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Go to Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift
Volume 23Number 225 June 2007
Pages: 123147


Published online: 25 June 2007
Issue date: 25 June 2007



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Crossref Cited-by

  • Linkage in Multi-level Party Organizations: The Role(s) of Norwegian Regional Party Branches, Regional & Federal Studies.
  • Digitalt demokrati – «Orwell in Athens»?, Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift.
  • Fear of the Political Consultant, Party Politics.
  • Campaign Communication and the Internet: Party Strategy in the 2005 Norwegian Election Campaign, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties.
  • En bok, en blogg og en blondine. Personlig politisk lederskap i nye medier, Sosiologisk tidsskrift.

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