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Suherman Rosyidi

    Suherman Rosyidi

    xxviii., 184 hlm., 23 c
    xxiii, 410 hal.; 23 cm
    xxiii, 410 hal.; 23 cm
    buku ini membahas tentang definisi dan mamfaat ilmu ekonimixxxii,524 hlm.;24 c
    This research aims to find out an impact of productive zakat fund utilization that has been given by Infaq Management Foundation to the success of business that has been being run by mustahiq. It is considered from the perspective of... more
    This research aims to find out an impact of productive zakat fund utilization that has been given by Infaq Management Foundation to the success of business that has been being run by mustahiq. It is considered from the perspective of capital increase, revenue increase, production increase, consumer increase, and perpetual charity increase. The method used is qualitative-descriptive by case study method. The result of this research is those three informants have experienced capital increase, revenue increase, production increase, consumer increase, and also perpetual charity increase after they got productive zakat funding from LMI Madiun. This success could be considered from the increases of all indicators mentioned above. A high supervision that has been done by LMI Madiun is very useful to motivate and give spirit in maintaining business. Beside that, they are able to save some properties for those who have the right to it.
    The aim of this study was to know the impact of macroeconomic indicators changes toward the total amount of collected zakah in BAZNAS during the period 2012-2016. This study uses qualitative approach by using liniear regression analysis... more
    The aim of this study was to know the impact of macroeconomic indicators changes toward the total amount of collected zakah in BAZNAS during the period 2012-2016. This study uses qualitative approach by using liniear regression analysis technique. Futhermore dependent variable used in this study is the amount of zakah, while the independent variable are inflation, gold price, money supply and industrial production index. The determination of sampling uses non probability sampling with saturated sample method, on the other hand, the whole population was used as the sample of this study. Moreover, the data used in this study is secondary data.
    This study aims to measure the level of efficiency and productivity of the amil zakat institution in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative research using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) methods.... more
    This study aims to measure the level of efficiency and productivity of the amil zakat institution in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative research using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) methods. There are six institutions of amil zakat (LAZ in Indonesia, namely Yayasan Dana Sosial Al-Falah (YDSF), Al-Azhar Peduli Ummat, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), Yayasan Rumah Yatim Arrohman Indonesia, Pos Kemanusiaan Peduli Ummat (PKPU), and Rumah Zakat Indonesia with 2014 - 2016 annual data as the number of DMUs (desicion making units). This study uses an intermediation approach in determining the variables. The input variables of this research are Collected Funds (X1), Total Costs (X2), and Amil Receipts (X3), while the output variables are Funds Disbursed (Y1), and Total Assets (Y2). There were two LAZs that experienced inefficiencies in 2014 and 2015, namely LAZ YDSF and ACT. Meanwhile, in 2016, all LAZ have achieved optimal levels of efficiency. The r...
    ABSTRAKPelaksanaan ibadah umrah di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal ini didorong dengan semakin baiknya kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia. Untuk itu diperlukan perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan... more
    ABSTRAKPelaksanaan ibadah umrah di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal ini didorong dengan semakin baiknya kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia. Untuk itu diperlukan perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan ibadah umrah dan haji yang memfasilitasi para jamaah untuk melakukan ibadah menuju ke tanah suci. Mengenai hal tersebut, sudah seharusnya perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan ibadah umrah dan haji menerapkan etika bisnis Islam dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya. Hal ini sangat penting dikarenakan banyak terjadi pelanggaran etika bisnis Islam yang dilakukan oleh beberapa perusahaan, tidak terkecuali oleh perusahaan travel umrah haji, seperti yang banyak diberitakan dibeberapa media yang dibuktikan dengan banyaknya jamaah yang gagal berangkat ke Baitullah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti yaitu survei pendahuluan, observasi, wawancara, doku...
    viii, 179 hal.; 23 cm
    v, 109 hal. : 18,5 cm
    Penelitian Sampah bukanlah merupakan hal baru di Surabaya. Banyak Penelitian telah dilaksanakan baik oleh Lembaga Pemerintah maupun swasta. Penelitian ini adalah salah satu dari padanya, dan penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengungkapkan... more
    Penelitian Sampah bukanlah merupakan hal baru di Surabaya. Banyak Penelitian telah dilaksanakan baik oleh Lembaga Pemerintah maupun swasta. Penelitian ini adalah salah satu dari padanya, dan penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengungkapkan sistem perdagangan maupun saluran-saluran distribusi yang dipakai oleh para responden.
    The aim linked with the ongoing literature is to analyze the influence of new product design, TQM competences and just-in-time inventory system on the financial performance of the manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The objectives also... more
    The aim linked with the ongoing literature is to analyze the influence of new product design, TQM competences and just-in-time inventory system on the financial performance of the manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The objectives also include the examination of the moderating role of supply chain management among the links of new product design, TQM competences, just-in-time inventory system and financial performance of the manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The data was obtained by using questionnaires while analysis was conducted by using smart-PLS. The results exposed that new product design, TQM competences and just-in-time inventory system have positively associated with the financial performance of the manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The findings also showed that supply chain management positively moderated among the links of TQM competences and financial performance. These results are beneficial for the new researchers who want to investigate it further along with...
    To increase performance of Islamic Banking Finance in Indonesia, it needed assessment of its financial performance which was rated from its profitability level with ROA as an indicator. This caused economic conditions that can influence... more
    To increase performance of Islamic Banking Finance in Indonesia, it needed assessment of its financial performance which was rated from its profitability level with ROA as an indicator. This caused economic conditions that can influence bank performance and the factors are inflation, gross domestic product (GDP), third-party funds (TPF), and market share. Aim: This research aims to find out the influence of inflation, gross domestic product (GDP), third-party funds (TPF) and market share on the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia from 2011-2015. Method: The method of this research is quantitative approach. Moreover, it uses inflation, gross domestic product (GDP), third party funds (TPF), and market share approach on the return on assets (ROA) of the sharia banking industry in Indonesia. Results: The results show negative correlation by 95% of inflation, gross domestic product (GDP) and third-party funds (TPF) to return on asset (ROA) of the islamic banking industry. Simultaneousl...
    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan nilai-nilai Islam yang diterapkan di SJP, tantangan apa saja yang dihadapi dan menguak alasan masih digunakannya lembaga keuangan konvensional dalam operasinya. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif... more
    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan nilai-nilai Islam yang diterapkan di SJP, tantangan apa saja yang dihadapi dan menguak alasan masih digunakannya lembaga keuangan konvensional dalam operasinya. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Wawancara dengan pimpinan perusahaan dilakukan untuk memperoleh data utama dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan hasil observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara dengan karyawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konstruksi ini menerapkan nilai-nilai Islam dengan memperbolehkan karyawati membawa anak ke kantor, pembagian zakat, serta program kurban dan umrah. Selain itu, perusahaan membangun Rumah Quran dan menjadi donatur tetap di pesantren dan masjid sekitar perusahaan. Usaha untuk mengislamkan perusahaan tidak selalu mulus. Beberapa situasi memaksa perusahaan menggunakan produk bank konvensional. Dalam situasi lain, kekeliruan pandangan pimpinan perusahaan terhadap lembaga ...
    This research aims to examine the effect of sharia monetary policy transmissionagainst inflation rate in Indonesia partially and simultaneously. The approach that is used in this research is the quantitative approach, using multiple... more
    This research aims to examine the effect of sharia monetary policy transmissionagainst inflation rate in Indonesia partially and simultaneously. The approach that is used in this research is the quantitative approach, using multiple linear regression analysis technique and quantitative descriptive. The data that is used is secondary data from the official website of Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority. The result of this research indicates that PUASand partial sharia financing have partial positive significant effect on inflation rate in Indonesia, while JUB (M1) has a partially negative significant effect on inflation rate in Indonesia. Simultaneously PUAS, sharia financing and JUB (M1) have positive significant effects against inflation rate in Indonesia at the level of 48,7%, while the remaining 51,3% is influenced by other variables that aren’t examined by the writer.
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect the sharia banking in channeling funds in the period January 2012 to December 2016, both partially and simultaneously. The data used are secondary data, with four independent... more
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect the sharia banking in channeling funds in the period January 2012 to December 2016, both partially and simultaneously. The data used are secondary data, with four independent variables namely DPK, SBIS Return, PUAS, and Inflation Rate which were obtained from official website of Bank Indonesia and OJK, as well as financing data of shariah bank as dependent variable obtained from the official web of Bank Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive quantitative method by using multiple linier regression analysis technique. The result of the research shows that the four factors in this study, namely DPK, SBIS Return, PUAS, and Inflation Rate, partially as well as simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the channeling of Islamic bank funds.
    This research is aimed to know the role of Social Trust Fund in increasing microbusinesses of poor society by Dompet Dhuafa Semarang. This things can be increase from based on assets, sales turnover, income and stability of business of... more
    This research is aimed to know the role of Social Trust Fund in increasing microbusinesses of poor society by Dompet Dhuafa Semarang. This things can be increase from based on assets, sales turnover, income and stability of business of the benefit recipients after following economic program of Social Trust Fund (STF). This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to understand the problem to be investigated. Technique that used to determine the informen in this research is purposive sampling. Results of this research indicate that economic program Social Trust Fund (STF) has succeeded have a role in increasing micro business of the poor society the benefit recipients Social Trust Fund (STF) in Semarang, measured from the increase of assets, sales turnover, income and stability of business
    This goal of the research is to determine the effect of lending capital which comefrom creative-productive infaq for the members of Komunitas Usaha Mandiri, a program run by Yayasan Dana Sosial al-Falah. This research uses descriptive... more
    This goal of the research is to determine the effect of lending capital which comefrom creative-productive infaq for the members of Komunitas Usaha Mandiri, a program run by Yayasan Dana Sosial al-Falah. This research uses descriptive qualitative design and case study methods. The data was collected through field observations, interviews, and a documentation of four members in the komunitas Usaha Mandiri program in Surabaya city. The result shows that four informen had been experiencing the improvement of their sales turnover, profit, and the availability of goods after they got the working capital. A sustainableagenda and a set of training which conduted by KUM program were felt to be useful to enrich their religion base knowledge and the ability of enterpreneurship. Moreover, they were able to save and pay for infaq. So, it could be concluded that Komunitas Usaha Mandiri program has successfully develop the members business.
    Poverty is a serious problem in Indonesia. As a developing country, the poor inhabitants in Indonesia is still high. According to BPS, shows that 27,7 thousand individu is the poor. Therefore to reduce the problem of poverty, empowerment... more
    Poverty is a serious problem in Indonesia. As a developing country, the poor inhabitants in Indonesia is still high. According to BPS, shows that 27,7 thousand individu is the poor. Therefore to reduce the problem of poverty, empowerment is one of the right solutions. Especially for poor farmers. Dompet Dhuafa Amil Zakah institution has a empowerment program for the poor farmers, namely “Ternak Berdaya” This study aims to describe the role of Dompet Dhuafa (DD) amil zakat institution in economic empowerment of Farmers in Lantek Temor village, Galis District, Bangkalan City. Using qualitative descriptive approach with study case method, the data collected are donetrough interviews, observation, and documentation. In validating the data, this study uses source triangulation and technique triangulation. Analytical Technique uses descriptive analysis with stages data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that DD has a role in economic empowerment of...
    The existence of religious institutions has a positive relationship with the strengthening of social capital and improving the welfare of poor community. The religious institution that is the subject of this research is the Tebuireng... more
    The existence of religious institutions has a positive relationship with the strengthening of social capital and improving the welfare of poor community. The religious institution that is the subject of this research is the Tebuireng Pesantren Social Institution (LSPT). This research aims to analyze the management program of zakat funds and infak by LSPT in shaping socialcapital of the surrounding communities. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative.Through the PMM program and the griya dakwah program, LSPT forms social capital. The PMM program has been able to shape the social capital of the poor community, but has not been fully successful. Main job Griya dakwah program is to launch someone who is an expert in related field to preach in Ngimbang community. The main activity of the griya dakwah program is routine study every friday night, the study furtherstrengthens social capital in the Ngimbang community
    The aim of this research is to analyze zakat and infaq fund management program of  Yayasan Dana Sosial Al-Falah Surabaya in forming the surrounding community social capital linking. The research method used in this study is a descriptive... more
    The aim of this research is to analyze zakat and infaq fund management program of  Yayasan Dana Sosial Al-Falah Surabaya in forming the surrounding community social capital linking. The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection is used with preliminary surveys, observations, interviews, and literature review. The research data was collected by interviewing six informants, including the Da'wah Program Manager, HR Manager, two YDSF Surabaya Mustahiks, and two YDSF Surabaya Muzakkis. The results show that the YDSF Surabaya zakat fund and infaq management program can shape social capital in the community. Programs that can shape social capital at YDSF Surabaya are da'wah programs and KUM programs.Keywords: Social Fund Foundation, Linking Social Capital, Zakat Fund And Infaq Management Program Yayasan Dana Sosial Al-Falah Surabaya, Zakat
    The background of this research is the existence of unemployed and poverity phenomenon. This phenomenon encourages researchers to take research that discusses about productive zakat management of national zakat institution of Al-Azhar,... more
    The background of this research is the existence of unemployed and poverity phenomenon. This phenomenon encourages researchers to take research that discusses about productive zakat management of national zakat institution of Al-Azhar, through Rumah Gemilang Indonesia as the solution. This research uses qualitative approach with case study strategy. Data collection is done through interviewing techniques with related parties and the documents concerned. Analytical techniques carried out in this research is the technique of source triangulation and descriptive qualitative analysis techniques.The results of this study indicate that the national zakat institution of Al-Azhar recieves funds from the donors. They distributed the funds to Rumah Gemilang Indonesia as one of their programs, that aims to empower the dhuafas through six months training with no charge of tuition fee. So the dhuafas can be freed from unemployed and poverty problems.Keywords: productive zakat management, nationa...
    This study’s purpose is to find out how LAZNAS Al-Azhar’s programs is affected by the gap between the collection and distribution of ZIS funds. The gap’s effects is identified by using the four aspects of zakat institution performance... more
    This study’s purpose is to find out how LAZNAS Al-Azhar’s programs is affected by the gap between the collection and distribution of ZIS funds. The gap’s effects is identified by using the four aspects of zakat institution performance indicators which is input, process, output, and quality  within the interview questions. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study strategy. Data collection is done through interviews with informen, direct observation, and documentation to the research object. The analytical technique used is qualitative descriptive, namely by narrating and describing the results of interviews and direct observation. The study’s results are the impacts arising from the gap between the collection and distribution of ZIS funds to the sustainability of LAZNAS Al-Azhar’s programs which is LAZNAS Al-Azhar running large value programs with bailout funds in advance, LAZNAS Al-Azhar carries out routine programs such as assistance programs for orphans with bailou...
    This study aims to measure the level of efficiency and productivity of the amil zakat institution in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative research using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) methods.... more
    This study aims to measure the level of efficiency and productivity of the amil zakat institution in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative research using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) methods. There are six institutions of amil zakat (LAZ in Indonesia, namely Yayasan Dana Sosial Al-Falah (YDSF), Al-Azhar Peduli Ummat, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), Yayasan Rumah Yatim Arrohman Indonesia, Pos Kemanusiaan Peduli Ummat (PKPU), and Rumah Zakat Indonesia with 2014 - 2016 annual data as the number of DMUs (desicion making units). This study uses an intermediation approach in determining the variables. The input variables of this research are Collected Funds (X1), Total Costs (X2), and Amil Receipts (X3), while the output variables are Funds Disbursed (Y1), and Total Assets (Y2). There were two LAZs that experienced inefficiencies in 2014 and 2015, namely LAZ YDSF and ACT. Meanwhile, in 2016, all LAZ have achieved optimal levels of efficiency. The r...
    ABSTRAKPelaksanaan ibadah umrah di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal ini didorong dengan semakin baiknya kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia. Untuk itu diperlukan perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan... more
    ABSTRAKPelaksanaan ibadah umrah di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal ini didorong dengan semakin baiknya kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia. Untuk itu diperlukan perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan ibadah umrah dan haji yang memfasilitasi para jamaah untuk melakukan ibadah menuju ke tanah suci. Mengenai hal tersebut, sudah seharusnya perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan ibadah umrah dan haji menerapkan etika bisnis Islam dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya. Hal ini sangat penting dikarenakan banyak terjadi pelanggaran etika bisnis Islam yang dilakukan oleh beberapa perusahaan, tidak terkecuali oleh perusahaan travel umrah haji, seperti yang banyak diberitakan dibeberapa media yang dibuktikan dengan banyaknya jamaah yang gagal berangkat ke Baitullah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti yaitu survei pendahuluan, observasi, wawancara, doku...
    The aim of this research was to determine the influence of money supply, reward for Indonesian sharia Bank certificate (SBIS), import and export to the rupiah exchange rate on the US dollar during 2012-2015. The research methods used was... more
    The aim of this research was to determine the influence of money supply, reward for Indonesian sharia Bank certificate (SBIS), import and export to the rupiah exchange rate on the US dollar during 2012-2015. The research methods used was quantitative method with multiple linear regression analysis. The data used in this study was secondary monthly time series data in time during 2012 - 2015. Data in this research were obtained from Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS) and Indonesian Economic and Financial Statistic (SEKI). The result of this study indicate that partially, the money supply and reward for SBIS has significant impact on the rupiah exchange rate on the US dollar during 2012-2015, while import and export has no significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate on the US dollar during 2012-2015. Simultaneously, money supply, SBIS return rate, import and export had significant effect to the rupiah exchange rate on the US dollar during 2012-2015.

    And 12 more