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Ogni giorno, a volte senza nemmeno rendercene conto, comunichiamo alle persone attorno a noi molto più di quello che diciamo. Non veicoliamo messaggi solo attraverso le parole, ma anche con il linguaggio del corpo e, sorprendentemente,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsPresuppositionsExperimental Pragmatics
Introduction Le langage quotidien compte nombreuses expressions métaphoriques qui se caractérisent par un lexique qui nous permet d'entrer dans la culture d'une langue. Ce travail est consacré à une triple comparaison du lexique... more
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      Analogy (Cognitive Psychology)LexicographyLexicografía españolaMethaphor
Dissertação de Mestrado realizado na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 1999, acerca das metáforas da alma (psychê) nestes dois pensadores. Orientação de Jesus Vazquez Torres; banca composta por Zeferino Rocha e Alcides Hector Benoît.
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      PsychologyPlatoMethaphorPsicoanálisis Y Filosofía
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      Applied LinguisticsLinguisticsMethaphorW. Somerset Maugham
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    • Methaphor
Political philosophers often employ figures of speech such as metaphors, similes, hyperbole, and parallelism in order to add some sort of a literary or rhetorical quality to their writings and also to help the reader understand their... more
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      HobbesThomas HobbesLockeJohn Locke
Un estudio histórico que sigue la reflexión de Nietzsche sobre el fenómeno del sueño a través de todas sus obras, mostrando las transformaciones generales de su pensamiento y, en especial, las inflexiones y cesuras que en tal desarrollo... more
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      German StudiesPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of Language
This article analyzes the realizations of certain basic metaphors of dawn/sunset in the works of twentieth-century Lithuanian and Russian poets. The first part of the article examines important discrepancies between biomorphic, zoomorphic... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorRussian LanguageRussian PoetryMethaphor
Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı, Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının " vatan " kavramı ile ilgili algılarını, onların kullandıkları metaforlar aracılığıyla ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmaya 2017-2018 Eğitim-Öğretim yılında İstanbul Yıldız Teknik... more
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      PerceptionSocial Studies EducationSocial studies teacher educationMethaphor
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      Chaos TheoryChaosMethaphor
Since the end of World War II, linguistics has been primarily informed by one single dominating theoretical model of language, which is cognitivist at its core. As a trickle-down effect, the same happened for fields such as Second... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorLearner AutonomyNew LiteraciesTeaching of Foreign Languages
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana cuajimalpa reSumen: A través de su historia, las teorías y metodologías del análisis del audiovisual han recurrido a explicaciones metafóricas tomadas de disciplinas como la lingüística, la semiología y... more
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      SemioticsFilm StudiesVisual SemioticsDiscourse
This paper analyzes the strategies and challenges involved in the translation of English idioms in a specific domain of broadcast media. Current technology and distribution networks make it possible to watch series from around the world... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisSubtitlingTranslation
Se trata de un estudio histórico sobre la filosofía juvenil de Nietzsche (hasta la publicación de Humano, demasiado humano - 1878), siguiendo el hilo de su reflexión sobre el problema del lenguaje y el conocimiento, a partir de sus... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageRhetoric
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      TextilesGreek Lyric PoetryClothingMethaphor
Page1 Metaphor as a leadership enhancer and persuasive communication tool One of the most important skills, arguably the most important skill, a leader must possess is definitely represented by the ability to communicate effectively. In... more
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      MethaphorMetaphor and Corporate CultureMetaphor and Culture
В статье анализируется образ камня в литовской поэзии ХХ в. (в творчестве таких поэтов, как Винцас Миколайтис-Путинас, Йонас Айстис, Бернардас Бразджёнис, Генрикас Нагис, Альфонсас Ника-Нилюнас, Витаутас Мачернис, Генрикас Радаускас,... more
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      MethaphorLithuanian languageLithuanian poetryLithuanian Literature
В статье рассматривается проблема перевода метафорических средств выразительности в художественном тексте в аспекте сохранения их коммуникативно-прагматической функциональности. Решается вопрос о метафоре как... more
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      MethaphorLiteral translationPragmatic equivalence
It is often believed, that beautiful and surprising metaphors are typical of poetry but not of prose. It is untrue and the work of a great Russian writer Andrei Platonov supports the aforementioned statement greatly. His anthropomorphic... more
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      MethaphorIconicityAndrei Platonov
In the 15th of his Discorsi Politici (Venice, 1599), Paolo Paruta wrote about Athenian Ostracism, wondering whether it was a righteous procedure, and whether it could solve the problem of Republican equality. Outwardly, it seems to be a... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRepublicanismRenaissance StudiesAthenian Democracy
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Studies published on Meer (ex  The Wall Street International magazine) about the cognitive psychology of learning, pedagogy, didactics and the contemporaries mnemotechnics
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPhilosophy of MindMemory (Cognitive Psychology)
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      GenderMethaphorHigh School Students
A tanulmány köznyelvi és fogalmi metaforák jelenlétét mutatja ki és elemzi reklámban, viccben, találós kérdésben, videoklipben -- és Könczey Elemér egyik kötetének karikatúráiban. A folyóiratbeli közlés után a Színváltások c. kötetemben... more
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      Visual StudiesMedia StudiesSemanticsMethaphor
Teacher training programmes are offered in 93 faculties of education affiliated to state and private universities in Turkey as of 2019-2020 academic year. The programmes in concern were revised by the Council of Higher Education with the... more
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      Teacher EducationHigher EducationTeacher TrainingTeachers' professional development
El objetivo del presente trabajo es ofrecer algunas reflexiones sobre las metáforas utilizadas en la proyección positiva de la autoimagen de un partido político en las redes sociales a base del partido político Podemos. Nos centraremos en... more
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      Análisis del DiscursoMethaphorAnálisis Crítico Del DiscursoMetáforas
Resumen La religión puede ser entendida como un lenguaje, ya que es un tipo de construcción simbólica mediante la cual se “aprehende” la realidad (Bourdieu) y que permite que las personas conciban al mundo de determinada forma. Hasta... more
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      ModalityMethaphorMetáforasReligious Discourse
Marzo… el mes que relacionamos con la llegada de la primavera y los primeros días al Sol. Parece que florecemos después de la cuesta de enero mientras febrero pasa deprisa como llevado por el viento. El viento, que se lleva el tiempo y... more
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    • Methaphor
Qué valor le dieron los modernistas a la imagen icónica  que se repite en muchos de sus poemas? Qué función tenía dentro de su poética? Era el ícono un símbolo? Este ensayo responde a esas preguntas.
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      American LiteratureCultural HistoryCultural StudiesPsychology
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      Early Modern HistoryRepublicanismRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
The paper examines in some detail Ficino's relation to concept of λόγοι σπερματικοί, literally ‘seminal reasons’, discussed in his Ancient and Christian sources. The concept was used metaphysically to indicate the links between species in... more
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      EmbryologyMarsilio FicinoMethaphorSeminal Reasons
This article considers critical social work education within the context of the challenges associated with the increasingly neoliberal, corporate and competitive nature of higher education and human service provision. The metaphor of maps... more
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      Social WorkPraxisCritical PedagogyNeoliberalism
The aim of this study is to reveal perceptions of pre-service teachers about ‘LEGO robotic instructional practices,’ ‘augmented reality’ and ‘flipped classroom’ concepts through metaphors. The study is descriptive research that was... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationHigher EducationAugmented Reality
В статье описаны способы вербальной репрезентации и мотивация возникновения ассоциативно-смысловой связи 'ВОДА — СОН' в текстах русской литературы.
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Estudio morfológico y semántico de expresiones metafóricas corporales utilizadas como insulto en mapuche y tehuelche.
Realizado conjuntamente entre Alejandra Regúnaga y Carmen Núñez-Lagos.
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      Anthropology of the BodyThe BodyBody ImageSociology of the Body
Özet The Turkish History Education course provides information about the historical backgrounds of the program development, the personalities, institutions, works and laws that are stamped on educational and intellectual processes in the... more
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      MethaphorTurkish Culture & History
Honesty encompasses meanings such as the state or quality of being true, being virtuous or purity. Honesty refers to the actions and behaviors of an honest person. It is a concept that is included in the values education provided under... more
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      Values EducationSocial Studies EducationPhenomenologySocial Studies
This article considers critical social work education within the context of the challenges associated with the increasingly neoliberal, corporate and competitive nature of higher education and human service provision. The metaphor of maps... more
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      PraxisCritical PedagogySocial Work EducationCritical Social Work
Talk at the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference (SCLC-2020/2021), June 3-6, 2021
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In science teaching, metaphors are important tools for understanding meaningful learning and conceptual formation by the help of daily life language. This study aims to evaluate how the concepts of heat, temperature and energy are... more
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      MethaphorHeat and Temperature
Resumen: El estudio del discurso religioso ha sido frecuentemente abordado desde la filosofía, la psicología, la sociología, la lingüística, entre otras disciplinas. Dentro del campo de la lingüística priman investigaciones con... more
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      BlogsMethaphorForos EspecializadosMetáforas
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      Science EducationPhysics EducationMetaphorsMethaphor
El otro lado del pliegue Verónica S. Lema En una entrega anterior la autora nos habló de sus inicios en el morbo morfológico y cómo el mismo ha sido y es un campo de disputa dentro de las ciencias biológicas y en las investigaciones sobre... more
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El título de este trabajo parafrasea dos reconocidas obras, el best-seller del analista organizacional Gareth Morgan, Images of organization (1986) y el de los lingüistas cognitivos George Lakoff y Mark L. Johnson, Metaphors we live by... more
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      Business EthicsMethaphorCognitive linguistics (especially metaphor and metonymy, conceptualization of emotions and relationship between language, mind, and culture)
OBJECTIVES: The main purpose of this study is to determine teacher candidates’ mental images about the concept of school administrators via metaphors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This research was carried out by participation of 169 preschool... more
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      MethaphorPreschoolSchool Administrator
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      Gilles DeleuzeHenri BergsonPaul RicoeurMethaphor
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      German LiteraturePoetryIconologyMethaphor
Bu çalışmanın amacı Covid 19 salgını nedeniyle uzaktan eğitim ile tanışan ortaokul öğrencilerinin, uzaktan eğitime ilişkin algılarının metaforlar yardımıyla açığa çıkarılmasıdır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2020-2021 öğretim yılında... more
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      Distance EducationMethaphor