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    Lyudmila Chernikova

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    The relevance of the research is determined by the need to assess the domestic tourism at the present stage to solve the strategic problem of balanced development of the Russian Federation. The article assesses the dynamics of the... more
    The relevance of the research is determined by the need to assess the domestic tourism at the present stage to solve the strategic problem of balanced development of the Russian Federation. The article assesses the dynamics of the domestic tourism flow by such parameters as the number of people placed in collective accommodation facilities, the number of tours sold, the duration of trips, the dynamics of paid services in the context of the regions of the Russian Federation. The analysis allows us to conclude about the nonuniform distribution of the domestic tourism flow, a high degree of its concentration. The authors emphasize that in order to consolidate measures of targeted support of individual regions, the issues of assessing interregional tourism flows in individual regions are of great importance.  The article is prepared according to the results of studies carried out at the expense of budgetary funds on the government assignment of the Financial University under the Governm...
    The article is devoted to the analysis and assessment of the impact of dividends on the market value of the company. The study is based on data from company reports and statistics from the Moscow Exchange. This paper presents a regression... more
    The article is devoted to the analysis and assessment of the impact of dividends on the market value of the company. The study is based on data from company reports and statistics from the Moscow Exchange. This paper presents a regression analysis of a choice consisting of 1) 20 systems of Russian companies and 2) 5 largest companies in the oil and gas sector for the period 2013-2019. The regression results show that dividends have a positive effect on capitalization only if the policy is based on the residual principle. The conclusions made in the work, which provide recommendations and a statistical assessment of dependence, can find practical application in determining the dividend policy of an organization and predicting changes in the capitalization of companies.
    The article provides the findings of the study of economic growth focused on corporate growth. Corporate growth is a strategic priority of any business. However, it is interpreted in developed and emerging markets in a different way: from... more
    The article provides the findings of the study of economic growth focused on corporate growth. Corporate growth is a strategic priority of any business. However, it is interpreted in developed and emerging markets in a different way: from the formulation of the growth strategy and the choice of the basic concept of development to the ways of implementation and measurement tools. The corporate priorities in countries with a developed stock market are aligned towards the growth of business value and are evaluated using a key indicator of the VBM concept (value-based management). The study found that the corporate growth in emerging markets is interpreted in terms of sale and asset volumes, as well as cash inflows, which are described by exponential growth dynamics against stagnation or decline in relative indicators. These findings are supported by the results of an empirical study conducted at the Financial University.
    The relevance of research: The relevance of the problem studied is caused by the acceleration of transition of the Russian economy on an innovative way of development, which depends on the vector of innovative sphere of services and, to a... more
    The relevance of research: The relevance of the problem studied is caused by the acceleration of transition of the Russian economy on an innovative way of development, which depends on the vector of innovative sphere of services and, to a large extent, information and communication services, as well as it is caused by the poor drafting of methodical approaches to the effectiveness’s evaluation of the processes of information and communication services’ commercialization. Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to develop a methodic to assess the relationship of basic indicators of projects of information and communication services’ development. Methods of the study: The basic methods of research are methods of stochastic factor analysis, method of pair correlation, multiple correlation analysis, matrix models and mathematical modeling. Results of the study: Based on the analysis of traditional methodic for assessing of the cost-effectiveness of projects of information and ...
    This article presents the results of a study on travel insurance and travelers as a relatively new type of insurance. Life and property insurance originated in ancient times, but the idea of travel insurance first occurred in the United... more
    This article presents the results of a study on travel insurance and travelers as a relatively new type of insurance. Life and property insurance originated in ancient times, but the idea of travel insurance first occurred in the United States over 100 years ago. In studying the Russian insurance market, it was identified that the market for foreign travel insurance is closely related to the tourism market, as a significant number of those buying insurance products are citizens traveling abroad. Statistical analysis allowed the authors to conclude that the number of people leaving Russia has continued to grow over the past three years; and most of the travelers are tourists. The authors analysed the structure of claims made by Russian citizens to their insurance companies, finding that in the countries most visited by tourists, most claims relate to acute inflammatory diseases associated with hypothermia and overheating and trauma, bruises and sprains. The high risk group is those s...
    Generally, the tourism expenditures of a person quantitatively exceed the consumption expenditures in his or her daily routine. Determining and structuring the composition of the tourism expenditures is one of the main and most complex... more
    Generally, the tourism expenditures of a person quantitatively exceed the consumption expenditures in his or her daily routine. Determining and structuring the composition of the tourism expenditures is one of the main and most complex problems due to the influence of a variety of factors: the status value of the tourism consumption, the level of economic, social and political development of the territory where the tourist is staying, as well as the period of stay and the type of tourism. Thus, the outbound tourism flow corresponds to the category of the international tourism expenditures, while the inbound tourist flow corresponds to the income from international tourism. To enable the qualitative tourism development in the federal subjects of the Russian Federation, it is essential to clearly understand the expenditure structure of inbound and outbound tourists with the purpose of taking balanced decisions, which may have a great impact on the level and the quality of the tourism ...
    The article presents the authors´ systematization of strategies for managing retail banking businesses with the disclosure of the methods and forms, and that provides an overview of the strategies used, the methods and forms of the retail... more
    The article presents the authors´ systematization of strategies for managing retail banking businesses with the disclosure of the methods and forms, and that provides an overview of the strategies used, the methods and forms of the retail banking business. This systematization allows developing new models of strategies that take into account the interaction of business, society and the public to ensure the balance of risks and effectiveness of activities, including at each stage of the organization of the retail banking business. The success of the forms and methods of retail business is determined, above all, by adequate view of the situation in the market and well-built strategies of banks. An integrated approach is needed to the selection and development strategy of the bank, combining orientation on customer needs and the ability of the developed strategy to form a high-quality and reliable customer base. Currently, banks create more flexible development strategies for their bus...
    One of the main areas of the economy currently is the development of innovative businesses. To help with this, the state is using direct and indirect methods of support and tax incentives for science, technology and innovation businesses.... more
    One of the main areas of the economy currently is the development of innovative businesses. To help with this, the state is using direct and indirect methods of support and tax incentives for science, technology and innovation businesses. Tax incentives have become one of the main tools of innovation policy of developed countries, which are used not only to support and stimulate innovation, but also to create a favorable national environment in order to attract foreign R & D. Tax incentives are one of the most flexible tools. The system of tax incentives does not require the creation and maintenance of a separate administrative apparatus, since it is based on the existing tax system, which reduces the costs of its application to public authorities. Tax incentives are more efficient due to the stability of tax benefits in comparison to direct subsidies, since the levels of subsidization are reviewed annually and may vary considerably, and the tax rates change much less frequently. In...
    The article deals with the evolutionary trends of retail risk assessment. The authors present an analysis of the historical perspective on retail banking development and assessment methods. The methods of private entity borrowing capacity... more
    The article deals with the evolutionary trends of retail risk assessment. The authors present an analysis of the historical perspective on retail banking development and assessment methods. The methods of private entity borrowing capacity assessment are evolving on an ongoing basis due to changes in legislation, the development of information technologies and growing active-bank-operations-related risks. The analysis as conducted by the authors has revealed an evolution of the methods ensuring the enhancement and maintenance of the quality of retail assets. The authors claim that scoring is to be considers with due regard to the significance of the technological component, and dwell on their vision of this definition.
    Legislation in many countries promotes the creation of endowment as a generator of value deployed to finance the activities of non-for-profit organizations, which, having built the endowment fund, obtains a steady and long-term source for... more
    Legislation in many countries promotes the creation of endowment as a generator of value deployed to finance the activities of non-for-profit organizations, which, having built the endowment fund, obtains a steady and long-term source for financing its functions.