Volume 26, Issue 1 p. 63-78

The role of father involvement in children's later mental health

Eirini Flouri

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Eirini Flouri

Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford, Barnett House, 32 Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2ER UK

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Ann Buchanan

Ann Buchanan

Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford, Barnett House, 32 Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2ER UK

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First published: 21 January 2003
Citations: 166


Data on 8441 cohort members of the National Child Development Study were used to explore links between father involvement at age 7 and emotional and behavioural problems at age 16, and between father involvement at age 16 and psychological distress at age 33, controlling for mother involvement and known confounds. Father involvement at age 7 protected against psychological maladjustment in adolescents from non-intact families, and father involvement at age 16 protected against adult psychological distress in women. There was no evidence suggesting that the impact of father involvement in adolescence on children's later mental health in adult life varies with the level of mother involvement.

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