British Library

We are the national library of the UK. Our shelves hold over 170 million items - a living collection that gets bigger every day.

Although our roots extend back centuries, we collect everything published today, tomorrow and decades into the future. We have millions of books, but also newspapers, maps, sound recordings, patents and stamps.

Our spaces are open for study, a place to meet friends, to start up a new business or to get inspired by visiting our galleries and events.

We're continuing to experience a major technology outage as a result of a cyber-attack. Our buildings are open as usual, however, the outage is still affecting our website, online systems and services, as well as some onsite services. This is a temporary website, with limited content outlining the services that are currently available, as well as what's on at the Library.

I want to...

Researchers in a reading room at the British Library (copyright Mike O'Dwyer)

Consult the collection

Search our online catalogue to find most of our printed collections and some freely available online resources, but not everything is available.

A man studies a book at the British Library

Use the Library

Our Reading Rooms in London and Yorkshire are open, but access to our collection and online resources is limited.

The outside of the British Library building in St Pancras, London

Visit our buildings

Our buildings in London and Yorkshire are open as usual. Find our opening hours, facilities and access information.

A laughing crowd at a British Library event

Attend an event

Discover what's on at the Library. We have five-star exhibitions, events and courses, family activities, free galleries and tours.

Three young children play at a British Library event

Find schools information

Explore our free workshops and activities for schools, available in London, Leeds and online.

A man and a women hold a discussion at a BIPC event

Get business support

Start-up, protect or grow your business. Our centres across the UK offer expert advice for all stages of your business journey.


Sir Roly Keating to step down as Chief Executive of the British Library in April 2025

Sir Roly Keating, Chief Executive of the British Library

Sir Roly Keating to step down as Chief Executive of the British Library in April 2025

“Being at the helm of the British Library has been – and continues to be – the greatest privilege of my life.” After 12 years as Chief Executive, Sir Roly Keating has announced that he will step down from the role in April next year.

Read our press release.

Reader Registration improvements

A Reading Room at the British Library, St Pancras. Photo: Mike O'Dwyer

Reader Registration improvements

We’re now able to issue photographic Reader Passes again. Anyone with a photographic pass will be able to order collection items in our Reading Rooms. If you have a temporary paper pass or need a new Reader Pass, please bring identification and visit us on site. Find out more.

Learning lessons from the cyber-attack – 8 March 2024

View of St Pancras, credit Tony Antoniou

Learning lessons from the cyber-attack – 8 March 2024

Today we’ve published a paper about the cyber-attack that took place last October. Its goal is to share our understanding of what happened and to help others learn from our experience. You can read the paper on our website, and hear from our CEO, Sir Roly Keating, in our latest blog.

Beyond the Bassline: 500 Years of Black British Music – on sale now

Beyond the Bassline exhibition promotion showing a man, woman and various instruments

Beyond the Bassline: 500 Years of Black British Music – on sale now

Our latest exhibition is the first major exhibition of its kind anywhere in the world, travelling back five centuries to discover the layered Black experiences that have birthed a thriving musical culture and history. Beyond the Bassline opens 26 April and you can book your tickets today.

Make a donation or explore ways to support our work.

Support our work

As a charity, we work to preserve and share our collection of over 170 million items, which grows every day.

Contact us

Please email (08.30 - 16.30 Monday to Friday).

Our telephone service is currently unavailable, apologies for any inconvenience.