Client Details
  1. If you do not have either a first name or a surname, please call 13 11 56, or visit one of our Licensing Centres or Regional Licensing Agents.
  2. First name:
  3. Surname:
  4. Date of Birth:
  5. Residential Suburb:
  6. OR
  7. Residential Postcode:
Licence Subscription
  1. Driver's Licence number :
  1. Vehicle Licence number 1:
  2. Vehicle Licence number 2:
  3. Vehicle Licence number 3:
  4. Vehicle Licence number 4:
  5. Vehicle Licence number 5:
  6. Vehicle Licence number 6:
  7. Vehicle Licence number 7:
  8. Vehicle Licence number 8:
  9. Vehicle Licence number 9:
  10. Vehicle Licence number 10:
Important note

1. You may wish to check the status of your driver's or vehicle licences before proceeding because your subscription request will not be recorded if:

  • you are not the holder of an active Western Australian driver's licence or current vehicle licence; or
  • vehicle (or trade plate/s) licenced in a Company/Organisation name; or
  • vehicle licence is seasonal.

2. The Licence Alert is not available for any vehicle that has expired.

3. Any vehicle that is re-licenced after the Licence has expired for more than 3 months will require the Licence Alert to be re-applied.

4. The Licence Alert service is currently unavailable to fleets. The subscription limit is 1 driver and 10 vehicle licences per client.

5. When any vehicle is purchased, the purchaser must manually add the vehicle to the subscription list.

6. By clicking the 'Continue' button, you are acknowledging the above notes and agreeing to our terms of use and privacy policy.

If you have chosen to have a reminder sent to you via SMS, a preferred payment method is required to be selected.

If you choose BPAY®, your reminder will contain the Biller Code and Reference Number you need to make a payment.

If you choose Other, your reminder will contain the Account Number you need to make a payment via the DOT website ( or phone pay service (1300 655 322). Alternatively, you may take your printed renewal letter into a Licensing Centre, Regional Licensing Agent or Australia Post to make a payment.