contagious disease

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contagious disease

[kən′tā·jəs di′zēz]
An infectious disease communicable by contact with a person suffering from it, with the bodily discharge, or with an object touched by the person.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Glanders: medicine and veterinary medicine in common pursuit of a contagious disease. Med Hist.
y contact, ng a ce, s as All contagious diseases, such as the common cold, influenza, chickenpox, or measles, are infectious too.
"It is strongly recommended from many state Department of Health agencies that all teenagers and adults who have not had the Tdap vaccine get immunized to prevent the spread of this very contagious disease."
"What is happening in Sudan could become a contagious disease that affects the whole of Africa," Kadhafi said during the opening of an Arab-Africa summit in Sirte.
Lessons are suspended at the centre where the horses have been affected by a contagious disease.
Richard Hillman, chief veterinary surgeon at the Hillman Group in Walsall, said: "Parvovirus is an extremely contagious disease among dogs that can be fatal - and this recent discovery may indicate a new outbreak."
(A) a contagious disease that causes abnormal growths in the lungs and other tissues
Physicians also run the risk of being exposed to various infectious and contagious diseases. Hartford, for instance, offers a benefit that provides income loss to physicians, even if they are still able to work but stiffer a loss of earnings caused from contracting an infectious or contagious disease identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Tests have revealed that a suspected outbreak of measles in the Valleys is not the contagious disease. The long-awaited news surrounds four reported illnesses in children reported in the Merthyr Tydfil area.
The British Horse Society has received numerous reports of outbreaks of this highly contagious disease, which affects the lymph glands and restricts the airways.
CHINA yesterday announced a new outbreak of bird flu, while Thailand said it had a suspected case in a return of the highly contagious disease that devastated birds earlier this year and killed 24people.
Preliminary findings indicate that for individuals in close contact, SARS is a highly contagious but not uniformly contagious disease. The mortality rate has been estimated as high as 15 percent of infected patients globally, and higher in the elderly population and those without access to advanced medical treatment.

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