
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a family of Spanish artists.

Pedro Berruguete. Born circa 1450 (?), in Paredes de Nava; died 1504, in Palencia. Painter. Between 1475 and 1482, Pedro Berruguete worked in Urbino (Italy), and from 1483, in Spain. His paintings (scenes from the life of St. Thomas, Prado Museum, Madrid) combine the knowledge of scientific perspective and vivacity of observation with static poses in the medieval manner and, at times, a diversity of scale in the treatment of figures.

Alonso Berruguete. Born circa 1486, in Paredes de Nava; died Sept. 13 (or 26), 1561, in Toledo. Sculptor, architect, and painter. Son and pupil of Pedro Berruguete, Alonso studied in Italy with Michelangelo (c. 1504–17). In 1518 he began working in Spain. His sculpture (mainly altarpieces) is expressive and highly emotional, which was typical of 16th-century Spanish art.


Orueta y Duarte R. de. Berruguete y su obra. Madrid, 1917.
Láinez, A. R. Pedro Berruguete, pintor de Castilla. Madrid, 1935.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Contiguous with the wall is the Cathedral of Avila, Catedral de San Salvador, Spain's oldest Gothic church, crammed with beautiful stained glass windows, magnificent retablos and a jaw-dropping altarpiece with paintings by Spanish artists Pedro Berruguete and Juan de Borgona.
Sobre la cubierta de papel cuche--que envuelve el tomo--se reproduce en lujoso colorido una tabla de las que pinto Pedro Berruguete para el Real Monasterio de Santo Tomas de Avila.
Han sido atribuidas al pintor florentino Gaspar Becerra (escuela de Alonso Berruguete y de Miquel Angel), al espanol Pedro de Rubiales, elogiado por el propio Valverde, o al grabador Nicolas Beatrizet, cuyas iniciales "NB" aparecen en dos estampas y en el retrato incorporado en la edicion de 1589.
Of the Castillian school, de Urbina suggests Alonso Berruguete (c.
The upper part of the walls once contained portraits of 28 illustrious men painted by Pedro Berruguete (1450-1504) and Justus of Ghent (active about 1460-1480), of which 14 remain there (5-7).
Podemos apreciar una composicion bastante heterogenea en lo que a cse se refiere en distritos como Tetuan o Arganzuela ya que guardan en su interior diversos barrios con valores extremos concentrados en determinadas zonas, sobre todo en Tetuan en barrios como Berruguete, Valdeacederas y Almenara que concentran los valores mas bajos de cse de todo el distrito mientras que el resto de barrios alcanzan valores entre 0 y 2.
An early Renaissance portrait by Pedro Berruguete shows Montefeltro absorbed in a book while Piero della Francesca, in an altarpiece, shows him deep in prayer.
According to Valle, El Greco, "under the insignificance of our daily attitudes, knew how to inquire the unique gesture, that one gesture which only death can give us back." As an instance, Valle refers to the portrait of Cardinal Tavera, which El Greco painted from the mortuary mask "traced by Alonso de Berruguete" (Valle-Inclan, Obra ...