WA Driver's licence details
  1. Licence/Permit Number:
  2. Date of Birth:
  3. Licence/Permit Expiry Date:

Important note

The information provided is based on traffic offence details supplied to the Department of Transport by the Western Australian Police. It may not include recent offences and does not include offences allocated to a served Notice.

If you are disputing an offence (infringement) please contact the Western Australia Police, Infringement Management and Operations on (08) 9374 4555.

If you have a query in relation to the unserved notice(s) please contact Demerit Sanction Management on (08) 9320 4500.

For further information regarding demerit points, suspensions and Excessive Demerit Points Notices, please refer to the Demerit Points page.

This enquiry is for Western Australian licences only.