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Jelena Filipovic
  • Department of Iberian Studies, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 3, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
This chapter introduces key concepts that served as cornerstones in the design, implementation, and research of networked learning projects with a focus on academic writing. These projects provided a context for critical thinking,... more
This chapter introduces key concepts that served as cornerstones in the design, implementation, and research of networked learning projects with a focus on academic writing. These projects provided a context for critical thinking, conscientious being, and the development of meta-knowledge, which are the ultimate goals of higher education. This chapter reveals the successful pursuit of these goals to transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries which would require a holistic approach that engages persons academically and professionally, intra- and interpersonally, and above all reflectively. Research of the same calls for a transdisciplinary approach, and the rationale behind the adoption of reflective and dialogic methods is explored. Where personal and academic development may involve the tensions and discomfort of growth, this chapter suggests the value of mutual learning within heterarchical communities of practice and those that seek to cultivate mutual autonomy. Learning how to learn together is understood as a starting point and a final destination in this experiment of critical pedagogy that is experienced differently by each participant but commonly shared by all.
A traves del concepto de Anderson de "comunidad imaginada", interpretamos la comprension romantica que tiene Ivo Andric de los judios en Bosnia-Herzegovina. A saber, en sus textos en prosa, se aprecia la dicotomia... more
A traves del concepto de Anderson de "comunidad imaginada", interpretamos la comprension romantica que tiene Ivo Andric de los judios en Bosnia-Herzegovina. A saber, en sus textos en prosa, se aprecia la dicotomia "nosotros" y "ellos", es decir, la comunidad judia se presenta como separada y sustancialmente diferente de las demas en el complejo entorno bosnio etnico-religioso. A pesar del hecho de que el escritor a los judios, especialmente a los sefardies autoctonos, los siente como miembros de una "otredad" exotica, escribe sobre ellos con mucha empatia sin dejar de reafirmar la diversidad. Sus sentimientos culminan en pasajes relacionados con el Holocausto, en los que se borra la "alteridad" y se convierten en "nuestros sefardies destruidos y aniquilados".
Sociolingvisticka monografija Ivane Vucina Simovic i Jelene Filipovic Etnicki identitet i zamena jezika u sefardskoj zajednici u Beogradu popunjava dve znacajne praznine: nedostatak celovite studije o Sefardima u Beogradu i nedostatak... more
Sociolingvisticka monografija Ivane Vucina Simovic i Jelene Filipovic Etnicki identitet i zamena jezika u sefardskoj zajednici u Beogradu popunjava dve znacajne praznine: nedostatak celovite studije o Sefardima u Beogradu i nedostatak dijahrone sociolingvisticke analize nekog manjinskog jezika u Srbiji sa razvijenim teorijskim pristupom
This paper provides a comparative analysis of historical, social, cultural and political circumstances that have contributed over a long period of time to the creation of gender-biased contexts in Spanish and Serbian school systems.... more
This paper provides a comparative analysis of historical, social, cultural and political circumstances that have contributed over a long period of time to the creation of gender-biased contexts in Spanish and Serbian school systems. Research procedures of critical discourse analysis are applied to curricular concepts, textbook discourse, and to legislative educational discourse in order to support the stand that overall patriarchal ideologies, still very much present in Spanish and Serbian societies, are directly reflected in both Spanish and Serbian classrooms. In other words, despite proclaimed gender equality, these two countries have not yet achieved authentic and comprehensive equality between boys and girls within their educational systems.
Herein, language policy and planning is described and accounted for as interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field of research which has to take into account numerous factors that impact decisions made about language status, its... more
Herein, language policy and planning is described and accounted for as interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field of research which has to take into account numerous factors that impact decisions made about language status, its structure and its use in different communicative domains, such as identity (social, ethnic, racial, national, etc.), history, culture, epistemology, social hierarchies, discursive constructions of public and private spheres, as well as geography, economy and politics. The model of language leadership (Filipović, 2015), designed within the framework of complexity theory leadership (Uhl-Bien et al, 2007), is applied in combination with the sociocultural linguistic framework of collective identity construction through interpersonal relations (Bucholtz & Hall, 2005) in order to illustrate the mechanisms operative in design and implementation of the decision-making process at the level of institutionalized language policy and planning in Serbia.
Рад представља резултате инструменталне квалитативне студије случаја која потврђује релевантност интердисциплинарног, хетерархијског приступа развоју терминолошке језичке политике и планирања у Србији. Уводећи принципе језичког лидерства,... more
Рад представља резултате инструменталне квалитативне студије случаја која потврђује релевантност интердисциплинарног, хетерархијског приступа развоју терминолошке језичке политике и планирања у Србији. Уводећи принципе језичког лидерства, ауторке нуде нову платформу за јединствени, савремени и временски и просторно утемељен процес креирања, евалуације, складиштења и стандардизације термина различитих професија и научних дисциплина. Кључне речи: терминолошка политика и планирање, језичко лидерство, менаџмент језика, адаптибилно, омогућавајуће и административно терминолошко лидерство
Preservation and revitalization of linguistic and cultural heritage in the 21st century is understood as a transdisciplinary endeavor which needs to take into account cultural models and ideologies of otherness which fall outside of the... more
Preservation and revitalization of linguistic and cultural heritage in the 21st century is understood as a transdisciplinary endeavor which needs to take into account cultural models and ideologies of otherness which fall outside of the prescribed Eurocentric points of view. It has a serious critical dimension of social action and seeks to solve real life problems of real people by merging science and "non-science" in any purposeful research activity. Cultural and linguistic landscapes in both diachronic and synchronic dimensions have proven to be extremely useful resources for a transdiciplinary cultural and linguistic heritage preservation. Herein, they are presented within a framework of multimodal social semiotics which allows us to include different aspects of contemporary discourse (word, sound, image, movement, space) and to investigate how meaning is created within a particular set of historical, cultural, social, political and other cultural models. Transdisciplinary multimodal analysis of cultural and linguistic landscapes allows us to create representational, relational and compositional meanings (Thurlow, 2015: 623) which then can be translated into collections of diachronic and synchronic multimodal discourses, as well as spaces and places for maintenance and revitalization of cultural and linguistic heritage through a number of applications which create new meanings in real space and time or in an online setting (online cultural and linguistic landscapes).
Research Interests:
Простори, места и језици српске интелектуалне дијаспоре у сајберспејсу Јелена Филиповић Филолошки факултет Универзитет у Београду Јован Филиповић Факултет организационих наука Универзитет у Београду Апстракт У раду се из перспективе... more
Простори, места и језици српске интелектуалне дијаспоре у сајберспејсу Јелена Филиповић Филолошки факултет Универзитет у Београду Јован Филиповић Факултет организационих наука Универзитет у Београду

Апстракт У раду се из перспективе комуникативне акције (Habermas, 1984) анализирају простори, места и језици у комуникацји српске интелектуалне дијаспоре на друштвеној мрежи Фејсбук. Разматра се комуникативна акција која се одиграва у сајберспејсу (енгл. cyberspace), глобалном метамедијуму који омогућава како двосмерну тако и вишесмерну комуникацију у којој језички избори заузимају кључно место у процесу формирања личних и колективних идентитета. Простори у сајберспејсу су региони активности друштвених система у оквиру којих се трансформишу делови реалности, а места локалитети, ограничени делови простора који представљају центар значења и фокус људског емотивног ангажмана (Augé, 1995). Овде представљена интринсичкa студија случаја указује да српска интелектуална дијаспора располаже вишејезичним лингвистичким репертоаром у коме српски језик заузуима равноправно место са језицима подручја на којима особе живе и раде (енглески, француски, шпански, каталонски, португалски, итд.). Даље, истраживање указује на транслокалсни, хетероглосични и индивидуализовни избор "репрезентационих комуникативних пракси" млађих представница и представника интелектуалне дијаспоре, за разлику од тематски условљеног билингвизма (српско-енглеског и шпанског-енглеског) представница и представника средње генерације.
Language education policy in Serbia, from early days of formal education (second half of the 19 th century) onwards has until recently been investigated as a top-down, institutional, managerial activity (Spolsky, 2009, Filipović, 2015,... more
Language education policy in Serbia, from early days of formal education (second half of the 19 th century) onwards has until recently been investigated as a top-down, institutional, managerial activity (Spolsky, 2009, Filipović, 2015, 2016, 2017a) which takes into account language and overall ideologies of policy planners/language managers (Filipović, 2015a; 2018; Djurić, 2016), their epistemological as well as personal and collective strategic interests. In this paper, we contrast the above approach (macro-level) with the micro-level language policy (Liddicoat & Baldauf, 2008) focusing on early childhood foreign language policy and planning as illustrative of the overall trajectory of Serbian language education policy. We analyze it against the backdrop of the general history of Serbian foreign language education policies, with emphasis on teaching of English as a foreign language in this country (due to its special status as the global lingua franca). We offer examples of good practices at the micro-level (i.e., of individual or group engagement) in form of language leadership (Filipović, 2015a; 2015b; 2016; 2017a; 2018) which might serve as guidelines for future purposeful and effective language policy and planning.
Language education policy in Serbia, from early days of formal education (second half of the 19 th century) onwards has until recently been investigated as a top-down, institutional, managerial activity (Spolsky, 2009, Filipović, 2015,... more
Language education policy in Serbia, from early days of formal education (second half of the 19 th century) onwards has until recently been investigated as a top-down, institutional, managerial activity (Spolsky, 2009, Filipović, 2015, 2016, 2017a) which takes into account language and overall ideologies of policy planners/language managers (Filipović, 2015a; 2018; Djurić, 2016), their epistemological as well as personal and collective strategic interests. In this paper, we contrast the above approach (macro-level) with the micro-level language policy (Liddicoat & Baldauf, 2008) focusing on early childhood foreign language policy and planning as illustrative of the overall trajectory of Serbian language education policy. We analyze it against the backdrop of the general history of Serbian foreign language education policies, with emphasis on teaching of English as a foreign language in this country (due to its special status as the global lingua franca). We offer examples of good practices at the micro-level (i.e., of individual or group engagement) in form of language leadership (Filipović, 2015a; 2015b; 2016; 2017a; 2018) which might serve as guidelines for future purposeful and effective language policy and planning.
In this paper, the position of Sephardic women and general conditions of Sephardic communities in the Balkans in the second half of the 19 th and throughout the 20 th century is outlined on the basis of writings by two extraordinary... more
In this paper, the position of Sephardic women and general conditions of Sephardic communities in the Balkans in the second half of the 19 th and throughout the 20 th century is outlined on the basis of writings by two extraordinary women, an aunt and her niece: Laura Papo Bohoreta and Gordana Kuić. Laura Papo Bohoreta creates her documentary and fictional narratives at the threshold of modernity, when Sephardic women find themselves challenged in a myriad of ways, but always understanding their position as historical subjects in the construction and maintenance of Sephardic Jewish identity during the process of a more or less quick assimilation (depending on the region) of Sephardim into the majority communities in the Balkans of the late 19th and early 20th century. Gordana Kuić writes in the second half of the 20 th century about the times gone by and the present she lives and transposes in her fictional narrative. All the narratives presented herein affirm the relevance of women in the construction of a new understanding of female involvement through history: women have always been active participants of historical and social change, and their gender identity, which has always stood in direct correlation with their ethnicity, religion, education and social class, has to be recognized as an incentive for any type of social action (Melman, 1993).
El presente estudio se centra en la descripción y el análisis de la situación del español en los seis países ubicados en la península balcánica : Bosnia y Herzegovina, Croacia, Eslovenia, Macedonia del Norte, Montenegro y Serbia.
In line with the understanding of the role of critical pedagogy in intercultural language education, in this paper we focus on critical discourse and sociolinguistic analysis of contemporary textbooks of Spanish as a Foreign Language... more
In line with the understanding of the role of critical pedagogy in intercultural language education, in this paper we focus on critical discourse and sociolinguistic analysis of contemporary textbooks of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL). We search for neoliberal gender ideologies in educational discourses targeting international audience of students of SFL. Even though new textbooks are said to promote the “feminization” of educational contexts (Gray 2010), we interpret them as sources of latent hegemonic influences favoring highly regulated and standardized neoliberal capitalist worldviews toward gender. Based on previous research of textbooks of SFL (Bori 2018; Kuzmanović Jovanović 2016), we herein present results of an instrumental qualitative case study (emancipatory focus group research) taking a critical stand toward neoliberal gender ideologies among predominantly female university students of Spanish at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade who are exposed to t...
Research question: This paper studies the roles of Terminology Leadership (Filipovic 2012, 2015; Filipovic & Vuco, 2012; Filipovic & Djordan, 2018) and Terminology Management model (Jernudd & Neustupný, 1987, 1991; Jernudd 1993, 1997 in... more
Research question: This paper studies the roles of Terminology Leadership (Filipovic 2012, 2015; Filipovic & Vuco, 2012; Filipovic & Djordan, 2018) and Terminology Management model (Jernudd & Neustupný, 1987, 1991; Jernudd 1993, 1997 in Antia, 2000, p.3; Spolsky, 2004, 2009, 2012) in the implementation of terminology policy and planning in Serbia, and the sustainable development of Serbian scientific and technical terminology. Motivation: As in almost all standard-language cultures (Quirk,1990), the Serbian language policy is top-down oriented, i.e., it follows the language management model. In this model, all decisions regarding the language, including terminology decisions, are made by linguists - language planners, without taking into account the opinions of professional and academic communities, i.e., the primary creators and users of terminology. Newer European terminology guidelines, especially the widely accepted UNESCO Guidelines for Terminological Policies (2005, p.3), howe...
En este trabajo, se presentan las condiciones generales tanto del mantenimiento del judeoespañol como de su desplazamiento por el serbio. El mantenimiento fue un fenómeno lingüístico y cultural durante el cual esta lengua se conservó por... more
En este trabajo, se presentan las condiciones generales tanto del mantenimiento del judeoespañol como de su desplazamiento por el serbio. El mantenimiento fue un fenómeno lingüístico y cultural durante el cual esta lengua se conservó por siglos casi intacta entre los sefardíes de Belgrado, mientras que el desplazamiento fue un proceso de una duración mucho menor, que se inicia en la comunidad sefardí de Belgrado en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y se prolonga hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El modelo aplicado al fenómeno estudiado se basa principalmente en la teoría de dominios de lenguaje. La situación sociolingüística y sociocultural del judeoespañol de Belgrado ofrece un paradigma del ciclo de vida de esta variedad lingüística en los Balcanes.
Theories of situated knowledge support that knowledge involves experience of practices rather than just accumulated information. While an important segment of foreign language teacher education programs focuses on the theoretical... more
Theories of situated knowledge support that knowledge involves experience of practices rather than just accumulated information. While an important segment of foreign language teacher education programs focuses on the theoretical component of second/foreign language acquisition theories and relevant methodological concerns, it is mainly through practice that novice teachers construct their new professional identities. Consequently, typical teacher preparation programs require a number of classroom practice hours, which is not easily carried out in the educational context where there is a limited number of target language courses; such is the case of Spanish language instruction in Serbia. This study presents examples of two service-learning programs aimed at providing teaching practice for pre-service Spanish teachers in Serbia, while answering to the needs and interests of specific communities. The theoretical and practical implications of this investigation may help outline a model of foreign language teacher education programs for social and educational contexts that lack a large-scale target language audience. Issues of future foreign language teachers’ identity and cognition regarding the language education policy creation and the teaching process itself are also addressed.
En este trabajo se ofrece un análisis comparativo de las condiciones históricas, sociales, culturales y políticas que contribuyeron a la formación de un contexto sexista en las escuelas españolas y serbias. Aplicando la metodología del... more
En este trabajo se ofrece un análisis comparativo de las condiciones históricas, sociales, culturales y políticas que contribuyeron a la formación de un contexto sexista en las escuelas españolas y serbias. Aplicando la metodología del análisis crítico del discurso se investigan los conceptos curriculares, el discurso de los libros de texto, y el discurso de los documentos legislativos igual que los reflejos de las ideologías generales de las sociedades española y serbia que contribuyeron al estado actual en el que todavía no existe una igualdad auténtica y comprensiva entre las niñas y los niños en los sistemas educativos de estos dos países.
Even though foreign language teachers have long been recognized not only as a source of knowledge, but also as mediators, facilitators and guides in the process of learning a foreign language, their possible active role in the formulation... more
Even though foreign language teachers have long been recognized not only as a source of knowledge, but also as mediators, facilitators and guides in the process of learning a foreign language, their possible active role in the formulation of foreign language education policies (henceforth LEP) has until recently been completely neglected. In this paper, a multilateral and multidimensional approach to foreign language education policy is presented which indicates that top-down LEP needs to be accompanied by bottom-up LEP carried out by foreign language teachers themselves, supported by their own university education which includes concepts of critical pedagogy and constructive learning.
ABSTRACT: In line with the understanding of the role of critical pedagogy in intercultural language education, in this paper we focus on critical discourse and sociolinguistic analysis of contemporary textbooks of Spanish as a Foreign... more
ABSTRACT: In line with the understanding of the role of critical pedagogy in intercultural language education, in this paper we focus on critical discourse and sociolinguistic analysis of contemporary textbooks of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL). We search for neoliberal gender ideologies in educational discourses targeting international audience of students of SFL. Even though new textbooks are said to promote the “feminization” of educational contexts (Gray, 2010), we interpret them as sources of latent hegemonic influences favoring highly regulated and standardized neoliberal capitalist worldviews toward gender. Based on previous research of textbooks of SFL (Bori, 2018; Kuzmanović Jovanović 2016), we herein present results of an instrumental qualitative case study (emancipatory focus group research) taking a critical stand toward neoliberal gender ideologies among predominantly female university students of Spanish at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade who are exposed to the above outlined teaching and learning materials. Our objective is to create a new educational space in our SFL classrooms in which contextualized knowledge construction takes place leading to the maturation of SFL users and teachers, who are "capable of changing their reality in ways related to formal and informal educational settings" (Filipović, 2015: 105).

Keywords: intercultural language education, neoliberalism, gender ideologies, E/LE, contextualized knowledge construction
Terminology policy represents a segment of language policy and planning especially important for language for specific purposes. Terminology provides specialized knowledge at the level of concepts (which are the basic units of... more
Terminology policy represents a segment of language policy and planning especially important for language for specific purposes. Terminology provides specialized knowledge at the level of concepts (which are the basic units of subject-field), and terms are recognized as key "contents carriers" of specialized information and expert knowledge. More often than not, specialists in specific fields are creators and users of terminologies of their respective subject fields. That implies that terminologies are frequently created by domain experts of subject-fields in an "evolutionary" rather than in any coordinated way, which results in a highly fragmented and sectorized situation with respect to most terminological activities and applications. The paper presents the results of an instrumental qualitative case study that confirms the relevance of the interdisciplinary, heterarchic approach to the development of terminological language policy and planning in Serbia. The research results indicate that Serbian terminology creators are, in fact, terminology users (experts with no linguistic background) who perform this activity in a highly uncoordinated way, which may be labelled bottom-up terminology policy and planning, and which does not correlate with the top-down terminology policy (conducted by terminology policy makers, mainly linguists). By introducing the principles of language leadership, the authors offer a new platform for a unique, contemporary process of professional terminology creation, evaluation, storage and standardization. A proposal is made herein which may help all relevant actors to establish closer cooperation and, consequently, open new space for a more systematic and coherent engagement in this important transdisciplinary field of research. Keywords: terminology policy and planning, language leadership, language management, adaptive, facilitative and administrative terminology leadership
his paper studies the roles of Terminology Leadership (Filipovic 2012, 2015; Filipovic & Vuco, 2012; Filipovic & Djordan, 2018) and Terminology Management model (Jernudd & Neustupny, 1987, 1991; Jernudd 1993, 1997 in Antia, 2000, p.3;... more
his paper studies the roles of Terminology Leadership (Filipovic 2012, 2015; Filipovic & Vuco, 2012; Filipovic & Djordan, 2018) and Terminology Management model (Jernudd & Neustupny, 1987, 1991; Jernudd 1993, 1997 in Antia, 2000, p.3; Spolsky, 2004, 2009, 2012) in the implementation of terminology policy and planning in Serbia, and the sustainable development of Serbian scientific and technical terminology. Motivation: As in almost all standard-language cultures (Quirk,1990), the Serbian language policy is top-down oriented, i.e., it follows the language management model. In this model, all decisions regarding the language, including terminology decisions, are made by linguists - language planners, without taking into account the opinions of professional and academic communities, i.e., the primary creators and users of terminology. Newer European terminology guidelines, especially the widely accepted UNESCO Guidelines for Terminological Policies (2005, p.3), however, propose that terminology work should be approached both top-down, i.e., on the level of political decision-making (following the terminology management model), and bottom-up, i.e., on the level of professional associations and other terminology stakeholders (following the complementary model of terminology leadership). Idea: The idea behind this paper is to investigate to what extent the terminology leadership model and the bottom-up orientation in the Serbian terminology policy and planning are recognized and accepted by various groups of stakeholders in comparison with the dominant language management model. Data: The data regarding the perspectives of two groups of terminology stakeholders (technical translators and professional / academic community) towards the state of the Serbian subject-field terminology and terminology management were collected, analyzed, interpreted and compared. Tools: The data were collected through two surveys on terminology work (Andjelkovic, 2018). While the first survey focuses on translators’ perspective on terminology management, the second survey examines the attitude of the academic community towards the terminology state of their own subject field: management. Findings: The surveys’ results confirm that both groups of terminology stakeholders recognise the importance of collaborative and cooperative work of linguists and subject field specialists in terminology policy making, planning and implementation, and thus do not regard linguists (i.e., language planners) as exclusive language and terminology decision-makers. The results also indicate, however, that there is still a very strong influence of standard-language ideology and the top-down oriented language policy. Contribution: The paper suggests a change in the implementation of the Serbian terminology policy and planning that is more in line with the European terminology Guidelines (UNESCO, 2005).

Keywords: terminology management, terminology leadership, terminology policy and planning, adaptive leadership, enabling leadership, administrative leadership.
Preservation and revitalization of linguistic and cultural heritage in the 21st century is understood as a transdisci-plinary endeavor which needs to take into account cultural models and ideologies of otherness which fall outside of the... more
Preservation and revitalization of linguistic and cultural heritage in the 21st century is understood as a transdisci-plinary endeavor which needs to take into account cultural models and ideologies of otherness which fall outside of the prescribed Eurocentric points of view. It has a serious critical dimension of social action and seeks to solve real life problems of real people by merging science and "non-science" in any purposeful research activity. Cultural and linguistic landscapes in both diachronic and synchronic dimensions have proven to be extremely useful resources for a transdiciplinary cultural and linguistic heritage preservation. Herein, they are presented within a framework of multimodal social semiotics which allows us to include different aspects of contemporary discourse (word, sound, image, movement, space) and to investigate how meaning is created within a particular set of historical , cultural, social, political and other cultural models. Transdisciplinary multimodal analysis of cultural and linguistic landscapes allows us to create representational, relational and compositional meanings (Thurlow, 2015: 623) which then can be translated into collections of diachronic and synchronic multimodal discourses, as well as spaces and places for maintenance and revitalization of cultural and linguistic heritage through a number of applications which create new meanings in real space and time or in an online setting (online cultural and linguistic landscapes).
U radu se predstavlja autoetnografski pristup mulitmodalnom čitanju i doživljaju književnog teksta u konstruktivi- stičkom ključu multimodalne semiotike i sociolingvističke narativne mreže. Autorka tumači savremene “nosače” teksta... more
U radu se predstavlja autoetnografski pristup mulitmodalnom čitanju i doživljaju književnog teksta u konstruktivi- stičkom ključu multimodalne semiotike i sociolingvističke narativne mreže. Autorka tumači savremene “nosače” teksta (Kindle) i onlajn okruženje kao tehnološke semiotičke resurse koji dozvoljavaju novi vid potrage za manje poznatom lepom književnošću (u datom kulturnom kontekstu). U ovom slučaju radi se o tri romana nigerijske spisateljice Čimamande Ngozi Adiči (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie), relativno nepoznate našoj čitalačkoj publici. Mulitmodalno čitanje primenjuje se u cilju konstruisanja kompleksnih mentalnih pejzaža (Maruyama, 1980) kroz hronotopske vremensko-prostorne okvire (Bahtin, 1981; Blommaert, 2005, 2015) na osnovu kojih definišemo sopstvene “jezičko-ideološke (i estetske) sisteme vrednosti” (Blommaert, 2015: 2).
The paper emphasizes the crucial importance of transdisciplinary approach to qualitative research methodology in teaching and learning contexts involving highly stigmatized minority languages. Autoethnography and participatory action... more
The paper emphasizes the crucial importance of transdisciplinary approach to qualitative research methodology in teaching and learning contexts involving highly stigmatized minority languages. Autoethnography and participatory action research are herein employed as constructive, critical, qualitative methodological procedures relevant to transdisciplinary research on minority languages in applied linguistics. An international project on teaching and learning Romani, QUALIROM, is used as a case study in order to emphasize the fact that mere theoretical knowledge and professional expertise are important but not sufficient for successful implementation and sustainability of outcomes in this field of linguistic research. The analysis suggests that socially engaged minority language learning and teaching projects should be understood as transdisciplinary, collaborative activities that transcend academic boundaries, and in which research participants create a number of interactive contexts within project-oriented communities of practice aimed at reshaping dominant social relations and practices.
Од Фердинанда де Сосира до Ноама Чомског и њихових следбеника, лингвистика се развија у теоријским оквирима структуралистичке оријентације. Полазећи од идејa друштвене и критичке теорије у овом раду се нуди аргументација да језик и... more
Од Фердинанда де Сосира до Ноама Чомског и њихових следбеника, лингвистика се развија у теоријским оквирима структуралистичке оријентације. Полазећи од идејa друштвене и критичке теорије у овом раду се нуди аргументација да језик и друштво не можемо истраживати и тумачити објективистички и измештено из друштвеног, културног, политичког, религијског и сваког другог контекста у коме они функционишу: језик је кључно средство за преношење сваког друштвеног знања које се конструише кроз комуникативне праксе. Научни (друштвени) конструктивизам се сагледава као природан еволутивни искорак из структурализма који нам омогућава друштвено ангажован поглед на језик и друштво у оквиру парадигме теорије комплексности и трансидсиплинарности.
U radu se analiziraju različite paradigme jezičke politike i planiranja koje su formirale ideologije standardnojezičkih kultura na evropskom tlu u periodu modernosti u savremeno doba i aktuelizuje se potreba za određivanjem novog... more
U radu se analiziraju različite paradigme jezičke politike i planiranja koje su formirale ideologije standardnojezičkih kultura na evropskom tlu u periodu modernosti u savremeno doba i aktuelizuje se potreba za određivanjem novog poimanja jezičke politike i planiranja, bazirane na jezičkom liderstvu a ne na menadžmentu jezika.
U radu se analiziraju različite paradigme jezičke politike i planiranja koje su formirale ideologije standardnojezičkih kultura na evropskom tlu u periodu modernosti u savremeno doba i aktuelizuje se potreba za određivanjem novog poimanja jezičke politike i planiranja, bazirane na jezičkom liderstvu a ne na menadžmentu jezika.
Ključne reči: jezička politika i planiranje, standardizacija, standardnojezička kultura, menadžment jezika, jezičko liderstvo, srpski jezik
Transdisciplinarity in the analysis of revitalization of minority/endan- gered languages is viewed as an approach in which solutions are sought through collaborative learning carried out between academic communi- ties and non-academic... more
Transdisciplinarity in the analysis of revitalization of minority/endan- gered languages is viewed as an approach in which solutions are sought through collaborative learning carried out between academic communi- ties and non-academic ethnolinguistic communities of practice. In con- texts of ‘knowledge societies’, information technologies and social media on the Internet provide excellent technical and methodological tools for language storage, analysis and divulgation of academic resources and ma- terials, but they also serve as places of gathering, virtual agoras used by speakers of minority languages in everyday purposeful and functional in- teraction. Herein, a call is made to make use of the existing online social practices among the Sephardim in order to create an overarching virtual ‘proximity’ among the speakers of Judeo-Spanish and interested aca- demic communities of practice.
U radu se principi teorije komplesnosti i jezičkog predvodništva primenjuju na analizu rodne perspektive u procesu zamene etničkog jezika u sefardskim zajednicama na Balkanu. Ovaj interdisciplinarni pristup nauci o jeziku pretpostavlja da... more
U radu se principi teorije komplesnosti i jezičkog predvodništva primenjuju na analizu rodne perspektive u procesu zamene etničkog jezika u sefardskim zajednicama na Balkanu. Ovaj interdisciplinarni pristup nauci o jeziku pretpostavlja da je jezik suštinski i suštastveno društveni fenomen koji se mora tumačiti u kontekstu u kome se usvaja, koristi i menja, kao dinamičan, nelinearan kompleksan sistem čiji elementi ne stoje u izolaciji jedni prema drugima, niti su nezavisni od govornih zajednica koje ga koriste. Drugim rečima, jezik je suštinsko sredstvo za konstrukciju svakog znanja, koje se uvek iznedrava u specifičnom kontekstu. Kada se radi o sociolingvističkoj analizi jezičkih kontakata, taj kontekst najčešće podrazumeva komunikativne aktivnosti u neformalnim delatnim zajednicama koje dozvoljavaju kreativnu upotrebu jezičkih formi i struktura u okviru modela adaptivnog jezičkog predvodništva, koje obezbeđuje aktivno (periferno ili centralizovano) učešće jedinke u skladu sa stepenom njenog angažmana i interesovanja za dati društveni kontekst. Jezička promena uopšte (od fonetsko-fonoloških inovacija do zamene čitavih jezika) tumači se kao posledica složene i dinamične razmene društvene i jezičke energije, a naizgled haotična, nelinearna dinamika jezičke upotrebe zapravo uvek iznedrava nove rezultate jezičkih interakcija, čiji kvalitet zavisi od frekvencije, vrednosnih postavki i prisustva ili odsustva strategija saradnje u ljudskoj komunikaciji.
Ključne reči: teorija kompleksnosti, teorija jezičkog liderstva, istorijska sociolingvistika, Sefardi, jevrejsko-španski, održavanje i zamena jezika
А п с т р а к т. – Српска језичка образовна политика декларативно тежи раз- воју билингвизма и афирмацији образовања на језицима националних мањина, као и активној интеграцији већег броја језика у образовни процес кроз концепт... more
А п с т р а к т. – Српска језичка образовна политика декларативно тежи раз- воју билингвизма и афирмацији образовања на језицима националних мањина, као и активној интеграцији већег броја језика у образовни процес кроз концепт билингвалне наставе базиране на идеји интегрисане наставе језика и других наставних садржаја (енгл. CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning). Ова оријентација званично је препозната као одличан модел за билингвалну наставу на српском и тзв. „великим” страним језицима који је Правилни- ком о ближим условима за двојезично остваривање програма образовно-вас- питног рада („Службени гласник” бр. 105, од 18. децембра 2015) укључен и у формално образовање на основношколском и средњошколском нивоу у нашој земљи. Међутим, законодавство није нашло простора за увођење билингвал- них програма базираних на интегрисаној настави језика и осталих наставних садржаја на српском и мањинским језицима препознатим Уставом Републике Србије. У раду се разматрају разлози за и против такве одлуке која има озбиљне консеквенце на ромски као језик маргинализоване и образовно најугроженије етничке мањинске заједнице у Србији, са претпоставком да је адитивни билинг- визам, како у мањинској, тако и у већинској заједници, неопходан за обезбеђење оптималних индивидуалних постигнућа са становишта језичких идентитета, професионалних интересовања и личне афирмације све деце у Србији.
Herein, a proposal is made for a modular approach to minority bilingual/plurilingual teaching and learning in which the students are encouraged to use all the languages they have at their disposal (minority and majority languages), and to... more
Herein, a proposal is made for a modular approach to minority bilingual/plurilingual teaching and learning in which the students are encouraged to use all the languages they have at their disposal (minority and majority languages), and to which foreign languages deemed as useful for their future social, professional and academic mobility, are added. All that in order to help the students from ethnolinguistic minorities envision their desired self, ought-to-be self (Dörnyei 2005; 2009), which helps them gain self-confidence, recognize their self-worth, expand their competences, improve their cognitive strategies and learning skills, become more autonomous learners and exhibit commitment to stay in school longer than those who are exposed to a traditional teaching context in a majority (or even only a minority language). Modular approach with the knowledge at the heart of learning is but one of the ways of developing new literacies which are recognized as one of the skills needed for the 21st century, along with problem solving and critical thinking, which can only be developed within a constructivist, contextual approach to knowledge building in which the lines among teachers and students and among the languages present in the classrooms are blurred.
Keywords: minority languages, ethnolinguistic minorities, bilingual/plurilingual education, constructive knowledge generation, collaborative learning and teaching, modular approach to teaching and learning
LANGUAGES IN SERBIAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: MOTIVATED COMMENTARIES A legion of reasons for commentaries on the presence, role and importance of languages of schooling can be cited as a rationale for this volume. On one hand, we view... more

A legion of reasons for commentaries on the presence, role and importance of languages of schooling can be cited as a rationale for this volume. On one hand, we view languages as the key competences in formation of self-aware, self-confident, mature and functional individuals in a contemporary European context. On the other hand, real life educational situation in Serbia draws our attention to insufficiently thought out legislative solutions and a lack of critical awareness regarding the language as a species-unique medium of communication in all areas of human activity. Moreover, we strongly believe in language education policies in which all languages present in a given state (majority, minority and foreign languages) are equally accessible within the educational system, with language teachers who are provided with opportunities for continuous, pre-service and in-service training in the areas of applied linguistics and teaching methods relevant to their academic audience (i.e., different groups of students from different linguistic, cultural, ethnic and other backgrounds).  We present you with this volume with a strong conviction that linguists have a social responsibility to engage in a constructive dialogue with national institutions and language education policy makers in an attempt to contribute to a more comprehensive and updated approach to language teaching and learning in Serbia in a socio-cultural and historical moment which makes us look beyond the traditional educational patterns, and pay attention to the needs for internationalization of students who speak Serbian as L1 (teaching of Serbian as L1 and foreign language teaching), those who use it as L2, as well as those who learn it as a language of schooling in a very new context of involuntary and voluntary migrations.
This qualitative research aims at linking recent findings related to cognition and self-regulated learning with complexity-driven educational framework that promotes Teacher-Learner communities of practice, in which knowledge is generated... more
This qualitative research aims at linking recent findings related to cognition and self-regulated learning with complexity-driven educational framework that promotes Teacher-Learner communities of practice, in which knowledge is generated and constructed through a complex process of reflection and negotiation. Building on the data that was obtained through a textual academic literary self-report, we explore students' engagement and agency in the activities that are inherent to higher levels of academic education (Ph.D. studies), that is, researching, reading, writing, participating and interaction with other members of academic communities. The results are relevant for our deeper understanding of academic maturation from the cognitive and socio-cultural perspective within a complexity-driven, transdisciplinary educational paradigm.
Research Interests:

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Judeo-Spanish culture in the Western Balkans
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
BALCANES and Sefardi
The general theme of the present volume is the place and role of minority languages in formal and informal educational and socio-cultural settings. It has been established both in the academic literature and in democratic practice that... more
The general theme of the present volume is the place and role of minority languages in formal and informal educational and socio-cultural settings. It has been established both in the academic literature and in democratic practice that the presence of minority
languages (which serve as languages of primary socialization) in public communicative domains (among which education stands as the most crucial) brings very important benefits to the children of those ethnolinguistic minority groups in terms of affective, cognitive
and academic progress. The volume before you aims to foster communication among theoreticians and practitioners in minority language policy and planning in Europe and worldwide from a wide range of perspectives as it covers a number of specific topics included in a number of thematic sections.
Као научно-образовна институција у којој се изучавају 34 европска и неевропска језика, укључујући и српски језик као страни, Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Београду, као партнер Данског савета за избеглице у оквиру пројекта „Подршка... more
Као научно-образовна институција у којој се изучавају 34 европска и неевропска језика, укључујући и српски језик као страни, Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Београду, као партнер Данског савета за избеглице у оквиру пројекта „Подршка формалном образовном систему Србије у одговоруна избегличку кризу“ који је финансирала амбасада Сједињених Америчких Држава у Републици Србији, а који се спроводио у сарадњи са Министар- ством просвете, науке и технолошког развоја, Комесаријатом за избеглице и миграције Републике Србије и Дечијег фонда Уједињених нација (УНИЦЕФ),
израдио је Оквир програма језичке подршке који је део Приручника за школе у спровођењу „Стручног упутства за укључивање ученика избеглица/тражилаца азила у систем образовања и васпитања“. Реч је о језичкој подршци деци предшколског и школског узраста и одраслима који имају потребу да из различитих разлога – најчешће укључивања у школски систем и укупан живот у Србији – стекну основну комуникативну компетенцију из српског језика ( ниво А1 Заједничког европског оквира) и, у складу са потребама и могућностима, савладају основе српског језика као језика образовања.