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  • Bid

    Select an amount from the dropdown. This will be your maximum bid.

    All lots offered have a reserve price, or the minimum value that the seller will accept, that must be met in order for the work to sell. If the amount you select is greater than or equal to the reserve, your bid will automatically meet the reserve. We will continue to bid on your behalf up to your maximum bid only if there are competing bidders on the lot.

    Your maximum bid amount will never be exceeded and you may raise it at any time.

    If a bid is placed within the last five minutes of the auction, the end time will extend by an additional five minutes allowing for final bids. We will send you email notifications if you are outbid, when the lot is closing soon, and if the auction time extends.

  • Win

    You just won a new artwork to add to your collection! Your final payments will include the winning bid amount, shipping fees, applicable taxes, and Buyer's Premium. You will receive an email with payment and shipping instructions, and your credit card will be charged for the Buyer's Premium.

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