Volume 35, Issue 3 p. 469-480

God, Genes, and Cognizing Agents

Gregory R. Peterson

Gregory R. Peterson

Assistant Professor of Religion at Thiel College, Greenville, PA

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First published: 21 January 2004
Citations: 5


Much ink has been spilled on the claim that morality and religion have evolutionary roots. While some attempt to reduce morality and religion to biological considerations, others reject any link whatsoever. Any full account, however, must acknowledge the biological roots of human behavior while at the same time recognizing that our relatively unique capacity as cognitive agents requires orienting concepts of cosmic and human nature. While other organisms display quasi-moral and proto-moral behavior that is indeed relevant, fully moral behavior is only possible for organisms that attain a higher level of cognitive ability. This, in turn, implies a significant role for religion, which has traditionally provided an orientation within which moral conduct is understood.

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