratings, impairment, pervasivity and duration of illness were collated and compared to the research versions of ICD-10 and DSM-IV. All participants met diagnostic criteria for both DSM-IV Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type, and ICD-10 Hyperkinetic Disorder. Our intention was to ensure recruitment of a group of children representative of those seen in typical clinical practice. Hence, the presence of comorbid conditions did not result in exclusion from the study (see Table 1). All boys completed the British Picture Vocabulary Scale (BPVS) (Dunn, Dunn, Whetton, & Burley, 1997) [2nd Edition], providing an estimate of general intellectual ability. The BPVS assesses verbal intelligence and was chosen for its ease of administration and ability to be used with children aged between 3 and 15 (Dunn et al., 1997). It is an individually administered, norm-referenced wide-range test of receptive vocabulary for Standard English which has been demonstrated to be significantly correlated with verbal IQ.

    Table 1. Patient details for each treatment group as recorded at baseline testing
    Placebo MPH.3 mg/kg MPH.6 mg/kg
    Age (mean, s.d.) 11.08 (2.48) 10.40 (2.42) 10.92 (2.57)
     BPVS percentile rank (mean, s.d.) 37 (30.42) 32.36 (25.22) 38.63 (28.96)
     Social deprivation (DepCat score) 4.17 (1.85) 3.96 (1.40) 3.77 (1.85)
    Conners: Parent (T scores)
     Oppositionality 74.43 (9.78) 74.6 (13.73) 78.36 (9.01)
     Cognitive 73.65 (5.6) 72 (8.26) 72.91 (7.41)
     Hyperactive 81.48 (9.03) 82.16 (9.20) 85.18 (8.48)
     ADHD index 77.09 (5.37) 76 (7.12) 77.5 (5.7)
    Conners: Teachers (T scores)
     Oppositionality 63 (20.12) 61.54 (21.41) 71.1 (16.37)
     Cognitive 63.45 (11.27) 61.21 (16.34) 63.71 (9.91)
     Hyperactive 76 (9.78) 66.08 (17.75) 71.14 (12.22)
     ADHD index 71.95 (18.76) 71.13 (16.63) 73.76 (8.25)
    Comorbid Conditions (N)
     Oppositional defiant disorder (No CD) 11 12 8
     Conduct disorder (CD) 7 6 7
     Depressive disorder 1 1 1
     Generalised anxiety disorder 2 0 1
     Separation anxiety disorder 3 0 0
     Tic disorder 1 1 1
     Social phobia 0 1 1

    There were no significant differences between treatment groups with respect to age [F < 1], socioeconomic deprivation score [F < 1], verbal intelligence (BPVS Percentile Rank) [F < 1], or baseline performance on parent-rated and teacher-rated ADHD composite scores (Conners’ Scale) [both with F < 1] (Table 1). There were also no significant differences with respect to the presence of comorbid disorders other than separation anxiety disorder [F = 3.4, p < .04]. All three boys diagnosed with this comorbid condition were in the treatment group taking placebo. Separation anxiety disorder is not considered to be associated with neuropsychological impairment.


    All participants were tested on two occasions: at baseline (drug-naïve) and two weeks later, following randomisation by the trial pharmacist. The randomisation code was developed using a computer random number generator to select random permuted blocks (block length 6). The trial pharmacist was not involved in subject selection and all other researchers and subjects were blind to the randomisation procedure and block length. Subjects were randomised into three groups for acute challenge with placebo (n = 24), MPH .3 mg/kg (n = 25), or MPH .6 mg/kg (n = 24). We have previously described the wide range of executive and non-executive deficits at baseline (summarised in Table 2) (Rhodes et al., 2004, 2005). Testing for all participants started at 10.00 a.m., 90 minutes after taking their first-ever dose of MPH.

    Table 2. Summary of baseline findings shown by subsequent treatment group allocation
    Measure Placebo Mean (s.d.) MPH.3 mg/kg Mean (s.d.) MPH.6 mg/kg Mean (s.d.) F p
     Errors for Distractors Block 1 (‘shift’ block) 2.31 (1.49) 2.24 (1.55) 2.38 (1.52) F < 1 N.S.
     Errors for Distractors Block 2 1.97 (1.69) 2.21 (1.67) 2.46 (1.64) F < 1 N.S.
     Reaction Time to targets Block 1 (log10) 2.64 (.09) 2.66 (.09) 2.66 (.07) F < 1 N.S.
     Reaction Time to targets Block 2 (log10) 2.67 (.07) 2.65 (.09) 2.66 (.07) F < 1 N.S.
    Spatial Span
     Span Score 4.88 (1.3) 5.32 (1.18) 5.04 (1.31) F < 1 N.S.
    Spatial Working Memory
     Total Between Search Errors 54.84 (14.8) 49 (21.8) 48.28 (21.23) F < 1 N.S.
     Strategy Score 36.92 (5.63) 35.84 (3.98) 36.16 (3.91) F < 1 N.S.
    Stockings of Cambridge
     No. Solved in Minimum Moves 7.08 (2.16) 7.20 (2.31) 7.12 (1.67) F < 1 N.S.
     Average Moves (5 move problems) 7.2 (1.23) 7.99 (1.82) 7.54 (1.19) F = 1.88 N.S.
     Initial Thinking Times (5 move problems) (log10) 3.51 (.31) 3.67 (.38) 3.6 (.31) F < 1 N.S.
    Pattern Recognition
     % Correct 78.83 (16) 81.5 (11.35) 82 (11.7) F < 1 N.S.
    Spatial Recognition
     % Correct 65.6 (13.25) 66.8 (16.69) 73.8 (10.13) F = 2.6 N.S.
     Latency Correct (log10) 3.3 (.11) 3.32 (.16) 3.3 (.16) F < 1 N.S.
     Latency Incorrect (log10) 3.26 (.15) 3.28 (.16) 3.27 (.13) F < 1 N.S.
    Delayed Matching to Sample
     % Correct
     Simultaneous 89.6 (14.28) 91.2 (16.41) 92 (16.33) F < 1 N.S.
     0 s delay 71.2 (25.87) 65.2 (29.31) 73.6 (21.39) F < 1 N.S.
     4 s delay 58.33 (22.78) 53.66 (24.3) 66.4 (19.77) F = 2.0 N.S.
     12 s delay 45.6 (28.59) 51.2 (25.87) 56 (27.08) F < 1 N.S.
    Paired Associates Learning
     Stage Reached 8 (0) 8 (0) 8 (0) F < 1 N.S.
     Total Errors 13.28 (12.51) 12.08 (12.57) 9.48 (9.36) F < 1 N.S.
     Total Trials 13.84 (5.09) 12.44 (3.49) 12 (3.4) F = 1.39 N.S.
     Stage Reached Score 7.56 (.87) 7.36 (1.41) 7.72 (.89) F < 1 N.S.
     Pre-ED Errors 9.64 (7.46) 9.64 (5.24) 8.72 (5.88) F < 1 N.S.
     Errors at ED Shift 20. 4 (11.13) 20.33 (8.6) 19.68 (9.67) F < 1 N.S.
    Reaction Time (all log10)
     Reaction Time Latency: Simple 2.6 (.17) 2.57 (.13) 2.58 (.15) F < 1 N.S.
     Movement Time Latency: Simple 2.62 (.16) 2.6 (.18) 2.6 (.14) F < 1 N.S.
     Reaction Time Latency: 5 choice 2.61 (.11) 2.59 (.09) 2.62 (.18) F < 1 N.S.
     Movement Time Latency: 5 Choice 2.61 (.15) 2.63 (.14) 2.6 (.15) F < 1 N.S.
    • N.S. indicates non-significant.

    Computerised neuropsychological assessment. Subjects performed a computer-based Go/NoGo task at the beginning of each testing session. The remaining tasks were selected from the CANTAB battery (Robbins et al., 1994). CANTAB comprises a series of computerised tests presented on a high-resolution colour monitor with a touch-sensitive screen. Nine tests taken from the three batteries, (1) working memory and planning, (2) visual memory and (3) attention, were used in this study.

    Go/NoGo. This task is a measure of the ability to detect and respond to a target stimulus and to inhibit responding to distractor stimuli, when all stimuli are presented in a randomly changing order. A random sequence of eighteen letters and numbers (nine of each) are rapidly presented in the centre of the screen, one by one. Stimuli are presented on screen for 300 ms, with an inter-stimulus interval of 900 ms. Subjects are instructed to respond to target stimuli by pressing the space bar as quickly as possible but not to respond to distractors. Trials were divided into two blocks: Block 1 represents the ‘switch’ block where the task stimuli have changed from letters to numbers (or vice versa) and Block 2 represents a ‘non-switch’ block. The principal dependent measures in this task were the mean number of errors for distractors (false positive responses) and reaction time to target stimuli across eight test trials.

    CANTAB. Task descriptions and order of presentation of the CANTAB tasks are provided in Table 3. The standard battery was used to test all subjects at the baseline session and the first parallel battery at the acute session.

    Table 3. Descriptions and order of presentation of CANTAB tasks
    Task Main outcome measures Description References for fuller task description
    Working Memory and Planning Battery
     Spatial Span Span A test of spatial short-term memory capacity based on the Corsi block-tapping task. Milner (1971)
    Kempton et al. (1999)
     Spatial Working Memory (SWM) Between search errors, strategy score A self-ordered search task that assesses working memory for spatial stimuli and requires a subject to use mnemonic information to work towards a goal. Petrides & Milner (1982)
    Kempton et al. (1999)
    Rhodes et al. (2004)
     Stockings of Cambridge (SOC) Problems solved in minimum number of moves Derived from the ‘Tower of Hanoi’ task, measuring spatial planning, working memory, and behavioural inhibition. Shallice (1982)
    Kempton et al. (1999)
    Visual Memory Battery
     Pattern Recognition Percent correct Tests the ability to recognise a previously presented abstract pattern in a forced choice procedure. Kempton et al. (1999)
     Spatial Recognition Percent correct Tests the ability to recognise the spatial locations of target stimuli. Kempton et al. (1999)
    Rhodes et al. (2004)
     Delayed Matching to Sample (DMtS) Percent correct Tests the ability to remember the visual features of a complex, abstract, target stimulus and to select from a choice of four patterns after a variable delay. Kempton et al. (1999)
    Rhodes et al. (2004)
     Paired Associates Learning (PAL) Stage reached, total errors, total trials Tests the ability to learn the spatial locations of a progressively increasing number of abstract stimuli. The main measures in this task are the number of trials taken to complete the task and the total number of errors across all trials. Sahakian & Owen (1992)
    Attention Battery
     Attentional Set-Shifting task/ID-ED (Intradimensional/ Extradimensional Set Shifting) Stage reached Tests the ability to focus attention on specific attributes of compound stimuli (intradimensional stages) and to shift attention when required to a previously irrelevant stimulus dimension (extradimensional stages). Kempton et al. (1999)
     Reaction Time Reaction time, movement time Tests reaction and movement times in response to a stimulus under both one choice and five choice conditions. Sahakian & Owen (1992)

    Data analysis

    All analyses were conducted using SPSS for Windows (v.10) (SPSS Inc. Chicago, Ill.)

    Where necessary, data were subjected to square root transformation [SQRT] or logarithmic transformation [log10] to stabilise variance and to diminish skewness depending on the relationship between the variance and the group means (Tukey, 1977). Preliminary analysis was conducted to check if data met the assumptions of homogeneity of variance and normality assumptions. A mixed design ANOVA with one between-subjects factor, TREATMENT GROUP (placebo [PBO], MPH .3 mg/kg, MPH .6 mg/kg) and with one within-subject factor, SESSION (2 levels, baseline and acute), was used. Measures with several levels of task difficulty [SOC (average moves, Initial and Subsequent Thinking Times)] were analysed using repeated-measures ANOVA with an additional within-subject factor, TASK DIFFICULTY.

    Where ANOVA revealed significant effects or interactions, planned comparisons comparing placebo to the two doses of MPH were conducted. For repeated-measures data with two within-subject factors, TASK DIFFICULTY and SESSION, the most difficult level (e.g., 5 moves SOC) was compared with all other levels.


    Mean performance and statistical comparisons for each of the treatment groups on each task are summarised in Table 4. F and p values reported in Table 4 represent SESSION × TREATMENT interactions. Main effects of TREATMENT GROUP, TASK DIFFICULTY and SESSION are reported only when significant.

    Table 4. Summary of acute challenge findings for each treatment condition
    Measure Total ADHD sample (baseline) Placebo Mean (s.d.) MPH.3 mg/kg Mean (s.d.) MPH.6 mg/kg Mean (s.d.) F p
     Errors for Distractors Block 1 (‘shift’ block) 2.39 (1.47) 1.85 (1.6) 1.8 (1.5) 1.81 (1.9) F < 1 N.S..
     Errors for Distractors Block 2 2.27 (1.65) 1.41 (1.6) 1.81 (1.7) 2 (2) F < 1 N.S.
     Reaction Time to targets Block 1 (log10) 2.66 (.09) 2.69 (.06) 2.66 (.10) 2.66 (.08) F < 2.7 N.S.
     Reaction Time to targets Block 2 (log10) 2.67 (.09) 2.69 (.07) 2.65 (.13) 2.67 (.09) F < 1.3 N.S
    Spatial Span
     Span Score 5.07 (1.47)† 4.75 (1.4) 5.48 (1.3) 5.54 (1.3) F = 2.6 N.S.
    Spatial Working Memory
     Total Between Search Errors 50.84 (21)† 47.08 (22.9) 40.8 (19.9) 38.83 (19.9) F < 1 N.S.
     Strategy Score 36.32 (5.1)† 35.67 (5.3) 35.6 (.4.2) 35.46 (4.3) F < 1 N.S.
    Stockings of Cambridge
     No. Solved in Minimum Moves 7.2 (2.1) 7.96 (1.5) 8.04 (2) 8.5 (1.8) F < 1 N.S.
     Average Moves (5 move problems) 7.58 (1.5) 6.85 (1.3) 6.97 (1.6) 6.79 (1.6) F < 1 N.S.
     Initial Thinking Times(5 move problems) (log10) 3.59 (.34) 3.47 (.31) 3.69 (.37) 3.73 (.3) F < 1 N.S.
     Pattern Recognition% Correct 80.78 (13.1)† 84.4 (11.08) 86.3 (10.9) 91.1 (7.4) F = 1.4 N.S.
    Spatial Recognition
     % Correct 68.21 (13.9)† 57.7 (13.3) 61.4 (16.7) 65.22 (16.8) F < 1 N.S.
     Latency Correct (log10) 3.32 (.15) 3.26 (.13) 3.32 (.12) 3.44 (.24) F = 3.4 *
     Latency Incorrect (log10) 3.27 (.14)† 3.3 (.16) 3.39 (.15) 3.55 (.32) F = 7.3 **
    Delayed Matching to Sample
    % Correct
     Simultaneous 90.93 (15.5)† 90 (15.6) 91.2 (19.2) 98.26 (5.8) F = 1.4 N.S.
     0 s delay 70 (25.63)† 59.17 (20.8) 62.4 (24.7) 78.26 (18) F = 7.1 **
     4 s delay 56.52 (24)† 55 (21.5) 62.4 (23.3) 83.48 (16.7) F = 11.84 ***
     12 s delay 50.93 (27.2)† 51.67 (22) 60 (27.7) 74.78 (20.2) F = 5.75 **
    Paired Associates Learning
     Stage Reached 7.96 (.26) 8 (0) 8 (0) 8 (0) F < 1 N.S.
     Total Errors 11.61(11.5)† 11.67(7.9) 13.04 (12.4) 6.5 (5) F = 2.8 N.S.
     Total Trials 12.76 (4.1)† 9.25 (2.7) 8.84 (2.1) 7.21 (2.4) F = 1.5 N.S.
     Stage Reached Score 7.5 (1)† 7.83 (.96) 8.16 (.99) 8.04 (.96) F = 1.1 N.S.
     Pre-ED errors 9.33 (6.2) 8.21 (3.5) 6.96 (3.8) 7.58 (3.3) F < 1 N.S.
     Errors at ED Shift 21. 4 (9.74) 18.79 (10.0) 15.79 (11.05) 16.17 (10.68) F < 1 N.S.
    Reaction Time (all log10)
    Reaction Time Latency: Simple 2.58 (.15) 3.10 (1.7) 3.06 (1.6) 2.57 (.11) F = 1.2 N.S.
    Movement Time Latency: Simple 2.60 (.16) 2.73 (.47) 2.71 (.36) 2.61 (.15) F < 1 N.S.
    Reaction Time Latency: 5 choice 2.62 (.09) 2.89 (1.2) 2.62 (.09) 2.6 (.10) F = 3.3 *
    Movement Time Latency: 5 Choice 2.63 (.26) 2.68 (.37) 2.61 (.11) 2.62 (.14) F < 1 N.S.
    • †indicates tasks on which ADHD boys demonstrated baseline performance deficits compared to healthy boys (Rhodes et al., 2004, 2005). N.S. indicates non-significant, * = p < .05, ** = p < .01, *** = p < .001.


    Whilst subjects showed a significant reduction in Errors for Distractors from baseline to acute challenge, this improved performance was not due to MPH which had no effect on either performance accuracy or reaction times, at either dose, for either of the blocks.

    Spatial Span

    MPH had no effect on spatial span score at either dose.

    Stockings of Cambridge

    MPH did not influence performance on the SOC Task either in terms of the number of problems Solved in Minimum Number of Moves, average moves, or on Initial and Subsequent Thinking times. There were significant effects of SESSION on each of these measures. Overall, subjects showed improved performance during the second test session. However, as there were no significant SESSION × TREATMENT interactions, these improvements cannot be attributed to MPH. There was a significant effect of TASK DIFFICULTY on average moves [F(3,207) =944.6, p < .001], Initial [F(3,207) = 68.8, p < .001], and Subsequent Thinking [F(3,207) = 79.7, p < .001] times. There were no significant TASK DIFFCULTY × TREATMENT GROUP interactions.

    Spatial Recognition

    MPH had no effect on accuracy but did increase the time to respond on the Spatial Recognition Task. Whilst accuracy was significantly improved at the acute challenge session compared with baseline [F(1,69) = 12.0, p < .001], there was no significant SESSION by TREATMENT GROUP interaction. MPH (.6 mg/kg) slowed responding for both correct and incorrect choices on the Spatial Recognition Task. Although there was no significant effect of SESSION on latency to make correct responses, there was a significant SESSION × TREATMENT GROUP interaction [F(2,69) = 3.36, p < .04]. Planned contrasts showed that the MPH .6 mg/kg group showed longer latencies when making correct responses at the acute challenge session than did those taking placebo (t(45) = −2.07, p < .04). There was also a significant effect of TREATMENT GROUP [F(2,68) =4.91, p < .01] on latencies to make incorrect responses, a significant effect of SESSION [F(1,68) =25.8, p < .001] and a significant TREATMENT GROUP by SESSION interaction [F(2,68) = 7.27, p < .001]. Planned contrasts revealed that the MPH .6 mg/kg group showed longer latencies when making incorrect responses at the acute challenge session (t(45) = −2.43, p < .003) compared with placebo.

    Paired Associates Learning

    MPH did not affect performance on PAL. For stage reached and mean error scores there was no effect of TREATMENT GROUP, SESSION, nor an interaction between the two. There was a significant effect of TREATMENT GROUP [F(2,70) = 3.5, p < .04] and of SESSION [F(1,70) = 170.8, p < .001] on total number of trials, but no interaction indicating an absence of effect of MPH. The significant effect of TREATMENT GROUP seems likely to reflect a non-statistically significant trend towards a smaller number of trials taken by the .6 mg/kg MPH treatment group at baseline in comparison to the placebo group.


    MPH did not affect performance on the ID/ED attentional set shifting task. There was no effect of TREATMENT GROUP on Stage Reached, errors up to and including ID reversal, errors at the ED shift or at the ED reversal stages. There was a significant effect of SESSION [F(1,70) = 12.05, p < .001] on the proportion successfully completing the Extra-Dimensional Reversal stage (stage 9) but no significant effects of TREATMENT GROUP [F(2,70) < 1] or significant TREATMENT GROUP by SESSION interaction.

    Reaction time

    There were no significant effects of MPH on reaction time or movement time in the simple reaction test condition. However, MPH .6 mg/kg shortened latencies to respond during the 5-choice condition. While there was no significant effect of TREATMENT GROUP or SESSION on Reaction Time latencies, there was a significant TREATMENT GROUP by SESSION interaction [F(2,68) = 3.30, p < .05]. Planned contrasts revealed that the MPH .6 mg/kg group had shorter latencies during the acute challenge session (t(46) = 2.13, p < .03). MPH did not improve movement time latencies in the 5-choice condition.


    The acute administration of oral MPH (.3 and .6 mg/kg) under randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind conditions to a cohort of 73 medication-naïve boys with ADHD improved neuropsychological performance on three tasks without a prominent executive component. Shortened response latencies were reported on a complex reaction time task and lengthened response latencies (which were not associated with increased task accuracy) were found on a Spatial Recognition memory task. As we previously reported (Rhodes et al., 2004), performance on a Delayed Matching to Sample task was restored to that described for healthy developing children. Contrary to predictions, acute MPH failed to improve performance on neuropsychological tasks with a prominent executive component. This absence of effect was observed on sensitive tests of inhibition, working memory, strategy formation, planning, and attentional set-shifting. These findings are striking in that they contradict the existing literature. Specifically, the hypothesis that MPH selectively enhances performance on neuropsychological tasks with a prominent executive component was not supported.

    Whilst it was not appropriate to examine clinical response to a single dose of medication, the results presented do not support the hypothesis that the therapeutic effects of MPH in children with ADHD are mediated by improved executive neuropsychological performance. Further, the present study fails to support the findings of two earlier studies which utilised the Go/NoGo task and demonstrated an enhancement of inhibitory processes with acute MPH (Trommer et al., 1991; Broyd et al., 2005). However, Van der Meere and colleagues also conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of strictly defined drug-naïve children with ADHD (Van der Meere et al., 1999) and found that stimulant medication (chronically administered) failed to enhance performance on a Go/NoGo task. It is also possible that the differences between these studies could be a consequence of the Go/NoGo tasks used. The current study and that of Van der Meere used tasks with visual targets whereas the Trommer and Broyd studies used an auditory Go/NoGo task. Further, the current study used a relatively fast presentation rate with an inter-stimulus interval of .9 whilst both the Trommer and the Broyd studies used a medium presentation rate with an inter-stimulus interval of between 3 and 4 seconds. This explanation seems less likely as Van der Meere and colleagues investigated performance across several inter-stimulus intervals (1, 4 and 8 secs) and found no relationship between presentation rate and medication effects.

    The present findings also fail to fully replicate those from previous comparable studies using the CANTAB tasks (Bedard et al., 2004; Kempton et al., 1999; Mehta et al., 2004; Barnett et al., 2001). Each of these studies reported that MPH reduced BSE on the SWM task, and both studies that included the ID/ED task reported improvement with MPH (Kempton et al., 1999; Mehta et al., 2004). However, studies using the SOC planning task reported mixed findings (Kempton et al., 1999; Bedard et al., 2004). We found no effects on these three tasks. This may relate to differences in study design. The two earliest studies were both uncontrolled and non-randomised (Barnett et al., 2001; Kempton et al., 1999). The studies of Kempton and colleagues (1999) and Mehta et al. (2004) reported on small samples with non-standard clinical assessment procedures. Also, both of the previously reported controlled studies included non-medication-naïve subjects (Mehta et al., 2004; Bedard et al., 2004). Both also utilised a within-subjects crossover design which permits practice effects in addition to potential carryover and/or withdrawal effects of MPH. We observed improvements on several tasks between baseline and acute challenge in the present study that cannot be attributed to MPH. Finally, unlike these previous studies, the statistical analyses for the present study included unmedicated baseline performance when estimating the significance of MPH effects.

    Stimulant drug effects on tasks without a prominent executive component are relatively understudied. Using an uncontrolled study design, Kempton et al. (1999) suggested that MPH enhanced performance on several tasks without a prominent executive component: Spatial Span, Pattern Recognition and Delayed Matching to Sample, but not on others: Spatial Recognition and Paired Associates Learning (PAL). Controlled studies have included only small subsets of these tasks. MPH improved performance on the Spatial Span task as reported by Bedard, Ickowicz, and Tannock (2002) but did not improve performance on the Spatial Recognition task (Bedard et al., 2004; Mehta et al., 2004) or on the Pattern Recognition task (Mehta et al., 2004). The present study found that acute MPH (.6 mg/kg) exerted significant effects on response latencies on two such tasks. MPH .6 mg/kg lengthened latencies for both correct and incorrect responses on the Spatial Recognition task and shortened reaction time latencies on the 5-choice condition of the Reaction Time task. These findings support the contention that MPH exerts therapeutic effects by improving ‘regulatory ability’– slowing performance during the difficult conditions of tasks and shortening response times during easier stages (Douglas, 1999; Berman et al., 1999). These beneficial effects may be dependent upon memory load. Berman et al. (1999) demonstrated that at a low memory load, improvement in performance accuracy occurred with no cost to reaction time, irrespective of dose of MPH, whereas at higher loads there was a dose-dependent effect of MPH to slow reaction times. In support of this model, we found that acute MPH did not uniformly slow or speed responding. MPH lengthened responding on the Spatial Recognition task, but shortened response times on the Reaction Time task. While MPH has contrasting effects on reaction times on these two tasks, both effects can be regarded as enhancements of cognitive functioning. The Spatial Recognition task is a relatively complex task in comparison to the lighter cognitive processing burden of the Reaction Time task; hence lengthened responding in the former and shortened responding in the latter can be regarded as an enhancement of performance in both tasks. Whilst these results support those found in other studies, it should be noted that the reported p values for each of these effects were in the .5 to .1 range. Considering the number of tasks investigated, it remains possible that these results represent Type 1 errors. Further significant effects were found on another task without a prominent executive component, the DMtS task, which assesses the ability to hold information in memory over a short delay (Rhodes et al., 2004).

    The present study also supports the notion that MPH selectively enhances discrete aspects of neuropsychological functioning (Gao & Goldman-Rakic, 2003) and that these effects extend beyond baseline impairments (Rapport & Kelly, 1991). Within the present sample, baseline assessments revealed a wide range of deficits in neuropsychological functioning (see Table 2) (Rhodes et al., 2005). Acute MPH, however, failed to enhance performance on many of these tasks. Indeed, apart from the amelioration of deficits on the DMtS task and the slowing of incorrect responses (but without improved accuracy) on Spatial Recognition, MPH-related enhancements were restricted to aspects of neuropsychological functioning in which boys showed no impairment at baseline. Importantly, despite there being no evidence for MPH-related improvement on other aspects of neuropsychological performance, there was no evidence of MPH-related performance deficits. Specifically, there was no evidence for MPH reducing cognitive flexibility (see ID/ED results) as has previously been suggested (Robbins & Sahakian, 1979; Dyme, Sahakian, Golinko, & Rabe, 1982).

    Several potential limitations of this study should be addressed. The recruitment of participants meeting criteria for both DSM-IV ADHD Combined Type and ICD-10 Hyperkinetic Disorder may have generated a more severely affected clinical sample than previous studies. However, a recent re-analysis of the Multimodal Treatment Study for ADHD (MTA) data (E. Taylor, pers. comm.) suggests that such a population is more, rather than less, likely to respond to MPH. Presumably, this ought to increase rather than decrease the chances of detecting clinically meaningful changes. The inclusion of only male subjects reduces the generalisability of the findings to females with ADHD.

    No attempt was made to measure clinical response to the acute MPH challenge. However, in view of the highly structured, controlled and relatively novel environment required for neuropsychological testing, it is unlikely that such ratings (even with relatively objective measures such as from an actometer) would accurately capture clinically relevant symptom changes. Also, although participants were randomised following baseline testing, it is possible that the present findings are a consequence of latent differences between the treatment groups in either clinical or neuropsychological characteristics. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the three treatment groups on a wide range of clinical variables: age, BPVS Percentile Rank, the presence of a wide range of comorbid conditions, or on neuropsychological functioning at baseline. Whilst our sample size was modest, it easily exceeds that of previous, comparable studies. The use of a single session between-subjects rather than multiple session within-subject design results in a reduction in power; however, as detailed above, such repeated measures designs also add potential confounding factors. To evaluate the first-ever neuropsychological response to MPH in drug-naïve subjects mandates a between-subjects design. The F-ratios reported above are frequently <1, suggesting that the loss of power of a between-subjects design is unlikely to have been a major issue with respect to the negative findings. It is also worth noting that the consistently negative results across multiple neuropsychological domains reinforce the possibility that MPH may not exert the previously anticipated effects.

    One possible explanation for the absence of effects of MPH on executive functioning is that we have only studied the acute response to a first-ever dose and chronic administration may have very different effects. Clinically, the positive impact of MPH on behaviour within approximately an hour of administration has traditionally been interpreted as evidence that its therapeutic effects are immediate and are not mediated by long-term neurobiological adaptation (Solanto, 1998). Perhaps this is incorrect? Previous controlled study designs, utilising these same tasks, have considered the possibility that the ‘enhanced’ performance seen with MPH may be a consequence of neuropsychological rebound secondary to acute medication withdrawal. Definitive prospective studies comparing acute and chronic responses in stimulant-naïve subjects are awaited.

    ADHD is associated with a wide range of neuropsychological deficits. While findings from this study do not support the popular hypothesis that MPH enhances performance on executive functioning tasks, they do suggest selective enhancement of several aspects of non-executive cognitive functioning which may reflect increased capacity for self-regulation. As a majority of children with ADHD demonstrate positive clinical responses to MPH, this suggests that clinically important cognitive deficits may not all be ‘executive’ in nature. Importantly, MPH does not impair performance on any of the tasks studied.


    This work was supported by a local trust through a TENOVUS-Scotland initiative.