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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophical AnthropologyPhilosophy of Time
Nouvelle édition de La descendance de l'homme (1871), Charles Darwin.

Trois chapitres portant sur l'évolution de l'esprit, de la morale et de la société.

Traduction revue et modernisée, avec une Préface par Adam Westra.
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      PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyAnthropologyHuman Evolution
Kierkegaard and Kant on Radical Evil and the Highest Good is a major study of Kierkegaard's relation to Kant that gives a comprehensive account of radical evil and the highest good, two controversial doctrines with important consequences... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical AnthropologyPhilosophical Theology
Edith Stein (1891–1942) was a German-Jewish philosopher who joined the Carmelite Order after her conversion to the Roman Catholic faith in 1922. She has written a number of books, out of which the Potency and Act (1931) and the Finite and... more
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      ChristianityTheologyPhilosophical AnthropologySystematic Theology
Occorre oggi allargare il nostro paradigma antropologico di riferimento, passando da un paradigma che dice una parte di verità sull'essere umano, a un paradigma più accogliente e più rispettoso, più confortevole per noi e per le esigenze... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophical AnthropologySymbolismSymbology
La pregunta por el modo de orientar la vida se revela como una de las más serias y apremiantes. Tanto en su acepción sacra, que remite a una llamada trascendente, como en su concepción laica, que vincula el sentimiento de felicidad con la... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologySystematic TheologyAntropología filosóficaOrientacion Vocacional
In my paper, I set The Language Animal against a broader picture of Charles Taylor's intellectual trajectory. Sources of the Self (1989) left open three major questions: (a) the viability of religious moral sources in a 'secular' age; (b)... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhilosophical AnthropologyCharles Taylor
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      Philosophical AnthropologyFeminist TheologyFeminist PhilosophyTheological Anthropology
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      Philosophy of TechnologyEnvironmental PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyPhilosophy of Ecology
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      Philosophical AnthropologyFelsefi Antropoloji
Ces dernières années ont été le théâtre d'une étonnante résurgence de la question anthropologique. Parmi les propositions les plus débattues, il y a eu celle qui consisterait à penser l'homme non pas comme un animal doué de langage, mais... more
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      AnthropologyAestheticsVisual StudiesVisual Anthropology
The exegesis of Otto and Blumenberg elucidates how Blumenberg sees in affectivity - particularly anxiety - how the subject’s instinctual failure and its accidental mythical rationalization are modes of coping with the 'absolutism of... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyPhenomenologyReligious ExperienceHans Blumenberg
Frederick Douglass’ Narrative was intended and has been read as a first-hand document on slavery and the power of an individual to gain freedom. It contains a wealth of information on the structure of American slavery and the means to... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyFrederick DouglassRebellion
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyTheologyPhilosophical Anthropology
Review of Ger Groot's German translation of 'De geest uit de fles' (dtv).
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      History of IdeasPhilosophical AnthropologyPhilosophy of CultureContemporary Continental Philosophy
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      Philosophical AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyReligious EthicsReligion and medicine
In this article, we adopt a socio-anthropological approach to understand how hegemonic international representations are constructed in the politics and theory of international relations, specifically how Southeast Europe is perceived in... more
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      European StudiesAnthropologyInternational RelationsSocial Anthropology
The Chapter considers what is implied in the being-there of the ethnographer in the field. in particular it focusses on the role of moods - notably the pathos of estrangement - and postures assumed in response to such moods in the... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyPhenomenologyExistential Anthropology
This paper dispels the Cartesian reading of Augustine’s treatment of mind and other minds by examining key passages from De Trinitate and De Civitate Dei. While Augustine does vigorously argue that mind is indubitable and immaterial, he... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophical AnthropologyAugustineAugustine of Hippo
RESUMEN La relación interna entre filosofía, literatura y arte permite examinar con propiedad qué significan la pluralidad y complejidad en los usos de la razón. Posibilita la aproximación a esos usos y figuras desde un ángulo... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPsychologyCognitive Psychology
O presente texto se propõe a apresentar uma fenomenologia do pensamento védico a partir da estrutura teórica da antropologia filosófica de Ernst Cassirer. Acreditamos assim poder compreender sua sistemática e, destarte, oferecê-la como... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyErnst CassirerVedic Studies
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPhilosophical AnthropologyIdentity
This article provides a different angle to understand the Cambridge Analytica (CA) data scandal. It focuses on the role of models and simulations in the big data campaigning tools CA allegedly used, and their epistemological and... more
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      Social TheoryAlgorithmsOntologyEpistemology
»Die ›Idee‹ blamierte sich immer, soweit sie von dem ›Interesse‹ unter-schieden war« (MEW 2, 85). Mit diesen Worten beginnen in den vierziger Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts die jungen Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels ihren Feldzug gegen jene... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySocial TheoryPhilosophical Anthropology
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      Philosophical Anthropology19th-century German philosophySchelling
... a typical naive set of assumptions about "group oriented" cultures it that the participants within them are basically altruistic, self-effacing, self-sacrificing and sociable. A society of such individuals should exhibit the very best... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic SociologyMedia Sociology
Starting from Karl Löwith’s Mitanthropologie, my paper aims to put forward a principle disappointability conceived as a “trust gradient” for the interhuman dimension. Löwith’s Mitanthropologie develops a taxonomy of the different binary... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyTrustMartin HeideggerSocial Ontology
This article examines Hannah Arendt's contribution to a philosophical anthropology that twists free of what Martin Heideg-ger criticized as a " metaphysics of subjectivity. " In this, it considers how her approach to philosophical... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyMartin HeideggerHannah Arendt
В статье рассмотрена проблема отчуждения людей друг от друга в ситуации современности, что ведет к формированию субъективности за границами экзистенциального взаимодействия. Показаны особенности формирования изоляции, представлены причины... more
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    • Philosophical Anthropology
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      Philosophical AnthropologyMarcel, Gabriel
Philosophers of education have argued that in order for Environmental Education’s goals to succeed, students must form bonds and place attachments with nature. Some argue that immersive experiences in nature will be sufficient to form... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyPhilosophyEnvironmental Education
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      Human EvolutionPhilosophical AnthropologyNatural HistoryEvolution
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      Philosophical AnthropologyFriedrich NietzscheGeorg SimmelAnthropologie philosophique
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      AnthropologyPhilosophical AnthropologyInterdisciplinarityEmbodiment
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      Philosophical AnthropologyCultureJohann Gottfried HerderWilliam Shakespeare
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      Social PsychologyPhilosophical AnthropologyConsciousness
Die Erforschung des historischen und systematischen Kontextes von Kants Philosophie weist bis auf den heutigen Tag signifikante Lücken auf. Dies gilt umso mehr für unser Verständnis der Bedeutung der gegenüber Kants Philosophie erhobenen... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophical Anthropology
La Trilogía cósmica —conformada por Más allá del planeta silencioso, Perelandra. Un viaje a Venus y Esa horrible fortaleza— expone desde la fantasía algunas de las reflexiones filosóficas más relevantes del académico y literato C. S.... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyUtopian StudiesCosmologyRenaissance magic and astrology
While Stein never developed an ethics of her own, her work is nonetheless suggestive of an ‘ethics of renewal’, which appears in nuce in various moments of her corpus. First, in her phenomenological treatises, Stein analyzes the ethical... more
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      EthicsPhilosophical AnthropologyMax SchelerPhenomenology
A book review published in Religious Studies Review.
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      Self and IdentityPhilosophical AnthropologyTheological AnthropologyReligious anthropology
This is a new, 2021 edition of Buber's masterpiece, complete with explanatory notes, glossary, and an interpretative essay. A bibliography is also included, along with testimonies of people who have read and lived with the book. Buber's... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical AnthropologyMartin BuberJewish Philosophy
Just a few notes on subjectivation, subjectification, and translation
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      Critical TheoryMetaphysicsPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophical Anthropology
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      EthicsPhilosophical AnthropologyGabriel Marcel
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    • Philosophical Anthropology
Fairy tales play a substantial role in the shaping of childhoods. Developed into stories and played out in picture books, films and tales, they are powerful instruments that influence conceptions and treatments of the child and... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEducationMedia Studies
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHomosexuality
Humanism went out of style in the second half of twenty century. Moreover, it became a special target of theoretical criticism. For many theorists, it may be not honourable to defend human dignity, to be guided by universal values, and to... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPhilosophySocial Sciences
RESUMEN Después de una introducción en la cual se trata de responder a tres problemas, el artículo aborda, en primer lugar, la filosofía de hoy frente al tema antropológico. En segundo lugar, pretende responder a la pregunta: ¿quién dice... more
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      TheologyPhilosophical Anthropology
Menschenbilder sind wichtig, darüber ist sich die Wissenschaft einig. Nicht von ungefähr spielt die Berufung auf ein Menschenbild in vielen öffentlichen Debatten eine zentrale Rolle. Doch was ist überhaupt gemeint, wenn von einem... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologySociology of Knowledge