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First published online March 1, 2008

Emergent Temporal Effects in Community Initiatives


Based on a qualitative case study of a multiyear, multicity attempt to forge community coalitions against substance abuse, this article analyzes three categories of organizational temporalities: Cycles, event streams, and temporal style. Community initiatives based on collaboration, coalitions, and cooperation, projects that “bring everyone to the table,” provide an opportunity for naturalistic observation of the unanticipated, but analyzable, effects that emerge when mismatched organizational temporalities interact. This article lays out a theory of these emergent effects of interorganizational time conflicts in communities of organizations. The aim is not to argue for the primacy of temporal effects over other dimensions but to include them in a multidimensional view of the causes of problems encountered in multi-organization community initiatives.

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Article first published online: March 1, 2008
Issue published: March 2008


  1. community
  2. time
  3. organizations
  4. community initiatives

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