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Ece şahin

    Ece şahin

    Katli otoparklar, kent dokusu ve kentsel yasamla iliskisizlikleri nedeniyle varligindan rahatsizlik duyulan mekanlar olarak degerlendirilmektedir. Bu calismada belirtilen yarginin olumlu yonde degisimine iliskin bir degerlendirme... more
    Katli otoparklar, kent dokusu ve kentsel yasamla iliskisizlikleri nedeniyle varligindan rahatsizlik duyulan mekanlar olarak degerlendirilmektedir. Bu calismada belirtilen yarginin olumlu yonde degisimine iliskin bir degerlendirme sunabilmek amaclanmakta ve otoparklarin kentsel yasamla nasil iliski kurabilecegi sorgulanmaktadir. Arastirmada katli otopark tasarimlari kentsel yasama katki perspektifinde incelenerek tasarim sureclerine isik tutan konular belirlenmekte ve bu cercevede Turkiye’deki katli otopark tasarimlarinin niteligi degerlendirilmektedir. Katli otoparklarin kentsel yasama katki saglayabilmesi acisindan onem tasiyan konular calismada “kamusal etkinlikler icin cati yuzeyinin kullanimi, yaya kullanimini desteklen cephe tasarimi, cephelerde gorsel acidan degisebilir etkiler olusturulmasi ve cephe yuzeylerinin kamusal sanat icin potansiyel olarak degerlendirilmesi” olarak tanimlanmistir. Turkiye’de belirtilen acilardan tam anlamiyla ornek uygulamalarla karsilasilmamaktadir....
    In school design studying spatial qualities, which are in harmony with the education programmes’ goals, is important for creating physical conditions that support associated education process. In new learning approaches it is emphasized... more
    In school design studying spatial qualities, which are in harmony with the education programmes’ goals, is important for creating physical conditions that support associated education process. In new learning approaches it is emphasized that there is no single learning method, that it is necessary to find different methods for learning in schools, and that there is a need to search for new education environments for learning. In this respect this study aims to examine new architectural examples, which are in harmony with the goals of contemporary education approaches, and to shed light on designing new educational buildings as a result. In the scope of this work the approach to schools and opinions that are effective on learning are mentioned briefly, expectations from school architecture are defined, and examples from innovative education environments, which are made to give necessary usage capabilities required by new education approaches, are presented. When the examples are exam...
    In this study, two different housing areas in the urban fabric of Bursa have been analyzed for distinguishing the characteristics of public life. One of the two housing areas covered in the study is populated by lower-income groups, while... more
    In this study, two different housing areas in the urban fabric of Bursa have been analyzed for distinguishing the characteristics of public life. One of the two housing areas covered in the study is populated by lower-income groups, while higher-income groups generally live in the other; thus the chosen areas are completely different in socio-economic terms. Located in the eastern part of the city and known as Y ld r m, the first area started to develop gradually with the construction of a complex (külliye) by Sultan Y ld r m Beyaz t during the Ottoman era in late 14 century, which was surrounded with residential areas in time. With the th migration Bursa attracted as an industrial city after 1950s, the population of lower-income households grew significantly in the area. The second area, Bademli, is Bursa’s first suburban neighborhood populated by the houses of Bursa’s upper-income population. An evaluation of the two settlement areas shows us that although better physical conditio...
    One of the main goals in sustainable school design is to get more value from daylight. When using natural light, the need for artificial lighting is minimized and the success of students in the learning environment is maintained. In this... more
    One of the main goals in sustainable school design is to get more value from daylight. When using natural light, the need for artificial lighting is minimized and the success of students in the learning environment is maintained. In this context, the purpose of this study is to identify the methods used to support the use of daylight in schools designed in accordance with the principles of sustainability. As part of the study, solutions were considered to increase daylight consumption in school samples, designed to ensure sustainability as part of “providing daylight, controlling daylight, and supporting natural light”. In the studied samples, the receiving of natural light is provided in various ways, glazing in the south wall, using windows at the height of the floor, openings on top of the room and in some cases combining these strategies. The goal of supporting natural lighting is to effectively determine the shape of buildings. Textile layers, daylight sensitive louvre systems ...
    Motor vehicle traffic, safety and security issues and insufficiency of playgrounds in contemporary cities keep children away from outdoors. Under these circumstances, schools are expected to assume responsibility with a view to... more
    Motor vehicle traffic, safety and security issues and insufficiency of playgrounds in contemporary cities keep children away from outdoors. Under these circumstances, schools are expected to assume responsibility with a view to strengthening the relationship of children with their physical environment. In this study, aims at supporting tours allowing preschool children to interact with their environment and children’s, teacher’s and parent’s preferences and evaluations about environment tours are provided. Interviews with 30 children in the age group of 5 years, from three different nurseries, their parents and teachers have revealed that pedestrian and motor vehicle transportation are equally preferred and that they are considered as experiences contributing to transportation processes of children with respect to communication with the environment, healthy growth and socializing. Both parents and teachers have emphasized the positive contribution of extra scholastic experience to t...
    Preschool education has special importance in the development processes of children at 3-6 age, which is the period when the foundations of individual development are established. In this period, the development of children is supported... more
    Preschool education has special importance in the development processes of children at 3-6 age, which is the period when the foundations of individual development are established. In this period, the development of children is supported by education and appropriate environmental conditions, and in this context, the quality of the physical environment has great significance in education process. Today, the development of creative thinking of individuals is considered as one of the conditions which improve the standards of societies. Since creative thinking is significantly developed and formed in preschool period, the improvement of children's creativity is considered as one of the objectives of preschool education. In this context, proposes a design approach taking changeability as its basis to support creative thinking of children in preschool environments. This paper is based on the findings of a doctorate thesis, integrating preschool education and architecture, completed by ...
    Research Interests:
    Motor vehicle traffic, safety and security issues and insufficiency of playgrounds in contemporary cities keep children away from outdoors. Under these circumstances, schools are expected to assume responsibility with a view to... more
    Motor vehicle traffic, safety and security issues and insufficiency of playgrounds in contemporary cities keep children away from outdoors. Under these circumstances, schools are expected to assume responsibility with a view to strengthening the relationship of children with their physical environment. In this study, aims at supporting tours allowing preschool children to interact with their environment and children’s, teacher’s and parent’s preferences and evaluations about environment tours are provided. Interviews with 30 children in the age group of 5 years, from three different nurseries, their parents and teachers have revealed that pedestrian and motor vehicle transportation are equally preferred and that they are considered as experiences contributing to transportation processes of children with respect to communication with the environment, healthy growth and socializing. Both parents and teachers have emphasized the positive contribution of extra scholastic experience to the children and complained that the number of tours organized for that purpose is not sufficient . Safe and secure transportation facilities for pre-school children in cities must be provided with a view to increasing the number of tours enabling the children to learn about their environment and to experience the life. To this end, perceptions and behaviors of pre-school children as well as their opinions and recommendations must be taken into consideration and in researches aiming at improvement of urban living conditions.
    Surdurulebilir yapim, gelecek nesillerin saglikli bir dunyada yasamlarina devam edebilmesi acisindan onem tasimakta; kaynaklarin etkin kullanilmasi, yenilenebilir enerjiden yararlanma, geridonusumlu ve cevreye zarar vermeyen materyallerin... more
    Surdurulebilir yapim, gelecek nesillerin saglikli bir dunyada yasamlarina devam edebilmesi acisindan onem tasimakta; kaynaklarin etkin kullanilmasi, yenilenebilir enerjiden yararlanma, geridonusumlu ve cevreye zarar vermeyen materyallerin secimi, su koruma gibi yasam kalitesini etkileyen pek cok konu, surdurulebilir tasarim kapsaminda degerlendirilmektedir. Bu cercevede gerceklestirilen uygulamalar, topluma surdurulebilirlik konusunda bilinc kazandiran semboller olarak ayri bir deger de tasimaktadir. Surdurulebilirlik yonunde farkindaligin saglanabilmesine egitimciler tarafindan buyuk bir onem verilmekte, cocuklarin erken yaslarda bu bakis acisinin sagladigi kazanimlari ogrenebilmesi amaciyla “surdurulebilirlik icin egitim” programlarina okuloncesi egitimden itibaren yer verilmektedir. Bu anlayisin destekleyicisi olarak, egitim yapilarinin kendisinin de, okullarda ogretilen teorik bilgilerin deneyimlenebildigi bir laboratuvar olabilmesi gerektigi dusunulmektedir. Bu acidan, calismada okul yapilari icin surdurulebilir yapim kapsaminda dikkate alinmasi gereken ilkeler arastirilmistir. Calisma kapsaminda, bir ogrenme araci olarak surdurulebilir tasarimin onemine deginildikten sonra, dogal isiktan yararlanma, isitma, sogutma ve havalandirma yontemleri, ruzgâr enerjisi, su koruma ve malzeme secimi kapsaminda surdurulebilir okul tasariminda onem tasiyan konular arastirilmistir. Surdurulebilir tasarim ilkelerinin dikkate alindigi uygulamalarin sayica azligi dunya genelinde elestirilmekte; Turkiye’de de son yillarda konuya olan ilgide artis gorulmekle birlikte, uygulama ve arastirma yonunde daha cok adim atilmasi gerekmektedir. Bu acidan calismayla okul tasarimlari icin yardimci bir kaynak saglayabilmek amaclanmistir.