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Jan J Peeters

    Jan J Peeters

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    • DirectorVBJK ,Centre for Innovation in the Early Years / Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy, Ghent Univers... more edit
    Research Interests:
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 238943. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Peeters [801000418571] - Ghent University Jan.Peeters@UGent. be; M VANDENBROECK. Title, De kwaliteit... more
    ... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 238943. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Jan Peeters [801000418571] - Ghent University Jan.Peeters@UGent. be; M VANDENBROECK. Title, De kwaliteit van de kinderopvang in Vlaanderen. ...
    Que pouvons-nous apprendre de l’histoire des métiers de l'accueil de petite enfance dans les trois communautés linguistiques de Belgique pour pouvoir faire face aux défis posés par la formation et l'encadrement du personnel... more
    Que pouvons-nous apprendre de l’histoire des métiers de l'accueil de petite enfance dans les trois communautés linguistiques de Belgique pour pouvoir faire face aux défis posés par la formation et l'encadrement du personnel d'accueil des enfants ? Quand nous comparons les qualifications requises en Belgique avec les autres pays européens, où se situe notre pays
    Full-text contained in Cadmus is protected by copyright law and may be downloaded for personal research purposes only. Any additional reproduction for other purposes, whether in hard copy or electronically, requires the consent of the... more
    Full-text contained in Cadmus is protected by copyright law and may be downloaded for personal research purposes only. Any additional reproduction for other purposes, whether in hard copy or electronically, requires the consent of the copyright holder (s).
    Report over thirtheen years of research and training with the support of the van Leer Foundation and Child and Family. Department of General Psychology University Ghent
    Une etude concernant l’evolution que les institutions prescolaires gantoises ont connue au cours des 30 dernieres annees nous montre beaucoup de ressemblances avec l’apparition et l’essor des ecoles Freinet dans la ville e Gand. Mais,... more
    Une etude concernant l’evolution que les institutions prescolaires gantoises ont connue au cours des 30 dernieres annees nous montre beaucoup de ressemblances avec l’apparition et l’essor des ecoles Freinet dans la ville e Gand. Mais, cette etude nous apprend aussi que l’enseignement peut se laisser inspirer par l’accueil des enfants. Dans ce chapitre, on essaiera de decrire le climat unique qui regnait au debut des annees quatre-vingts au sein du service d’accompagnement pedagogique de la ville de Gand et comment celui-ci a conduit plus tard a la creation aussi bien d’un accueil d’enfants avec participation du quartier et des parents, que d’un nouveau type d’enseignement : l’ecole Freinet. On utilisera l’histoire comme contexte pour formuler quelques opinions relatives aux evolutions recentes au sein de l’accueil d’enfants et aux evolutions paralleles des ecoles Freinet a Gand. Pour former ces opinions, on se laissera inspirer par des penseurs contemporains comme Gunilla Dahlberg (Suede), Peter Moss (Angleterre), et Carlina Rinaldi (Italie).
    Article sur la recherche CoRe (Competences requirements in Eraly childhood Education) commanditee par la direction generale de l' education et Culture de la Commission Europeenne. CoRe a enquete aupres de d' experts de 17 pays et... more
    Article sur la recherche CoRe (Competences requirements in Eraly childhood Education) commanditee par la direction generale de l' education et Culture de la Commission Europeenne. CoRe a enquete aupres de d' experts de 17 pays et mene sept etudes de cas approfondies sur les competences requiqes pour travailler avec les jeunes enfant ( 0-6 ans).
    ... Record Details. Record ID, 238932. Record Type, book. Author, D BRANTS; Jan Peeters [801000418571] - Ghent University; Michel Vandenbroeck [801000612167] - Ghent University Title, De... more
    ... Record Details. Record ID, 238932. Record Type, book. Author, D BRANTS; Jan Peeters [801000418571] - Ghent University; Michel Vandenbroeck [801000612167] - Ghent University Title, De school is uit ! ...
    A competent system has to link staff’s initial good education to the possibility of constantly reflecting on ideas and practices (Vandenbroeck, Urban & Peeters, 2016). Therefore, we cannot look at quality just in terms of ‘fixed... more
    A competent system has to link staff’s initial good education to the possibility of constantly reflecting on ideas and practices (Vandenbroeck, Urban & Peeters, 2016). Therefore, we cannot look at quality just in terms of ‘fixed standards’, but we should recognize in the concept of quality the same complexity that lives in our society. Quality cannot be seen as something that is achieved or not, but as an on-going contextualized process made by negotiation (Dahlberg, Moss & Pence, 2007), and ECEC practitioners become researchers of daily life (Bove, 2009; Mortari, 2007). Co-reflection is nowadays one of the key elements to guarantee quality improvement in this sector. Pedagogical documentation can have a great role in this discourse, since its identity is based on the meeting of different perspectives that enrich each other in a democratic way. This chapter will focus on this matter, underlying how the link between pedagogical documentation and negotiation has been developed in some Italian (Centre-North) and Belgian (Flemish Community) experiences that share the same philosophy.
    Brigu o djeci trebamo oblikovati prema kriteriju dobrobiti djeteta. Jan Peeters se pita zašto bi postupci žena prilikom skrbi o djeci bili prihvatljiviji od postupaka muškaraca
    In recent years, interest in policy and among decision–makers in the pre-school education has greatly increased - preschool education has found its place in all the strategic goals and objectives of Serbia. Increasing insights on national... more
    In recent years, interest in policy and among decision–makers in the pre-school education has greatly increased - preschool education has found its place in all the strategic goals and objectives of Serbia. Increasing insights on national (low coverage – particularly children from vulnerable groups; kindergarten services are not used by those who need them most; the network of preschool institutions is inadequate in terms of geographical coverage and spatial capacities; inability of LSGs to bear 80 % of the current cost of preschool education, etc.) , and European levels about the importance of early childhood and education at an early age contributed to the adoption of significant documents (National Millennium Development Goals; The Law on the Foundations of the Education System and the Law on Preschool Education; Education Strategy in Serbia 2020; rules/regulations supporting diversification of preschool programmes; support to the improvement of the quality of educational work, a...
    Research Interests:
    Hinsichtlich des politischen Engagements im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung und Betreuung ist Belgien innerhalb der europäischen „Klasse“ zwar ein guter und fleißiger „Schüler“, jedoch nicht der Beste. Belgien investiert 1 % seines... more
    Hinsichtlich des politischen Engagements im Bereich der frühkindlichen Bildung und Betreuung ist Belgien innerhalb der europäischen „Klasse“ zwar ein guter und fleißiger „Schüler“, jedoch nicht der Beste. Belgien investiert 1 % seines Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) in Angebote zur ...
    New developments and challenges regarding early childhood education (ECE) policy and practice in Norway and in the Flemish and French communities in Belgium are presented in this issue. There are clear differences between the countries... more
    New developments and challenges regarding early childhood education (ECE) policy and practice in Norway and in the Flemish and French communities in Belgium are presented in this issue. There are clear differences between the countries when comparing systems they ...
    ... Record Details. Record ID, 691549. Record Type, dissertation. Author, Jan Peeters [801000418571] - Ghent University Title, Een internationaal perspectief op professionaliteit in de kinderopvang in Vlaanderen. ...
    The close connection between the quality of provision for young children and professionaliation of the field has long been supported by international research. That the two are inseparable aspects of one picture is beginning to become... more
    The close connection between the quality of provision for young children and professionaliation of the field has long been supported by international research. That the two are inseparable aspects of one picture is beginning to become accepted at European policy level, as evident in recent high level EU policy documents. This article explores the reciprocal relationship between quality and professionalisation, drawing on the findings of the study on ‘competence requirements in early childhood education and care’ (CoRe), jointly conducted by the University of East London and the University of Gent, and funded by the European Commission. Based on a review of literature in several European languages and data from a 15-country survey and seven in-depth case studies, CoRe has identified systemic conditions for a professionalisation of the entire early childhood system, beyond the formal qualification levels of individual practitioners. The article argues for a critical and systemic recon...
    Research Interests:
    The focus of this report is on the impact of the working conditions and continuous professional development (CPD) of the workforce in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC) on the quality of the services provided and, in... more
    The focus of this report is on the impact of the working conditions and continuous professional development (CPD) of the workforce in the field of early childhood education and care (ECEC) on the quality of the services provided and, in particular, on the outcomes for children. The report reviews research evidence from all 28 EU Member States, including both English and non-English language studies. The aim is to identify how the training and development of ECEC workers who operate in a range of settings might be tailored to most effectively improve the quality of the care and education services available for children below primary-school age in EU Member States. This report adopted the systematic review methodology elaborated by the EPPI-Centre at the Institute of Education, University of London, for informing evidence-based policies. The review establishes what are known to be, on the basis of available research evidence, the links between CPD interventions, working conditions and...

    And 81 more