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Systematic Review

Cardiovascular implications of coronavirus disease 2019: a systematic review

[version 1; peer review: 2 not approved]
PUBLISHED 04 Aug 2020
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This article is included in the Coronavirus collection.


Background: World Health Organization has declared coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. It has killed thousands and millions are infected worldwide. Though COVID-19 is supposed to be primarily a disease of the respiratory system, it also has widespread implications on other systems as well.  The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the cardiovascular implications of COVID-19. 
Methods: PubMed, PubMed Central, EMBASE, and Google Scholar were searched for peer-reviewed articles which aimed to delineate the cardiovascular implications of COVID-19.
Results: A total of six articles (five original articles and one case report) were included. We found diverse cardiovascular implications of COVID-19 ranging from acute cardiac injury to death. New-onset abnormalities in electrocardiogram or echocardiogragram, elevated plasma levels of cardiac troponin, NT-proBNP, and D-dimer have role in early identification of acute cardiac injury in such patients. Additionally, cardiac troponin and NT-proBNP can be used to evaluate prognosis and possible need for intensive care in these patients.
Conclusions: Acute cardiac injury is common in patients with COVID-19. Aggressive supportive management based on prognostic indicators along with management of heart failure, arrhythmias, acute coronary syndrome and thrombosis can improve clinical outcomes in such patients.


Coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19, Cardiovascular implications, Acute cardiac injury, Death


In late 2019, a cluster of cases of ‘pneumonia of unknown origin’ emerged which was linked to seafood wholesale and wet market in Wuhan, China1, that heralded the onset of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The disease has now spread rapidly to several countries around the globe and has been declared a pandemic by WHO2. By April 8, 2020, a total of 1,441,589 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with mortality of 82,933 were reported2. COVID-19 is probably the greatest threat to mankind of 21st century; it has not only challenged the current medical practices, but also imposed a huge psychological and socio-economic burden to the entire world.

Coronaviruses are a group of pathogen that primarily target the human respiratory system3. However, previous outbreaks of coronaviruses, i.e. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), have already shown multisystem involvement, including of the cardiovascular system, as well46. Given the increasing number of confirmed cases and death due to COVID-19, it is important to be acquainted with cardiovascular manifestations induced by this viral infection. However, there is only limited published data pertaining to cardiovascular presentations of COVID-19. The present systematic review aims to describe the cardiovascular implications of COVID-19 and fill the gap in the knowledge regarding understanding of varied cardiovascular manifestations of COVID-19.


Protocol and registration

We followed the recommendations established by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement7,8. The systematic review protocol was not registered due to the urgency of the matter and very limited available evidence on the topic.

Assessment of methodological quality and risk of bias

For quality assessment, we used the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (NOS). The total score was found to be 9 and all the studies are of high quality9.

Eligibility criteria

Published peer-reviewed articles from January 1, 2020 until June 15, 2020 which aimed to assess cardiovascular implications in patients with COVID-19 were included. Article language restrictions were not imposed. In addition to original articles, case reports, and case series were also included. Editorials, letters to editor, and correspondences were excluded.

Search strategy

We searched standard relevant publications indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), EMBASE, and Google Scholar. Databases were searched using the search terms under the two search themes below, combined using the Boolean operator “AND”. For COVID-19, we used “Novel coronavirus”, “Novel coronavirus 2019”, “2019 nCoV”, “Coronavirus Disease 2019”, “COVID-19”, “Wuhan coronavirus,” “Wuhan pneumonia,” and “SARS-CoV-2.” For cardiovascular implications, we used “Cardiovascular implications”, “Acute myocardial injury”, “Acute cardiac injury”, “Arrhythmias”, “Heart failure”, and “Myocardial infarction”. A thorough review of the references revealed further relevant articles.

Study selection and data abstraction

First of all, we screened articles by title and abstract. Then, we examined full texts of relevant articles for inclusion and exclusion criteria. A data abstraction spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel version 2013 was developed, which included the following information: author, year of publication, journal, and country where the study was done, study design, sample size, baseline characteristics and laboratory parameters of the patients and cardiovascular implications of COVID-19. A third researcher checked the article list and data abstraction spreadsheet to ensure there were no duplicate articles. Any duplicated article was counted as a single article.


Study selection

A total of 315 articles were retrieved using the search strategy. After screening by abstract and title, 52 articles were selected for full-text assessment. Of these, 46 articles were excluded as they were not relevant to research aims and objectives (Figure 1).


Figure 1. PRISMA diagram detailing the study identification and selection process.

Study characteristics

All the studies were conducted in China in 2020 and all of them were original articles except for one case report, by Cui et al.10. Among the original articles, all were retrospective studies except study by Huang et al.11, which was a prospective, observational study. All the studies have categorized patients into two groups: non-ICU/non-critical/without myocardial injury/with normal cardiac Troponin group and ICU/critical and severe/with myocardial injury/with elevated cardiac Troponin group. Critical and severe COVID-19 was defined as presence of one of the following conditions: respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation; shock; failure of other organs that requires treatment in ICU. Wang et al.12 and Huang et al.11 defined acute cardiac injury as blood levels of hypersensitive troponin I above the 99th percentile upper reference limit (>28 pg/mL) or new abnormalities shown on electrocardiography and echocardiography. Xingwei et al.13 defined myocardial injury as blood levels of myocardial troponin ≥3 times the upper reference limit (34.2 ng/L). However, Chen et al.14 and Guo et al.15 defined myocardial injury as serum levels of troponin above the 99th percentile upper reference limit (Table 1).

Table 1. Study characteristics.

Author Year Country Journal Sample
Study design Objectives Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Wang, et al.12 2020
China JAMA 138; non-
ICU group:
102, ICU
group: 36
Retrospective To describe the epidemiological
and clinical characteristics of novel
coronavirus–infected pneumonia.
Patients with novel coronavirus–
infected pneumonia diagnosed
according to WHO interim guidance.
Acute cardiac injury was defined
if blood levels of hypersensitive
troponin I above the 99th percentile
upper reference limit (>28 pg/
mL) or new abnormalities shown
on electrocardiography and
Huang, et al.11 2020
China Lancet 41; non-ICU
group: 28,
ICU group:
To describe epidemiological,
clinical, laboratory, and radiological
characteristics, treatment, and
outcomes of patients confirmed to
have 2019-novel coronavirus infection,
and to compare the clinical features
between ICU and non-ICU patients.
Real-time RT-PCR confirmed
cases of 2019-novel coronavirus.
Acute cardiac injury was defined
if blood levels of hypersensitive
troponin I above the 99th percentile
upper reference limit (>28 pg/
mL) or new abnormalities shown
on electrocardiography and
Chen, et al.14 2020
China Chinese
J Card
150; non-
group: 126,
group: 24
Retrospective Analysis of myocardial injury and
cardiovascular disease in critically
ill patients with new coronavirus
Patients of new Coronavirus
pneumonia clinically typed according
to the "Diagnosis and Treatment
Scheme for New Coronavirus Infected
Pneumonia (Trial Version 6)". Critically
ill patients were defined by one of
the following conditions: respiratory
failure requiring mechanical
ventilation, presence of shock,
and multi-organ failure requiring
ICU admission. Acute cardiac
injury was defined if blood levels of
hypersensitive troponin I above the
99th percentile upper reference limit
(>26.3 ng/L).
Patients of acute
infarction diagnosed
by clinical chest
pain symptoms and
ECG changes.
Xingwei, et al.13 2020
China Chinese
J Card
54; Group
injury: 24,
injury: 30
Retrospective To know the impact of complicated
myocardial injury on the clinical
outcome of severe or critically ill
COVID-19 patients.
(1) 2019-nCoV nucleic acid test
positive cases, and meeting the
diagnostic criteria for severe /
critically severe cases; (2) Critical
and severe COVID-19 is defined in
accordance with any of the following:
(a) respiratory failure requiring
mechanical ventilation; (b) shock;
(c) combined with other organ
failure requiring ICU monitoring and
treatment (3) Complete clinical data
and at least two cardiac troponin
test results. (4) Myocardial injury was
defined as blood levels of myocardial
troponin ≥3 times the upper reference
limit (34.2 ng / L).
(1) Non-2019-
nCoV infection
confirmed cases;
(2) patients with
acute myocardial
heart failure, and
chronic renal failure;
(3) missing clinical
Cui, et al.10 2020
China J Inf
1 Case report To highlight that child with COVID-19
can also present with multiple organ
damage and rapid disease changes.
Guo, et al.15 2020
China JAMA 187; Group
Group with
troponin: 52
Retrospective To evaluate the association of
underlying cardiovascular disease and
myocardial injury with fatal outcomes
in patients with COVID-19.
Patients with COVID-19 who were
diagnosed as per WHO interim
guideline, and who were either
treated and discharged or died
during hospitalization. Myocardial
injury was defined by serum levels
of troponin T were above the 99th
percentile upper reference limit.

ICU: intensive care unit; NA: not available; nCoV: novel coronavirus; RT-PCR: reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction; WHO: World Health Organization

Baseline characteristics and co-morbidities of the patients

The median age of the patients in all the studies was above 50 years, except in the studies by Huang et al.11 (median age, 49 years) and Cui et al.10 (patient’s age; 55 days). In all studies, patients requiring ICU/critical care or patients with myocardial injury/elevated cardiac troponin were older comparatively, except in study conducted by Huang et al.11 (median ages of patients in non-ICU and ICU groups were same). Male predominance was seen in all studies except those by Cui et al.10 and Guo et al.15. All the studies have included the underlying co-morbidities of the patients (Table 2).

Table 2. Baseline characteristics and co-morbidities of the patients.

Author Age (years) Male
disease (%)
disease (%)
Wang, et al.12 Median: 56; non-ICU group:
51, ICU group: 66
54.3 31.2 14.5 10.1 7.2 5.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 1.4
Huang, et al.11 Median: 49; non-ICU
group: 49 , ICU group:49
73 15 15 20 2 NA 2 NA 2 NA
Chen, et al.14 Mean: 59; non-critical
group:57.1 , critical
56 32.6 6 13.3 2 NA NA 1.3 NA NA
Xingwei, et al.13 Median: 68; Group without
myocardial injury:67 , Group
with myocardial injury:69.5
63 44.4 14.8 24.1 3.7 5.6 3.7 NA NA NA
Cui, et al.10 55 days Female NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Guo, et al.15 Mean: 58.5; Group normal
cardiac troponin:53.53,
Group with elevated cardiac
troponin: 71.4
48.7 32.6 15.5 15 7 NA 2.1 3.2 NA NA

ICU: Intensive Care Unit

NA: Not available

Cardiovascular complications associated with COVID-19

Wang et al.12 established that among the 138 patients, acute cardiac injury was seen in n=10 (7.2%), shock in n=12 (8.7%), and arrhythmia in n=23 (16.7%) patients. ICU patients were more likely to have one of these complications than non-ICU patients (p < 0.001) [Table 3]. ICU patients demonstrated significantly high levels of creatine phosphokinase myocardial band (CPK-MB), cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and D-dimer. Similarly, the number of patients who had procalcitonin levels >0.05 ng/mL was higher in the ICU group compared with the non-ICU group (n=27 [75%] vs n=22 [21.6%]) (Table 4).

Table 3. Cardiovascular complications associated with COVID-19.

Author Complications All patients (%) ICU patients (%) Non-ICU patients (%) p-value
Wang, et al.12 Shock 8.7 30.6 1 < 0.001
Acute cardiac injury 7.2 22.2 2 <0.001
Arrhythmia 16.7 44.4 6.9 < 0.001
Death 4.3 NA NA NA
Huang, et al.11 Shock 7 23 0 0.027
Acute cardiac injury 12 31 4 0.017
Death 15 38 4 NA
Chen, et al.14 Acute cardiac injury 7.1 62.5 5.6 <0.001
Death 7.3 41.7 0.8 <0.001
Xingwei, et al.13 Acute cardiac injury 44.4 NA NA NA
Death 48.1 75a 26.7b 0.001
Cui, et al.10 Death Patient
Guo, et al.15 Acute cardiac injury 27.8 NA NA NA
Arrhythmia 5.9 17.3c 1.5d <0.001
Death 23 59.6c 8.9d <0.001

a Group with myocardial injury

b Group without myocardial injury

c Group with elevated cardiac troponin T

d Group without elevated cardiac troponin T

NA: not available.

Table 4. Inflammatory and cardiac biomarkers of the patients.

Author Parameters Normal
Patients with severe
disease or non-ICU
Patients with very
severe disease or
ICU patients
Wang, et al.12 CPK-MB (U/L) < 25 14 13 18 < 0.001
Procalcitonin (ng/mL)
≥0.05, No. (%)
< 0.05 49 (35.5) 22 (21.6) 27 (75) < 0.001
Troponin I (pg/mL) < 26.2 6.4 5.1 11 0.004
D-dimer (mg/L) 0-500 203 166 414 <0.001
Huang, et al.11 CPK (U/L) ≤185 132·5 133 132 0.31
Procalcitonin (ng/mL)
≥0.05, No. (%)
<0.05 3 (8) 0 3 (25) NA
Troponin I (pg/mL), >28
(99th percentile)
NA 5/41
1/28 (4%) 4/13 (31%) 0·017
D-dimer (mg/L) NA 0.5 0.5 2.4 0.0042
Chen, et al.14 hsCRP (mg/L) NA NA 30.9 84.9 <0.001
NT-proBNP (ng / L) NA NA 83 1030 <0.001
Troponin I (ng/L) NA NA 4.5 68.5 <0.001
Xingwei, et al.13 CRP (mg/L) 10 NA 62.9 b 135a 0.007
NT-proBNP (ng/L) <486 NA 201 b 971 a <0.001
Cui, et al. 10 CRP (mg/L) 0–5 0.56 NA NA NA
Procalcitonin (ng/mL) 0-0.046 0.15 NA NA NA
CPK-MB (U/L) 0-25 46 NA NA NA
Troponin I (ugm/L) 0-0.0156 0.025 NA NA NA
Guo, et al.15 hsCRP (mg/dL) NA 4.04 3.13 d 8.55 c <0.001
Procalcitonin (ng/mL) NA 0.08 0.05 d 0.21 c <0.001
Globulin (g/L) NA 27.7 27.4 d 29.7 c <0.001
CPK-MB (ng/mL) NA 1.14 0.81 d 3.34 c <0.001
Myoglobulin (ug/L) NA 38.5 27.2 d 128.7 c <0.001
NT-proBNP (pg/mL) NA 268.4 141.4 d 817.4 c <0.001
d-dimer (ugm/mL) NA 0.43 0.29 d 3.85 c <0.001

CPK-MB: Creatine phosphokinase myocardial band; CPK: Creatine phosphokinase; hsCRP: Hypersensitive C-reactive protein;NT-proBNP: N-terminal-pro brain natriuretic peptide.

a Group with myocardial injury

b Group without myocardial injury

c Group with elevated cardiac troponin T

d Group without elevated cardiac troponin T

The study conducted by Huang et al.11 found that among the 41 patients, acute cardiac injury was seen in n=5(12%) and shock in n=3 (7%) patients. Acute cardiac injury n=4 ([31%] vs n=1 [4%]) and shock (n=3 [23%] vs n=0 [0%]) were seen more commonly in ICU patients compared with non-ICU patients (Table 3). Besides, ICU patients demonstrated significantly high levels of creatine phosphokinase (CPK), and D-dimer. Number of patients who had procalcitonin levels >0.05 ng/mL and cTnI >28 pg/mL (99th percentile) were more in ICU group compared with non-ICU group (Table 4).

Similarly, Chen et al.14 observed that among the n=150 patients, n=22 (7.1%) had acute cardiac injury. In the same study, out of n=24 patients in the critical group, n=15 (62.5%) had acute cardiac injury and n=7 (5.6%) out of 126 patients in non-critical group had acute cardiac injury and the difference was statistically significant (p-value <0.001) (Table 3). Hypersensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), N-terminal-pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and cTnI levels of the patients were significantly higher in critical care cases than in mild cases (p-value <0.001) (Table 4). On univariate logistic regression analysis, critical disease status had a significant correlation with age, male gender, elevated NT-proBNP, elevated cTnI, elevated hs-CRP, hypertension, and coronary artery disease (all p<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that elevated cTnI (OR=26.909, 95%CI 4.086–177.226, p=0.001) and coronary artery disease (OR=16.609, 95%CI 2.288–120.577, p=0.005) were the independent risk factors of critical disease status.

In study performed by Xingwei et al.13, among the n=54 severe/critically severe patients, acute myocardial injury was discovered in 24 (44.4%) patients while 26 (48.1%) patients died during hospital stay. The in-hospital mortality rate was significantly higher in the myocardial injury group compared to the group without myocardial injury [75.0% (18/24) vs. 26.7% (8/30), p-value = 0.001]. In myocardial injury group, C-reactive protein (CRP) and NT-proBNP levels were also found to be significantly higher than those without myocardial injury (all p-value<0.01)

Cui et al.10 described a case report of acute cardiac injury in an infant infected with COVID-19 as suggested by elevated plasma levels of CPK-MB, and cTnI.

Guo et al.15 observed that among the n=187 patients, n=52 (27.8%) exhibited acute cardiac injury as indicated by elevated cardiac troponin T (cTnT) levels. During hospitalization, arrhythmias were seen in n=11 (5.9%) patients. Patient with elevated cTnT levels had more frequent malignant arrhythmias compared with normal cTnT (n=9 [17.3%] vs n=2 [1.5%]). The overall mortality was 23% (43 patients died) (Table 4). The mortality rates were 7.62% (8 of 105), 13.33% (4 of 30), 37.50% (6 of 16), 69.44% (25 of 36) for patients without underlying cardiovascular disease (CVD) and normal cTnT levels, with underlying CVD and normal cTnT levels, without underlying CVD but elevated cTnT levels, and with underlying CVD and elevated cTnT levels, respectively. Elevated cTnT levels was seen more commonly in patients with underlying CVD compared with patients without CVD (36 [54.5%] vs 16 [13.2%]). A significant positive linear correlation of plasma cTnT levels with plasma hsCRP levels (β = 0.530, p< 0.001) and NT-proBNP levels (β = 0.613, p < 0.001) was also observed.


In previous outbreaks of influenza and coronavirus (i.e. MERS and SARS coronavirus), cardiovascular implications like myocarditis, acute myocardial infarction, and acute exacerbation of heart failure (both systolic and diastolic) are well-recognized4,1619 (Table 5). Based on the studies analyzed, we found that patients with COVID-19 have diverse cardiovascular implications ranging from acute cardiac injury to death. The incidence of acute cardiac injury ranges from 7 to 44% in different studies and the incidence were higher in patients admitted to ICU compared with non-ICU patients (Table 3). Additionally, cardiovascular involvement was more commonly seen in elderly males. Patients with underlying coronary artery disease, hypertension, cardiomyopathy and other co-morbidities are more prone to experience myocardial injury during the course of COVID-19. In these patients, superimposed viral illness damages the myocardial cells by enhancing the systemic inflammatory responses, aggravating hypoxia, and destabilizing coronary plaque. The exact pathophysiology of myocardial injury in previously healthy patients with COVID-19 infection is not fully understood. Cardiac injury can occur via direct or indirect mechanisms (Figure 2). Direct mechanism is exhibited by infiltration of virus into myocardial cells and myocardial inflammation, resulting into cardiomyocyte death. Indirect mechanisms include respiratory failure and hypoxemia, multi-organ dysfunction, hyper-inflammation accompanied by cytokine storm, which ultimately lead to myocardial injury20. Cytokine storm during infection possibly causes a reduction in coronary blood flow, destabilization of coronary plaque and microthrombogenesis21.

Table 5. Cardiovascular implications of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV.

Outbreak Author Journal Sample
Cardiovascular implications
SARS Yu, et al.4 BMJ 121 Hypotension, tachycardia, bradycardia,
cardiomegaly, and arrhythmia
Pan, et al.17 Chinese J Tuberculosis
and Respiratory Dis
15 Cardiac arrest
Li, et al.18 Circulation 46 Sub-clinical diastolic impairment without systolic
involvement on echocardiography
MERS Alhogbani19 Annals Saudi Med. 1 Acute myocarditis and acute-onset heart failure

SARS: severe acute respiratory syndrome; MERS: Middle East respiratory syndrome; BMJ: British Medical Journal.


Figure 2. Pathophysiology of myocardial injury in patients with COVID-19.

Inflammatory markers like CRP/hs-CRP, and procalcitonin were found to be significantly elevated in patients with myocardial injury/critical patients/ICU patients; suggesting a role for inflammation in COVID-19-mediated cardiac injury. Increased plasma levels of cardiac troponin, NT-proBNP, and D-dimer or new onset abnormalities in electrocardiogram or echocardiogragram can be helpful in early identification of acute cardiac injury in patients of COVID-19. Besides, cardiac troponin and NT-proBNP may have a role in prognostication and possible need for intensive care in such patients. Aggressive supportive management based on prognostic indicators can improve clinical outcomes in such patients. Management of heart failure, arrhythmias, acute coronary syndrome and thrombosis is important.

Limitations of the review

Our review has included limited number of available studies with small sample size. Hence, the result of our systematic review should be considered with caution. All studies included in our review were conducted in China and most of them were retrospective. Thus, our review lacks heterogeneous and diverse population. We recommend multicenter, multi-national, prospective studies be carried on cardiovascular implications of COVID-19. It is difficult to postulate myocardial injury as the sole cause of death as it may have occurred due to multi-organ dysfunction.


Acute cardiac injury is common in patients with COVID-19 and when it occurs, has a poor prognosis. Monitoring of myocardial injury markers and cardiac function is of utmost importance, and attention should be paid to the early identification and comprehensive management of myocardial injury in such patients.

Data availability

Underlying data

All data underlying the results are available as part of the article and no additional source data are required.

Reporting guidelines

Figshare: PRISMA checklist for ‘Cardiovascular implications of coronavirus disease 2019: a systematic review’. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.12658409.v18.

The completed PRISMA checklist is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY 4.0).

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Pradhan RR, Yadav AK and Mandal S. Cardiovascular implications of coronavirus disease 2019: a systematic review [version 1; peer review: 2 not approved] F1000Research 2020, 9:899 (https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.25211.1)
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
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Open Peer Review

Current Reviewer Status: ?
Key to Reviewer Statuses VIEW
ApprovedThe paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
Version 1
PUBLISHED 04 Aug 2020
Reviewer Report 11 Aug 2021
Sanjeet Singh Avtaar Singh, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, NHS Grampian, Aberdeen, UK 
Not Approved
Many thanks for the review. This was an interesting read but there are a few niggling issues.

  • Reads well but I think 'global pandemic' would be an all encompassing term vs 'Public
... Continue reading
Avtaar Singh SS. Reviewer Report For: Cardiovascular implications of coronavirus disease 2019: a systematic review [version 1; peer review: 2 not approved]. F1000Research 2020, 9:899 (https://doi.org/10.5256/f1000research.27822.r90989)
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
Reviewer Report 14 Sep 2020
Siddappa N. Byrareddy, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA 
Not Approved
Pradhan et al. used six articles to review the idea that cardiovascular issues can predict the severity of a COVID-19 diagnosis, or that COVID-19 infection can lead to heart conditions. Major strengths of the this review is authors clearly said ... Continue reading
Byrareddy SN. Reviewer Report For: Cardiovascular implications of coronavirus disease 2019: a systematic review [version 1; peer review: 2 not approved]. F1000Research 2020, 9:899 (https://doi.org/10.5256/f1000research.27822.r70363)
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.

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Version 1
Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:
Approved - the paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
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