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Книжку присвячено історії скандинаво-українських контактів доби раннього середньовіччя. Данію і Русь у їхніх взаємозв’язках розглянуто на широкому тлі археологічних, нумізматичних, а також писемних джерел. У книжці використано... more
Книжку присвячено історії скандинаво-українських контактів
доби раннього середньовіччя. Данію і Русь у їхніх взаємозв’язках
розглянуто на широкому тлі археологічних, нумізматичних, а також
писемних джерел. У книжці використано матеріали, що зберігаються
в музеях Данії та України. Видання містить додаток — Роскільдську
хроніку XII століття, яку вперше перекладено українською мовою.

Видання здійснено до 30-річчя встановлення дипломатичних
відносин між Королівством Данія та Україною за підтримки
Посольства Данії в Україні та Агентства культури та
палаців Міністерства культури Данії
Ця книга — критичний огляд біографії норвезького короля Гаральда Сігурдссона Суворого (1015–1066). На основі даних писемних, археологічнихі нумізматичних джерел проаналізовано свідчення скандинавських саг іпоезії скальдів. У книзі... more
Ця книга — критичний огляд біографії норвезького короля Гаральда Сігурдссона Суворого (1015–1066). На основі даних писемних, археологічнихі нумізматичних джерел проаналізовано свідчення скандинавських саг іпоезії скальдів. У книзі містяться екскурси в історію ранньосередньовічних міст Скандинавії, Русі та Візантії, в яких Гаральду довелося побувати.Також розглянуто історію монетного карбування та зброї його доби. Детально досліджено літературні й матеріальні свідчення про вміст скарбів, добутих Гаральдом у Візантії, відстежено їхній можливий вплив на ідеологію та політику його сучасників — правителів на Русі та в Північній Європі.
One might assume that Scandinavians played only a marginal role in the history of the Byzantine empire. But Byzantium needed the military service of foreigners such as the Rhos and Varangians as much as the Scandinavians needed the... more
One might assume that Scandinavians played only a marginal role in the history of the Byzantine empire. But Byzantium needed the military service of foreigners such as the Rhos and Varangians as much as the Scandinavians needed the empire, both as a foil for constructing their own cultural identity and as a source of luxury goods and coin. 'Byzantium and the Viking World' brings together scholars from the very different worlds of Byzantine and Scandinavian studies, and from the different academic disciplines of archaeology, history and literature. They offer a snapshot of recent findings on the material evidence and the reasons for contacts between Byzantium and the Viking world, and on Byzantium’s image in the Old Norse sagas and Rus chronicles, while presenting new interpretative models of cultural transfer between these worlds. Available from:
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About 300 artefacts including find circumstances described in Russian with images and index translated into English.
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The paper scrutinizes evidence for the local production of weapons on Gotland during the Viking Age. Attention is paid to semi-finished pieces of sword hilts as well as a unique spearhead with a runic inscription discovered at Svenskens... more
The paper scrutinizes evidence for the local production of weapons on Gotland during the Viking Age. Attention is paid to semi-finished pieces of sword hilts as well as a unique spearhead with a runic inscription discovered at Svenskens on Gotland. The spearhead is discussed from typological, chronological, decorative and epigraphical points of view.
On the basis of the analysis a new dating is suggested for the inscription in short-twig runes. The results underline the importance of Gotland in the production and export of weaponry during the Viking Age.
This paper is a critical response to the recently published ‘A Female Viking Warrior Confirmed by Genomics’ (Hedenstierna-Jonson and others, 2017). Its purpose is to investigate the archaeological sources involved in the DNA research on... more
This paper is a critical response to the recently published ‘A Female Viking Warrior Confirmed by Genomics’ (Hedenstierna-Jonson and others, 2017). Its purpose is to investigate the archaeological sources involved in the DNA research on Birka grave 581. It shows that problems exist with both the excavation methodology and the recording strategy employed by its investigators and publishers. Based on the analysis of documentation and finds kept at the Swedish Historical Museum, this paper comes to the conclusion that grave 581 contained a primary male grave with weaponry and a secondary female burial.
The main idea of our paper is to present a neglected collection of archaeological objects of Syrian origin stored at the National Museum of History of Ukraine. The collection was acquired in two stages – sometime before 1917 and in 1936.... more
The main idea of our paper is to present a neglected collection of archaeological objects of Syrian origin stored at the National Museum of History of Ukraine. The collection was acquired in two stages – sometime before 1917 and in 1936. Its former owners were Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko - famous Ukrainian patrons of art. The collection was acquired by the museum before 1917 and consists of 348 objects, including ornamented and undecorated finger-rings, pendants, bracelets, temple-rings, buttons, brooches, buckles, gaming pieces, cone seals, stamps and cross-shaped pendants. The majority of items are cross-shaped pendants and finger rings. The considerable number of the former indicate that it was due to them that the collection was purchased by Khanenko. According to the accounts of two Khanenko’s contemporaries, N.N.Kondakov and N.I.Petrov, the original owner of the collection was an engineer who worked in railway construction in Damascus before 1914. The construction of a railway connecting Damascus with Mecca started in 1900 and finished in 1908. In 1913 a station along this road was built in the very centre of Damascus. Despite lack of professional archaeological documentation of these artefacts, they are important for two main reasons. Many objects can be dated to 6th – 13th centuries, i.e. to the period which is very poorly documented by professional archaeological excavations in Syria. Some artefacts, from the collection, of Byzantine origin in the Ukrainian collection bear inscriptions in Greek and Armenian and indicate a clear cultural and religious diversity of Syria in the early medieval period.
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And 3 more