Volume 15, Issue 5 e12336

Introduction: Special Issue on Anti-Slavery and Australia

Fiona Paisley

Corresponding Author

Fiona Paisley

Griffith University

Correspondence: Fiona Paisley, Griffith University, Nathan Campus, 170 Kessels Road, Nathan QLD 4111, Australia. Email: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author
First published: 15 May 2017
Citations: 1


This introduction sets out several of the key themes for this special issue, including new ways of thinking about histories of humanitarianism and empire, and humanitarian campaigns concerned with Aboriginal conditions in settler colonial Australia from the mid-19th to the present day. This special issue brings new work together investigating two high points in imperial and international humanitarianism – the Abolition and League of Nations eras – and poses the question of how and why these pasts still echo in relation to the representation of ‘new slaveries’ in the present.