Volume 97, Issue 9 p. 1444-1456
Evolution and Phylogeny
Free Access

Utility of a large, multigene plastid data set in inferring higher-order relationships in ferns and relatives (monilophytes)

Hardeep S. Rai

Corresponding Author

Hardeep S. Rai

UBC Botanical Garden & Centre for Plant Research (Faculty of Land & Food Systems), 2357 Main Mall, and Department of Botany, 6270 University Boulevard, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada

Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]); present address: Department of Wildland Resources, 5230 Old Main Hill, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322, USA.Search for more papers by this author
Sean W. Graham

Sean W. Graham

UBC Botanical Garden & Centre for Plant Research (Faculty of Land & Food Systems), 2357 Main Mall, and Department of Botany, 6270 University Boulevard, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada

Search for more papers by this author
First published: 01 September 2010
Citations: 67

The authors thank K. M. Pryer, P. G. Wolf, E. Schuettpelz, J. Zgurski, J. Bain, A. Murdock, C. La Farge, N. Wikström, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and the Missouri Botanical Garden for plant material or access to data. We also thank M. Berbee, W. Maddison, K. Ritland, J. Whitton, and anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. This research was supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) postgraduate scholarship to H.S.R. and an NSERC Discovery grant to S.W.G.


Premise of the Study: The monilophytes (ferns and relatives)—the third largest group of land plants—exhibit a diverse array of vegetative and reproductive morphologies. Investigations into their early ecological and life-history diversification require accurate, well-corroborated phylogenetic estimates. We examined the utility of a large plastid-based data set in inferring backbone relationships for monilophytes.

Methods: We recovered 17 plastid genes for exemplar taxa using published and new primers. We compared results from maximum-likelihood and parsimony analyses, assessed the effects of removing rapidly evolving characters, and examined the extent to which our data corroborate or contradict the results of other studies, or resolve current ambiguities.

Key Results: Considering multifamily clades, we found bootstrap support comparable to or better than that in published studies that used fewer genes from fewer or more taxa. We firmly establish filmy ferns (Hymenophyllales) as the sister group of all leptosporangiates except Osmundaceae, resolving the second deepest split in leptosporangiate-fern phylogeny. A clade comprising Ophioglossaceae and Psilotaceae is currently accepted as the sister group of other monilophytes, but we recover Equisetum in this position. We also recover marattioid and leptosporangiate ferns as sister groups. Maximum-likelihood rate-class estimates are somewhat skewed when a long-branch lineage (Selaginella) is included, negatively affecting bootstrap support for early branches.

Conclusions: Our findings support the utility of this gene set in corroborating relationships found in previous studies, improving support, and resolving uncertainties in monilophyte phylogeny. Despite these advances, our results also underline the need for continued work on resolving the very earliest splits in monilophyte phylogeny.

Considerable progress has been made in inferring phylogenetic relationships of the three major branches of vascular-plant phylogeny: the lycophytes, monilophytes, and seed plants (e.g., 7; 42). For example, the lycophytes are the sister group of a clade that comprises seed plants and monilophytes, and the latter two lineages comprise the extant euphyllophytes (see 42). The extant monilophytes (a name based on a “moniliform” or necklace-like stele thought to be ancestral in the group; 31; 44) are sometimes referred to simply as “ferns” (44). They comprise Equisetaceae (horsetails), Ophioglossaceae (ophioglossoid ferns), Psilotaceae (whisk ferns), Marattiaceae (marattioid ferns), and leptosporangiate ferns. Suggestions that Equisetaceae are sister to seed plants among extant taxa (50; 51) have been rejected with moderate support in an analysis of morphological data from living taxa and have also consistently been strongly rejected by molecular data, which firmly place them as part of the monilophyte clade (see 56). However, extinct moniliform ferns may represent stem relatives of euphyllophytes as a whole (52; cf. 44), which would mean that monilophytes (or ferns as a whole) are a grade, considering extant and extinct taxa. We refer to the extant clade here.

The early branches of monilophyte phylogeny may have split from each other relatively rapidly in the late Devonian (43). Therefore, one might expect that reconstructing their phylogenetic history would be as problematic as resolving that of the other ancient plant radiations that have left only a handful of major extant lineages (e.g., seed plants; 35). Nonetheless, recent exemplar-based multigene approaches have provided considerable insights into the broad circumscription of major monilophyte clades, including the composition and arrangement of their constituent orders and families (e.g., 42, 1; 58), allowing their classification to be updated (62).

Despite these substantial advances, several key unresolved problems persist in monilophyte phylogeny. These unresolved relationships include the arrangement of the major monilophyte lineages in relation to each other. For example, 7Fig. 1), citing morphological and fossil evidence presented in 61) and 63, suggested that horsetails (Equisetaceae) may be sister to all other living monilophytes. In a morphological analysis of living taxa only, 56 recovered Marattiaceae as the sister group of all other monilophytes with moderate support from parsimony and Bayesian analysis. In contrast, 59 accepted Ophioglossaceae-Psilotaceae (= Psilotopsida in 62) as the sister group of all other monilophytes, a result that is strongly supported in a Bayesian analysis by 70, but only moderately supported by parsimony or likelihood bootstrap analysis (42, 1). This result is now included in influential textbooks (30) and has been used as the basis for reconstructing early evolutionary transitions in monilophyte biology (29). However, we believe this result should be treated with caution, as it is well known that Bayesian inference can yield inflated or skewed clade-support values for ancient radiations in situations where maximum-likelihood or parsimony analysis may be more conservative (e.g., 66; 5; 60; 65; 32). Finally, the largest studies to date in terms of genes and taxa examined (46, 2) do not provide a well-supported resolution to the deepest divisions in monilophyte phylogeny based on likelihood and parsimony bootstrap analyses.

The leptosporangiate clade of ferns (Filicales of Doyle, 1998; Polypodiopsida of Smith et al., 2006; Leptosporangiatae of Cantino et al., 2007) represents a significant component of terrestrial ecosystems (e.g., Schnieder et al., 2004), with about 9 000–12 000 extant species in 33 families (62; 36). This makes it the most species-rich branch of monilophyte phylogeny, and the third richest land-plant clade after angiosperms and mosses. The major aspects of the phylogenetic backbone of leptosporangiate ferns have been successfully inferred and corroborated in several studies (e.g., 21; 62; 58), but multiple deep nodes along its phylogenetic backbone remain unclear. For example, while Osmundaceae are consistently and strongly supported as the sister group of all other leptosporangiate ferns, the next split in leptosporangiate phylogeny is not clear, as noted by 59), as the relative positions of the filmy ferns (the monofamilial Hymenophyllales) and the gleichenioid ferns (Gleicheniales) to each other and to the remaining leptosporangiate orders have not been adequately resolved. Different arrangements of these early branches have been found that conflict among multiple studies or that are only weakly supported by likelihood and parsimony analyses (see 42; 46, 2; 57; 58; 56).

The largest group of leptosporangiate ferns is the polypod ferns (Polypodiales of Smith et al., 2006, with 15 families). The relationships of four polypod families that emerge near the base of this clade (i.e., Dennstaedtiaceae, Lindsaeaceae, Pteridaceae, and Saccolomataceae) are also uncertain. Their overall relationships have been examined only rarely using multigene data (Table 1). Lindsaeaceae and Saccolomataceae may together compose a clade that is the sister-group of all other polypod ferns, but this relationship is only moderately supported in the three-gene study of 58. Similarly, a clade comprising Dennstaedtiaceae, Pteridaceae, and the remaining “eupolypod” lineages is well supported in Schuettpelz and Pryer's (2007) study, but the relative arrangement of these threes lineages to each other is poorly supported by bootstrap analysis.

Table 1. Taxonomic scope, analysis method (MP = parsimony; ML = likelihood; BI = Bayesian inference), and character samplings used in recent multigene analyses that included a substantial sampling of monilophytes (pt = plastid, nu = nuclear, and mt = mitochondrial), compared with the present study.
Reference Primary sampling focus (number of taxa) Other taxa sampled (number of taxa) Method of analysis No. of genes Aligned characters Genes
Present study Monilophytes (34) Bryophytes (4), Lycophytes (4), Seed plants (22) ML, MP 17 36139 bp a All pt: atpB, ndhB, ndhF, psbB, psbC, psbD, psbE, psbF, psbJ, psbL, psbN, psbH, psbT, rpl2, rps7, 3′-rps12, rbcL
56 Monilophytes (21) Bryophytes (5), Lycophytes (3), Seed plants (6), MP, BI 136 morph.
45 Land plants (181) Green algae (9) ML, MP b 7 14533 bp Pt-atpB, pt-rbcL, pt-LSU, pt-SSU, nu-18S rDNA, mt-atp1, mt-LSU
46 Land plants (184) Green algae (9) ML, MP 6 13 631 bp Pt-atpB, pt-rbcL, pt-LSU, pt-SSU, nu-18S rDNA, mt-LSU
58 Leptosporangiate ferns (400) Other monilophytes (5) ML 3 4092 bp Pt-atpB, pt-rbcL, pt-atpA
57 Monilophytes (52) Seed plants (6) ML, BI 5 6432 bp Pt-atpB, pt-rbcL, pt-rps4, pt-atpA, nu-18S rDNA
70 Monilophytes (21) Bryophytes (5), Lycophytes (3), Seed plants (6) BI 5 5258 bp, + 138 morph. Pt-atpB, pt-rbcL, pt-rps4, nu-18S rDNA, mt-atp1
44 Monilophyes (53) Lycophytes (3), Seed plants (6) ML, MP, BI 4 5 049 bp Pt-atpB, pt-rbcL, pt-rps4, nu-18S rDNA
42 Monilophytes (21) Bryophytes (5), Lycophytes (3), Seed plants (6) ML, MP 4 5072 +, 136 morph. (MP) Pt-atpB, pt-rbcL, pt-rps4, nu-18S rDNA
  • a Aligned length (ignoring excluded regions for the taxon subset considered in the present study). Median unaligned length for monilophytes in which we recovered all 17 genes = 9851 bp (range: 8181–13 116 bp).
  • b MP values not reported for all nodes of interest here.

Monilophyte phylogeny has not been examined as extensively as the phylogeny of the monilophytes’ sister group, the seed plants, considering the variety of taxon and gene samplings used (Table 1). For example, five major studies that were focused in large part on the monilophyte phylogenetic backbone (42, 1; 70; 57; 56) considered similar sets of monilophytes (either 21 or 52–53 taxa), and they consistently included relatively few seed plants (six exemplar species total; Table 1). Dense taxon sampling helps to minimize long-branch attraction artifacts and generally improves accuracy (e.g., 25, 73, 26, 23), and it may be particularly important to sample outgroups densely when long branches connect the ingroup to its nearest relatives (e.g., 12), as is the case here. Pryer and colleagues employed substantially overlapping sets of genes for four molecular studies of monilophyte phylogeny (variously, three or four plastid genes, one nuclear and one mitochondrial gene, but all including a core set of four genes; Table 1). 46, 2) included substantially more seed-plants (47 total) in two studies that have largely overlapping sets of genes (i.e., four plastid genes, one or two mitochondrial genes, and a nuclear gene); three of the genes they examined also overlap with the molecular studies of Pryer et al. (Table 1).

Further studies would therefore be valuable for addressing this major branch of the land-plant tree of life. We explored relationships among the major monilophyte clades and the broad backbone of the leptosporangiate ferns using new data from 17 conserved plastid genes (14, 15; 47, 36). These markers and their associated noncoding regions have provided a powerful means for inferring a broad variety of deep phylogenetic questions in other major land-plant clades (i.e., “early diverging” angiosperms, monocots, conifers, cycads, and bryophytes; see 14, 15; 47, 36; 17; 54; 72; 12; Y. Chang and S. W. Graham unpublished data). The utility of this sampling of genes for inferring monilophyte relationships has not been considered before (only two of the genes have been considered; Table 1). We infer monilophyte phylogeny on the basis of a large-scale survey of these genes across a phylogenetically diverse and representative sampling of monilophyte taxa. We also include a substantial number of outgroups from the sister taxon of monilophytes: 22 seed plants in total.

We use this new data set to address three main goals. The first is to determine whether using a large set of plastid genes corroborates monilophyte relationships with equal or better branch support based on likelihood or parsimony bootstrap analysis. If our current gene sampling proves to be at least as effective as that used in other recent studies (Table 1), this supports its utility for future additional studies of monilophyte higher-order phylogeny. To facilitate denser sampling efforts in the future, we also present new “universal” primers designed to complement existing seed-plant primers (15) for recovering these plastid genes in ferns and relatives. Our second goal is to reexamine poorly understood or conflicting aspects of monilophyte phylogeny in recent studies—specifically, the earliest splits of monilophyte, leptosporangiate fern, and polypod fern phylogeny—to determine whether these problematic nodes can be resolved into well-supported clades using this approach. Our third goal is to assess whether removing the fastest-evolving characters—and therefore potentially the most misleading ones in phylogenetic inference (9, 10)—has a substantial influence on phylogenetic inference here. We use a character-filtering approach based on a maximum-likelihood classification of site rates, used previously in seed-plant phylogenetic inference (e.g., 1, 2; 48; 12).


Taxonomic and genomic sampling

The final matrix considered here includes 64 representatives of the major land-plant lineages (Appendix S1; see Supplemental Data at http://www.amjbot.org/cgi/content/full/ajb.0900305/DC1; and see Appendix 1 for a list of newly generated sequences and associated GenBank accession numbers). Of these, four represent the major lineages of lycophytes (Selaginella uncinata and Huperzia lucidula sequences were obtained from GenBank; accession numbers AB197035 and NC_006861, respectively). We included 16 gymnosperms and 6 angiosperms to represent the deepest splits in seed-plant phylogeny (48; 12). We also included four bryophyte outgroups (GenBank accession numbers for Anthoceros formosae, Marchantia polymorpha, and Physcomitrella patens are NC_004543, NC_001319, and NC_005087, respectively; see Appendix 1 for Sphagnum sp.). The remaining 34 taxa sample the major clades of monilophytes according to 42, 1) and 58) and were chosen, as far as possible, to sample the crown-clade root nodes (= most recent common ancestors, MRCAs) of relevant clades. They include eight eusporangiate monilophytes and 26 leptosporangiate ferns (Adiantum capillus-veneris, Angiopteris evecta, and Psilotum nudum sequences were obtained from GenBank, accession numbers NC_004766, NC_008829, and NC_003386, respectively; see Appendix 1 for the remainder). We sampled all seven orders and 21 of the 33 families of leptosporangiate ferns recognized by 62; unsampled families are mainly small ones in Cyatheales and Polypodiales (largely comprising one to five genera; 62).

We surveyed 17 genes and associated noncoding regions considered by 15 and 47, 36). However, we excluded an intergenic spacer between rps7 and ndhB from consideration. This region is present in all seed plants surveyed for our study but is apparently not present as a contiguous region in most leptosporangiate ferns, owing to a large inversion that involves a substantial portion of the inverted repeat (49; 71).

DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing

We extracted genomic DNA using the protocol of 8), as modified in 47, from fresh, silica-dried, and herbarium specimens. Amplification and sequencing follows 15 and 47, 36). We designed a set of 16 new fern-specific primers to facilitate amplification and sequencing (Appendix 2). With a few minor exceptions, all products were completely sequenced in both forward and reverse directions. The new data were added to a previously generated alignment (48) using criteria outlined in 16 and 48. Regions in some taxa that we could not amplify or sequence were coded as missing data in the final matrix (see Appendix 1).

The aligned regions considered for analysis included all of the coding regions (Table 1) in addition to unambiguously aligned noncoding regions from two introns (rpl2 and ndhB) and seven intergenic spacer regions (i.e., 3′-rps12-rps7, and three each in the psbE-psbF-psbL-psbJ and psbB-psbT-psbN-psbH clusters). We dealt with hard-to-align regions, often limited to individual taxa, by staggering them in the alignment (e.g., 53), coding the gap cells as missing data. Offset unique regions are effectively ignored in parsimony analysis and should have only minor effects in maximum-likelihood analysis (e.g., on the estimation of base frequencies). This approach contributes significantly to the large length of the full concatenated alignment (36139 bp, based on ∼10 kb per taxon in monilophytes; Table 1). For the full alignment, 2573 bp are variable and uninformative across vascular plants and 7479 bp are parsimony informative.

Phylogenetic analyses

We performed a heuristic maximum likelihood (ML) search using PhyML 2.4.4 (20) with a BIONJ starting tree, NNI (nearest-neighbor-interchange) branch swapping, and model parameters estimated from the data in each case. We chose a DNA substitution model for ML analysis using the hierarchical likelihood ratio test (hLRT) and the Akaike information criterion (AIC) in Modeltest 3.7 (41). The optimal model chosen in each case was GTR + Γ + I (general-time-reversible [GTR] rate matrix with proportion of invariable sites [I] considered, and among-site rate variation accounted for using the gamma [Γ] distribution as described by the shape parameter alpha (α)]. We also performed a heuristic maximum-parsimony (MP) search using PAUP* 4.0b10 (67), with all characters and character-state changes equally weighted, and using TBR (tree-bisection-reconnection) branch swapping, with 100 random-addition replicates, and otherwise using default settings. We performed nonparametric bootstrap analysis (11) using the same search criteria, with 100 bootstrap replicates (and a single random-addition replicate per parsimony bootstrap replicate). We use “weak,” “moderate,” and “strong” in reference to clades that have bootstrap support values <70%, 70–89%, and ≥90%, respectively (e.g., 13; 47, 36).

Inference of nucleotide rate classes and exploration of the effect of long branches

We partitioned the data into nine rate classes using HyPhy (40; and see 1; 48). We used the best MP tree topology to assign each of the aligned sites to its most likely individual rate category (using the GTR model and eight discrete rate classes). We then excluded the two fastest rate classes (RC7 and RC8) and performed a maximum-likelihood search and bootstrap analysis on the remaining characters (RC0–RC6), using the search criteria outlined above. The sequence for Selaginella is highly divergent compared with the rest of the vascular plants (see Results; also evident from a visual examination of the alignment). There is evidence of elevated plastid genome evolution for the family, reported for rbcL by 33; 1), which may be a consequence of the extensive RNA editing observed in Selaginella (69). We therefore recalculated rate classes with Selaginella removed from consideration and repeated the ML search (again for RC0–RC6). Overlaps in the nucleotides estimated to be in each rate class, with Selaginella either included or deleted, were determined by including or excluding the relevant rate-class character sets in PAUP*.


Phylogeny of ferns and relatives

We have reported on results for seed plants elsewhere, and so we focus here on phylogenetic relationships involving monilophytes and lycophytes. The majority of the vascular-plant clades inferred here were strongly supported by both ML and MP analysis. These include all seven monilophyte families sampled for two or more taxa and 18 of the 27 multifamily clades recovered in the best ML tree (which are labeled as clades a–aa; Fig. 1, Table 2). The latter clades comprise lycophytes, monilophytes, Psilotopsida (= Ophioglossaceae-Psilotaceae), all five multifamily orders in 62; i.e., Cyatheales, Gleicheniales, Polypodiales, Salviniales, Schizaeales), leptosporangiate ferns, leptosporangiate ferns excluding Osmundaceae, core leptosporangiate ferns (Salviniales+Cyatheales+Polypodiales), eupolypods, eupolypods I, and several others of interest (clades labeled as: a, j, m, r, and v in Fig. 1 and Table 2). The eupolypods II clade (= clade z) was strongly supported by ML and moderately well supported by MP, and two clades were moderately strongly supported by both ML and MP (clades l and p). Thus, 78% of clades (= 21 of 27 taxon partitions) seen in the ML tree that involved two or more families of ferns or lycophytes simultaneously had moderate to strong support from ML and MP bootstrap analysis.

Details are in the caption following the image

Maximum-likelihood tree (–lnL = 235,448.293) found using 17 plastid genes and associated noncoding regions (including all nine rate classes, RC0–RC8). Maximum likelihood bootstrap values are indicated beside branches (asterisk indicates 100% ML bootstrap support); clades comprising multifamily collections of ferns or lycophytes are also indicated beside branches (see Table 2). Inverted arrowheads indicate alternative placements of Equisetum found using different samplings of bryophytes in the analysis (left, including only the hornwort Anthoceros; right, excluding all bryophytes). Monilophyte families (following 62) are noted in circles: As = Aspleniaceae, Bl = Blechnaceae, Cy = Cyatheaceae, De = Dennstaedtiaceae, Eq = Equisetaceae, Dk = Dicksoniaceae, Dp = Dipteridaceae, Dr = Dryopteridaceae, Gl = Gleicheniaceae, Hy = Hymenophyllaceae, Li = Lindsaeaceae, Ly = Lygodiaceae, Mr = Marattiaceae, Ms = Marsileaceae, Mt = Matoniaceae, Op = Ophioglossaceae, Os = Osmundaceae, Pl = Plagiogyriaceae, Po = Polypodiaceae, Ps = Psilotaceae, Pt = Pteridaceae, Sa = Saccolomataceae, Sc = Schizaeaceae, Sl = Salviniaceae, and Th = Thelypteridaceae.

Table 2. Support for the multifamily monilophyte and lycophyte clades as determined by parsimony bootstrap (MP), likelihood bootstrap (ML), or posterior probability (PP, as percentage; italics). Labels (first column) correspond to clades (see Fig. 1 for clades a–aa). Filtered data: tree inference with the most rapidly evolving sites removed (RC78), with or without Selaginella included, noted as MLAand MLB, respectively. Clade composition is compared here to Schuettpelz et al. (2007) for clades i–aa and ae, or 44 for clades a–h and ab–ad. Author abbreviations: P01 = 42; P04 = 44; WP05 = 70; S06 = 57; Q07 = 45; SP07 = 58; and Sch09 = Schnieder et al., 2009. See Table 1 for a summary of taxa and characters employed in previously published studies. The ML bootstrap values for WP05 were inferred here. A dash indicates “not applicable” or “support not noted.”
Present study
Clade label Clade observed in best ML or MP tree here (Bold: observed in at least one of the other studies) Unfiltered ML (MP) Filtered MLA, MLB P01 ML (MP) P04 ML (MP, PP) WP05 a ML (PP) S06 ML (PP) Q07 ML SP07 ML Sch09 MP (PP)
a [Isoëtaceae+Selaginellaceae] 100 (100) 57, – 75 (93) 64 (<50, 100) 93 (100) 100 95 (99)
b Lycophytes 100 (100) 68, 100 100 (99) 100 (99, 100) c 95 (100) 100 69 (66)
c Euphyllophytes 81 (<50) 52, 80 92 (<50) (= b) c 74 (100) 100 90 (98)
d Monilophytes 100 (94) 68, 100 100 (98) 100 (100, 100) 98 (100) 100 (100) 100 73 (53)
e Monilophytes excl. Equisetaceae 58 (74) b <50, 71 b
f Psilotopsida 100 (99) 98, 100 100 (100) 99 (100, 100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100
g [Marattiaceae+leptosporangiate ferns] 82 (<50) b <50, <50 b <50 (51)
h Leptosporangiate ferns 100 (100) 71, 100 100 (100) 100 (100, 100) 98 (100) 100 (100) 100 100 99 (100)
i Leptosporangiate ferns excluding Osmundaceae 100 (100) 100, 100 100 (100) 100 (100, 100) 97 (100) 100 (100) 100 100 93 (100)
j [Dipteridaceae+Mattoniaceae] 100 (97) 100, 100 97 (95, 100) 100 (100) 100
k Gleicheniales 92 (92) 53, 58 70 (81) 86 (88, 88) 92 (100) 84 (97) 86 50 (81)
l Leptosporangiates excl. Osmundales & Hymenophyllales 88 (83) <50, 61 <50 (64) 55 (99) 59 (80) 59 <50
m [Schizaeales+core leptosporangiate ferns] 97 (97) 86, 87 88 (96) 83 (88, 100) 64 (100) 99 (100) 100 99 <50 (71)
n [Core leptosporangiate ferns] 100 (100) 100, 100 100 (100) 100 (100, 100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 100 <50 (94)
o Schizaeales 99 (100) 85, 89 100 (100, 100) 100 (100) 100 100
p [Cyatheales+Polypodiales] 89 (76) 81, 84 90 (91) 59 (61, 69) 92 (100) 79 (99) <50 99
q Salviniales 99 (100) 100, 98 100 (100) 100 (100, 100) 100 (100) 100 (100) 100 100 99 (100)
r MRCA of Cyatheaceae & Dicksoniaceae 96 (99) 93, 90 (= s) b 57 (<50, 100) 55 (100) 80 (100) 89 78 (90)
s Cyatheales 100 (100) 100, 100 86 (100) 84 (85, 100) 99 (100) 100 (100) 100 97
t Polypodiales 100 (100) 100, 100 100 (100) e 100 (100, 100) 100 (100) e 100 (100) (= v) e 100 87 (85) e
u Polypodiales excl. Saccolomataceae <50 (<50) b <50, <50 b 57 (<50, 84) b
v [Dennstaedtiaceae+Pteridaceae+eupolypods] 100 (100) 100, 100 100 (97, 100) 100 (100) 100 100
w Eupolypods 100 (100) 100, 100 (= z) e (= z) e 100 100
x [Dennstaedtiaceae+Pteridaceae] <50 (<50) b <50, 71 b
y Eupolypods I 100 (99) d 98, 99 d 100 d 100
z Eupolypods II 99 (78) d 97, 97 d 100 (100,100) d 100 (100) d 51 d 100
aa MRCA of Thelypteridaceae & Blechnaceae 65 (82) <50, <50 66 (93, 82) 72 (56) 71 69
ab [Dennstaedtiaceae+Eupolypods] 54 (67) b 51, <50 b (= t) (= t) 79 (= t)
ac [Psilotopsida+leptosporangiate ferns] <50 (<50) b <50, 54 b
ad [Lycophytes+seed plants] <50 (94) b <50, <50 b
ae Polypodiales excl. Lindsaeaceae <50 (<50) b <50, <50 b
  • a ML bootstrap values not reported for WP05, but inferred here for their alignment using PhyML (best DNA substitution model = GTR + Γ + I; the same search conditions as for our data).
  • b Conflicts with 58 for clades i–aa and ae, or with 44 for clades a–h and ab–ad.
  • c Insufficient outgroups to test monophyly.
  • d MRCA of exemplar taxa here is slightly less inclusive than in 58.
  • e MRCA of exemplar taxa here is substantially less inclusive than in 58.

Two clades were moderately strongly supported by ML analysis but had <50% support from MP (clade g, with Marattiaceae sister to leptosporangiate ferns, and clade c = euphyllophytes). The latter clade, the euphyllophytes, was also contradicted by MP (clade ad = lycophytes+seed plants, which had 94% support from parsimony). Two clades had weak support from ML but were moderately well supported by MP (clade aa, and clade e = monilophytes excluding Equisetaceae). The remaining clades recovered for the shortest MP or ML trees conflicted between phylogenetic inference methods but were also poorly supported (i.e., clades u and x, seen in the ML tree [Fig. 1], and clades ab, ac, and ae, observed in the single MP tree but not in the best ML tree [Table 2]). Only one substantial conflict was observed in total (clade c vs. ad, mentioned above).

Rate-class analyses

When we filtered the most rapidly evolving rate classes (RC78), with Selaginella included or excluded during site-rate assignment, and reran the ML analyses with the remaining more conservative characters (RC0–RC6), 15 clades had approximately the same ML support values before and after removal of rapidly evolving characters, considering both filtering methods. The ML bootstrap values changed (fell) by 10% or more bootstrap support for both filtering methods for five clades total in the best ML tree (i.e., clades k, l, m, o, aa; see Table 2). We considered >10% change in bootstrap support as noteworthy, following 57: fig. 2). Considering the two filtering cases here (fast sites removed, with Selaginella included or excluded during the rate-class assignments), distinctly different patterns of change in ML bootstrap support were observed in six cases, for comparisons of bootstrap support values before and after filtering of fast sites (Table 2). In four cases (clades b, c, d, and h), the ML bootstrap support fell by 10% or more compared with the unfiltered analysis when Selaginella was included during rate-class assignment but was essentially static for the same clades when Selaginella was excluded. All four clades are early branches of monilophyte or vascular-plant phylogeny (i.e., lycophytes as a whole, euphyllophytes, monilophytes as a whole, and leptosporangiate ferns as a whole). Support for clade a (Isoëtaceae+Selaginellaceae) fell by more than 10% when Selaginella was included in rate-class inference, with no corresponding value available for when Selaginella was excluded (by definition).

A possible sister-group relationship between Dennstaedtiaceae and Pteridaceae (clade x) was poorly supported in the unfiltered ML analysis (<50% support), but this increased to moderate support when Selaginella was excluded from rate assignments (71% ML bootstrap support); a similar pattern was observed for the first branch in monilophyte phylogeny: Equisetaceae was inferred to be the sister to all other monilophytes with weak support in the unfiltered ML analysis (clade e, 58% support) but moderate support with fast sites removed and Selaginella excluded from rate assignments (71% support; Table 2).

We compared how the ML assignments of individual sites to rate classes differed when Selaginella was included or deleted. We observed substantial overlap in rate-class assignments with or without this problematic taxon (Table 3), and most differences in how rate classes were assigned involved neighboring rate classes (either one rate class higher or lower). Thus, rate-class assignments were in general similar whether Selaginella was present or deleted. However, with either filtering approach (Selaginella included vs. deleted), the alternative case tended to place more characters in the next-highest class, rather than the next-lowest class, particularly for the lower rate classes (considering displacements off the diagonal in Table 3; note the relative size and direction of change in rate assignments moving out from the diagonal). On the whole, the subset of characters that were assigned differently by the two methods tended to be placed in faster rate classes when Selaginella was included in rate assignments. This effect was most pronounced for the zero-rate class. When Selaginella was included, 349 characters were assigned to RC2–RC8 that were assigned to RC0 with Selaginella excluded. By contrast, no characters assigned to RC0 with Selaginella excluded were assigned to higher rate classes when this taxon was included (Table 3).

Table 3. Overlap in ML site-rate class assignments with Selaginella included or excluded prior to estimating the most likely rate class for each site. Columns: rate assignments with Selaginella included (number in parentheses at column head is total characters in that class). Rows: rate assignments with Selaginella excluded (number in parentheses at row start is total characters in that class). RC = rate class, from lowest (RC0, no change predicted) to highest (RC8); RC1 is an empty set.
RC0 (26087) RC2 (292) RC3 (1031) RC4 (1127) RC5 (1224) RC6 (1806) RC7 (2497) RC8 (2075)
RC0 (26436) 26 087 10 261 61 5 5 1 6
RC2 (255) 0 244 11 0 0 0 0 0
RC3 (850) 0 38 681 131 0 0 0 0
RC4 (946) 0 0 78 790 76 2 0 0
RC5 (1236) 0 0 0 145 1013 76 2 0
RC6 (1818) 0 0 0 0 130 1600 88 0
RC7 (2560) 0 0 0 0 0 121 2373 66
RC8 (2038) 0 0 0 0 0 2 33 2003


Congruence and discordance with other phylogenetic studies of ferns and relatives

Phylogenetic congruence, the ability to corroborate phylogenetic relationships using different gene and taxon sets, is a key pillar of systematic biology (e.g., 39; 24; 13; 42; 56) because it builds confidence that the recovered topologies reflect evolutionary history rather than arbitrary groupings due to stochastic error. Conversely, discordance among studies may also allow us to flag and investigate possible instances of systematic error, such as long-branch attraction (9). Our analysis of vascular-plant relationships using a large multigene plastid data set is, in general, highly congruent with earlier multigene studies, corroborating clades in common across studies (Fig. 1, Table 2). In addition, our ML bootstrap support values for major multifamily clades either are within a few percentage points of other studies or are equal to them or better (Table 2). Even at the currently relatively limited taxon density, we found moderate to strong ML bootstrap support for ∼85% (23 of 27) multifamily clades in the best ML tree (Fig. 1), including some of the most problematic nodes. This supports the general utility of our approach for the current and future investigations of monilophyte phylogeny. However, several major branches of monilophyte phylogeny are poorly supported or in conflict in all published studies. Here, we focus on three important areas of monilophyte phylogeny that are currently poorly understood: the branching order of the earliest splits in monilophytes, leptosporangiate ferns, and polypod fern phylogeny, respectively.

Early phylogenetic splits in polypod ferns

Few multigene studies have sufficient taxon sampling to adequately address the earliest splits of polypod fern phylogeny (Table 1, 2), and so this remains a relatively unresolved question. Our ML and MP analyses disagreed weakly about whether Saccolomataceae or Lindsaeaceae are the respective sister taxon to other polypods, and we did not recover the Lindsaeaceae-Saccolomataceae clade observed in 58). We corroborated the well-supported Dennstaedtiaceae-Pteridaceae-eupolypod clade observed in 58, also with strong ML support here (clade v; Table 2). However, a novel sister-group relationship found here between Dennstaedtiaceae and Pteridaceae was only poorly supported (i.e., clade x; Table 2). While it is possible that many more data per taxon will be needed to resolve these relationships, denser taxon sampling for gene sets as large as ours may also help. This has been a productive approach in comparable situations (e.g., 17). Denser taxon sampling may also be useful for addressing other relationships among the remaining polypod ferns, including the possibility that the deepest splits in eupolypods I and II are each defined by small isolated groups containing a few genera that were previously considered to belong to other families (i.e., fragments of Dryopteridaceae for eupolypods I, and Woodsiaceae for eupolypods II, arrangements that are only moderately supported in 58). The primers described here (Appendix 2) would facilitate expanded taxon sampling to test this hypothesis for the current gene set.

Early phylogenetic splits in leptosporangiate ferns

We resolved a key issue in leptosporangiate fern phylogeny that has resisted satisfactory resolution in all current studies, with reasonably strong support here from ML and MP bootstrap analysis. Although the deepest split is clearly between Osmundaceae and all other taxa, a result that is well supported in all current studies (i.e., clade i; Table 2), the next deepest split in the leptosporangiate-fern phylogenetic tree has been unclear. Current multigene or morphological analyses find various conflicting relationships involving Hymenophyllaceae; these have only poor support from MP or ML analysis, and while Bayesian support values tend to be much stronger, these conflict moderately to strongly considering three possible resolutions (see clades viii–x in Table 4). 46 found Hymenophyllaceae (= Hymenophyllales) to be the sister group of the remaining leptosporangiate ferns (excluding Osmundaceae), with 70% MP bootstrap support (vs. 54% for ML). A later, larger sampling also had similar support for this arrangement (i.e., 59% ML bootstrap support in 45; see clade l in Table 2). We find this same relationship here, but for the first time with moderately strong support from ML and MP bootstrap analysis (88% ML, 83% MP; Fig. 1; clade l in Table 2).

Table 4. Summary of selected conflicts concerning early branches of monilophyte and leptosporangiate-fern phylogeny (P01 = 42; P04 = 44; WP05 = 70; S06 = 57; Q06 = 46; and Sch = 56). MP = parsimony bootstrap, ML = likelihood bootstrap, and BI = Bayesian inference (with posterior probability expressed as a percentage). Only instances with ≥70% support from at least one analysis method are reported.
Conflict summary
Multifamily clade Clade label on Figure 1 and Table 2 Study Criterion Support (%) Support here: ML (MP) Conflicts with clade:
i Monilophytes excluding Equisetaceae e Here MP 58 (74) ii–iii, v–vii
ii Monilophytes excluding Psilotopsida P01 ML 87 <50 (<50) i, iii, vi
P04 ML/MP/BI 88, 87, 100
WP05 BI 100
iii Monilophytes excluding Marattiaceae Sch09 MP/BI 71, 77 <50 (<50) i, ii, iv–v, vii
iv [Marattiaceae+leptosporangiate ferns] Here ML 82 (<50) iii, v
v [Equisetaceae+Marattiaceae] P04 MP/BI 76, 82 <50 (<50) i, iii, iv, vi
WP05 BI 93
vi [Equisetaceae+Psilotaceae] Sch09 MP/BI 75, 99 <50 (<50) i, ii, v, vii
vii [Equisetaceae+Marattiaceae+ leptosporangiate  ferns] WP05 BI 100 <50 (<50) i, iii, vi
viii Leptosporangiate ferns excluding Osmundaceae &  Hymenophyllaceae 1 Here ML/MP 88 (83) ix, x
WP05 BI 99
Q06 MP 70
S06 BI 80
ix Leptosporangiate ferns excluding Osmundaceae &  Gleicheniales Sch09 BI 72 <50 (<50) viii, x
x [Hymenophyllaceae+Gleicheniales] P04 BI 96 <50 (<50) viii, x

Early splits in the monilophytes

We recovered Equisetaceae as the sister group of all other monilophytes, a result that is moderately well supported by MP bootstrap analysis, and also by a rate-filtered ML analysis that excluded Selaginella in rate-class assignments (see clade e in Table 2). We also find Marattiaceae as the sister group of leptosporangiate ferns (moderately supported in the main ML analysis; clade g in Table 2). However, at present perhaps the best that can be said about all relationships among the major lineages of monilophytes in current studies is that we do not understand them very well, excepting a well-corroborated relationship between Ophioglossaceae and Psilotaceae (also well supported here; clade f in Table 2). This stance is supported by the fact that when we reduced the sampling of bryophyte outgroups here, this tended to disrupt early monilophyte relationships (note the effect this has on the position of Equisetaceae in Fig. 1).

Therefore, concerning all other relationships among these taxa, all current phylogenetic estimates of the arrangement of the basal splits in monilophyte phylogeny are questionable, as they have at best relatively moderate ML or MP support (Table 2), and they conflict among studies (ignoring even stronger Bayesian conflicts; see clades i–vii in Table 4). Although we do not satisfactorily resolve the question here, our findings clearly demonstrate that it is too early to accept Psilotopsida as the sister group of all other monilophytes (cf. 59). Our finding of Equisetaceae as the sister-group of all other monilophytes may be on equally shaky ground but is possibly more consistent with fossil evidence (see 7) and should clearly remain in contention as a possible solution. More data (including more genes) are needed to resolve this satisfactorily. However, simply improving taxon sampling in this part of monilophyte phylogeny may not help much here, as the exemplar taxon sampling that we used spanned the deepest nodes of most of the earliest lineages, including Marattiaceae (see 37, 38), Ophioglossaceae (see 22), leptosporangiate ferns, and likely also Psilotaceae (we sampled both genera). Nonetheless, it would still be worth including additional taxa to sample a greater phylogenetic diversity of Equisetaceae (see 6; 18; 2).

Effect of long branches and rapidly evolving sites on inference of deep fern phylogeny

Maximum likelihood is expected to be less sensitive to long-branch attraction than parsimony (e.g., 4; 27, 7; 64; 68). Strong disagreement between ML and MP analysis may therefore be a flag for long-branch attraction in phylogenetic inference. However, considering the multifamily clades of monilophytes and lycophytes, our parsimony and likelihood estimates were generally similar, which we view as a reassuring result. Rapidly evolving sites should be accommodated in phylogenetic inference using maximum likelihood, so long as the substitution model is a reasonable fit. When we filtered out high-rate sites (RC78), this generally had little effect on phylogenetic inference beyond reducing some ML bootstrap support values (Table 2), even though the model MP tree used for rate classification likely had an incorrect relationship (i.e., lycophytes + seed plants). These reductions in support values may be consistent with expectations of increased sampling error in smaller data sets. However, we observed an exceptionally long branch for Selaginella (Fig. 1), also noted by 33, 1) for rbcL. When we removed this taxon prior to rate classification, and repeated ML analysis on the filtered data set, four of these clades no longer experienced a reduction in support (and support for two clades surpassed what was seen for the unfiltered ML analysis; clades e and x). These clades include some of the earliest splits in euphyllophyte phylogeny. Examination of how nucleotides were assigned to different rate classes with or without this taxon indicates that some sites behave quite differently when Selaginella is included in the rate assignments (Table 3). This may be at the root of how this taxon may reduce some ML support values in ferns and relatives. However, until this effect is better characterized, it may be useful to exclude Selaginella as an outgroup in future studies of monilophyte phylogeny, at least for plastid-derived sequence data.

One strong conflict between ML and MP involves a well-supported (but likely incorrect) sister-group relationship inferred here between lycophytes and seed plants using MP (with corresponding poor MP support for euphyllophytes; Table 2). Our ML analysis did not recover this relationship, but instead moderately supported euphyllophyte monophyly (81% support). 56 also recovered the euphyllophyte clade in their morphological study, with strong MP bootstrap support (Table 2). However, in other molecular studies a similar pattern of good ML versus poor MP bootstrap support for euphyllophytes has been found, for example by 42, who used a comparable sampling of bryophyte outgroups (Table 1). Subsequent molecular studies by Pryer and colleagues either did not report parsimony bootstrap values for euphyllophytes (70) or did not include bryophytes in the analysis (44), precluding full assessment of euphyllophyte monophyly (Table 2). The best MP and ML support for euphyllophytes among these multigene studies was found by 46, 2), who used a much denser sampling of other land plants in their analyses. The possible negative effect of long bryophyte branches on the inference of early monilophyte phylogeny has not been systematically studied, but it may be ameliorated by substantially increasing the number of taxa sampled. This should be a key sampling consideration for future broad phylogenetic studies of euphyllophyte phylogeny, and we are currently working to substantially increase taxon density for this gene set in bryophytes (Y. Chang and S. W. Graham, unpublished manuscript).

Table Appendix 1. GenBank accession numbers and vouchers for exemplar monilophyte (and outgroup) taxa
Gene or region
Taxon and authority (voucher, herbarium b) atpB ndhF psbB, T, N, & psbH psbD & C psbE, F, L & psbJ rbcL rpl2 3′-rps12, rps7 ndhB
Sphagnum L. sp. (C. La Farge 28-07-02 s.n., ALTA) EU352260 EU349580 EU552803 EU328217 EU558386 EU352288 EU558420 EU558470 EU558449
Isoëtes sp. L. (H. S. Rai 1005, ALTA) EU352261 EU349581 EU552804 EU328218 EU558387 EU352289 EU558421 EU558471 EU558450
Lycopodium annotinum L. (H. S. Rai and J. M. Zgurski 14-09-02-13, ALTA) EU352262 EU349582 EU552805 EU328219 EU558388 EU352290 EU558422 EU558472 EU558451
Equisetum × ferrissii Clute (P. Hammond s.n., UC) EU352264 EU349584 EU552807 EU328221 EU558390 EU352292 EU558424 EU558474 EU558452
Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook (NYBG 233/84) EU352265 EU349585 EU552808 EU328222 EU558391 EU352293 EU558425 EU558475 EU558453
Ophioglossum reticulatum L. (R. Moran 5644, MO) (U93825) a n/a EU552810 EU328224 EU558393 (AF313582) a EU558427 EU558477 EU558455
Tmesipteris elongata P. A. Dang (A. R. Smith 2607, UC) EU352266 EU349587 EU552811 EU328225 EU558394 EU352294 EU558428 EU558478 EU558456
Danaea elliptica Sm. (J. Sharpe s.n., UC) EU352263 EU349583 EU552806 EU328220 EU558389 EU352291 EU558423 EU558473 n/a
Marattia attenuata Labill. (R. Schmid s.n., UC) (AF313546) a EU349586 EU552809 EU328223 EU558392 (AF313581) a EU558426 EU558476 EU558454
Asplenium viride Huds. (H. S. Rai and J. M. Zgurski 14-09-02-12, ALTA) EU352267 EU349588 EU552812 EU328226 EU558395 EU352295 n/a EU558479 EU558457
Blechnum occidentale L. (Wolf 289, UTC) EU352268 EU349589 EU552813 EU328227 EU558396 EU352296 EU558429 EU558480 EU558458
Cyathea klossii Ridl. (Johns 9728, KEW) EU352271 n/a EU552816 EU328230 EU558399 EU352299 EU558432 EU558483 n/a
Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michx.) T. Moore (H. H. Schmidt, M.W.R Eddy & E. C. Rempala 1533, MO) (U93836) a EU349592 EU552817 EU328231 EU558400 EU352300 EU558433 EU558484 n/a
Dicksonia Antarctica (U93829) a n/a EU552818 EU328232 EU558401 EU352301 EU558434 EU558485 n/a
(H. S. Rai 1015, ALTA)
Cheiropleuria integrifolia (D. C. Eaton ex Hook.) M. Kato, Y. Yatabe, Sahashi & N. Murak. (Yokoyama 27619, TI) EU352270 EU349591 EU552815 EU328229 EU558398 EU352298 EU558431 EU558482 n/a
Dipteris conjugata Reinw. (J. Game 98/106, UC) (AF612696) a n/a EU552820 EU328234 EU558403 EU352303 EU558436 EU558487 n/a
Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott (H. S. Rai and J. M. Zgurski 14-09-02-8, ALTA) EU352273 EU349594 EU552821 EU328235 EU558404 (AY268845) a EU558437 EU558488 EU558461/EU558462
Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. (J. Game 98/105A, UC) EU352272 EU349593 EU552819 EU328233 EU558402 EU352302 EU558435 EU558486 EU558460
Hymenophyllum hirsutum (L.) Sw. (M. Kessler 11596, UC) EU352274 EU349595 EU552822 EU328236 EU558405 (AF275645) a EU558438 EU558489 n/a
Vandenboschia davallioides Copel. (Wolf 248, UTC) (U93828) a EU349606 EU552835 EU328249 EU558418 EU352314 EU558447 EU558502 EU558469
Lindsaea rufa K.U. Kramer (G. McPherson & J. Munzinger 18124, MO) EU352276 EU349597 EU552824 EU328238 EU558407 EU352304 EU558439 EU558491 EU558464
Lonchitis hirsuta L. (F. Axelrod 9601, UTC) EU352277 EU349598 EU552825 EU328239 EU558408 EU352305 EU558440 EU558492 n/a
Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw. (H. S. Rai 1013, ALTA) EU352278 EU349599 EU552826 EU328240 EU558409 (L13479) a EU558441 EU558493 EU558465
Marsilea drummondii A. Braun (J. Zgurski 78, ALTA) EU352279 EU349600 EU552827 EU328241 EU558410 EU352306 EU558442 EU558494 n/a
Matonia pectinata R. Br. (E. Schuettpelz 752, DUKE) EU352280 EU349601 EU552828 EU328242 EU558411 EU352307 n/a EU558495 EU558466
Leptopteris wilkesiana H. Christ (J. Game 95/035, no voucher) EU352275 EU349596 EU552823 EU328237 EU558406 (AY612678) a n/a EU558490 EU558463
Plagiogyria japonica Nakai (M. Hasebe 27614, TI) EU352281 EU349602 EU552829 EU328243 EU558412 EU352308 EU558443 EU558496 n/a
Polypodium hesperium Maxon (H. S. Rai & J. M. Zgurski 14-09-02-2, ALTA) EU352282 EU349603 EU552830 EU328244 EU558413 EU352309 EU558444 EU558497 EU558467
Ceratopteris richardii EU352269 EU349590 EU552814 EU328228 EU558397 EU352297 EU558430 EU558481 EU558459
(P. Killip 44595, GH)
Vittaria volkensii Hieron. (E. T. Africa, Cherangani Tweedia 2708, KEW) EU352287 n/a EU552836 EU328250 EU558419 EU352315 EU558448 EU558503 n/a
Saccoloma inaequale (Kunze) Mett. (372076, DUKE) EU352283 EU349604 EU552831 EU328245 EU558414 EU352310 n/a EU558498 n/a
Salvinia Ség. sp. (H. S. Rai 1023, UBC) EU352284 n/a EU552832 EU328246 EU558415 EU352311 EU558445 EU558499 EU558468
Schizaea dichotoma (L.) J. Sm. (S. W. Graham 02-03-36B s.n.) EU352285 EU349605 EU552833 EU328247 EU558416 EU352312 n/a EU558500 n/a
Thelypteris reticulata (L.) Proctor (J. S. Miller & M. C. Merello 8864, MO) EU352286 n/a EU552834 EU328248 EU558417 EU352313 EU558446 EU558501 n/a
  • a Previously published sequences. Accessions in brackets were produced by other workers; see 14, 15), 47, 36), and 54 for a complete list of taxa and accession numbers for other sequences employed here.
  • b Herbarium abbreviations: ALTA = University of Alberta; DUKE = Duke University; GH = Harvard University; KEW = Royal Botanic Gardens, KEW; MO = Missouri Botanical Garden; NYBG = New York Botanical Garden; TI = University of Tokyo; UBC = University of British Columbia; UC = University of California, Berkeley; and UTC = Utah State University, Logan.
Table Appendix 2. New primers designed for this study.
Primer name and sequence (5′–3′) ab Gene/region
  • a The prefix ‘F’ indicates a primer designed to work across all ferns.
  • b The prefix ‘L’ indicates a primer designed to work specifically in leptosporangiate ferns.