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O problema das fake news tem preocupado os mais diversos segmentos sociais. Uma das estratégias para combater essas notícias é capacitar pessoas para identificá-las. Embora existam iniciativas em que tal capacitação é apoiada por jogos... more
O problema das fake news tem preocupado os mais diversos segmentos sociais. Uma das estratégias para combater essas notícias é capacitar pessoas para identificá-las. Embora existam iniciativas em que tal capacitação é apoiada por jogos educacionais digitais (JED), os JED utilizados não dispõem de notícias escritas em Língua Portuguesa. Para suprir esta lacuna, o presente artigo propõe uma versão do "Jogo da Trilha'' que exercita a identificação de fake news escritas em Português, além de oferecer suporte para mineração de dados sobre o desempenho de seus jogadores. Um estudo de caso com quarenta e três alunos de ensino médio revelou evidências de que o JED proposto contribuiu para a capacitação discente na identificação de fake news.
This article describes a contribution to the modeling of an intelligent system for processing and analysis of digital images, capable of automatically detecting lesions on cells in the neck of the womb to provide support to the... more
This article describes a contribution to the modeling of an intelligent system for processing and analysis of digital images, capable of automatically detecting lesions on cells in the neck of the womb to provide support to the Cytopathologist. In order to do that, this modeling shall use Image Processing techniques and Artificial Neural Networks. Image Processing techniques shall be used to improve the images analyzed and to extract characteristics presented by them. Such characteristics shall serve as data input for the Neural Network, which shall have as its goal to classify the objects shown in the images. Thus, the modeled system for detection of sick cells, together with the Cytopathologist, is intended to decrease the number of false- positive results and increase exams productivity.
Research Interests:
Resumo: A utilização do computador como ferramenta educacional é um tema de grande relevância na sociedade moderna. Neste contexto, o governo federal brasileiro lançou o 'Programa Um Computador por Aluno'(PROUCA), que vem... more
Resumo: A utilização do computador como ferramenta educacional é um tema de grande relevância na sociedade moderna. Neste contexto, o governo federal brasileiro lançou o 'Programa Um Computador por Aluno'(PROUCA), que vem distribuindo laptops para uso ...
Abstract: This article describes a contribution to the modeling of an intelligent system for processing and analysis of digital images, capable of automatically detecting lesions on cells in the neck of the womb to provide support to the... more
Abstract: This article describes a contribution to the modeling of an intelligent system for processing and analysis of digital images, capable of automatically detecting lesions on cells in the neck of the womb to provide support to the Cytopathologist. In order to do that, this modeling shall use Image Processing techniques and Artificial Neural Networks. Image Processing techniques shall be used to improve the images analyzed and to extract characteristics presented by them. Such characteristics shall serve as data input for the Neural Network, which shall have as its goal to classify the objects shown in the images. Thus, the modeled system for detection of sick cells, together with the Cytopathologist, is intended to decrease the number of false-positive results and increase exams productivity. 1
Nowadays it can be noticed that the educational system has been lacking batter dynamics and therefore subduing the stimuli it could have on the young minds there are populating our schools. Having in mind that some subjects present an... more
Nowadays it can be noticed that the educational system has been lacking batter dynamics and therefore subduing the stimuli it could have on the young minds there are populating our schools. Having in mind that some subjects present an outdated curriculum, which can be of difficult understanding, and that are based on traditional aspects without contextualization causing a certain lack of interest, this paper has the intent of providing an insight of a game that could be used by teachers as a tool for teaching. For that purpose, the game engine Unity was used. Developed entirely with the tool, the game was thought to have a generic environment making it possible to encompass many different school subjects. The coding also took place in the engine, as it has its own coding tool, the Monodevelop, which supports C#, used in this game, JavaScrip, and Boo. With the intention of having a generic game that could be used by as many different areas as possible, could abet the students and tha...
Uma das estratégias para combater o crescente problema das fake news é capacitar pessoas para identificar esse tipo de notícia. Embora existam iniciativas em que tal capacitação é apoiada por jogos educacionais digitais (JED), os JED... more
Uma das estratégias para combater o crescente problema das fake news é capacitar pessoas para identificar esse tipo de notícia. Embora existam iniciativas em que tal capacitação é apoiada por jogos educacionais digitais (JED), os JED utilizados não dispõem de notícias escritas em Língua Portuguesa. Para suprir esta lacuna, o artigo apresenta o JEDi, um JED voltado à capacitação de estudantes na identificação de notícias falsas, divulgadas de forma intencional e no idioma português. O JEDi se desenrola em um tabuleiro a ser percorrido pelos jogadores na medida em que esses conseguem discernir entre notícias verdadeiras e falsas. Vence a partida, o jogador que alcançar o final do tabuleiro primeiro. A ideia é que, na medida em que joguem diversas partidas, os jogadores desenvolvam a capacidade de reconhecer notícias falsas. Ao persistir os resultados individuais dos jogadores, o JEDi permite analisar, comtécnicas de mineração de dados, o desempenho longitudinal de cada jogador e, port...
The use of computers as teaching and learning tools plays a particularly important role in modern society. Within this scenario, Brazil launched its own version of the 'One Laptop per Child' (OLPC) program, and this... more
The use of computers as teaching and learning tools plays a particularly important role in modern society. Within this scenario, Brazil launched its own version of the 'One Laptop per Child' (OLPC) program, and this initiative, termed PROUCA, has already distributed hundreds of low-cost laptops for educational purposes in many Brazilian schools. However in spite of the numerous studies conducted in the country since PROUCA was launched, Brazil shows a lack of proficiency in basic information crucial for managing and improving any OLPC initiative (e.g., number of effectively used laptops, use time and distribution per subject, use location and school performance of users, and others). Therefore, the focus of this article is to introduce MEMORE, a computational environment for longitudinal on-line data collection, integration and an analysis of how PROUCA laptops are used by schools. Technical details about MEMORE's architecture, database and functional models are supplied and the results from real data collected from Brazilian public schools are presented and analyzed. They elucidate how MEMORE can be a valuable management tool in OLPC contexts.
This paper reports the recent results achieved in a research and development for a virtual control desk, interfacing with a nuclear power plant's control system. This virtual control desk was developed aiming to combine the dynamics... more
This paper reports the recent results achieved in a research and development for a virtual control desk, interfacing with a nuclear power plant's control system. This virtual control desk was developed aiming to combine the dynamics simulation of a nuclear power plant operation, with high fidelity control desk's visual appearance. Thus, users can be trained considering many normal or abnormal scenarios through the dynamics simulation. Different interfacing techniques serve user interaction with this virtual control desk, as head tracking. For instance, this paper aims to compare two head tracking interface to control a nuclear plant virtual. control desk. The comparisons of performance, required memory and data stability are done and the advantages and disadvantages of each method are explained.
Forecast and plan response to incidents are fundamental to create a Command and Control Center (C2 Center). However, some incidents are considered chaotic and are completely understood only after happening. These unforeseen incidents pose... more
Forecast and plan response to incidents are fundamental to create a Command and Control Center (C2 Center). However, some incidents are considered chaotic and are completely understood only after happening. These unforeseen incidents pose challenges to plans of such centers and if not properly managed, may result in failures. This article describes how the Integrated C2 Center of Rio de Janeiro City (CICC-RJ) responds to violent, unexpected and improbable events, especially related to protests that took place during the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup. It aims to describe from the resilience engineering point of view how the CICC-RJ function to cope with incidents, where the structure has proved to be resilient, where it holds brittleness, and to suggest possible actions to help the center to become more resilient to upcoming events.
Research Interests:
The use of computers as educational tools is a topic of great relevance in modern society. In this scenario, Brazil launched its own version of the 'One Laptop per Child' program. Called UCA, this initiative has already... more
The use of computers as educational tools is a topic of great relevance in modern society. In this scenario, Brazil launched its own version of the 'One Laptop per Child' program. Called UCA, this initiative has already distributed hundreds of laptops for educational use in many Brazilian schools. In spite of its importance, UCA project does not have tools that help managers monitor, understand and evaluate which curricular and extracurricular activities have been developed with the laptops. Therefore, this article aims to present MEMORE, a computational environment that provides management information about the use of laptops in UCA´s context. Teachers and administrators can take such information into consideration in order to evaluate and improve educational policies and pedagogical practices in schools. Resumo. A utilização do computador como ferramenta educacional é um tema de grande relevância na sociedade moderna. Neste contexto, o governo federal brasileiro lançou o p...
Research Interests: