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    Ross Borja

    Este trabajo hace parte del proyecto "Agroecología para la acción climática en América Latina: Fortalecimiento de la evidencia para una agricultura a pequeña escala resistente al clima y baja en carbono: Proyecto piloto en Colombia,... more
    Este trabajo hace parte del proyecto "Agroecología para la acción climática en América Latina: Fortalecimiento de la evidencia para una agricultura a pequeña escala resistente al clima y baja en carbono: Proyecto piloto en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú", y fue desarrollado por CCAFS en asociación con la Alianza de Bioversity International y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), la Iniciativa Andina del CIP, IRD y CIRAD, durante 2021. Fue apoyado por el proyecto “Soluciones Digitales Integradas Agroclimáticas – AgroClimas Fase II”, liderado por la Alianza Bioversity y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)
    Research Interests:
    ABSTRACT Through the study of NCDs as an emergent social field, the authors examine historical developments and heterogenity in peoples' practices for insights on more practical and effective public policy responses
    Methods are needed for helping researchers and farmers to interactively describe and analyze local practices in search of opportunities for improving health, environment, and economy. The authors worked with smallholder family farmers in... more
    Methods are needed for helping researchers and farmers to interactively describe and analyze local practices in search of opportunities for improving health, environment, and economy. The authors worked with smallholder family farmers in five Andean villages in Ecuador to apply participatory four-cell analysis (PFCA) in characterizing agrobiodiversity. Margelef and Shannon indices examined ecological richness and evenness, and a simplified 24-hour dietary recall characterized food consumption. Cross-analysis tested interactions among agrobiodiversity, farm size, and diet. Overall trends appeared to work against sustainable intensification, with notable heterogeneity and positive deviance found in the practices of relatively smaller enterprises, representing a potential resource for sustainable intensification. The suite of methods was determined useful for initiating researcher-farmer explorations of promising innovation pathways.
    The goal of this research is to characterize the composition and nutrient adequacy of the diets in the northern region of the Department of Potosí, Bolivia. Communities in this semiarid, mountainous region are isolated and impoverished... more
    The goal of this research is to characterize the composition and nutrient adequacy of the diets in the northern region of the Department of Potosí, Bolivia. Communities in this semiarid, mountainous region are isolated and impoverished having the highest rates of child malnutrition and under-five mortality in the Americas. A total of 2,222 twenty-four-hour dietary recalls were conducted in 30 communities during May and November 2006 and May and November 2007. Food composition data were compiled from diverse published sources and integrated with the recall data to estimate intakes of energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and seven micronutrients. Diets were characterized in terms of food sources, seasonality, and nutrient adequacy. The diet relies heavily on the potato and other tubers (54% of dietary energy) and grains (30% of dietary energy). Although crop production is seasonal, off-season consumption of chuño helps to minimize seasonal fluctuations in dietary energy intake. Despite relative monotony, intakes of iron, vitamin C, most B vitamins, and vitamin A in adults are probably adequate; riboflavin, calcium, and vitamin A intakes in children are low. Nevertheless, extremely low dietary fat intakes (approximately 3-9% of dietary energy from fat) likely prevent adequate absorption of fat-soluble vitamins as well as lead to deficiencies of essential fatty acids. Dietary inadequacies, especially of fats, may explain much of the poor health observed in northern Potosí. An improved diet may be possible through increasing production and intake of local fat-rich food sources such as small animals.
    Este documento presenta el reporte de la implementación de la metodología PICSA en las provincias de Cotopaxi y Chimborazo, Sierra Centro en Ecuador, en la provincia de Huancayo en Perú y en el departamento del Valle del Cauca en... more
    Este documento presenta el reporte de la implementación de la metodología PICSA en las provincias de Cotopaxi y Chimborazo, Sierra Centro en Ecuador, en la provincia de Huancayo en Perú y en el departamento del Valle del Cauca en Colombia. Se incluye la sistematización del proceso, los pasos y actividades realizadas, resultados y lecciones aprendidas. Se documenta la estructura de la intervención, la cual se basa en el documento de Dorward et al. (2017). Los resultados en este reporte buscan contribuir a la literatura existente en el campo de servicios integrados participativos de clima, en este caso, con un enfoque agroecológico. La implementación inicio con los mapas de asignación de recursos de cada agricultor y los calendarios agroclimáticos, seguido del análisis de la información climática y los pronósticos. Luego, se generaron las opciones agropecuarias y medidas de adaptación, comparándolas y realizando un proceso de priorización con presupuestos participativos, el cual culmi...