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    Benoist Schaal

    Perceptual interactions in complex odour mixtures: The blending effect. 13. Weurman flavour research symposiu
    Présentation des travaux de l'équipe "Ethologie et Psychobiologie Sensorielle" à la société Multigène
     Prix du meilleur poster• L’organisme est exposé à un environnement chimique complexe (mélanges d’odorants) duquel il doit extraire l’information.• Un signal véhiculé par un mélange peut être perçu de façon analytique AB = A+B et/ou... more
     Prix du meilleur poster• L’organisme est exposé à un environnement chimique complexe (mélanges d’odorants) duquel il doit extraire l’information.• Un signal véhiculé par un mélange peut être perçu de façon analytique AB = A+B et/ou synthétique AB = M (mélange)• Homme ->perception d’un mélange AB de façon partiellement synthétique (Le Berre et al.,2008)• Lapereaux -> perception du mélange AB de façon synthétique et analytique (Coureaud et al., 2008, 2009)Objectifs : Comment l’expérience influence-t-elle la perception de ce mélange AB et de ses composants A et B?Qu’en est-il pour un mélange perçu initialement de façon analytique (AC ou CD)
    National audienc
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    A growing literature shows that perception and action are already tightly coupled in the newborn. The current study aimed to examine the nature of the coupling between olfactory stimuli from the mother and the newborn's crawling and... more
    A growing literature shows that perception and action are already tightly coupled in the newborn. The current study aimed to examine the nature of the coupling between olfactory stimuli from the mother and the newborn's crawling and rooting (exploratory movements of the head). To examine the coupling, the crawling and rooting behavior of 28 2‐day‐old newborns were studied while they were supported prone on a mobility device shaped like a mini skateboard, the Crawliskate®, their head positioned directly on top of a pad infused with either their mother's breast odor (Maternal) or the odor of water (Control). Video and 3D kinematic analyses of the number and types of limb movements and quantification of displacement across the surface revealed that newborns are significantly more efficient crawlers when they smell the maternal odor, moving greater distances although performing fewer locomotor movements. In addition, the newborns made significantly more head rooting movements in...
    To successfully interact with a rich and ambiguous visual environment, the human brain learns to differentiate visual stimuli and to produce the same response to subsets of these stimuli despite their physical difference. Although this... more
    To successfully interact with a rich and ambiguous visual environment, the human brain learns to differentiate visual stimuli and to produce the same response to subsets of these stimuli despite their physical difference. Although this visual categorization function is traditionally investigated from a unisensory perspective, its early development is inherently constrained by multisensory inputs. In particular, an early‐maturing sensory system such as olfaction is ideally suited to support the immature visual system in infancy by providing stability and familiarity to a rapidly changing visual environment. Here, we test the hypothesis that rapid visual categorization of salient visual signals for the young infant brain, human faces, is shaped by another highly relevant human‐related input from the olfactory system, the mother's body odor. We observe that a right‐hemispheric neural signature of single‐glance face categorization from natural images is significantly enhanced in the...
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    ... Age-related changes in the processing of the Rabbit Mammary Pheromone: comparison in domestic and wild pups. Gérard Coureaud 1 , Heiko G. Rödel 2 , Christfried-A Kurz 2 , Dietrich Von Holst 2 , Benoist Schaal 1. (2006). ...... more
    ... Age-related changes in the processing of the Rabbit Mammary Pheromone: comparison in domestic and wild pups. Gérard Coureaud 1 , Heiko G. Rödel 2 , Christfried-A Kurz 2 , Dietrich Von Holst 2 , Benoist Schaal 1. (2006). ... ...
    This study investigates the role of prenatal odor learning on postnatal adaptive orientation responses in the newborn rabbit. Preference tests revealed that pups are equally attracted to the odors of placentae and colostrum (Experiments... more
    This study investigates the role of prenatal odor learning on postnatal adaptive orientation responses in the newborn rabbit. Preference tests revealed that pups are equally attracted to the odors of placentae and colostrum (Experiments 1–4), suggesting that an odor continuity may exist between the fetal and neonatal environments. To test some predictions derived from this hypothesis, we manipulated the odor of the diet of pregnant‐lactating does to control the chemical niches of their perinates. Fetuses exposed in this way to the odor of cumin (C) were selectively attracted as neonates to the odor of pure C (Experiment 6). Prenatal exposure to C also was followed, to a certain extent, by enhanced attraction to C odor in the placenta or colostrum from females which had consumed it (Experiments 5 & 7). Finally, the functional implications of perinatal odor continuity were tested by disrupting it. The odor component of the feto–neonatal transitional environment revealed indeed to affe...
    A series of experiments was conducted to elucidate the stimuli that mediate twin/non-twin discrimination among 2-3 week old lambs. After being separated from their mother, lambs emitted more distress bleats when tested in isolation than... more
    A series of experiments was conducted to elucidate the stimuli that mediate twin/non-twin discrimination among 2-3 week old lambs. After being separated from their mother, lambs emitted more distress bleats when tested in isolation than when penned with their familiar twin, but separated from that lamb by a barrier of evenly spaced wood bars. A similar, albeit weaker effect was found for paired vs isolated non-twins. Twins separated by the barrier bleated less than did the non-twins in this condition. In contrast, bleat rates did not differ when subject lambs were tested in the presence of their twin vs a non-twin on the opposite side of a solid opaque barrier. Intact lambs in a final experiment bleated less when tested with their tranquillized twin vs a tranquillized non-twin agemate. The tranquillized stimulus lambs displayed atypical behavior patterns, including suppression of bleats and reduced activity levels. These data indicate that full bodily contact, vocalizations or norma...
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of selective cholecystokinin (CCK) antagonists on the development of a preference for the mother by newly born lambs. At birth lambs received an injection of the CCK-A antagonist... more
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of selective cholecystokinin (CCK) antagonists on the development of a preference for the mother by newly born lambs. At birth lambs received an injection of the CCK-A antagonist devazepide (0.01 or 0.1 mg/kg), the CCK-B antagonist PD135158 (0.01 or 0.1 mg/kg), or saline for the controls (1 ml/kg). No major side effects were observed in the first 4 postnatal hours except that lambs receiving PD135158 displayed more exploratory behavior towards the maternal body than lambs from the other groups. When tested in a 2-choice test situation at 24 hr of age, lambs treated with PD135158 or saline spent significantly more time near their dams than near the alien ewes, whereas lambs treated with devazepide did not show any discrimination. The effect of devazepide persisted at 48 hr of age. The use of a CCK-A antagonist, but not a CCK-B antagonist, was concluded to prevent the formation of a preferential relationship between the lamb and its mother, most probably by impairing neonatal learning.
    Dissimilarity of blending mixture in an olfactory space. Human chemosensation meetin
    Réactivité hédonique vis-à-vis d’odeurs alimentaires chez les nourrissons. Colloque Régional Nutrition et Santé Publiqu
    International audienc
    International audienc
    Comment le nourrisson perçoit-il les odeurs alimentaires ?. Forum Jeunes chercheur
    International audienc
    The perception of everyday odors relies on elemental or configural processing of complex mixtures of odorants. Theoretically, the configural processing of a mixture could lead to the perception of a single specific odor for the mixture;... more
    The perception of everyday odors relies on elemental or configural processing of complex mixtures of odorants. Theoretically, the configural processing of a mixture could lead to the perception of a single specific odor for the mixture; however, such a type of perception has hardly been proven in human studies. Here, we report the results of a sorting task demonstrating that a six-component mixture carries an odor clearly distinct from the odors of its components. These results suggest a blending effect of individual components’ odors in mixtures containing more than three odorants.
    The OPALINE project aimed at understanding the determining factors of the development of food preferences and eating behaviour up to the age of 2 years by following a cohort of children with a longitudinal recording of perinatal and... more
    The OPALINE project aimed at understanding the determining factors of the development of food preferences and eating behaviour up to the age of 2 years by following a cohort of children with a longitudinal recording of perinatal and postnatal feeding experiences, of children’s sensitivity to food tastes and odours and of parental feeding practices. The aim was to conjointly analyse the datasets to draw an overall picture of these potential determinants of food preferences and of their relative weight over the course of the first two years. The recruitment of a cohort of children (N=314) was conducted thanks to the help of local health and childhood professionals. The milk, complementary and table feeding received by each child and by his/her mother during pregnancy and lactation was recorded using food diaries. The acceptance of food tastes and odours was evaluated at different ages in the laboratory. The family environment was evaluated through questionnaires (parental feeding style; strategies when the child refuses to taste a food; attitudes or criteria to buy foods for children). Food preferences regarding the past three months were measured using questionnaires at 15, 18, 21 and 24 months old. Analyses were based on the Structural Equation Modelling method, to model the causal relationships between these factors and food preferences at weaning and up to the age of 2 years. This presentation will mainly focus on the determinants of liking of vegetables (LVeg), the least liked food category at 2 years. Liking of vegetables at weaning was positively correlated with the variety of vegetables introduced at the beginning of weaning, but it was correlated neither with breastfeeding duration nor with variety of vegetables consumed by the mother during pregnancy (or lactation), and nor with age at weaning. At one year, LVeg was positively correlated with acceptance of bitter taste and of two vegetable odours, 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine and dimethyl disulphide. LVeg at weaning was positively correlated with LVeg at the later ages up to 2 years. LVeg during the second year was strongly related with the frequency of exposure to vegetables, but surprisingly negatively related with variety. Finally, at 2 years, “permissive” parental feeding strategies were associated to a lower LVeg. This modelling approach makes it possible to evaluate the respective weight of individual factors (acceptance of some flavours), and of parental feeding practices and strategies, i.e. the way to conduct weaning, and their strategies when the child refuses to taste a food in determining children’s food preferences.
    International audienc
    International audienc
    Aveugles et sourds à la naissance, les lapins nouveau-nés doivent, comme tous les mammifères nouveau-nés, interagir rapidement avec la mère afin de trouver rapidement une tétine et téter. Cela se produit généralement une seule fois par... more
    Aveugles et sourds à la naissance, les lapins nouveau-nés doivent, comme tous les mammifères nouveau-nés, interagir rapidement avec la mère afin de trouver rapidement une tétine et téter. Cela se produit généralement une seule fois par jour, au cours d’une très brève interaction, en conditions d’élevage comme en milieu naturel. Après les 10-15 j qui suivent la naissance, la relation mère-jeunes évolue progressivement, et conduit habituellement au sevrage entre 4 et 6 semaines. Dans ce contexte de développement rapide des jeunes, les femelles allaitantes et les lapereaux ont développé des adaptations sensorielles, physiologiques et comportementales leur permettant de communiquer, et permettant aux jeunes d’ingérer efficacement le lait puis les aliments solides. Ici, nous présentons quelques-unes de ces adaptations, en prenant des exemples d’études expérimentales conduites par différents groupes au cours des dernières décennies. Cet article est une synthèse du chapitre écrit par les a...
    International audienc
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    And 234 more

    Le nez a ses raisons… que la raison ne connaît pas. Ou ne connaîtrait plus, si l’on en croit le discours ambiant sur le sens de l’odorat devenu inutile chez l’Homme. Et pourtant, plus que jamais et partout, parfums, arômes et fragrances... more
    Le nez a ses raisons… que la raison ne connaît pas. Ou ne connaîtrait plus, si l’on en croit le discours ambiant sur le sens de l’odorat devenu inutile chez l’Homme. Et pourtant, plus que jamais et partout, parfums, arômes et fragrances ornent les corps, agrémentent les mets, enjolivent les lieux de vie et les rituels sociaux. Les émotions que procure l’odorat façonnent nos attitudes, préférences et identités. Inconsciemment, elles entérinent des décisions avant même qu’elles n’aient été articulées. Elles auréolent d’acuité les souvenirs de l’enfance ou des premiers émois amoureux. Aussi, quand l’odorat vient à faillir, le vécu des émotions s’érode et le goût même de la vie se fane.

    Réunissant les réflexions de psychologues, biologistes, anthropologues et philosophes, cet ouvrage illustre la diversité des méthodes et des concepts qui permettent de penser les relations entre olfaction et émotion. Celles-ci sont au coeur des préoccupations actuelles des chercheurs, des cliniciens et des créateurs qui s’intéressent à la qualité des aliments ou des cosmétiques, au bien-être des individus et à la communication interpersonnelle, à la mémoire ou à la remédiation de divers troubles émotionnels.