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Teuku Tajuddin

    Teuku Tajuddin

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    Pohon sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) mempunyai banyak keunggulan dibanding dengan tanaman-tanaman penghasil pati lainnya, khususnya karena memiliki produktivitas yang tinggi, tumbuh di area bantaran sungai dan rawa, yang merupakan... more
    Pohon sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) mempunyai banyak keunggulan dibanding dengan tanaman-tanaman penghasil pati lainnya, khususnya karena memiliki produktivitas yang tinggi, tumbuh di area bantaran sungai dan rawa, yang merupakan lingkungan tidak sesuai bagi pertumbuhan tanaman-tanaman lain. Dalam rangka membangun suatu perkebunan sagu di area yang luas, maka sangat dibutuhkan anakan-anakan sagu yang ukurannya seragam dalam jumlah yang besar. Namun demikian, terbatasnya jumlah anakan yang seragam telah menjadi kendala bagi pengembangan perkebunan sagu. Sebagai alternatif, perbanyakan in vitro dengan induksi tunas langsung dilakukan untuk mendapatkan bibit-bibit sagu dengan genotip unggul secara masal. Anakan sagu yang diperoleh dari Propinsi Maluku digunakan sebagai sumber eksplan. Eksplan dikultur pada media MS dan B5 yang mengandung kombinasi hormon auksin dan sitokinin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan BAP 2.0 ppm dan NAA 2.0 ppm menghasilkan jumlah tunas terbanyak.Ka...
    GROWTH ABILITY OF Jatropha curcas L. EXPLANTS ON THE IN VITRO MEDIA CONTAINING IBA AND BAResearch on the growth ability of Jatropha curcas L. shoots and callus in solid and liquid media have been conducted. Explants were planted in the... more
    GROWTH ABILITY OF Jatropha curcas L. EXPLANTS ON THE IN VITRO MEDIA CONTAINING IBA AND BAResearch on the growth ability of Jatropha curcas L. shoots and callus in solid and liquid media have been conducted. Explants were planted in the initiation MS medium. After ten weeks, the explants were subcultured into solid and liquid media containing combination of IBA and BA treatments. The number of combinations was 12 treatments, each with 6 replications. Observation was conducted from the first week after subculturing upto the fourth week. Parameters of observation were the percentage of explant forming shoots, the number of shoots, height, number of leaves, weight, color, and form of callus. The results showed that the explant which was subcultured in liquid media had higher growth rate than those subcultured in solid media. Treatment of 1 ppm IBA + 0.5 ppm BA gave a good result on the growth of shoots on solid and liquid media. For callus formation, treatment of 2 ppm IBA + 1 ppm BA ga...
    Hutan sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) dapat ditemukan dalam area yang cukup luas di wilayah Maluku dan Papua. Besarnya keanekaragaman hayati dari pohon sagu dapat dilihat di areal ini. Pohon sagu tumbuh secara alami terutama di daerah... more
    Hutan sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) dapat ditemukan dalam area yang cukup luas di wilayah Maluku dan Papua. Besarnya keanekaragaman hayati dari pohon sagu dapat dilihat di areal ini. Pohon sagu tumbuh secara alami terutama di daerah dataran atau rawa dengan sumber yang air melimpah. Tanaman sagu dapat diperbanyak dengan metode generatif melalui biji, dan vegetatif melalui tunas anakan. Dalam rangka mendukung perbanyakan pohon induk yang unggul secara in vitro dalam skala besar, perbaikan metode sterilisasi tunas anakan mutlak diperlukan. Tunas anakan muda (15-20 cm) yang diperoleh dari Propinsi Papua digunakan sebagai eksplan. Tujuan percobaan sterilisasi ini dilakukan untuk mendukung perbanyakan pohon sagu secara in vitro. Pada percobaan ini antibiotik digunakan untuk membersihkan jaringan internal eksplan dari jamur dan bakteri. Hasil percobaan ini menunjukkan bahwa campuran alkohol dan antibiotik dapat menekan pertumbuhan kontaminan.Kata kunci: Antibiotik, kontaminan jamur dan ba...
    Effectiveness of Mercury Chloride (HgCl2) in Sterilization of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) In VitroThe main obstacle in obtaining sterile materials in in vitro cultures derived from meristems is high level of surface contamination caused... more
    Effectiveness of Mercury Chloride (HgCl2) in Sterilization of Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) In VitroThe main obstacle in obtaining sterile materials in in vitro cultures derived from meristems is high level of surface contamination caused by fungi and bacteria, which often results in explant death. The objective of this study was to obtain an appropriate mercury chloride (HgCl2) concentration for the sterilization of Tectona grandis nodes in in vitro culture. One cm long-sized nodes with 0.2 mm diameter were immersed in HgCl2at concentrations of 0, 100, 200 and 300 mg/L for 3 minutes. The results showed that the higher concentration of HgCl2was able to suppress the growth of fungi and bacteria and increased the percentage of aseptic explants. The best HgCl2concentration was 300 mg/L since it suppressed the growth of fungi and bacteria up to 100% and 75%, respectively, and produced the highest aseptic explants of 85% at 9 days after treatment. The small sized explants supported the ste...
    To fulfill market demand and prevent its extinction, sago palm plantation need to be developed by planting elite varieties in other areas. For these reasons the large number of seedling is needed. In this study we developed the method for... more
    To fulfill market demand and prevent its extinction, sago palm plantation need to be developed by planting elite varieties in other areas. For these reasons the large number of seedling is needed. In this study we developed the method for an ex vitro propagation technique combining with maintaining samples freshness for several days. Young suckers were treated using aquades, Na-hypochlorite or alcohol. After 3 days, suckers were sterilized, followed by dipping in vitamin solutions and IBA for an hour. The shoots were then planted in the mixture of soil and organic fertilizer. The results of our study showed that young sucker treated with alcohol 96% was the best treatment for maintaining the freshness of samples upto 3 days. During 20 weeks of culture, the optimum root induction was achieved after applying IBA 50 mg/L. Our result may serve as a base for mass propagation of sago palm.Keywords: Ex vitro, IBA, root induction, sample freshness, young suckers ABSTRAKUntuk memenuhi kebutu...
    Sago genome sequencing analysis is still very limited. This study is a preliminary study of sago sequence analysis obtained from NGS technology to understand and identify new genetic sequences that have homology to genes in the NCBI... more
    Sago genome sequencing analysis is still very limited. This study is a preliminary study of sago sequence analysis obtained from NGS technology to understand and identify new genetic sequences that have homology to genes in the NCBI database. Sequences were analyzed using Blast2Go to determine the genetic function annotation, putative gene identification was performed on the Arabidopsis database using the BLASTx program with a 10 -3 e-value limit on The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) ( Gene interactions were analyzed using DAVID and GeneMania programs. Based on sequence analysis with Blast2Go, 33 sequences with Blastx hit consisting of: 29 sequences had a high homology. The sago sequences with a similarity of ≥ 90% are glutamate decarboxylase and HT1-like serine threonine kinase with hit number 10. The distribution of interactions between genes from GeneMania analysis is known to be mostly interconnected in the 65.13% protein domain, pr...
    The standard of quality is one of the determining values of crude palm oil as an international trade commodity. Better standard of quality for crude palm oil is a constant demand of the market. Quality improvement can be made by... more
    The standard of quality is one of the determining values of crude palm oil as an international trade commodity. Better standard of quality for crude palm oil is a constant demand of the market. Quality improvement can be made by increasing the contents of oleic acid in the mesocarp of  E. guinensis . Among the uses of oleic acid are as follows: anti-carcinogenic agent, anti-oxidant, source of pro-vitamin A, and source of Vitamin E. Oleic acid is a form of non-saturated fatty acid encoded by KAS II genes. The expression profiling of KAS II is achieved through isolation of total RNA by Trizol reagent, RNA purification, using DNAse RNAse free , synthesis of cDNA using Reverse Transcriptation PCR approach, and amplification of KAS II genes with Nested PCR approach. The amplification process of KAS II genes is carried out using both internal and external primers. The first step of the external primer PCR is F-KAS-1 and R-KAS-1. Internal primer of PCR in the second step is F-KAS-2 and R-K...
    The availability of high-quality seeds is now a necessity. This is due to a government program to replace oil palm trees in smallholder plantations with high quality seeds. An efficient protocol to produce a large number of embryos is... more
    The availability of high-quality seeds is now a necessity. This is due to a government program to replace oil palm trees in smallholder plantations with high quality seeds. An efficient protocol to produce a large number of embryos is needed. To increase the number of embryogenic callus production, the callus proliferation experiment was carried out through suspension culture. This study aimed to examine the proliferation ability of embryogenic callus from three different oil palm clones, in several repeated subcultures. Liquid MS media added with 1 ppm 2.4-D and 0.1 ppm NAA were used. Embryogenic callus was weighed by 0.1 - 0.2 g, transferred into the liquid media, shaking at 60-80 rpm and 27 ºC for 8 weeks without light. Continues subcultures were repeated up to 7 times. The results showed that the growth rate of embryogenic callus increased in the third and fourth subcultures and then decreased in subsequent subcultures. It also revealed that the entire embryogenic callus from th...
    Tanaman sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) memiliki potensi yang besar sebagai sumber pangan, energi dan bahan baku industri. Kultur jaringan tanaman sagu telah dilakukan di Balai Pengkajian Bioteknologi BPPT dalam rangka perbanyakan genotipe... more
    Tanaman sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) memiliki potensi yang besar sebagai sumber pangan, energi dan bahan baku industri. Kultur jaringan tanaman sagu telah dilakukan di Balai Pengkajian Bioteknologi BPPT dalam rangka perbanyakan genotipe atau aksesi unggul secara massal. Namun demikian, kendala utama yang dihadapi pada perbanyakan in vitro tanaman sagu adalah sulitnya pembentukan akar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kombinasi hormon yang tepat dalam menginduksi perakaran tanaman sagu in vitro. Tunas anakan muda (15-20 cm) yang diperoleh dari daerah Rangkasbitung, Provinsi Banten digunakan sebagai eksplan. Dalam penelitian ini perakaran in vitro diinduksi dengan berbagai perlakuan jenis dan konsentrasi hormon auksin, konsentrasi medium dan jenis agar. Sebagai medium dasar digunakan medium Gamborg. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi IBA dan NAA yang terbaik adalah pada taraf 35 ppm. Selanjutnya Gelrite memberikan respon yang positif dengan munculnya perakaran p...
    Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb, which is well-known as Java turmeric, has been extensively used in pharmaceutical industries in Indonesia. In spite of this commercial value, the identity of this species is commonly mistaken from other similar... more
    Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb, which is well-known as Java turmeric, has been extensively used in pharmaceutical industries in Indonesia. In spite of this commercial value, the identity of this species is commonly mistaken from other similar orange rhizomes Curcuma. Correct identity of these species is vital in pharmaceutical industries. The objective of the study was to determine genetic diversity of 32 accession Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. Genomic DNA was extracted from leaf using Sodium Dodesyl Sulphate (SDS) modification. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was carried out according to the protocol ofAFLPTM plant mapping kit and the final polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products were separated using The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. The number of fragment produced by 12 pairs primer combination of AFLP ranged from 42 to 60 with an average of 52. Data obtained was analyzed by the NTSys program. From the AFLP amplification on 32 DNA samples, it was proven that the accession of Cu...
    Comparison of Three RNA Extraction Kits for Transcriptome Analysis of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) ABSTRACTObtaining high-quality RNA is very important at an early stage of molecular biology research. To isolate RNA, high skill and... more
    Comparison of Three RNA Extraction Kits for Transcriptome Analysis of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) ABSTRACTObtaining high-quality RNA is very important at an early stage of molecular biology research. To isolate RNA, high skill and caution are required in following laboratory procedures because RNA is easily degraded, especially samples from plant tissue culture. One of the parameters used to check the total RNA quality is RIN (RNA Integrity Number). The aim of this study was to obtain RNA extraction methods on oil palm leaves, callus and somatic embryos that were of good quality and high concentrations for transcriptomic analysis. RNA extraction was carried out using Plant RNA PureLink (Ambion), Genezol RNA Extraction (Geneaid) and RibospinTM Plant (Geneall) kit methods. The results showed that oil palm leaf, callus and somatic embryo RNA were successfully extracted using the RibospinTM (Geneall) kit. Based on the total RNA number of more than 4 μg and the RIN value of more t...
    Screening and Identification of Ligninolytic Microbes in the Natural Decomposition of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch  ABSTRACTOPEFB (oil palm empty fruit bunch)could potentially be utilized as organic fertilizer or animal feed through... more
    Screening and Identification of Ligninolytic Microbes in the Natural Decomposition of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch  ABSTRACTOPEFB (oil palm empty fruit bunch)could potentially be utilized as organic fertilizer or animal feed through composting. Information on microorganisms that play important roles in the natural decomposition of OPEFB is to date not much known yet. This research was aimed to obtain and, subsequently, to molecularly identify lignin-degrading microbial isolates responsible for naturally decomposing OPEFB in the Oil Plant Plantation and Palm Oil Refinery Plant, PTPN VIII Cikasungka, Bogor. Screening for active lignin-degrading isolates was carried out on 17 naturally decomposing OPEFB samples. A total of 19 isolates of fungi and 80 isolates of bacteria were obtained. Ligninolytic activity was measured by Sundman and Nase testing methods. Ligninolytic activity was found on 13 fungal isolates and 15 bacterial isolates. The active isolates were subsequently identified mol...
    WEB-based bioinformatic analysis on partial genome sequence of Sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.)ABSTRACTSago genome sequencing analysis is still very limited. This study is a preliminary study of sago sequence analysis obtained from NGS... more
    WEB-based bioinformatic analysis on partial genome sequence of Sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.)ABSTRACTSago genome sequencing analysis is still very limited. This study is a preliminary study of sago sequence analysis obtained from NGS technology to understand and identify new genetic sequences that have homology to genes in the NCBI database. Sequences were analyzed using Blast2Go to determine the genetic function annotation, putative gene identification was performed on the Arabidopsis database using the BLASTx program with a 10-3 e-value limit on The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) ( Gene interactions were analyzed using DAVID and GeneMania programs. Based on sequence analysis with Blast2Go, 33 sequences with Blastx hit consisting of: 29 sequences had a high homology. The sago sequences with a similarity of ≥ 90% are glutamate decarboxylase and HT1-like serine threonine kinase with hit number 10. The distribution of interactions between ...
    Phylogenetic Analysis of Rubber Tree Clones using AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) MarkerNational rubber productivity is lower than other rubber producing countries in the world. The DNA marker-based plant breeding program is... more
    Phylogenetic Analysis of Rubber Tree Clones using AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) MarkerNational rubber productivity is lower than other rubber producing countries in the world. The DNA marker-based plant breeding program is required to increase latex production and other superior characters. Breeding process by identifying genetic diversity can be done using AFLP marker. The aim of this study was to analyze the phylogenetic six rubber clones. Pre-amplification and amplification process were performed using 64 primer pair combinations followed by electrophoresis in 6% polyacrylamide gel. A total of 2806 AFLP fragments have been detected. Phylogenetic tree of six clones showed 60% of genetic similarity, which was consisted of two groups. GT 1 clone in the first group and was separated from other clones in the second group. Sub-group at the phylogenetic peak contained IRR 104 and RRIM 600 clones with genetic similarity of 74%. The information obtained from this study sho...
    ... Isolation and Identification of Mycorrhizospere Bacteria and Their Antagonistic Effects Towards Ganoderma boninense in Vitro. Yenny Bakhtiar, Sudirman Yahya, Wahono Sumaryono, Meity Suradji Sinaga, Sri Wilarsi Budi, Teuku Tajuddin.... more
    ... Isolation and Identification of Mycorrhizospere Bacteria and Their Antagonistic Effects Towards Ganoderma boninense in Vitro. Yenny Bakhtiar, Sudirman Yahya, Wahono Sumaryono, Meity Suradji Sinaga, Sri Wilarsi Budi, Teuku Tajuddin. Abstract. ...
    Propagation of apple plants (Malus spp.) vegetatively has the advantage of genetic homogeneity between clones and their parents. However, the possibility of cytological and off-type deviations persists during mass propagation. This study... more
    Propagation of apple plants (Malus spp.) vegetatively has the advantage of genetic homogeneity between clones and their parents. However, the possibility of cytological and off-type deviations persists during mass propagation. This study aims to analyze the genetic homogeneity of apple plants using SSR markers in ex vitro propagation techniques. Morphological observations between the parental plant and the ex vitro propagation derived clones and also among themselves did not show any differences. To analyze the genetic heterogeneity of these plants, 15 SSR primers were screened on 29 propagation clones of apple var. Anna and Manalagi. Genetic characters were scored for group analysis using Darwin 6.05. Eight SSR primers (IPA 2, IPA 3, IPA 4, 5 PA, 6 PA, 12 PA, 13 PA, and 14 PA) produced 82 clear and easily visible bands in the size range of 90-365 bp. This study successfully detected the uniformity of all band patterns from the plant samples. The SSR markers could be used to analyze...
    National rubber productivity is lower than other rubber producing countries in the world. The DNA marker-based plant breeding program is required to increase latex production and other superior characters. Breeding process by identifying... more
    National rubber productivity is lower than other rubber producing countries in the world. The DNA marker-based plant breeding program is required to increase latex production and other superior characters. Breeding process by identifying genetic diversity can be done using AFLP marker. The aim of this study was to analyze the phylogenetic six rubber clones. Pre-amplification and amplification process were performed using 64 primer pair combinations followed by electrophoresis in 6% polyacrylamide gel. A total of 2806 AFLP fragments have been detected. Phylogenetic tree of six clones showed 60% of genetic similarity, which was consisted of two groups. GT 1 clone in the first group and was separated from other clones in the second group. Subgroup at the phylogenetic peak contained IRR 104 and RRIM 600 clones with genetic similarity of 74%. The information obtained from this study showed the genetic diversity of the six rubber clones. The unique bands were obtained as marker specific which could be used to identify clones.

    Produktivitas karet nasional masih lebih rendah dibanding dengan negara-negara penghasil karet lainnya di dunia. Diperlukan program pemuliaan tanaman karet yang berbasis marka DNA untuk meningkatkan produksi lateks serta karakter unggul lainnya. Proses pemuliaan untuk mengidentifikasi keragaman genetik bisa dilakukan dengan marka AFLP. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis filogenetik enam klon karet berdasarkan produktivitasnya. Proses pre-amplifikasi dan amplifikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan 64 kombinasi pasangan primer yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis hasil elektroforesis pada gel poliakrilamid 6%. Sebanyak 2806 pita AFLP telah dihasilkan. Kekerabatan keenam klon menunjukkan kemiripan genetik sebesar 60%. Pohon filogenetik membentuk dua kelompok, yang memisahkan GT 1 dengan klon-klon lainnya. Sub-kelompok pada puncak filogenetik terdiri dari klon IRR 104 dan RRIM 600 dengan kemiripan genetik sebesar 74%. Informasi yang diperoleh telah menunjukkan keragaman genetik keenam klon karet yang bersifat polimorfis. Diperoleh pita-pita unik dari pasangan primer tertentu yang dapat berperan sebagai marka spesifik dan dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi klon.