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"Silence as a cultural phenomenon has been the subject of many linguistic theories. In contrast to the 1970s, when absence of speech was mostly seen as a lack of meaning and intention, later studies revealed that silence was anything but... more
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryPragmaticsLiterature
The article examines the role of disability in George Lakoff and Mark Johnson’s popular theories of cognitive metaphor and metaphor acquisition, and concludes that these theories are ableist in assuming that bodies have particular... more
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      Visual StudiesDisability StudiesConceptual MetaphorMetaphor
Strung Together: The Cultural Currency of String Theory as a Scientific Imaginary is the first sustained study of string theory as a cultural phenomenon, synthesizing developments in continental philosophy of science, contemporary... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPublic Understanding Of ScienceMichel Serres
Andy Blunden presents a critical review of theories of Concepts in cognitive psychology, analytical philosophy, linguistics, conceptual change theory and other disciplines. The material convered has led many to abandon the idea of... more
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      InteractionismPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
In this essay, I analyze the metaphors Lewis employed to explore how metaphor can be used rhetorically to unite a hostile audience during a time of crisis. Because Lakoff and Johnson’s conceptual theory of metaphor emphasizes relational... more
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      LiteratureShakespeareEnglishConceptual Metaphor Theory
George Lakoff 's work in cognitive linguistics has prompted a surge in social scientists' interest in the cognitive and neuropsychological dimensions of political discourse. Bringing cognitive neuroscience into the study of social... more
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      NeuroscienceEnvironmental CommunicationPhilosophy of Cognitive ScienceWilliam Connolly
Since the Enlightenment, the reconciliation of religion and science has been a primary concern for religious devotees. In the past two decades, one could consider controversies in the United States such as the teaching of Darwinian... more
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      ChristianityMetaphorCognitive LinguisticsLinguistics
The conquest and colonisation of the northeastern Baltic Rim in the 13th century durably shaped religious and ethnic identities of and relations between the native population and the arriving crusaders. This article explores the codes and... more
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      Hospitality StudiesConceptual Metaphor TheoryHospitalityChivalry (Medieval Studies)
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      MetaphorHannah ArendtGeorge Lakoff
Our approach to translation is based on Eugenio Coseriu’s linguistic theory and on the American cognitive view of extralinguistic semantics. In order to illustrate the translation from Romanian into French of metaphors used in spoken... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSemanticsCognitive Semantics
Beginning with Plato and Aristotle, Western philosophy grounded in the Greek tradition has elided the female body with deformity and dysfunction. Viewed a mutilated male, the female body is framed as an aberration too incapacitated by its... more
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      Feminist TheoryReproductionMonster TheoryPhenomenology of the body
This research is dedicated to investigate the orientation of cognitive science called embodied cognition, in its attempt to create an alternative to propositional logic, computational, model of human cognition through the enhancement of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceEmbodied CognitionEmbodimentCognitive Linguistics
Why it Matters How We Frame the Environment " Why it matters how we frame the environment " discusses the place of cognitive framing in informing our understanding and responses to information about the environment and the need for more... more
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      BusinessSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityGeorge Lakoff
Pentru a pune bazele lingvisticii integrale, Eugeniu Coşeriu propune, cum se ştie, o modificare radicală a perspectivei asupra limbajului, respectiv explorarea întregului câmp fenomenal al "faptelor" lingvistice din punctul de vedere al... more
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      SemanticsCognitive SemanticsConceptual Metaphor TheoryCorpus Linguistics
The present work investigates the language of the coronavirus during the outbreak of the pandemic in the UK (2020); in the specific, the study focuses on those metaphors employed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his official... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsConceptual MetaphorCognitive LinguisticsMetaphors
This overview of major contributions to the study of fairy-tale symbolism examines the ideas of Max Müller, the Brothers Grimm, Sigmund Freud and followers, Carl Jung and followers, Joseph Campbell, Alan Dundes, Bengt Holbek, Maria Tatar,... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorJungian psychologyMyths and Symbols as carriers of unconscious contentSigmund Freud
This article provides an overview of metaphor theories and research on their own terms, as well as their use in Hebrew Bible (HB) studies. Though metaphor studies in the HB have become increasingly popular, they often draw upon a limited... more
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      RhetoricPoetryPaul RicoeurConceptual Metaphor Theory
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      Friedrich NietzscheJacques LacanPaul RicoeurJacques Derrida
The Body in the Mind Meets the Body Without Organs: Francisco Varela and Gilles Deleuze Critique Lakoff, Johnson and Turner 1996 Conference of the Society for Literature and Science Atlanta, Georgia, October 10 - 13, 1996 The Cultural... more
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      Cognitive ScienceGilles DeleuzePhilosophy of Cognitive ScienceEmbodied Mind Theory
Scholars of slavery have long been divided between those who define slaves primarily as human property and those who define slaves primarily as kinless outsiders. This article reconciles these competing definitions by using the new... more
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      SlaveryHistory of SlaveryGeorge LakoffDefinitions
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      SemioticsPlatoAristotleTheory of Metaphor and Rhetorics
The ability to select and apply type sensitively is an art form that requires an astute knowledge of the communicative complexity of letterforms. However, as a designer and design educator, I have observed that many designers frequently... more
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      Popular CultureSynaesthesiaVisual RhetoricGraphic Design
Metaphors are not just ornamental tools; they are fundamentally a reflection of human thought and embodiment. Based on the notion that metaphors are cognitive processes that reflect cognitive vision to understand human concepts through... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryCorpus LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsConceptual metaphors
This paper presents the results of a study in the field of speech linguistics, which studies linguistic phenomena starting from the activity of speaking, not from language. From the perspective of the three linguistic levels proposed by... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsConceptual Metaphor TheoryCorpus LinguisticsMetaphor
Στην εργασία με τίτλο: Εννοιακή Μεταφορά, Μουσική και Ελληνική Γλώσσα αρχικά παρατίθενται οι ποικίλες προσεγγίσεις του φαινομένου της μεταφοράς με έμφαση στη θεωρία της εννοιακής μεταφοράς (Lakoff & Johnson 1980). Έπειτα, εξετάζεται η... more
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      MusicConceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryCognitive Linguistics
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      SemanticsGeorge LakoffMark JohnsonMetáforas
G. Lakoff ve M. Johnson'ın metafor kuramı, metaforun yalnızca bir edebî sanat olmayıp algı ve davranışlar üzerinde etkisi olan bir psikolojik ve bilişsel mekanizma olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu çalışmanın ilk kısmında Lakoff ve Johnson'ın... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphorCognitive Linguistics
This article critically analyzes two leading cognitive scientists, George Lakoff and Steven Pinker, as competing secular political “theologians”. The idea of Science as savior is at the heart of the set of stories modernity tells about... more
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      George LakoffSteven Pinker
Resumo: Esta tese se caracteriza como um ensaio filosófico sobre uma questão que atravessa diferentes produções musicais, discursos e práticas que tem no rap sua razão de ser. Trata-se do que chamo de clamor performativo do rap – isto é,... more
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      Performance StudiesPerformativityHip-Hop/RapGeorge Lakoff
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      Critical Discourse StudiesConceptual MetaphorCorpus LinguisticsCritical Discourse Analysis
The article investigates whether cognitive science and its notion of congenital unconscious metaphor can inform Jungian psychology. The backside of ingrained transcendental thinking in Western culture, and how we are still caught up in... more
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      Cognitive ScienceOntologyPlatoJungian psychology
This presentation suggests that processes of realizing new bodily movements in dance are metaphorically constructed. I will propose the term “Dancing Metaphors” in order to follow embodied cognitive processes of realization within... more
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      AestheticsMaurice Merleau-PontyPhilosophy of DanceMetaphors
Konzepte von Geist und Atem stellen in verschiedenen Kulturen eine Einheit dar. Dies gilt etwa für den biblischen Hauch Gottes, das griechische pneuma und den lateinischen spiritus, das prana des Sanskrit, das chinesische Ch’i. Die... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisEmotionGender Studies
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      Spanish LinguisticsHispanic LinguisticsGeorge LakoffSemiótica
This article draws together overlapping cognitive analyses of political thought, emotion, and language and shows how they can be supplemented with literary analyses of genre to illuminate the workings of the French Revolution debate of... more
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      EmotionNarrativeGenreFrench Revolution
Pensiero politico e scienza della mente George Lakoff, Edizioni Bruno Mondadori, Aa. 2009, pagine 339, euro 26 «Il linguaggio non esprime solo identità: può cambiare l'identità. Il linguaggio è uno strumento di creatività e potere, un... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorPoliticsConceptual Metaphor TheoryGeorge Lakoff
The field of interactive music systems (IMSs), beginning in the 1980s, is still relatively young and fast moving. The field of music theory-analysis, during the same period (since 1980), has undergone a major transformation in terms of... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic TheoryMusicology
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageContextualismPhenomenology
Conceptual blending is the basic idea that the human mind and brain interact with the surrounding world by combining or "blending" different kinds of thoughts and feelings. Much of human history, culture, and imagination since the Upper... more
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      Comparative ReligionCognitive ScienceVisualizationHistory of Religion
Gülün Tam Ortası, 1950’lerde Batı’da “Bilişm Devrimi” olarak adlandırılan entelektüel bir hareketin kuramsal zemininden hareketle, aynı zaman diliminde Türk şiirinde öne çıkan bir yönelişi, İkinci Yeni’yi irdeleme çabası taşıyan... more
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      SurrealismConceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphor
The paper bridges the fields of political theory and methodology. It focuses on a central concept of the discipline, democracy, and proposes a novel way of understanding concept formation and the problem of category boundaries, an... more
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      Cognitive ScienceQualitative methodologyCategory TheoryDemocracy
Governments’ policies and actions often precipitate public blame firestorms and mediated scandals targeted at individual or collective policy makers. In the face of losing credibility and resources, officeholders are tempted to apply... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Public AdministrationCommunication
[Forthcoming in Sebastian Greve's edited collection, Wittgenstein and the creativity of language, 2015.] I offer a Wittgensteinian take on infinity and deduce from this some Wittgensteinian criticisms of Chomsky on ‘creativity’,... more
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      WittgensteinLater WittgensteinThomas S. KuhnGeorge Lakoff
Un breve análisis al libro de Jakoff y Johnson "Metáforas de la vida cotidiana".
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      MetaphorGeorge LakoffMark Johnson
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      Comparative LiteraturePlatoAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
Denna artikel diskuterar den svenska högerradikala populismen utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv. Norocel kartlägger Sverigedemokraternas omtolkningar av den nationella metaforen om ”det svenska folkhemmet” och analyserar konstruktionen... more
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      Gender StudiesGenealogyQualitative methodologyConceptual Metaphor
V diplomskem delu sem želela s pomočjo metodologije kognitivnega jezikoslovja prikazati, kako se v slovenskem jeziku odražata vidno in tipno zaznavanje. Predpogoj za aplikacijo danih teoretičnih izhodišč na slovensko jezikovno gradivo je... more
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      Cognitive SemanticsCognitive Lexical SemanticsGeorge LakoffRonald Langacker
This case-study on the origins and the historical development of Ezekiel’s wedding-metaphors (God is a groom; Israel is a bride) intends to illustrate that content and pragmatic function of these metaphorical themes changed over the... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphorCognitive Linguistics