What to expect

An exclusive, one-stop portal to the world of beauty and self-care, the Vogue Wellness and Beauty Festival is back with an immersive, curated lineup of beauty secrets, wellness trends, and expert insights from industry luminaries. Explore the latest in skincare, makeup, and holistic wellness through engaging articles, virtual experiences, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.


Vogue Loves

There is something for everyone





Beauty & Wellness guide


Previous Edition

Vogue Beauty Festival 2022 was a four-day virtual celebration of all things beauty and wellness, as as we dove into a holistic understanding of self-care in all its glory. During the course of 28th - 31st July 2022, our readers got an all-access pass to international masterclasses, beauty school videos, effective tips on wellness, fitness, health and nutrition, makeup, skin, hair, and more – all hosted by global experts and influencers, who continue to champion the beauty and wellness spirit. We ended the festival with the unveiling of the best brands in beauty, wellness, makeup, hair care & skincare.