Handbook of the International Amateur Athletic Federation 1922-1923

Page 1








f I

1 I


.lntl"ot!lKtion l.ist of



Sixth Congrc.:s:i (P:lris 1923)




Interpretation \Vorld's RCl:ord-;



the question of

Fl:lllalc Sports

;\dditioll to thl.: B:;-b\\'$

·1 .

of the Speci:ll Committee




1. ;\. 1\. F


the lntt:nm:diiltc l\cctmb











This »Bandbook of the International Amateur Athletic Fe<.kmtion r922-1923n can pnrtly said to be a complement to the »{·htndbook of the Amateur Athletic Federation 1912-1921)) whio.:h was published two years ago in tilt.: English language. Since thc bttel' was issued a further Congress of the I. ..-\. A. F. hns taken place, i. e. in P.lris in July, 1923, which was the Sixth Congrcss of the Fcdcn.ttiol1. The Mil1t1Ics of said congress arc recorded in this book as well as tlw List of Members and the present World's Records. Owing .the By1:"."'5 of the Federation, the Amateur St;.H1.1S, the Olympic gr:Ullmc, the Athlctic Ruks, the Specifications 1'01' offldal Implemcnts ami thc Events 1'01' which \VorkPs Records will be allowt:ll, <1n: completdy published in the » Handbook 19 I 2 - I 92 t» it hils not been found necessary to reprint these matters in this book but only the to some of these items which wl:re decided at the Congress of PariS, 1923 . ..-\t the S:UllC time ;1 French edition of the Handbook, inthe years 1912-[92), is being printed. Copies of the I-hlndboo(,s a$ well :IS separ;ltc prints or the By-laws ;tnd the Amateur in the French and English languages, can be obtained at the office of the Am:ttcm' Athletic Federation :l! Vesteds, Sweden.



}. S. EDSTR(}.\f. Vestcriis, Swedell. i\,J[arcb, 1924.




Caulfell/, 228, Glen lto.\Ll, . CZECHOSLOVAKIA: C,·s!wslav£'I1.1'k:l Alhll'licka AlJ/Il/askl/ Ullfl'

CA.V.-!DA: AJ/ll1lt'w' Alblt'!k U"iol/

Toronto, Onto



.\. .)'!GJ-'NfJ) l:,nsndj,\l, J'n's/d"III,

Sweden. iJ/J.J)/'vG 1(//;'1.1.,\/../.\', 11011. S"rTe'ltll:\,-'l'rMsllr,'/' , 5, [, C;otIH.:nhurg, S,,·cdcn. 1.1;'( J '['I:';SJ:".·J U, .·{s,\i:ifrw/ S,'c-r<'llin. 6, I'll<: ;'V!ll<'S:ll'd, l.cvallois[Jerrel, [=1':111":1.:, .

1UIW.r ./.

lJ,{gCI..-f}', El1gl:111d.

./.·1.\1I;·S (,'. .\U;'NNIC·l\',


10, 117,


• .\ddplli,


King Stn':L·t \\'c:">t, Toronto, Ollt.,

FI{.·I.VFX /{!:'It:llh"l" II, nIL' C:l\':lloUi, l';lrh (,l"h:), Frall..:e. /'R.1:' f)/:'PJ <:/{ fIT. N eN! 1:',\', 30), lko:ld way, e\\" York, l;" S..\. .";, Sr"IXl\OITI'S. IV, hki"l 101" ), Hut!:tpcst, Ilungar.\'.

B,-·[{ j."J{ /:'J)!:"/U C!\'



<:< )1\·11\1 [TI'I:E,

In: {; II:'.\',

Y,Jrk, L'. S, .\,

1J n's/,/"1I1, 3°5. Bro:ld \\,;1.",

:-\ l'W

lI,iNN}' I. n.·JNc:J.:li', (0, jtJ11l1 Street, .\delphi, London, I:Jlgl:llld. ,<.;, 1<. f.'( J/:,.\', [=l.:dcrazionl.: It,t1i:lIl;t SplH'r::, .\tll:tici, P, O. B. 66" \\'·Ili.:<.:, h;l1y,

'J'JI, nO.\/.·I.\', Ellgdbrd:'b Kyrkog:ll:l 7, Slo..:ld wI III, SWl.:dcn. (;/:',\'1:"1', 22\, 1'l1l..' til.: nh'1l1i, Fran-:e. N.. ST/;"XIJ!;'/-{{;. Skilln;ld.'1g;ll:l11 11, I k'lsingl'o!';;, Finland.



lvl EjvI13EI{S,

.n:!';TN.IJ.. /.'·;l.!: ,lllJa/I'lil ./lUl'lil' t'l/iem 0/ .·llI,l'fralia allrl .\'e··i(' /./·ttll/IJ,I. ':/0 ;..:. \\';dl.'!\ Spun:"> Club, 10, 12, I.j, Ilunt<.:1' Strl.·<.:l, S"dlll.:\', :-\. S,' \\'. . / CSTIU ,./: C I"'idflll//tll'! ik- rah!lIld, Pn.:..:htdg:1S:-'l.: l), \\'jcll, IX. ' IJI;'/.(,'/ U.\l:






Ll IkillL.',


JI Prllze. Cpt, Plidlt,l Jan, ul. S, Prague I r. DHNNfARK: Copenlugen. HG YPT: Ulliall IIIII'J"lwli(lIJal,' ,Its Sadllh SjlOrli·t'I's M. A. Ch. Bolnnachi, Prl:$idcnt, 6 rue Bolanachi, Alexandria. BSTJ-IONIA: B"sti J(l'rgt-) !?'tfske- jll V""sjJordi Liil, Gonsiori NO.4, Tallin, . FI:YLAND: Fill/awls GVIJII/llsfik- orb It!roU:;jor/!uud, Skilln,lth:n _I, Hdsingfo\"s. . PN.ANCH: Fldh'afiolt Frrlll\uisL' d'AtblllisJJIL', 3 Rossini, GI£RMANY: DI'utsr}1l" Sjloribe1Jtlrd,; /iiI" Lc'i(/;( Albll'li/'-, Rom:.m-

67, Mllnchen. (;N.H,·rl' HRfTAJN: AWl/1m./' ,.:}/IJll'Iil· ASSlln'lIliol/, to, John Street, Adelphi, London. HOLLAND: Nl'd(,rlwIIlstbe Albll'liet.: Ullie, <157, Hague. HU.YGA1?Y: ly[crgytlr A/bll'/iJ.>!li Sz,n.'l'fse.i;, Veres PalnL: mea 9. L em., Buthlpest. iRELAND: Gllt'IIl)/'ill-ClIlJltlIlIJ Lulb (blMS m!IlS Rollmic!t'tlchttl Jltl lJ-Eirl'£lltl/, 68, Upr. O'Connell Street,' Dublin. ITA1. Y: g'dt'r,/'{imll' I!a!illucf 5jlOrt., AJ/('/ici, S. Marco r1)86,


663, Vcnkc.

I.ATVf,A: Lllh'ijas Vil'K!lll/t'/ika" .)lIvi,'JJibll, Nilmlaistr.lss<...' 6')f67,

. Rig,\.

LUXUMBURG: FMt!rlllioJl Jes Sorilltfs LuxeJllbvllrg't('is,'s tit! 5'/'01'1:; A tbUt iqUI'S, Case Posmlc Luxemburg. NOR.IVA Y: Norg,·s Sv;\ncapothekct, Str;\lldg:lten, Bergen. Polski Zwia,."I.' LI!k!wl1I1dyczn)" \Vicjsk;.l It, \\"<1rS;lW, SOU;rH AFIUCA: Tbl' Soulb A{ritl/u A/11Itteu.r AfIJ!L'li( amI C-,,(Ung Ass., P. O. B. 24.P·, Johannesburg. (Transvaal), SPAIN: Rt'al redat/doll Allt'litll ESjJl/1lola, Sail St'/l(IS!iIlIl. IdroI/sjjwbl/lIdel, Mnl!11$killnad$g:lt:tn 25 B, ... Stockholm. SIVITZHRL.AND: Sdltt'tJiZ, & Atbleiik·Va[Jlwd, AIIJlc'/ikK,ll/lilel', Zschokkcstnlsse 33, Zflrkh . UNiTED STATBS: Amateur Alhlt'lk Ul1iOJI (:/Ibe U. S., 305,

Broadway, New York.

Ul?UGUAl': Fl!dt'J'tltidu Allelic-a eld Uruguay, 18 Montevideo,

Julio, 1085.






.. /·i'llt'radol/ A/1C'lic"11 /JR,-! X/ L: /Jrl/s;/"jra iii' j),'Sj!ilrtCls, CIIII.I: l.lI nd,lrll!iolJ 5'por/i'l'j' NI//ilJlwl,' tlll Chili,



(;R/:'/;'(;/;': UnjolJ




Minutes of the Sb:.th Congress of the International Amateur

Athletic Federation held at thc anice of the French Olympic Committc.:c, 30,ruc.: de Gntmmont, Paris, Francc, the 23rdJul:-', 1923. The Prc.:sidcnt opened the mcetinl-{ ;11 IO n, m.

SOO',ltls JMlhth/ItI's d'Atb/hisJl/i'i'l ti,' GV1iIlla-

slltll!I' .


.I.-/PA.\': J,lPl/1I .·ll11l1l"/lr ..Ilbltrtk [J( )/O·UD.·/l. : NOU;\L-J.\'/A: J'i·t!,']'l1lillJWI1 .S'(I(';t'/,ilifoJ' tI"


dill !\Oll1l1l1lcl.




b..... fbi' Fn'I1dJ .-ill/borili,'s.

In the nmm: or the d' Athlctlsl11t.:, Mr. C;t:net wckomcd the memhers 01 tht: Congress in tl1cSl: terms: "M 1'. Chairman, Dekgmes, Will you allow me before the beginnilll-{ of the disl:l1ssions to in the nnmc the French Federation the hcarty wckome \\ hich 1 hnd honour of wishing YOll last Saturday at the reception or tht: COll1itc Olympique Frant;ais. I :llso thank you for h,lving :lnswcl'l:d in such a great number to the invit:niol1 of the: International Federation orllct:. For the sale purpose of improvin1!: our sporting ruks you h:1\'c lert your ramiJics and your businesses and 1-i<.1vC come (rani far off. For this splendid sdi'.. devotion and prool' ot soliJnrity I w:mnh- congratulate you. Now, gcmh:men, I !lope that thc' discussions which will l{)llow will bring forth JUSt solutions proving 11;lpPY and profitable to the spOrt \\'C rcprt:sent. The grt:at progresscs made by tht: athletes of all COllnt.. ries and the const:lllt impnwemem of the perrOnl1.mCe$ n:quirt: morl.l :md mo1'\.: a n:ry prt:cise n.:dmic tod:ly when the "ictory is obtnined t1\' onl\' a few centimeters ;md the records are bcaten b\" -a \,el:\, 5n14111 li':KtiOll ortimc. Our Amateur Status roo· must de:u'er :Wt1 more prc- . dse so thnt it cannot, according to the drcumst:mces or the cn\'ironment, recl::ivc a dilT'erem interpretation. Fil1alh', gcntkmcn, it would be lksirable th:tt the Congress appointed the Cmmdl to togdht.:r with the Univcrsit\· Associations) a l1lQrc extensive and stronger organis:ltion of the Univt:rsitV spon. In order to maintain the control of this SPOI:t we must give it every possibility to develop itself normally :lnd grant it its m;pir..u ions, it heing wdl understood thm t11<: authority or thc Feueration 111m,t ah,,':ws be rcsl1ccted. Gcntlemen, 1 h:1\'C finishcll." .



9 'J h: . Pl:L::iitkl,lt ans"'ered ivl r. Cen.ct by thanking Fr:lI1cc for hospltahl)' 12;1 vcn to the congrc$slsts and congratllht ti ng the h:ench on the :lIre'H.ly obt:lined in the prepar:ltion ol tilt: (1:1II1CS ol 192.1. lie condlllh:d hy wishing thoH Ihcsc Gal;1l::; would be a complete success. . . Tllc Prcsidcnt a:-,kcd tlt:!t thc Congress would dect two "icc pn.:sidcllts. Thc proposition \\,;15 The President proposed Mr. Gellet, President of thc Flld(:r.nio!1 Frall<;:aise ti' Athktisme, :1S first vkc-presidcnt and Cn!ond r,'lills (U. S. A.) :15 scwnd vkc-presidcllt. The Cnngn:ss lln:lllimOllsl:- :h:Ll.'pu.:d these nOlllinations.




.\RTICLE OjlmiJlg






The President then proceeded ddcg;ltCS pn:sent, who were: I

DL'leg-llles /'1'L'S('I//.



c.lll O\'er the names of the

Belgium: F. \Vydem:ms. '




Capt. Fr. Dast\'ch.


Egypt: 0, B.lVastro.

England: 1-1. Barela". rinland: K. Brusin: France: J. Genet, (Fnll1tl.-Rdchel), P. Mt:ricamp, G. Picot} G. Jurgenson, P. J. Ie Cesne, (1.. Tisse:tu),

(A. H. Muhr).


Holland: P. \V. Sch:moo. H ungarv: S. Stanlmvits.. Clpt. S. R. Coen.

fly /lll' Prr:;;.!m/.

Thc Pn:sidcnr (lpel1L:d the Congress by addn.:ssing the assel1lhhIII tlH.::-e terlll:.: . .

A. Set'v"1is. Norway:). B. Marthinsen, Th. Solberg. Spllin: G. M. de Lal'lltte, Sweden: J. S, Edstri.)m, Th. Friman, Dr. H. KjeHman. Swit7.crland: R. Stciner. United Stnres: Colonel A. G. Mi11s, J. B. Maccaht:. There WCl'C present 27 delegates l'cprcscnting 16 dilrerent


ThL:. Olympic (;:Hl1eS of Pm'is, 11)2<1, will prohabl \' he oj greatest CVCf!t'S in the Sport. 'rllt: Il1t\..'rcst o[ :111 the sport!l1g world IS today concclltr:ltcd ' ell 1 tilt.: coming- evcnls :It I\lris and ;111 the nations :\I'e c:Il'llc:-.tly pl'l,:p:lring tlw111sdves f{1I' the "1'I.::lt mectin<l. The.: French Athletk Fctler.ltioll Il:IS it lksimbh: Ih:n certain lllll.·stiolls cOllcernillg the licld :Ind track L:vcnlS o( :-.aid l-;:II1lCS bc pill bd'ol'e :I sped:ll conferellcc of our and dcmanded this Congn:ss supported by lour other National fcdt:rations. \\'c therefore lllect today here at Paris :md I wi:;h the dcle{T;\tc$ wclcome. .. • !") Smce \\'c 1:lst mcr at l.aus:H1ne three nc\'-' countrics h;l \"I.: hl'l:ll Ill:tt!l: l1H':lllber:i of our Federatio1l :lnd t\\'o 111 0 l'I': ",ill he ele..:red tod:I\·. III all not less th:\n 26 coulltrics then hdong to oui, Federation, whkh as far I Imo\V is the grcatest llumber of COlllltries bdongin" to any International Federation t)r Sports. ' ['") ThL: work of our Feder:llioll has bccn r:nhcr :lcti\·c during tile tlll'l.:e last ycars. The (:oulldl has stlldit:d and tkdded a number '()f' qucstions, some whicb \\'111 Ill.: put bdon: you tOll:1y lor your approval. Good l1:1rmol1\' is prevailing within the Fcdcr:ltion and I hope Slh:h harmuny will. :lls{) signi(v toJ:ly's proceedings and r express thc that our \Vorl, <It this conference ",ill be successful ;tnt! thereby bcncfit not only our beamil"ul spOrt hut .1150 tht: Olvl11pic C:IJllCS of 1924. Gcnth:ml.:ll} I dt:t:k!j·c thl.: conference opened."




ARTICLE 4. WI't/ iOIl UtiLI IIJL'mbL'/'S of Ith' Fl'dl'ral ill/I, The President proposed, in the name oC the Council, to elect Esthonia and Lmvia as mcmbt.:rs of the Federation. The proposition \V.1S adopted. ARTICLE ). ,

COlljinlllllicm of lHillufes !!llbe



2i-28 MIl)', 1921,

The Minutes of the Congress of Gcnc\'a, 27-28 May J 192 I, were :1pprovcd. . ....

Just then, Baron PieHc dc.Coubertin, of the International Olympic Committee, pay<:d a visit to the Congress and W,IS received by the President who, .1midst the :lpphlusc of the :lsscmbly, greeted him in the following tcrms:

"I h:lVe the gl'cat pleasure of wclcoming 13,lron Pierre de Coubertin, who has kindl\' answered the invitation of our Council. .



You all know, gt.:ntknten, tbat Baron Pierrt.: tk Coubertin is the rCnoy.Hor of the modL'rn Olympic Games and has pn:sided o\'er the Illtl.:rnmional Olnllpic Committcl: for the past 3D Yl.::trs. You also all know till.: important pan played by the ()lympit: C;ames in the sporting world in gencral, and in particul:lr in the heautiful spMt that athletism is, Our Fl..'d<.:ratiol1 was horn 01" the Olympic (;anH':s amI th..::re(url.: I nJ;\\, say, my tkar Presitknt, that it is onl.: of gr:llllkhikircn; if i)l1e considers that the olympic niovl.:mt:l1t is your own child .lnt! that it is from the Olympic Games of Stockholm tbat the hirth of Olll' Fcdemtjoll d:ltcs, You ha\'c always :.hown th<.: W:lrlllest interest (or our Fetkratiol1 alll"l it is with pk:lSIln.: that our Ft:tkratiol1 contributes to the \\'ork of the Imernatiol1:1t Oh-mpi.: COlHmlltt:e, I usc this occasion to than k you fOJ'


you h;t\'e dOllL', ;\.c<:ording to Ihe lit;\\" rq.J,ulatiolls of tll...: ()kmpi..: (:mllllllttt.:c, the intem:ltioll:ll sporting l"edel'miol1s ..::o()pcratc ddliliteh' for the Okmpit: C;ames, \Ve have the m:1I\.tgCJlH.:nt ,il" our sport :md we have the right to hI.: l'cprc:>eJ1!cd :It thc Olyll1pi.: Congrcs$cs. This is :1

gn::tt satisfa.::titm to us. \\' C Wlll1t upon thc :iUcc...:ss 01" this ..::oopel':ttion with til...: International Ol\'mpic Committt:c and with \'our good scll', tkar Prcsidcnt, for tile benclit ol' the Olyinpk G:lt11l.:s :md of our be;\llliful sport, . \\'c :ISSlIre VOl! I:tstk that this Ft:demtitll1 will al\\':I\'s :l:>sist you in \\'oi'k with (:lithl'lllness alld friendshfp. Our Fetkr:nion, de:lr I'rcsidclIt, b a n::I] dt:l1locrati..:: il\stittltiOIl :111<1 \\'C <:::lll .:n::ItL: llcither SC:ltS or hOllour IHll' l11e,hlls, I r Oul' cOllstitLllion :111o\\'l.:d liS to do <;() \\'1.: would givc vou :\ S\.::1t o( honour in our Fcdcration. I the' pl'l:sem, thcrcl"ore. tl1:1t the wishes lJ( \\',:1.:I)l1\t: ",hid1 I h:l\'e add I't.'sscd to \'Ol) be n:clll'dcd in the minutcs of the Congress. Tilus o'Lir mcmbers wHl ht: :thk to state in the fmme th:\t \\'1.: heen !H)\1011l'cd with :1 d:.it o( Baroll Pierre de Couhcrtin, ;\ly dc,Ir Pn:sidcnt, I wl:;h you we! conlt:,"

B;mm de Couhl..'rtin ,\Ilswt:n:d as follows: ¡<CclHkl1len. I :lm th,11 t hapP<':l1I.:d to be passing through P:tl'is :It the time yOt1!' Congre::.s ;llld was thus able to \;11.<.: p:\rt in it with you for a lllOl111.:llt, I lH.:anily th:mk you enr the words I bavc just hc:tl'd, 1 th;ll1k


YOllr de:\!' President \,Olu'sdves for the \,cr\l l"riendlv way in which you have l'cceivctl them. You "rcprescrit one of the inti ispcnsable wheels of the modern olympism. is the International Olympic Committee which incarnates: the permanency of the institution .lIlt! \vhich assures the respect oCtile and superior principks which arc its basis its reason of existence. Then there me the Nt\tional Committees, everv one of which ¡will assure the representation of its com;tryat the time of the cdebr:.nion of the olvmpiad :.1l1t! wiH do this with strength. .\nd dignity, so as' to bring, in a legal way, .111 the chances Oil its side. Further there ;\re the ):\:ttiot1al Fedcmtions and tile International Federations, to ;\'h0111 .1 h,wc addn:ssed .m .lppeal 1rom the \VI11eh at Im;t was not VCl"V well but which has been listl:l1l::d to sinc;' owing to YOU; the\' are the federations upon whom the duty af assuring tlie preparation and the tcchnical management of the Olvmpic Games more and ' , \Vdl, gentlemcn, to thesc three \vhl.":c1s something is nceded which is .15 esscntinl as the oil which is put in :t m;lchine for its good working, The Indepedcnce of thl.: Intern;Hional Olympic Committee is needed, so that it remains stahle above the competition, the rivalry and the ;tgitntion inscpamblc ii'om the electoral govcrncmcm and its consequences. The National Committees will nced the International Spirit, because there is no profound. really powerful and fruitful nationalism unless based on the respect of the countries and their rights. No one may, to any degree, seck to tnunple his ndghbom's rights, The spirit is in my opinion ahsoJtltdy necessary 111 SpOrts. The International Fedcmtiol1s vill need the Sporting Spirit without which we crcatr.: ;mything strong und l:1sti ng. The Sporting Spirit is the worship, the respect, the lo\'e of the sport. All have not got it vet, alas! but we lmow that yOtl will help llS to m;lke "its pure doctrines triumph) and in the name oC tlw Imcrt1atioll.11 Committee, as weH :\$ in mv own name) I th:mk you most sincerely". . The.: President then ga ve pc:rmisssion to speak to Colonel . Mills (U, S. A..) who recalled the cru$;\de I11ndc by Baron de Coubcrtin in America, a third 01" :l century ;lgO, in order to rcnOV:lte thc Olympic Games, and who, wishing him a long Hml happy, life, conveyed to him the thanks of the Congress for his splendId work.


! 2.



Fiwtlldal ..::il

Frow july


The.: n..:pon or the linandal situatioll prcsentcd by the c.:ounadopte.:J unanimousl\'.



FroJJl ,\fay 2ofb, H)2[ 1<) JUlle 30f/;, 1l)2). H.ECElPTS. ),; s. d. EXPENDITUlm. Balall(c t)O 19 l) s. d. Aflilialioll fccs, [919: Ot"ricial Handhook o( AU:itralia, Canada, tbc LA. A. F....... 139 5 1 Denmark, Gcrm:l11\', Expenses of Cong-rcss at GenC\':l, 1921... !7 6 I South-Africa ...... :.. 2) :\flili:ltion ("":C5, 19:w: Expcnses of ComAllstnlli:l, Callada, mission ror l"cmalc Denmark, France, .. sports. I () ..- - (;Cl"lll:lll\" llllllg:ll"\', 1 r:lllsl:HlOIlS......... l) I:; (, South-Xfric;l, Spa iiI, POSt:lgcs, telegrams, Teheko-Sln\'akia ....15 :\!"fili:lli<lll fces, 1921: Austr;lli:l, Canada, Denm:lrk, Fin1:lnd, FI':li1ce, I [1)ll:l11d, 11;\1\', Nlll"\\";1\', Soutll:";\["ric.l, Sp:iin, Swedell, S\\'l tr.erl:t 11 d: reh \.' ko· U. 1\., S]m'aki:l, lJ. S. A lio :\nili:ltion f"":es, 1921: Canada, Eg\'pt, Fillbnd, Frnncc, (icr111;111\', Ilo!land, POhllld, Sotllh-;\ 1'ric,l, S\\'c'den, 'I'..:heko-S]O\'akia, U. K., G. S. .-\.62 ..\rlili:1tiOll 1))2): Cm:lda, Egvpt, Fin-

:;tatiollar.\·, :Igendas cte. ...... ..... ...... 17 B:tlallce in hands of



FI.·,{t'I"ltl iOIl •


Printing Handbook ...

s. d.

100 -


Expenses of Congress and meetings of the

1. A. A. F.

30 - -

Tmnshltions ..•

20 -


Tdegrnms, Stationary, Agendas, etc. . Onloreseen

20 - -

expenses 119 16 9

. £ 28 9 16 9 Stockholm,









,,19 2 .1 50



!lt'xl COJJKtl'S




ARTICLE 7. PrcVlOsl·d aJleral ill}[ of (b<, l1y-la-ws. J(c'l)orl 4 Ib,' COIiI/a'I. Th\.! Council proposed th.1t in Rule II or the Bdaws the lil':>t .


"The annual subscription Sh:lll be £ 5 for each National "Assochttioll. Countries ,1$ well as countries "with depredated may with the consent of the "Council have the annual subscription reduced. The proposition was aJopted.


Pn)jm.{£,cl lllh'rctliOI1 ilJ Ibe Rult's jil/" Jid" lind Irati.. 1!'I.'t'IIls. J(c1>orl C?J' Ibe' l111d COI/IIJ1 iI h'l!. The President' told the Congress th:lt the Council proposed

no alteration of the Gener:1l Rules but that in llrtic1c 13 c), which would be discussed .1 little later,. there ,vere certain modificatiolls of the Detail Rules th:1t ought to be discussed.



ARTICLE 9Cllljirll/cl! ion of TVtlrld'$ f?e<'l>nls.

U. K., U. S. A....

Rt'li<lrI Rule's r111d R,'(lm[s CtlllllJ1 ill,'e.

Dcposit by l.cttland ) 2 enpics oj" Handbook of the 1. A. A. F Interest . ..... ...... /1

1 [ TO ! 6 _I


7 10




s. d. B:llance 169 16 9 Unpaid :lniliation fees, 19 19-- 1 9 22 . Anilimion fees, 1923 40 - -

claus!.: he nltcrcd to:

land, Gel'l1liil1\" 1101land, LUXl.:mI)ollrg, Nor\\,;Ir, Africa,

Tn':,1311rCI' ..




The President informed the Congress of the List of Records homologated hy the Rules and Records Committee.



Ivlr, (Fran.:e) puinted out the timing in l/lOth sccont!s is not regular. Thc I'n:sidclH a11s\\"cred tll;tt this rCl1l.wk could not he t.lh:n imo wllsidt.:r;uiOll for tllt.: that the timin tr in 1/10th SC<::011ds is of the rules the Fctkr;ttlon, hut 11; suggcsted that ;l propOSltlOll sht1uld be m.tde :It the next CO!1,rl'CSS in order to mollify the rules if this be pro\'ed ncccss:lry. " . At the reqm:st 01' Mr. Frantz-Heichel (Franc'.:), tIll: Pn.:skkm cxposed to the Congres'i the illtcrprctmiol1 given bv the Records (.:oml1littce n:ganling the illtcrl1ledia!e records, \\'likh intcrpn.:tanon n:nd:> ;IS lollo\\'s:

\Vc thus End on of our Handbook that the Congress Olf Geneva ilwited :In nations to adopt the international Am.tteur St<1tus "with res/dr/io!1s as I11nV be judged necessarv". . Here it speaks distinctly of a restrictiOJ1. To have ruks which anow I'cqualification of professionals cannot be a restriction 01 om: Am.ltcm Rules. ' Furthermorc, article 16 of the Minutes of Geneva points out that 0111' FeduaJiolJ. urrrmUv rI'COIllJ11t'IIc!S 10 0111' Jll£'lI/bl'rs fo l/lllt' ·slrclllg m,!c1S11l"I'S fo e:r:ji'eZ [t!Jlljwrarily or for IUt' a/bIdt's or o/ber" 'Wbo J.?lldl'(l'l.'Ollr 1 110 maller by 'Wbc1[

"\\'ith a vit:\\' to puttill v pn:dsion to the lext o( H.l1k "XXI 01' tllc .-\thk1ic l<uks tbe Committee "h:l:- tkddt.:d tllat in a racc of a certain knuth the , 1 t"I , "(ompctltors \\" 10 \\';11lt to tn' the cst:lblishment or a "record on a sillallcr dist,ll1cC may be allowed to do "so, on the l:onditiol1) hO\\"l1ver, th,it ;l tentative thb "kind is done ill pcrCcct con.:ordancl: with the last paor Ruk: XXI of the Internatit1l1.11 Rules and "that this tentative is controlled b\' rilllekt.:cpcl"s and "special judgcs. ' " It is not to In' a Cm :l IOlltlcl' "t!i:,tan..:c than till.: one ron.:sJcn ill the pJ'O,.{I".llllllH.:. l""

jillifioll (I{ lIll (111m/mI". " It seems thcrefore clear that in international lire we must not think or rcqmtlified proCessionals in international rneetings and this regardless of by \vh:lt method tbey become professionals. In order to have the matter perfectly ckar, the Council proposes the Congrcss to mid the following rule to. our Amateur Status: Anyone who shall have kno'\vii1g1\' becomt.: II prolcssional shall not be reinstated ns an ;:t111ateur."


nlt'lhod, ttl 'uio/ale

ajJj1liclItioll (If spartiug n'gulafiolls lIml jl/lrNmJarly 10 n'rrum'wJlI fbi' nth,s n'gardillg lb.' <1.'-


10. ..-!!.i

}In>j'll,,<'l! IllUitiol/ /0 [bt' .'//IIl/(I'l/r S[alll.\'. Tile lollowing I"l:'porr or the Cot1ndl \\\IS 1'l1.ld b\' the Prl.:sidL'lll. "[n a letter oC Ft.:b. £6, I the Fl:dcr:ttioll FranLilisl: d':\thlctisl1l1.: dClll;llltb an congn':S$ of rh<.: L A, A, F.

in ol'tl er to h:tvc ddinitc intcrnation;l1 rules dr:l\\'ll tip seul..: it proCession,tls or semi-profession;lls ma \' their ;lIl1:tteurship alld take p;lrt ill intcnJ,ltioll:il



The arose from the fact that the i\ 111:HClll" ..\ thk·tic Association of Circa! Britain has advised British ;llhh.:lcs not to tat\(,: p.m in internarion;J! competitions ill FntllC<.: ,\\·ith Verll1l:ulell, 'rhc Francaise !l,ld n:tJt1<llilled Silid athlete as aIH,ttctll: and d:limctl his right to take part in intern;ttional nlectin<l's. If wc stud \' the international ntlcs we find Ih;lt cllC Am;l1eur St,ltll'i ,tnt! the rules I.lid down in the Minute:; of om Congrcsse: point om that no $u(:h ret} Ll:tlili.:ation may tal,\: p1:h.::e as as Ihe international conditions arc conccrnl.:d.

Mr. Picot (France) demanded tliat the proposition should not !lm'c n retl'oactive effect. This question had becn raised bv the Federation Fnm<.taise ns the International Federation WilS not '>ufficiently explicit. He proposed as amendment the supprcssion of this article. The Presilknt explained that the Council's point of view is thin a former professional cannot be l'cqualified as an ;Ul1ateur. Mr. Genet (France) exposed to the Congress the French point of vicw the measures tilken bv the d' Athletismc for the profc;ssionals. Thesl: measures were only taken lw France :lfter the Congress of where the decision bad \-lccn adopted to strengthen the ml1atcurisl11 ill all countries, \'\"ith a view of trying to suppress the Professional athletic federation which exists in France contr;lry to what exists in most of the other countries. .Mr. Gc:nc:t considered the Council's proposition. to render n.:troactiv(; its scheme of having an addition madt.: to tht.: StatuS, .... Mbitntrv, . Barclay (England) being opposed to French point of view, mentioned the ·case of Vermeulen ,md considered it l1njust thm a fonner professional might be .IHowed to compete :It the Olympic Games. ' Mr. 'Bavastro (Egypt) asked the Congress to decide if n voted law can be retro'lctivc.




17 TIlt:

that :IS


his opllllOn the propo-

could hI.: n:troacti\'c, for thl.: reason that I\(: had inu.:rpn:tcd the rules ill the of the Council's proposition a cL:rt:lill time heron: tht..: COlllTress. Mr. (U. S. :\.) s;lid th:\t there could be no question or rdroactin: d1c.:r becilu:>e it h:\s alw:ws been ill tbe minds of th1.: leaders of the Intcrnational Federation that the meaning or the law is: "A prolc5sion:\1 al\\':t)'5 rem:lins a professional". In n:ality tht.: addition is only a more complete interpn.:t:nion the rules. Messrs \\'ydem:ms (Bdgium) and Coen (Italy) were or the s:\l11e opinion :IS Mr. !vi:lccahe. Ivlr. It; (Fra1lce) ga\'e :\11 n':COllnt to the Congrcss 01" thl; ill tt:rvi 1;\\' he had, as representative of tht: French federation, with .1v1r. Barclay, representative the British Ccdemtion, :It thc beginning of this .... ear and cxplained again to the Congr.:ss the particular n:asons ill El">llll:e which 1I:ld mgt:d the d' AthlL:tisl1lt: to n:lJLltllify pru[l;s:>ionals. Mr. Llfriltt; (Spain) maintained th<.: Fn.:nch point of vic\\'. Colond lvlil1s (U. S. A.) thought that the wurd :lthkd to tll1.: pmpositioll of t1Jt.: Council SUppl'l,:s$cd the pos$ih1c ",hid1 otht.:r\\"ist,; might he done towards ct:.rtain athh.:t":$ ha\'ing vio1:ltt.:d without knowing the Am:ltt.:llr St:ltllS. IvIr. lbvastro (Egypt) proposcd that the National :lssoci:niOl1S should be authorised' to n':lJualify whot:\'cr they \\':lIltl.:d on tht.: condition that they n.:(..:r tIll': pm'lieu];1r cases t\) the InternatiOllal Ft.:tlt:r:ttiol1. !v1l'. Fril1lan (S\\'t.:dt.:ll) s:lid lh:lt' S\\'ctlcn would never r...:qualify a proft:ssional. [.;'11'. F:lkhenberg (Xor\\,;IY) supported rAr. 13:I\',IStro':; proposition. Mr. Genet (FnuKe) proposcd to the Congl'css kindly to thm thc th.:cision whcn bv tilt: d':\ t hletiSl1le had bet.:ll takcn :llkr ;1 dose s<.::rutltw or tIll: rulc:> of thc International Fedcr:nion. l!c therefore rt:l)u\:stcd the Con· greSS to wI\(; it \\"llkh would not put a blame 011 tlte F(:dcration Fr;lIlcabe d' A thlc!isn1c, IvIr. CU. S. A.) proposed the t'ollowing ;tt1lcndmel1t; "The addition to the Am:ttelll' St:lttlS adoptcd today is 01 ;\11 c);pl:m;ttory dlanlt::tCl' ,tnt! is cOllsclluently rctl"O:t\:tlve." ("l:addition all Status d ' ;\mateliI'S aujollrd'hui :t:).';1111 Ic l:;ll";lcterc d'ulle interpretation, est p:lr conscquelKc Tht: Prc5idcllt :h:ccptt:d the propositinll and the Hlcl'ting \V:lS I p. 111.





Thc mccting reopcl1t:d again at 3 p. m. The Pn.:sidcllt allowed Mr. Ct:llt:t to spe:lk, who ill thl.:


t I

n:tme of the d' Athlctlsme submitted to the Congress to vote on the following proposition: t'The Congress npprcciating- that the interpretation of the Amateur St<ltU$ may have up to date justili.eti the rcinst:ltellu:nt by affiliated :tssocimions of certain professionals .tS :Ull<ltCurS has decided to the ruling ddinite: i. e. one who :;hall have knowingly become :1 p1'o"lession:ll shaH not be rclnstntcd :IS an :lll1:ueur. This addition not being <l modification or tilt: AmatetllStatus but only a more dcf1l1ite interpretation or the it is understood that the Inrc1'l1:ttional Federation ,,"ill onl\' reco"gnize as an :lmateur an ,\thletc wh.) has nlways satisfied the ohlig,ltion." ("I.e Congres cstimc' que till Status ti' Amatcurs a pl.l jll:iqu'id autoriser l;t rcqllalitk:nion par des Associa°


tions de ccrt,lins profession nels COlmnc am,Hems ct :t decide de nmf'Ol"cer cctte dl:f1nition de la suivnnte: t'Qlliconquc St.:r;t, en conl1:lissance tic cause, dcvcl1tl "prorcssionlld, nc petit pas ctre n::qualifie comlllC t'at11ntetlr: Cettc adjonction n'Cltlnt, nOn l1nc modification aux mais une apportt':l:: dans lcs textes, it cst elltcndu la Federation Intern.nionale ne n:connait comme amateur que I'athlete HY'ant toujours sntlsCait :lUX oblig.uions ci-dessus"). The proposition being seconded by 1\k ·1hccabe and £\'Ir. B:m::by \\,,\S .ldoptcd un:mimotlsly. '"


The Council decided to il1$crt in the Agenda of the next congress of the International Fcder.uion the folioing propositio n suggested by Mr, Frantz-Reichel: «Every national federation has the right to take mC:1Sl11'e:; of suspension and of disqualification for o tTt.:nccs against the Am:ncut Status committed on its territon' tw lorcigll athletl.:s. These penalties shall obligatorily be: . 1:0 recognised O\, the federation to which the athlete bdOligs. 2:0 sanctioned bv the Intunlmion,tl Federmion. The rcqualiflc'ltion of this :tm,uem or the removal 01 hi$. pcnaltv shall be pronolll1ced onk with the :)(freement of the

... ledcr.\tioll which he h:IS ofll:ndctl. ,';

ARTICLE }(,'jl()rl t!l lbl' special


I I.

J'I'gllnliJlg Ibl' o

qUtlslio/l of jl'llw/I! sjmrls. Thc Presidellt the report of the special cOlllmittee appointed to study the organismion of' female sports. (See page 2).}


i\lr. F:lkhcnberg declared that on acc.lt1l1t or the upinion o( the ph \'sidalls (> ( his cmmtrv, who :lSSl:rt that the sport might he hanllflll to the.: llC;llth of \\.'omcn, he would \'ott: against the org:misation or fcmnle sports by th\.: International A mateur Athletic Feder.aioll. . Arter .1 disLlISsiol1 in which Mcssrs g;lrcby, Falchenberg and Frantz-Rdchd rook parr 'and after an explication given h\· the: Pn:sidl.:nt tlll: proposition of the Council \\,;\s adopted.



Prdj1tlS!l1 by 1'. .)'tlll/hJI'ils t h,ll {/ IImulbMk J-i-c!l'mtill/l be' jwillt"d {fUll/wily.

c!J' 11.,/·

The Pn;sidcnt read the report or the Council reg:lrding the j"ollowing proposal made h\" Mr. Smnkovits: "r:o - 'I'll,\! the N,itional Associations should be obligcd to scnd each year up to the 15th Dccember to the.: SecretMy thc r. 1\. A. F. the v:lrioLts rL'su!ts ill field and tr:lck evems :md :1 liSI the ll:ltiollal n,:col'ds (or whidl world's rccords an.:



allowed :md, 2:0 - That said inCnrm,ltion he !winted m1l111allv together with :1 li:;t of oflicials, members 0[' the Council and Committee:; tl( c:1Ch l\:>soci:ltioll. Funht.:rtnon.: the hooklet should '::011t:till:

a) A list of :Ill Associ,ltions aniliatt:d to the L A. A. F. with thdr :tddrcs$es. b) lh:solutiolls and de.::isiollS adopted during the YC:1I' by the Council :mel the lZ ules ;lnd Rc.::ords Committee. c) List af World's l{cwrds. d) Other useI'll! ltll"ormatiol1. The cxpCl1ses thc Yc:H·.Bon!\ to he dcCra)'cd ['rolll tlte income of thc Fcdcl'ation. TIll.: Cotlllo.:il limls the proposal pm forward hy Mr. St:ll1kovits an interesting one. The on)\, rear till! Council has is th,lt the income of tilL: Federation WIll not permit tllc5t.: expenscs. The tendel1q' (rom IlWIlV coulltries is th:lt the contribution be madc smalkr. Thus our income will kss. On the other hand the expenses !"or mail ;md cmrespondcnce or the Federation is increasing. It is thereforl.: difficult to gct the hmlget tn The Presidcnt h;lvingpromised to ill\'cstigare the hest solution of thc tll1estion, the Coullcil on the proposition 01" Mr, l\'laccabe (U. S. A.) seconded by Mr. Barda)' (England) proposed


to put it olf till next ycars's congress (or final decision. The Council's proposition was adopted.

• ARTICLE 13, Pn11Cfrtlfr'oJls jilt fiJI' OIY/l/1'ic .1) Electiol/ Of





GI/1ll1'S 192-].

fbI' [1/1t'rJll1!iolliIl 0Z\'JIljJic

The Congress accepted the proposition of the Council to ]C<.lW to the r1rcsidem to appoil\t two rcpresl!l1tatives of the Federation'to the Congrcsst:s of the International Olympic Committt;e in Paris, 1924,i1Ud in Prague,I925. h) Ell'di1l11 of fiN C01J1I/1(ssh,;/. staled it:. RI£I,' If (ll fb,- AlbldieRules. . discussion in which Me%rs (France), After eoen (Italv), de Laffitte (Spnin) and Fnmtz-Rcichd (France) took part) thc President proposed to put to the vote the following proposition of the COLlllCil: "The Congress gives to the Council the riaht to 'lppoint the l1\'c members of which the Commissid;\ shall consist." This proposition was adopted b\" fO· votes against and 4 'lbstcmions. -') The COl11l1littl.::e having made the following proposition; "The progmmme of the 2nd dav states that the IO,OOO ml:ters Hat (Final) shaH be run 'before the 400 mcters llurd!es (Second Triab;). The Committee considering prdcrable to have.: thh; last cvent nm before the former c\'cnt, decides that the -too meters Hurdles (Sccond Trials) shall he nm at 30 p. m. and the 10,000 meters

.tt 5 p. m." This proposition was ;ldoptcd.

lvlclrkill,!! :-Thc following decision of the Rules and Records Committee was made known: The Rules :lnd Records Committee h:l\·ing discLlssed for long time the smldng Out Ihe 1:I11CS, ddcgates suggesting th:11 the marking should be done with chalk and othcrs insisting upon the USL: of ropes and pegs, decided to kec!) the mlin ncT with the followin bcr es.,cptJOns : I :0-111 Relay tht:re will be neither ropcs,



nOI· pCf;s.


2:o-The 200 meters Hnt \vill be run entirelv between ropes and pegs. . 1tfr. Merie,unp (Fntnce) asked that the height or the

pegs should be fixed.

This question h..lS been sent back to the Records Committee for decision.




. ;':


..... .




Mr. (U. S. A.) pl'Oposed the arrivals should be tnlccl1 by the slowly mo"in a cinema. The President proposed that this '='question, already studied by the Comite Olympique accordin a to. the indications given by Mr. Genet) should be sent to the Hules and Record Committee, The President's proposition was .lcceptcd by'the Con. which its gre,lt satisfaction. with this.

! I


2:0-to put off all decisions to the future' and to ask the Fcdt':mtiol1 fnll1t;aise d'Athletisme kindly to study the tluestiol1 in order to find :\ satisfactory solution.


Upon ugnin hll.ing up the discussion rcaardin a the timing, Mr. G:lston Vidal told the that: the

Fnmc;aisc d' Athletisme hnving laid before him thIS qW.':StlOll) he had n chronometer for lho:th seconds. put in· order in the professional School or watch and clock making. This chronometer would be given by him in ;\ month's tim!;! to the d' AthIe·

tismc and Mr. G:1St<1n Vidal that it would be provided with a first class ccrtifk.lte from the Obscrv'ltory of Bes:mc;on.





.. .... :, .. .. '



. .'

the>l:thletic·: evel:ts: <':'. .:. :. _":::.:.:.,- .>.

" d)


. .:" '..:.

. . . .' .". '. ::

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bCvie\Y '. ';."

and:saidthafdelegafes'JrorllJl1e British' 0!YUlp'k:Comti"iiucl;l' :.',


.•..••••• : : ..•.•. ··<..·..



:.. .

. :...

. '.::'- .




": ."

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.:" .e)'.: Mr

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. ..' " ..


.. '


..... .': ..' '. : ::: : :l111!tee:::. ."'.'


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'French'; '

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. .

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;>',:.. :...

::':rblill,:: sii;iciloil.' flJL!' 1J1ill iites' fogeibe/ '...':. :::.: .:.::.'

tbe P1'est.del1l. .: ..:.. :Messrs' :Gei;et"·· (France), Scharroo . .and..: .. .. _the minutes together wIth: the:..PreSldent....: .." '. ,..'. :'." '. ..... ' .. . ,',:; ... :::''.>.;.,<::.::.. . ' .' .'. : '.' .' : ':


: :.

'raIlways ..:...., :. '.::... Jor the:. ';::.:::'::.>::.. w·

'-', ,.';. :.: ·:':· :···',.;:Dal'e :·iJj:-tbe"·11e.rt""Collgj-CSS.>'· ':.

'.:'::'.' BlecHo11-: of·;·

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. (Holfnnd),.

:: .....

the d.ltc of .the;nekf..C,ongress to,July 4, to the IS:th,and.j6it11:'July.


:;> :..

OlyX:1pic .":'.. ,.'.: .. :'::' Ol..t}le :.Mullstre.:' " , :. :: ... ..·thc: NatlOnaLCom-' .

. . ·:.::Olympic '·:· ·:..:..'::.:)·k: de')Laffitte·;,::tha·nke(:l:.

.' .. '

<. >- ..:..:_..... .' .

;'In·.; fares';· on : the':.French

'. :-a:,


lt110rlnatioiL '.' .':

" :: .. .. :: :" '. , "".",:.... ;:. ' .

::':: :: ..


.: .....

should. . are' .

. :.. :.' . : . :.: ... ." ..... ' '. . '. ·'::Ga,t.l1es:.. . .. ' ':.'. de· .l'Intefletuf·.:ue.','


··:-'. . 1' . ....




....:; . '.. . . .. ,.' .:': I ..'.. :...:.....;thc:'best'(possLble-:··:·.:


food:, .as ·.·\ve11 as:':.

'. :., . ·::·.

I ..'


thelr:-' ..... ::.:;'.:::.'.

..':,:'. :'; .. '. :. ":.:':: ·::"r:·.:·:·

A proposition of Mr. Steiner (Switzerland) regarding

the timing was submitted to the Federation Fnll1<;,lisc d'Athletismc for examination ,ll1d solution. . At that time Mr. G,lston Vidal, Ulldcr·Secrctary of the Stme for the technical education in Fmncc, <lrrived ill order to US5ist at pun of the work of the COl1 a rcss. The President welcomed him and Mr. Vidal wished the Congress success in its work. .


:". Vidal· fo(, the: ell0rmolls .,11e1p :which he, is" giving.:t<;l the ..


Mr. de Laffitte (Sp:lih) requested' that the 200 meters met.) should be run in a straight Iinc. . Mr. Fr:1l1tz-Rcicbcl (France) nnswcred him that the . matter had bcil attended to by the .Rules nnd Records. Committee nnd that the COlllmittee had decided that the tntck for the 200 meters and the 400 meters '\vould hnve one or more turns. . 'FIJI' Tim iu!:-Quc's/ion :-The Congress after discussion in which MCSS1'S Jurgenson (Fl':ll1cc), Coen (It<lly) Mnccnbc (U. S. A.) <Inti Frantz-Reichel (Fnmctl) took part: adopted . the following proposition of the Rules and Records. Committee, which decided: . I :o-that whatever decisions h<lve. been taken in Gcncv,t by the Congress of the International these decisions will agnin taken into consideration <lnd,










..... .. ': \

2J, .


ARTICLE r6. Coudusiol1 (if Ibe Cal/gress., The President

the 'mernbers of thL) COl1gruss for

their. work and the harmonious spirit and good um!erstanding which they had shown during this meeting and difJkl.llt questions have been solved to the -general satIsfactIOn.

He also thanked the French Olympic Committee and the' Federation Fran<;aisc d'Athlctisme for the '. splendid, manuel' in which the cOlwrcssists had been received in Paris and [01' theexcellent made for their convenience thercby helping them to tasks. . " Mr. dc Lalfitte (Spmn) expressed. the th,mks at the congrcs-sists to the President for the cxcellul1t way in which he h:\d conducted the discussions. He also complimented 'Mr. Gaston Vidal for the work which he accomplishes datily in favour oC the sports, for the help he gives to all, French and :lnd most p<lrticulady for the help -he h<ls given to Spain -on cer-. tain occasions. Mr. Frantz-Reichel (France) speaking in the name of theFrench Olympic Committee, in a few words rendered homage to the President wbo is found everywhere where his presencc ll1i.ly be use CuI lot¡ the lkvdopll1cnt of the sports amI who presides "",ith one sole preoccupatiOt?: Equity for . , l-lavin tT come to the end 01 the agcndn .lIlt! nobody askmg for pcrmis;:]on, to spc:lk, the President broke 1.1p the "mecting .md the Congress :1t 6.30 p. m. Dt supra


RMd allli iljJjmn'l'll. Paris,

July 23, 1923 ..



2.J Fu'rtherlllore thL: Pn.:sident of thc Committec has recommL:lIded the 111tem:ltional Am:ltcur :\ tbletic Federation to considel,the iollowing of org<U1ising thc womcn mhk:tks: a) An agrcement with tilL: ;t!n.:;tt!y existing intcrnation,l[ lor women sports, or It) Establishing :l lH.:W special org:tnisatio!l I'm womcn's field and tmel, events sport only, or L:) The formation oj" a Spedal Committee within the International Amateur Ath1t:tk Fedcration for the control of the remillllll.: athletics,

ADDITION TO THE BY-LAWS OF THE LA.A.F. At the Congress at Paris, July 23, 1923, the addition to Rule I I (Subscription) of the 13y-hws was accepted: "OI!l'rS£'ll. ('oul1ldl's 'Well lb" collJllril's 'Wilb IILil/willlt'<! '{exi!ltlllgl' lIlily 'With Ibtl cOllsmt of Ibe' Council lJa't'l' {bl' "l1Il1//llll .wbscriJlliol1



Tlw Council wishes to a vote thanb to tllc for its splcmlitl \\"orl;. The Council agn.:cs with most of the propositions oC till: Committee and <15ks thc Congress to decidt.:: "Thl.: Council be L:l1lpo\\'cred to draw up ;1 propos,ll ror thc ,literati on of the fL111d,l1m:llt,ll Hult:s o( the Intel'11,. ti oll;1l :\ t11;ltcur :\ thklic Fedcrati OJ], with a vie\\' to including feminine athktics, and to put forward said proposal ,ts wdl ,1$ n propos;ll regarding thl! 1ll;1ll'\gcmc.:m of Ct.:minine sports, ru!t:$ ror competitiDlls, :unatcm status,

I.:t..:, hdon..: the Con!,!:!"cs$ in Paris next ,,

ADDITION TO THE AMATEUR STATUS. At the samc congress the (ollowing addition to the Smtus was accepted:

(,A Jly eme. -wbo sball bet-I't' imowillgly bC'CclIlJe "shall no! /II! rdllslllh'cI as lIn IIwall'llr.




INTERPRETATION GIVEN BY THE RECORDS COMMITTEE REGARDING THE INTERMEDIATE RECORDS. :\t the Congress <It P;uis, July 23, 1923, the Rules ;lnJ Records Committee made following

t !i I

"lVilb {[ 'l!h'w 10 /JIIII iflg predsiofl III Ill!' Il'xl of Rill,'


XXI the iu!l'rllil!iolllll tttblefit ruIl's I Jilt' R,'(ords Commilli'l' 'bas decidee! f!Jal, ill tf race of a c,'rlai/l /t'Il,litb, th· tOIll/lditol's 'w!Jo 'waut 10 117 lb,' l'stablisbl1lelll of It. J"l'£'rWtI 0/1 a S11lIll/a dislllJ/cl' lIIil1' be all(}l(Ied /0 do SO, O/l 1111' (011dition lmw/"l'l!I", Ibal a'lt'lltalhll' (It fbis kiud is dOlu ilt ({mean/alice 'wilb Ibe last pllrltgrapb of. Rull' XX! Ilj /be illtl!l"/latilllwl ntlt's and fhal Ibis It'ulal h'e is ("oJltt(ll!t'd by Iim£'1u.'l'll(:rs alld judg£'s. 1I is /lO! lIllo'lWe! fo fn' a re(.ord for a. lOJ/ger r/isl/[Jl(l' Ibi/II fbi' olle fOrt's""1! /11. 1/;', programml'." ,

. j I







Tim!! or





I mile




Accepted by the I. 1\. A. F. July 2}.


') 10










Inl1 II" 6nn

·17·l S

IiSu ..


1 nL .!Ill.



tI. S. :\. I\cllr II. l'. 1) rc \\. \ Cll. W. l'ad<tnd; eh. \\'. l'".ld'l.;!. B. /. \\'o.dcl" " j. K lIh:r<:tlith W. Shepl'''!"'! ). E. Mcn:.lilh " "I.:m·l". Ilmwll T. l'. ClIllll I: Ir " }\. S. Tid'cl"

;:(1 ,It I Illilc


.1Ul. .. 6s. 9 111 • !).(". lpll. Ii 6s.



:\. Shruh!>


:: pn. ;3'1'"






23 ('.


:lS . ;-Ll ::6. 3-:1.1


I h. 20m.

11.('-2' ;n .li-IS') ,6,7- 1 (, 11.6·1l·1




2b .. ;1')111 .. :2') .. 1




H. Y.

" '1..


,OlJO met. 12m. B,S';.

i OOtl


H10llO l,tltlO 10000

21.)-03 lJ .6-n·l


.1;111 "

1;000 u 1 hnu r l

). I I-n l


hf)lll....... 20





,nil goo

)1I11. 3IS.'.

mile, 1•.1.12 95.:!



F• .'\pl'le[,.\ (i.


IL (;rel:ll

f. BUllin 'II. <irl:<:n


Ih. 39111.


111. jill. to.,s. uH....lcr:;

G. E. "l.arner

I 511()







I lOtIO 20000



;n,ltlO I

). ·11'·':",

" Fl'.llt';:I: G[. Brit,liu

22·9- 111!) I I

::'S-13 (,'7- 1';

12 ..

" Fr;lIlo':c

5- J "i

; [·9'·

3m . } I· i-· } 1lI. J('.


lim. 20.(,S, I \lll. i 5· 'is. 30m . ·ri m • Ili.6".

I:. S. :\.

C. ll. ltd.! p.ll\) S,'cn E. 1IIc"edilh '$"ell l.utlllg-rcu






l',t;,\·o 1>":\1'" 1'.[;1\'<) :'\ 11 nil>

j. llonin

" U. S.


;\, S\\'".leu




C. E\\'I':'

I h.

lilll. 1),.)"'1. 'Iu i:1\1







q"-12 12..9-2 .2 l{'i- 12 2.";.9- 2 :2.




ELI\\'. O. GOllr,lill

:!5Ii. 3 in. Hlillning 111'1"

2j'I- 11


111. 1m • ·In.2,,. 'I', l\olehul:dnclI Fiul.m.1 lit. 2)111. ['}·9'·

honl" 1'),1l.11



" Gl. Bl'imin


-I; [1i.S-1} J. J{)-12


infl. 1 Jill.


I ;I't. (, ill. (.1.12m.)

Chilrlc' If'1tl'

l'l1lc \':\u1l-

Swede II

" Fi nl:11,,1 "


SL!!}' :\tl\l


I'. S. .\.


J iu1.11hl





Bru",I,JUllll'lilt. '1-7/:> Ill.

2) •. 1.... 21

I Ill.

" "

jtl·'}-1l5 li·llH 5 ;0.<)-0)

I7·7- 0S



A. Englnn.J





,,1,9-0 i 20·5- 1t

7·i- LS (,.7- 1 1) Ill.S-IS l).)-lll iO.(,-lli (,·7-[ 9






Jumping. :SI:IIl\lilll-: lIigh JIIIl1Pil'l. Vi!.l in. Runni,lll:' Iligh .Il1lll\,(-!t. j")1I6 in.


). i',






21l1. Jll. i".



Ch, \\'. 1',,,1,111.;1,


1 Ul.


" ,."





Hunning, Metric Distances. nll:t.


" ,.


Ih. 10m. 2,<.

Running- Bro:"l llilUp-



1·).S-05 I <).li·')5

;./1-°1 ;.II-o·l

.t;fU. Stun . . tu.. (;s.



Walking, Metric distances.

l3'S-1 (,

J 6:-..



G. E.

c. ,\.

:1.7. J(l- I (, q,ll-Ill

HilI. 1.(,', _{!JIU.

G. II. 'C,ouhlilll4' CalJ;lll::


.1. 6- 10 1;·7-0·1


.. ;-2l


)') •. 1....

Ih. 5l)m.


2h. ,17lll. ,.25. T. Grillith }h. 37m. (,.ll,. :>. Sehuli...!,l ..2 i t1 I huur II miles .j ill )'<1.'. G. E. L.mwr .2 hlltlr,; IS lUilcs 12S y,15. 1·1. \'. I.. ROllS 20

fl>· J.


lll. 15m. S7.IS.


C,\lt:"h Gt. Brimm


Slllil•.In.:),. S1)lIl. l:>.. p:. I h. im. 37.Ils.



G. H. G. E. LlI'ncr '

l.p.:;,. 36m. 0.2$. '13t'1l. 26.25.



6m. 25.llS. l31ll. I J. IS. :wm.

S. A.

l.J .6-13

U. S. A.


" "

29· S- 0 -t 2') j ... 21

F. ;\l1e:lI'n l)elllllilrl;

Weight events.

..... PUllin" the 161b Wci..1Jt-



hall<! 5?fl. 6i.n. I.dl .haud ,1.111••1.)111.



U. S.•\.

U. S. A.



9111. 10.5 111 •

'Throw;llg-I (,·lb.I 1:\JumerIll-9ft. ('.5in. P. !t)':Il) -l'hrn\\'ing )6-11>. WeightItlft. (J-l/Sill. M.





Throwing the DisClls. "";,u"


n. s. ,\.


15M1. 1"/lli".

'Thn)wing- the Di...cus-

lnl.. 16.6s.



Throwing lite Javelin. the }wclinJUl".

Tltnm·j"l: lite I.l\'diu.·.

" I·."m.

("'1(\1') (leI',)


}'y. I


16111 ••



1 J

E. 'Meredith U. S. ,\. '!.i ",Ibe rg 1. l\. Gell'l, 5to.:l;· Sweden holm




Decathlon. AI"". I\lumberg ESlho"i,t



M. She1'1,:<,,1

c. n. 1.

<Icn. 1!-SlotH.)

Th 1'0\\



U. S•.\.


Xi kI,"ub'



1'1" ••••



Hurdles. 'nwmpsn31

IA. J.

hl'llC.!"lcin l. Wen,lc!!




29. ;-.2U

1I. S. A.

;tS )'·5-1) :!.j.;"16


tJ. S..\.

,:a•. (l-.ht

Hurdles, Metric distances. KId I. Tlwl1Il'''''' C.lll;tdu II. I:. HiIl",.,\, U. $. A.

lItlJU. 2.lIl1U1 )

F.. F.


l1'i.S•..:!U ••'.)01) I



I!. S•.\. i 'l



'Ul. Ins.


Relay Races, Metric Distances. I· v. ·r.. 1.111.


M. C. S. F.


1'l J"

:'1. l'irl.-,,\' W. P","lt),,!; I ) ,. Ihvi$ l .c; .IIJymmhlJ' Smltll

S. :\.

G. S..\.


... . .:'.:'



/ '.'

NOTEWORTHY PERFORMANCES. TIll: following performances wr.:rc accepted by the {mcm;\tion;ll .'\lllillellJ" Athletic Federation as Ilotcworthy pr.:rrorm.l1lccs. In SOIlleellSe$ tht: time made is bettt:r thall the accepted n:wnl, hut the times rm' these perfOl"lll:l1lCeS WCI'C only talwll h.\' tWtl limt:rs. WaIldng. mile I

3Ill. 7$. 61H. 29.H5.




1311l· 25$. 20m,



2am. 19. :;.

35m. 535.



.pm. 5a.Ss.


5Dlll. 2.1.25.








29.7- 13

57 m . ·13 ..1$·


Walldllg, Meiric distances.

WOLlllldcr:; 3n1. 5).os. [500"

6111, 1.25.'


Snl. 6.65.


12m. 25.2$.


57 ..15. 31.S:;. 26m. 12.Hs. 30 m. 59..1$. 3sm. 40...!$. 39111. 50S .

SOOtl" 6000" 7°00 "

Soot>" 9000 "

.1·lJll. 34.45.






. .



10000" [lOOO"

: .:

, .


Altilll;llJi hrllal1tlo Itak

29.7. 1 3


[ hour

13,,1°3 met.

20LJOO HH.:tl:rS

lh. 6m. )6$.

I 1

53111. :13$. sSm. [7.8s.

Runningt Metric distances. C:ll'lo Sperolli


27.9 !.l H



.",," .:::

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