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1. Wie lässt sich die Geisteshaltung kontrollieren und steuern? 2 2. Veränderungsarbeit 2 3. Die sieben grundlegenden... more
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I argue that Barack Obama’s immediate, imaginary, and discursive deictic references to the actions and character of ordinary citizens, specific geographical markers within the “landscape of American history,” and sacred moments in U.S.... more
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      Space and PlaceDeixisBarack ObamaPresidential rhetoric
En el presente estudio vamos a abordar la figura y función del mago medieval como agente moral y custodio del saber mágico a través del análisis de la actuación de don Illán en el relato ejemplarizante número XI de El conde Lucanor de Don... more
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      MagicMedieval MagicConde LucanorDon Juan Manuel
The article offers a comparative analysis of Ovid's stories of Narcissus and Pygma-lion. The analysis highlights the intertextual link between the two narratives, and uses it as the basis for comparison, focusing on the single aspect: who... more
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      AestheticsNarcissusOvid MetamorphosesPhantasia
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisArtCultural Theory
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      ImaginationRoger CailloisPhantasia
In this paper I will delineate the psychological operations and faculties required for linguistic apprehension within a Thomistic psychology. This will require first identifying the proper object of linguistic apprehension, which will... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageMedieval PhilosophyPhilosophical Anthropology
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      ImaginationRenaissance PoeticsBaroque AestheticsRenaissance aesthetics
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      History of IdeasPower relationsHistory of the ImaginationPhantasia
A discussion of Aristotle's theory of memory and recollection in the de Memoria.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindEpistemologyAristotle
This paper focuses on the reciprocity between visual and verbal that characterizes ancient ekphrasis. According to the authors of the Progymnasmata (Aelius Theon, Hermogenes, Nicolaus, Aphtonius), a major feature of ekphrasis is its... more
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      AestheticsRhetoricAristotleAncient Aesthetics
In several of his works, Immanuel Kant insists on the transcendental role of imagination in perception. In the Kantian scholarship, this claim has been interpreted in at least three ways: it is believed that the imagination is necessary... more
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      Philosophy of MindAestheticsKantPerception
Dass Bilder zwischen dem Regime der Dinge und dem Regime der Zeichen niemals einen angestammten Platz erhielten und nicht Gegenstand einer eigenen Wissenschaft wurden, ist keinem wiedergutzumachenden Vergessen geschuldet, sondern Ausdruck... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsVisual StudiesAristotle
φαντασία is employed in postaristotelian poetics and rhetorics in relation to the author’s capacity to shape a mental image of those things he or she is speaking about. Although φαντασία is not attested in Aristotle’s Poetics, this... more
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      Aristotle's PoeticsPhantasiaPoética de AristótelesEnargeia
The aim of this study is twofold: to elaborate on Aristotle's nexus of memory, "mental speech," and phantasia in relation to sensation pursuing the implications of such view, i.e., the relevance of the individual's experience and the... more
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      Greek TragedyMemory (Cognitive Psychology)AristotleMemory Studies
This collection includes thirteen contributions on ancient authors and texts dealing with ekphrasis. It focuses not only – and not mainly – on theories linked to the definition(s) of ekphrasis purported in the rhetoric Progymnasmata (I-IV... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlImaginationJean-Paul Sartre
Este artículo busca presentar el proyecto de refundación (en el doble sentido de refundir para fundar de nuevo) de la fenomenología acometido por Marc Richir. A este efecto, trataremos algunos temas nodales de su fenomenología,... more
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      Phenomenological PsychologyPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlPhenomenology of the body
The word "ἀρετή" (virtue, goodness) was translated by the Latin word "virtus" (virtue; strength / courage) when translating the ancient Greek philosophical texts into Latin. Through Plato’s doctrine of the aretê-eidos, the Latin concept... more
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Considering the interrelations between sight, touch, and imagination, this book surveys classical, late antique, and medieval theories of vision to elaborate on how various spheres of the Byzantine world categorized and comprehended... more
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      ReligionChristianityAncient HistoryMedieval Philosophy
Ce livre développe, à partir de Merleau-Ponty, Henry et Sartre, une phénoménologie décrivant la vie perceptive du point de vue du désir d'éprouver qui s'y déploie. L'auteur interroge, selon différents chemins tout à la fois opposés et... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyPlay TherapyEmotion
What is Aristotle’s conception of thumos? This question can be broken down into two separate but related questions: (a) what is the object of desire for thumos, and (b) in which faculty of the soul is thumos grounded? The latter question... more
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      PlatoAristotleAncient Greek PhilosophyThumos
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      PlatoAristotleGalenHistory Of Madness And Psychiatry
According to the traditional view, the notion of imagination in early modern aesthetics was a rather marginal and subsidiary concept within the classical doctrine of mimesis dominated by rules and reason. The present paper raises some... more
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      AestheticsMimesisRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Apenas hace un cuarto de siglo (1980) que la fenomenología husserliana de la imaginación, que se completa – como habremos de ver – con una fenomenología de la phantasia (Phantasie, término que no tiene, [ni] en francés [ni en español],... more
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      Edmund HusserlPhenomenology of the ImaginationPhenomenology of imagePhantasia
The present work aims to highlight the impact that Synesius of Cyrene had on Ficino and Pico della Mirandola in the formation process of the Renaissance concept of rhetoric and the anthropology connected thereto. Special attention will be... more
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      Second SophisticNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyCount Giovanni Pico della MirandolaMarsilio Ficino
La crítica ha asumido por lo general que el petrarquismo y el neoplatonismo característicos de la poesía amorosa del seiscientos español, canónicamente representada por Garcilaso de la Vega, impiden una interpretación ampliamente erótica... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of the SensesEroticismNeoplatonism
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      Greek LiteratureNarrativeAncient NovelNarratology
Taking its cue from a biographical anecdote reported by Eustathios of Thessalonike in the introduction to his Commentary on the Odyssey (Homer allegedly found the material for his poems in some book rolls penned by one Lady Phantasia),... more
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      Fiction WritingHomerByzantine LiteratureFictionality
In this article, derive from a lecture done in Oviedo in November 2015, the question of the imagination (which I indicate, in the Introduction, the central role in any phenomenological approach) is examined from three different points of... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlImaginationImmanuel Kant
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      History of ReligionAncient ReligionAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek Religion
Cf. Attachment
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      ImaginationDavid HumeMental ImageryMake Believe
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      Byzantine LiteratureIconoclasmByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
O presente estudo pretende analisar a relação que o artista estabelece com a realidade durante a produção da obra de arte, sobretudo da pintura, levando em conta que a obra de arte, antes de ser representação, é apresentação em si mesma,... more
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      MimesisGerhard RichterAristótelesPintura
In this article, the relationship of art with the concept of fantasia which is often the subject of debate in Ancient Greek Philosophy and its reflections in Renaissance art paintings will be examined. For this purpose, firstly the... more
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      History of Perspective in PaintingItalian Renaissance ArtPhantasiaPhiosophy
In the Origin of the work of art, Heidegger claimed that the work of art opens to us the truth of Being, the opening of the world. Two problematics arise from this. First, his idea of "world-disclosure" evoked a sense of everydayness... more
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      AestheticsPerceptionPhenomenologyPhilosophy of Art
This article explores Thomas Aquinas's interrelated views of rhetoric and deliberation, particularly through his commentaries on Aristotle and his Summa theologiae. It argues that while articulating a largely Boethian understanding of... more
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      RhetoricHistory of IdeasAristotleMedieval Studies
Che pensare di un futuro apocalittico, nel quale, per risolvere la crisi economica, si decide la soppressione in massa delle persone anziane? Com'è possibile che una decisione tanto mostruosa viene accettata e legalmente avallata? Come... more
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      NovelPhantasiaImaginario apocalípticoRomanzo Italiano
The devil and the demons are true co-stars of Antonio’s Life. Their most fearsome weapon is to be able to create phantasiae able to mislead their victims and arouse shocking passions. The article focuses on this aspect of demonology,... more
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      Visual StudiesDemonologyPhantasiaLife of Antony
La reticenza della filosofia moderna e postmoderna ad inoltrarsi sulla strada della nominazione del principio della trascendenza solleva la domanda circa la dignità filosofica dell’interrogativo teologico. La corrente fenomenologica, nel... more
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      Paul RicoeurTeologiaFenomenologíaPhantasia
The book Kłopot z wyobraźnią. Pojęcie phantasia-imaginatio w teorii twórczości renesansu i baroku [The Problem with Imagination. The Concept of Phantasia-Imaginatio in Renaissance and Baroque Art Theory] presents the history and... more
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      Renaissance StudiesPoeticsBaroque Art and LiteratureImagination
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlTranscendental PhilosophyEugen Fink
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The contradictory function of imagination could be noticed as early as in Plato’s Sophist – eikon and phantasma dialectics reveals the process of confusion by which we are unable to unambiguously diagnose truth or deceit and accurately... more
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      StoicismThe SublimeGreco-Roman rhetoricRoman Philosophy
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      ImaginationAugustine of HippoPhantasia
Draught version. A look at the statue in Renaissance literature, artistry, philosophy, and psychology through the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499) as a symbol of the intertwining of the body and architecture, with special reference to the... more
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      ArchitectureRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismArchitectural History
Dans le Philèbe, Platon élabore une image de notre âme comme livre où un écrivain et un peintre sont constamment au travail. Cet ouvrage examine les prémisses implicites de cette image et met en cause une coupure générale entre la... more
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      ImaginationPlato and PlatonismAncient Greek PhilosophyPhantasia
Aristotle's theory of human happiness in the Nicomachean Ethics explicitly depends on the claim that contemplation (theôria) is peculiar to human beings, whether it is our function or only part of it. But there is a notorious problem:... more
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      AristotleIntentionalityAncient CosmologiesAncient Greek Philosophy