Volume 58, Issue 8 p. 4404-4414
Original article

A comparison of blueberry polyphenols bioaccessibility in whey and pea proteins complexes and the impact of protein conformational changes on it

Latifeh Ahmadi

Corresponding Author

Latifeh Ahmadi

School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Brescia University College at Western University, 1285 Western Rd, London, Ontario, Canada

Correspondent: E-mail: [email protected].

Contribution: Conceptualization (lead), Data curation (equal), Formal analysis (lead), Funding acquisition (equal), ​Investigation (lead), Methodology (equal), Resources (equal), Software (equal), Supervision (lead), Validation (equal), Visualization (equal), Writing - original draft (lead), Writing - review & editing (equal)

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Terrence Dent

Terrence Dent

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Food Science & Technology, The Ohio State University, 2015 Fyffe Rd, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Contribution: Data curation (equal), Formal analysis (lead), ​Investigation (equal), Methodology (equal), Resources (equal), Software (equal), Validation (equal), Visualization (equal), Writing - review & editing (equal)

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Farnaz Maleky

Farnaz Maleky

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Food Science & Technology, The Ohio State University, 2015 Fyffe Rd, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Contribution: Data curation (equal), Formal analysis (equal), Funding acquisition (equal), ​Investigation (equal), Methodology (equal), Resources (equal), Software (equal), Validation (equal), Visualization (equal), Writing - review & editing (equal)

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First published: 12 June 2023


This study investigated the effects of pea and whey proteins on the bio-accessibility and antioxidant activity of blueberry polyphenolic compounds during digestion using an in vitro gastrointestinal model (TIM-1). The research objective was understanding how different protein sources affect blueberry polyphenols' bio-accessibility and antioxidant activity. The study found that pea proteins resulted in higher bio-accessibility and anthocyanin content compared to whey proteins. Additionally, interactions between blueberry polyphenols and proteins decreased the antioxidant activity. However, forming a non-covalent and reversible complex between pea proteins and blueberry polyphenols may improve polyphenol stability and bio-accessibility during digestion. The novel aspects of this research provide valuable insights into the effects of protein sources on the bio-accessibility and antioxidant activity of blueberry polyphenols and may have important implications for developing functional foods and dietary supplements. The most important impact of the research is that pea proteins resulted in higher bio-accessibility and anthocyanin content compared to whey proteins, which suggests that pea proteins may be a better protein source for combining with blueberries to maximise their health benefits. Additionally, forming a non-covalent and reversible complex between pea proteins and blueberry polyphenols may improve polyphenol stability and bio-accessibility during digestion, which has implications for the food industry in developing new products.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Peer review

The peer review history for this article is available at https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway/wos/peer-review/10.1111/ijfs.16546.

Data availability statement

The data supporting this study's findings are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy or ethical restrictions.